Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Stepping on the snow, there was a soft feeling, feeling the cold breath, Gu Ze squatted on the ground and carefully perceived.

For a moment, unsurprisingly, he found nothing, and then, Gu Ze got up again and looked for the traces left by the star core nearby, but unfortunately, it should be buried by it with wind and snow.

“Where to find it? Wouldn’t it be called slipping away again. Gu Ze looked at the endless snow, feeling worried.


There was a slight shaking of the ground.

Gu Ze immediately concentrated his perception and turned into an extended straight line to probe into the distance, only to find that a large number of Rift Monsters had gathered in the distance and were running towards Belloberg.

“The star core should be near there!”

Gu Ze was first pleased, but then noticed something strange.

There are too many monsters to imagine.

“This time the star core is estimated to be full of strength, I am afraid that all the monsters that can be mobilized will be concentrated.”

Gu Ze did not hesitate and immediately marched towards that direction.

He wants to intercept them, otherwise judging by the strength of the silver-maned iron guard, it is estimated that it will be difficult to hold Beloberg!

In fact, after discovering that the rift monsters were swarming towards Beloberg, Jeppard had already begun to lead the team to prepare for defense.

“Everyone in line!”

Jepard began to lay out the formation, ready to face the rift monster.

Feeling the shaking of the earth, everyone’s heart was filled with unease.

It’s too big, the enemy’s momentum is too huge!

This side proves that the number of Rift Realm monsters is too large!

It wasn’t until the Rift Realm monsters rushed to the formation that they found that the number of these guys was far more than they thought!

They look fierce and hideous, as if they want to tear everyone to pieces!

If those rift monsters are compared to the churning waves, then the silver-maned iron guard is like a lonely boat on the sea, ready to be swallowed by the tide.

“Sir, can we win?”

A silver-maned iron guard looked at the hordes of rift monsters, and couldn’t help but swallow his spit with some fear.

“Don’t think so much, it’s enough to remember guarding Belloberg.”

Jeppard stared straight ahead.

In fact, he also had plans to die this time.

“Well said.”

There was a sound in the distance, and then a huge spear broke through the air, sweeping off the wave of Rift Realm monsters that rushed to the front.

“It’s Gu Ze!”

Jepard looked into the distance, where the gray-haired boy was running towards it.

However, although Gu Ze defeated the vanguard troops, the follow-up monsters still did not stop.

“All fire!”

With Gu Ze’s support, the whole army shook violently, the guns exploded densely, and the fire kept flickering in the night, accompanied by the roar of the monster, setting off the prelude to the war.

“No, there are still too many monsters here.”

When Gu Ze arrived here, he found that the number of monsters attacked this time was too large for the silver-maned iron guard alone to hold it.

The golden light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly a huge meteorite cut through the night and fell straight towards the rift monster.

Heaven moves!

“Same as the one in the restricted area before!”

Jepard and the silver-maned iron guards looked at the meteorite falling from the sky in horror, and even if they saw it for the second time, they could still feel the strong sense of fear from the bottom of their hearts.

The divine majesty with majestic power soon fell on this snowy field, bursting out with a deafening collision sound, and the aftermath stirred up overwhelming smoke, and under this hell-like attack, more than half of the rift monsters died in an instant.

The monsters that were still imposing suddenly lost more than half, but even so, the monsters of the Rift Realm were still not all destroyed, but they were much better than the situation just now.

“By the way, did you find the star core in the lower area?” Jepard blasted away several monsters with a punch and turned his head to look at Gu Ze.

“No, but I’ve found traces of it.” Gu Ze kept swinging the rock spear to kill the nearby monsters.

“The monsters here are blocked by us, you go and seal the star core.” Jeppard exclaimed, “The first goal is to be right?

Gu Ze nodded.

Although sealing the star core cannot stop their offensive, after all, the setting of the rift monsters is different from some movie blockbusters, and the boss will disappear after death, so even if the star core is sealed, the monsters of the rift will not die immediately.

But without the command of the star core, the monsters will not attack so intensively, at least let the resisters breathe a little.

“Jepard is right! Gu Ze, you still go to deal with the star core now, and leave it to us here.

Kokolia’s voice sounded on the side, and the great guardian of Beloberg personally went into battle, holding an ice gun and constantly killing monsters.

This is also her path to atonement, so she does her best.

“Then I’ll go, you guys… Come on. Gu

Ze took one last look at the silver-maned iron guards who were fighting in blood, and then immediately ran towards the starting point of the monsters of the Rift Realm.

The star core should be there! Can’t be wrong!

“Get out of my way!”

Gu Ze wielded a rock spear across the sky, sweeping away all the rift monsters rushing in front of him, although these guys are weak, but the victory is in large numbers, by them blocking the front, Gu Ze wants to rush over quickly is not very realistic at all.

“By the way, there’s one more thing to do.”

With this thought, Gu Ze took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of March 7.

Moments later, the call was connected.

“Hello? Gu Ze, what happened? March

Seven had obviously just woken up and was a little confused.

“Did Bronia and Ciel go back?”

Gu Ze held the mobile phone in one hand and danced the rock gun in the other, constantly killing the monsters around him.

“No? When did the two of them go out? Something happened? Listening

to Gu Ze’s movements, March Seven finally found that something was wrong, and sat up with a slump.

“That’s right! I’m in the upper zone now, and the star core is estimated to start a total attack! Wake up Danheng, inform the people of Earth Fire, wait a very likely, no, there will be a 100% rift monster to attack Panyan Town! Be careful!

Gu Ze said in one breath, then hung up the phone, summoned several rock guns, and quickly attacked the monsters around him.

After all, the upper area has already been attacked by the rift monster, then the lower area will definitely not be safe, or it is better to prepare early.

Moreover, he had just discovered that there seemed to be fluctuations in the distance that kept traveling underground.

It should still be a rift monster! However, compared to the upper area, this time the rift monster is obviously relatively weak, and it is not very much in terms of quantity.

After all, Gu Ze had already rushed to the upper area, so the star core also concentrated its forces here to delay Gu Ze’s march.

“The lower area should be able to hold on, as for how long it can last, it may not be, I have to speed up.”

Gu Ze put the mobile phone away, grabbed the rock spear and shot a killing ring on the snowfield, knocking all the rift monsters that blocked the way, and went straight out of a road, continuing to attack the location of the star core.

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