Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

The rock spears flying out of the rock wall quickly pierced all the robots that attacked everyone, and in a moment, they all turned into a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron.

“Why did Shvaro do this? We hadn’t heard of it invading the mine before. Antonina looked at the pile of iron pimples that fell to the ground and said suspiciously.

“Maybe the robots also need the earth pulp ore to provide energy, and Shvaro doesn’t have any surplus energy materials, so he came to grab it.” Xi’er offered a guess.

“It’s better for us to hurry up and continue to go deep into the mining area, maybe there are still besieged miners waiting for rescue.” Bronia reminded.

“You are right, I just counted the number of people, there are indeed miners who have not escaped, it is better for everyone to continue to probe inside.” Antonina said a little anxiously, she was very worried about her companion trapped inside.

“Then let’s continue walking inside, just enough to drive the robot away.” Gu Ze carried the rock spear and walked towards the mine first.

The group crossed the passage barricaded by the robot, and the scene in front of them suddenly opened up, and the surrounding towering rock walls were covered with earthy yellow pulp ore, which were huge and different from those seen before.

“Standing up close and looking at this vein seems even more spectacular.” Bronia looked into the distance and couldn’t help but sigh.

“I don’t know if the underground will last until the day it is dug up.” Unlike Bronia, Ciel is somewhat worried about the situation she is facing.

“It will be, this crisis will pass.” Bronia nodded categorically.

“I can’t imagine that you are still confident.” Xi’er was infected by Bronia and her mood eased somewhat.

“Look there.” March Seven pointed in one direction and said.

It was a cliff where several robots stood and a white-haired girl dressed in red, one of which was talking to the girl in red.

“The robot in the coat is Shvarro.” Oleg immediately recognized the identity of the other party.

“Just now go over and settle accounts with it!” Xi’er clenched her fists and said.

At the cliff, Shvaro was saying something to the girl in red.

“You summoned me, not because of these ores, speak what you really think, Clara.” Shvaro said to the girl in red, her voice rather flat.

“Yes, I want Mr. Shvarro to see that there are many wanderers and miners who have been injured because of this, can you help them?” Clara pleaded, her red pupils full of sadness.

“I have prevented clashes between the two camps and temporarily taken control of the mining area. According to the evaluation results, within 30 days, there will be no sudden variables, and there will be no large-scale armed conflicts. Shvaro was quick to answer.

“I understand Mr. Shvarro’s intentions, but Clara feels that this is not enough.” Clara shook her head and said.

“Earth fire, you miners still don’t understand your original intentions, if we do more for everyone…” said Clara hesitantly.

“My task is to preserve the lower zone, and the trust of a few samples is redundant in the calculation.” Shvaro interrupted Clara, it knew what Clara wanted to say.

“Human behavior always deviates from rational calculations, Clara, and their presence here is proof of that.”

Shivaro turned his head and watched Gu Ze’s group get closer and closer to here.

“Shvarro! The account of the last time has not been clearly calculated with you! Xi’er said with her waist crossed.

“Xi’er, who belongs to the earth fire, your actions are useless, and after calculation, staying in the lower area is the best survival strategy.” Shvaro looked at her.

“Here it is again, what calculations? Quickly remove all your trash fish! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being unkind! Xi’er replied coldly.

“Humans who try to subvert the results of the calculations are the greatest threat to the lower regions, and the conclusion has been made clear, and only the use of force to obey the Earth Fire and its companions is the most efficient solution.” Shvaro said.

“Oh, are you sure you want to use force?” Gu Ze flicked the rock spear and pointed it at Shivaro, completely unafraid of the large group of robots behind it.

After hearing this, Shivaro raised his head slightly and looked at Gu Ze and them: “Analyzing, the target does not belong to the earth fire, the background is unknown, classification: unknown information.”

“Target threat index is the highest, apply for eradication agreement!”

“Hey, annihilation, is it literal?” March Seven said with some surprise.

“Guys, get ready for battle.” Danheng had already clenched the spear in his hand.

“Your calculation is not very good.” Gu Ze complained.

Shvaro stepped forward, his arm raised, and he said to Clara: “Clara, get out of here.” ”

Wait, Mr. Shwaro, please don’t…” Clara

just wanted to say something, but it was too late, Shivaro strode forward, and the surrounding robots also rushed up, and the black pressure rushed towards Gu Ze and the others.

“Is it true that you can only fight?” Bronia pulled the trigger and said helplessly.

“Only by knocking it down first, I’m afraid we can talk.” Gu Ze picked up the rock gun and shot away the group of robots that rushed over first.

“After calculation, your threat is the greatest, give priority blows.” Shvaro raised his arm, and an energy light bullet quickly shot out, heading straight for Gu Ze.

“Did you find me first?” Gu Ze danced the spear to block it, and then his figure moved, shuttling back and forth in the gap between the group of robots, and quickly completed the close to Shivaro.

Shvaro raised his fist and jerked it out.

Gu Ze’s strength exceeded its computing power, so Shvaro did not dare to be careless, and this punch was thrown with all his strength.

Gu Ze also did not have the slightest waterproof, raised his arm, and punched out the same punch against Shvarro’s fist.


The two fists collided, and before there was even a stalemate, Shivaro was knocked out by Gu Ze.

“Mr. Shvarro!” Seeing this, Clara shouted anxiously.

“I’m okay, Clara, get out of here.”

Shivaro said, and with a wave of his hand, a steel claw-like machine burst out from behind it and grabbed Gu Ze fiercely.

Gu Ze’s hands shook, the rock gun quickly poked out, the tip of the gun was on the steel claw, easily penetrating it, and then Gu Ze flung it violently and threw the steel claw out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, another steel claw machine quietly came to Gu Ze’s side under the cover of the surrounding robots, and took advantage of the latter’s throwing flying steel claws, quickly rushed over and firmly grabbed Gu Ze’s body.

Without waiting for Gu Ze to struggle, Shivaro had already attacked again, its body was deformed for a while, and dozens of missiles were exposed behind it, and the target was naturally Gu Ze.

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