Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 37

Chapter 37


Star Core was a little incredulous.

Obviously he has achieved the most perfect improvement,

and he was actually knocked back a few steps by this guy’s punch.

“How is that possible? You shouldn’t still have such power! The

star core manipulated the giant creation engine to slowly stand firm, and looked at Gu Ze in amazement.

“I’ve said it all, and I’ve gotten stronger.”

Gu Ze flicked his wrist.

“And thank you for the monsters you’ve been providing.”

Gu Ze was not wrong

, after he kept killing the monsters sent by the star core, he

finally accumulated experience points to upgrade!


: Gu Ze] [Level: Level 6]

Gu Ze, who had risen to level six, felt that the strength in his body had increased dramatically.

And because of the upgrade, his state was refreshed, and the fatigue of the battle all the time disappeared.

So he is now in full state against the giant creation engine.

Seeing that the giant creation engine missed a hit, it immediately raised its arms high, and in the blink of an eye, a dark blue knight’s spear appeared in its hand.

However, unlike what I saw at the beginning, this ice spear actually had a trace of flame.

Gu Ze thought that he had seen it wrong at first, until the knight’s gun swept towards him, and the blue flame that was like a horse still made him confirm his guess.

The blue flame came straight to Gu Ze, the latter rose up and avoided steadily, the blue flame burned all the way along the vast snowfield, and with the intention of burning in the cold, a snowy mountain was instantly ignited, and it turned into ashes in less than ten seconds.

“Icy Flame, is this your new ability?”

Gu Ze conjured a rock spear and collided with the knight spear, and the blue flame instantly jumped on the rock spear, constantly burning it.

“This is a weapon with the addition of the earth pulp ore! Coupled with my strength, I can naturally carry flames! The

giant creation engine held both hands hard, and the knight’s gun suddenly emitted dazzling blue light, and the cold flame on the gun body flourished, and the blue flame surged madly, turning into a fireball to force Gu Ze back.


The knight’s gun was raised high and made a vertical slash posture, and the cold flame was immediately cut out, coming straight to Gu Ze.

The latter threw away the burning rock spear and turned to open the shield, and the flames quickly surrounded Gu Ze, but under the protection of the shield, the cold flame was isolated and did not erode further.

“If it’s just this level, you can’t win me!”

Gu Ze shouted, golden light appeared on his body, and the shield doubled in the blink of an eye, dispersing all those cold flames.

The cold flames left a large area of scorched black on the ice and snow plain, but they were never able to cause Gu Ze a trace of damage.

He jumped up, covered a layer of rock with both hands, tightly grasped the sweeping ice gun, ignored the cold flame burning on the gun, dragged hard, broke half of the gun body, and then stretched out his hand, and the rock pillar rose up, knocking the creation engine back a few steps.

The golden light flashed in Gu Ze’s eyes, and a huge meteorite broke through the night, carrying a divine light like a scorching sun.

It’s as if it’s the second sun!

The breath of death and destruction suddenly filled the heavens and the earth, and the coercion and roar stirred on the snowy plain together.

“It was the last meteorite! No, stronger than the last time! Looking

at the boulder falling towards him, the giant creation engine threw away the ice gun and quickly raised its mechanical arms to fend off the meteorite.

“Is this trying to hard-catch this attack?”

Gu Ze looked at the action of the creation engine, and his eyebrows couldn’t help but pick.

According to what he felt, the power of this large machine should be far from being able to take a meteorite attack.

If you don’t want to scrap it, unless it has something to deal with.

In a matter of seconds, the meteorite had fallen towards the giant creation engine, and a pair of steel giant hands of the latter had already touched it.

The body of the giant creation engine bent suddenly, and its feet cracked the ground.

Click, click, click.

This is the sound of metal collapsing, obviously the power of meteorite is not easy to resolve, the arms of the creation engine begin to bend, parts and bearings continue to break, even if its arm has a power plant to increase power, it is already in vain.

And a layer of rock has gradually gone down its arm, as if to petrify it.

“Sure enough, you can’t rely on brute force to hard connect!”

The icy voice of the star core sounded in Gu Ze’s ears.

“However, you would be naïve to think that such an attack would solve me!”

The huge body of the creation engine began to change inch by inch, the metal on the chest kept adjusting, and a huge barrel gradually protruded from the inside, and it could be seen that there were still a lot of pulp ore in its chest cavity that was constantly being transported to the cannon chamber.

With the infusion of the earth pith, the muzzle began to burst with a faint blue energy flash.

“Using the earth pith as an energy source to launch energy cannons, it’s no wonder that there are so many earth piths.”

Gu Ze had already gathered a rock spear in his hand and threw it towards the barrel.

Be the first to interrupt it!

However, after all, it was the speed of the creation engine that was slightly better, and the energy of the barrel had been accumulated before the rock gun hit it.


A pillar of energy light with a diameter of 100 meters jumped out from the cannon port, swallowing the rock spear thrown by Gu Ze and hitting the meteorite that fell from the sky.

The power of the meteorite is constantly depleted in the stalemate with the energy cannon, while the power of the giant machine is still acting on it.

The two forces adjusted the angle of the meteorite, finally deflecting it slightly, and then the giant machine moved and turned its body sideways, which avoided the meteorite strike.

However, half of its body was also shattered by the rubbing iron armor, and the parts collapsed.

After avoiding the meteorite, the barrel immediately adjusted its angle, allowing the pillar of light to pour towards Gu Ze.

Gu Ze opened his shield and resisted the impact from the energy cannon.

“No need to try to resist, this blow is enough to use most of the earth pulp ore in the lower area!”

The annoying voice of the star core lingered in Gu Ze’s ears.

However, it did not lie this time.

A large area of the entire lower area is in the rift, and there are a lot of ground pulp deposits, and those places that humans dare not step into do not matter to the star core.

It commanded the Rift Monster to excavate as soon as possible, and finally excavated most of the essence of those mineral deposits to use as an energy supply for energy cannons.


this blow is powerful enough!

However, what it didn’t expect was that this still couldn’t break Gu Ze’s shield.

Among the pillars of light, Gu Ze still stood firm.

“What? Is this kid’s shield so hard? Even

the star core couldn’t help but secretly stunned, and then quickly increased the output of energy, regardless of the wear and tear of the breech, overload output, as long as it can kill Gu Ze, even if this giant creation engine is scrapped!

The dark blue pillar of light was powerful, and the powerful impact was unfolded, and the scattered energy impacted the snowfield, moving many snowy mountains into flat ground.

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