Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Gu Ze brandished the bat and went straight to Dana, and just when the bat was about to hit her, a huge black shadow fell from the sky and took the blow for Dana.


There was a violent noise, and the glass of the surrounding buildings shattered, and the monster was also knocked away, knocking several buildings into ruins.

It tried several times to get up unsuccessfully, and could only lie on the ground and slowly dissipate.

“Such a big insect monster, it seems that it is a collection of the entire ice capital.” Gu Ze glanced at the big guy who fell to the ground and turned to look at Dana.

I’m afraid that only by solving this woman can I get out.

“Being able to kill this monster with one blow, a human as powerful as you, I still see it for the first time.” Dana stared at Gu Ze deadly, her face full of crazy excitement, like a madman.

She snapped her fingers, and the ground around her twisted, and a dozen ladybug-like monsters emerged from the ground and floated beside her.

“Hehe, the Fate Walkers of the same Harmony Fate lack the means to fight head-on, and I can only rely on them to deal with you.” Dana laughed maniacally and stretched out her hand, and the ladybug monster went straight to Gu Ze.

And Gu Ze noticed that just now after Dana summoned the ladybug monster, the surrounding buildings disappeared instantly, together with the nearby street lamps and benches, it seemed that this bug was created with the power of the rift.

“When she fights, she will use the power of cracking, and the space of the ice capital is constantly disintegrating.”

“When her strength is exhausted, maybe the ice capital will disappear.”

After Gu Ze finished thinking, he summoned the Wind Bow, pulled the bowstring, shot several spiral arrows, accurately hit all the ladybugs, and the huge wind field burst out, tearing them to pieces.

Dana didn’t seem to be dead, and she was still calling insects to attack Gu Ze.

Gu Ze’s arrow was empty, and it only took a moment to destroy the ladybug army into pieces.

“Next up is you.” Gu Ze pulled the bowstring and aimed directly at Dana.

Just as Gu Ze was about to shoot the Wind Arrow, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if to tell him that he and Dana were family, preventing him from being an enemy of Dana.

“It’s the power of harmony!”

A golden light flashed in Gu Ze’s eyes, and he instantly cracked this influence.

The insects in front are just feints, this is her killing move!

In the distance, Dana “wow” spat out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person’s face became extremely pale, and her spirit was hit hard.

“I didn’t hesitate to use all my power to influence you, but I was broken in less than half a second.” Dana wiped the corners of her mouth, and the fear in her heart suppressed the madness, “What kind of divine is this guy of yours, who actually has this kind of power.”

“It’s just an alien passing by.” Gu Ze let go of the bow rope, and the wind arrow shot out and went straight to Dana’s face.

Dana’s body moved in a vain attempt to avoid it, but as expected, the arrow exploded in the air, and the strong wind kept pulling Dana and dragging her into the center of the wind field.

Dana shouted, trying her best to get out of trouble, but it was of no use, and she could only be cut to pieces by dozens of wind blades with a desperate face.

“Without Dana’s manipulation, this ice should also dissipate.” Gu Ze held the bow of the wind and walked back to the hospital to find Franz and they converged.

“Assimilation of all things.”

Suddenly, a flat sound resounded in all directions, followed by the melodious music began to play, the monster fragments on the ground levitated, the surrounding buildings began to fall apart, and all the things in the ice capital turned into fragments and condensed somewhere.

“Mr. Gu Ze!”

There was a shout in the distance, it was Franz and them.

“Mr. Gu Ze, what is the situation now?” Igor looked at the disintegrating ice capital and couldn’t help but wonder a little.

At this time, they actually returned to the snowfield.

“Dana is behind the scenes, and now she is gathering the power of the Ice Capital to prepare for a decisive battle with me.” Gu Ze looked at the debris that kept condensing in mid-air and said.

He condensed the rock spear and threw it, and without waiting for the rock spear to approach, the debris blasted out a violent strong light, which stimulated everyone to open their eyes, and the rock spear was also ejected.

The light dissipated, and a swarthy beetle monster appeared in front of everyone’s eyes, it was not as huge as those insect monsters before, but its body constantly exuded a terrifying and terrifying aura.

After the assimilation of all things, Dana’s weak will due to the injury was also assimilated with the crazy thoughts of those monsters, resulting in the fact that now this beetle monster has almost no reason, more of an instinct to destroy.

“Have you assimilated all the power of the rift into your own body? It is indeed the ability to harmonize the destiny. Gu Ze quickly figured out the details of the other party.

And how much this guy loves insects and makes insect-type monsters every time.

He couldn’t help but slander.

The beetle monster let out a beast roar, raised its right arm, and its entire body flew out like a running bullet, straight towards Gu Ze.

Gu Ze took out the bat and hit the monster’s body with precision, picking it up in the air.

Suddenly, a cold ice spear flew down from mid-air, and Gu Ze sideways to avoid it, but the monster took advantage of this opportunity, fell from the air, and kicked Gu Ze fiercely.

Gu Ze raised his arm to block it, and the violent collision generated a strong air flow, blowing away all the surrounding ice and snow.

“Oh, so the ice gun is here.”

Gu Ze glanced at the spear stuck beside him.

After he defeated the mechanical giant before, the ice spear disappeared, and it turned out that Dana brought it here.

Seeing that the blow missed, the beetle roared, and the surrounding ice and snow surged, turning into armor and wearing on the body, and both fists clenched and kept hitting Gu Ze.

The speed is so fast that only the afterimage remains.

Bang bang!

Gu Ze raised his right arm, took it all, and then kicked it away, causing the latter to crash into the snowy mountain, and the snowy mountain was also broken.

Gu Ze reached out and held the ice spear and wanted to pull it out.

At this moment, a scene suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and a huge and mighty figure cast his gaze at him.

It’s Cripper! Save the Star God!

Gu Ze immediately thought.

However, the figure quickly disappeared, and in the next second, a high temperature emanated from the cold ice spear, and the flames began to rotate along the tip of the gun, melting the cold ice of the gun body, and the endless flames began to rush, and the hot power spread.

Together with Franz standing in the distance, several people also felt a warmth.

“It became a flame gun.”

Gu Ze pulled out the spear and felt its surging power.

With a terrifying roar, the figure of the beetle monster rushed from a distance.

Gu Ze raised his hand, and a violent wind emerged, like a sharp blade cutting the armor on its body to pieces, and the beetle monster was also blown away.

“Just end you with this trick.” Gu Ze gripped the flame gun and injected power into it, and burning flames came out of the tip of the gun.

“Flame gun! Charge! Gu

Ze’s footsteps moved, and he instantly rushed out, carrying a flame, like a fire dragon, igniting the ice and snow along the way.

The beetle monster only felt an irresistible heat wave rushing straight at him, and before he could react, his gaze was occupied by a spear wrapped in flames.


The flame spear pierced the body of the beetle monster, and flames spread all over its body almost instantly, slowly turning it into ashes in the crazy wail of the monster.

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