Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Hello, I’m a trash can.

If you want to complain about why a trash can is also conscious, then please forgive me for not being able to answer you.

The philosophical nature of this question is like what is the essence of existence, and it is difficult for anyone to come up with an answer, so don’t get too caught up in it, otherwise it will only add to your troubles.

Let me tell you about myself, but I am located in the southeast corner of Beloberg’s borough, and the third trash can from left to right is me.

Every day comes and goes, and people in a hurry will throw me many things they think are worthless—what you often call “trash.”

There were leaflets printed by vendors, bags with food scraps, and letters that no one wanted.

Hehe, of course, there are some love letters confessed by young people, whenever I receive this thing, I know that someone must have fallen out of love, maybe I will receive a paper ball that blows my nose next.

Alas, really, you don’t even know how much work I have in a day.

However, complaining is complaining, my job is also very valuable, isn’t it?

Whenever I see the neat ground of the borough, I feel a sense of pride from the bottom of my heart.

Lo and behold, without our garbage cans, citizens and friends would definitely do such an uncivilized and immoral behavior as throwing garbage on the ground.

This will not only increase the workload of the cleaning staff, but also fill the square with the stench of decay.

Therefore, the existence of our trash cans is indispensable!

Speaking of which, you might be thinking, heck, with so much garbage to receive every day, will it be full of stench and difficult for people to touch?

Hmph, I can only say that it is quite reasonable for you to think so, but it is completely impossible to apply it to me.

As a cultivated trash can, I have a strong ability to self-clean.

Every time the cleaning staff removed my stored garbage, my whole body would suddenly be refreshed, there was no trace of garbage left, and even the smell would dissipate.

Of course, when you see this, you may be surprised to ask, why can you clean yourself up with a garbage can?

First of all, I can tell you unequivocally that I don’t have any self-cleaning mechanism in my body.

And as for the real reason, I don’t know.

If you’re struggling with this, you might as well turn back and read the third paragraph of this article.

According to my observations, self-cleaning may not be something that other trash cans can’t do, at least not my two buddies nearby.

Based on this, I did not dare to show my ability in front of the cleaning staff, for fear that they would notice me and take me away for research.

I’ve heard people talk about this in science fiction.

If so, how else can I contribute to the cleaning of the city!

For the future of Belloberg, I had to disguise myself and silently pay.

Well, without further ado, I will not continue to repeat my situation, and tell you about a series of strange things I encountered today.

The weather is nice today, it can be called a fair wind, maybe it’s my illusion, I even feel that the temperature has picked up recently.

The citizens of Beloberg seem to be in a very good mood recently, and I have heard people talk about it in casual conversation, and it seems that the problem that has been bothering people has been solved.

Belloberg will meet a better tomorrow.

That’s good news and makes me even more motivated.

I started my day watching people come and go hand me garbage.

Just as I was working hard, I suddenly noticed something strange.

A gray-haired boy seemed to be looking straight to this side, and had been watching for a while.

From the look in his eyes, I read a certain desire and impulse.

What are you looking at? Haven’t you seen a trash can when you are this big?

Or did you find something special about me?

Good boy, even if you have vision, eh, no, I’m going to be a garbage can that pays silently, how can I provoke the attention of others at will?

Wait, he’s coming towards me!

That’s right, the gray-haired boy came in my direction.

I was suddenly caught up in a wrestling desire to discover something special on the one hand, and not wanting to expose my situation to others on the other.

What to do?

In a nervous mood, I saw him turn around and walk to the trash can next to me.

I saw him open the lid of the trash can and put his hand in.

It’s that I think too much.

I was speechless, and at the same time embarrassed by the thought I had just grappled.

Phew, it’s better to work honestly.

Just as I was thinking this, I caught a glimpse of the gray-haired boy taking a large bag of garbage out of my colleague.

I thought he was just throwing garbage.

Well? What is this doing? Is it possible, pulling out garbage?

Look at this kid’s clothes don’t look like the uniforms of the cleaning staff? What the hell is he trying to do?

Filled with doubts, I continued reading.

I saw that the guy suddenly got a little excited after taking out the garbage again, and his mouth was shouting “finally let me experience it once”, “this time must turn over enough” and other remarks that did not seem like normal people.

I thought for a moment and finally came to a conclusion.

Could it be that he has some serious illness in his brain?

After all, no normal person would love to dig out garbage, right?

What’s the use of picking up garbage? What is the value of garbage? Are you still counting on taking the baby out of the trash?

Stuff the garbage back for me, hey!

I complained one after another in my heart, watching him put his hand in again.

And then! Something that shocked me happened!

You guessed right, this kid actually took a gem out of the trash!

And it’s so hot!

This is the most unimaginable thing in my working life, how can a person actually take a gem out of the trash?!

Are you kidding? Who would throw a gem in the trash! And it’s so big!

My mind was so confused that I even thought it was most likely a special ability of my colleague.

After all, I can clean myself up, and it’s not so hard to accept that it produces gems… What a!

I’ve seen so many cleaners pick up trash without taking out even the slightest bit of a gem from it! Why can this kid get it at once?

Ahem, faux pas, please forgive me for being agitated just now, but it was really weird, and I was shocked beyond words.

“Ha, I actually took it out, it is worthy of the power of the title!”

The gray-haired boy looked at the gem in his hand smugly.

What title?

I didn’t understand what he meant, but I saw him put away the gem and walk towards me.

“I’m leaving, I still have to go through all the trash cans on the street to get by!”

He said.

It’s brutal, isn’t it? You have to turn over the garbage cans of the whole street!

I almost said it.

As a trash can with no chicken in his hands, I could only watch as he put his hand on my hat (trash can lid).

Just kidding, I’m a dignified trash can, how can people rummage around!

I tightened my hat and fastened it to my head.

“Huh? What’s the situation? Why can’t it be opened? The

gray-haired boy looked confused.

“Is it broken?”

Yeah! You’ll be like a broken trash can! Stop thinking about flipping me.

I was overjoyed and hoped he would let me go.

“With a little effort, you should be able to open the lid.”

The gray-haired boy did not give up, but increased the strength in his hand.

Not good! How could this kid’s power be so great?

Fast…… Almost can’t hold on!

I screamed, fell hard to the ground, and my hat was pulled up by the man.

Oops, ouch.

Just as I was feeling pain, the kid was holding my hat and staring at me stunned.

“The trash can actually spoke!”

Damn, I still couldn’t help but scream out just now.

Since that’s the case, I simply don’t pretend.

“This gentleman, although Ben can speak, it is not such a surprising thing, right? Please also return the hat under it.

“There are actually talking garbage cans, I thought I heard me wrong!” The gray-haired boy was amazed, “Are you a strange thing?” ”

Odd thing? What is that?

I didn’t understand what he meant, but just repeated my request again.

“Ah, okay.”

He lifted me up and put his hat over my head again.

“In other words, do you have any plans to leave here and go out to see?” The gray-haired boy crossed his waist and said.

“I’m an alien and can take you off this planet, how about it? Got the idea of going out and looking at the universe?

“Aliens? Are you the hero who saved Belloberg? ”

I recalled the chatter of the citizens about a hero from outside the world who saved Belober in a crisis.

It seems to be called Gu Ze.

This should be the guy.

But where does he have the slightest shadow of a hero, and which hero will go to the trash can?

Still rummaging through all the trash cans on a street?

“It’s me, oh, how, consider my suggestion.” Gu Ze patted my hat, “The scenery outside is very good!”

“Moreover, a life that has not been to the trash can of the universe is incomplete!”

To be honest, I always felt like he was fooling me, but I have to admit that his words piqued my interest.

But when I thought of my duties, I still planned to refuse him.

After all, I want to be a trash can that contributes to the cleaning of Belloberg, how can I just leave!

“Sorry sir, thank you for the invitation.” I said, “But it’s the responsibility of cleaning Belloberg!” I really can’t accompany you on your adventures. ”

Clean Belloberg?” Gu Ze touched his chin and thought for a while, “Then I have a way to solve it, and then take a trash can and put it.” ”

What… What the? Take another trash can? ”

I couldn’t help but be a little shocked, to be honest, I never thought of such a possibility.

I’ve been here for so long that I almost thought I was going to die in this position.

If he didn’t mention it, I almost forgot, and it seemed that I could be replaced.

No, it is impossible to be replaced!

I shook my head and banished the thought from my mind.

“I’ll go to the person in charge to buy you, and then they will bring another one.” Gu Ze said his plan.

“Okay, as long as you can buy it, then I’ll go with you.” I said.

Hmph, since you think so, then you are not destined to take me, I am an indispensable part of this Belloberg!

I’m afraid this kid doesn’t know how much garbage I have to receive every day, and without me, Belloberg’s image will definitely be greatly reduced!

In other words, I’m priceless! They won’t let me go so easily!

How many Winterfell shields are not sold!


this kid bought me for the Twenty Winter City Shield.


After hearing the results, I couldn’t help but swear a word.

He was actually abandoned.

I want to justify myself and prove my worth.

I can still work for Beloberg!

But after seeing the new trash can, I lost the desire to explain.

That guy is taller than me and can store more garbage, which means it’s worth more than I am.

It will make a greater contribution than I am.

Maybe with it, there will be no more garbage spills.

“Well, you’re okay.”

As if noticing my low mood, Gu Ze patted my hat to comfort me.

Well, this guy is quite kind.

“In fact, the universe is very good, there are many beautiful scenery, and this road will not be lonely.”

He began to tell me about landscapes that I had never seen before, but that were full of longing.

Endless rivers of stars, endless stars, countless interesting people and things.

Really, I’m really excited right now!

“Well, I admit I was moved by what you said.”

I looked at Gu Ze and said slowly.

“Let me ask, why did you fancy me? Is it because the trash can of that Star Dome train you were riding on is broken?

“No, not really.”

Gu Ze shook his head and smiled.

“I’m just interested in trash cans, and it just so happens that you’re still a strange thing, so I thought about taking you away.”

“So it is.”

After listening to his words, I realized that I had taken a fancy to my specialness, just let me be a collector’s item, not expecting to use me to pack garbage.

Think about it, after all, if there is a shortage of trash cans, they can buy a bigger one.

“Well, since it’s a collector’s item, then I’d better clean myself.”

I started a self-cleaning, washing everything inside and out, washing away the dirt, dispelling odors, and becoming a new trash can.

“Ah, I didn’t expect you to have the ability to clean yourself!” Gu Ze was taken aback, “It’s really a good trash can.” ”

Over the prize, over the prize.” I was humble, unable to describe my excitement.

After all, this is the first time I have shown my abilities in front of outsiders.

Looking at his surprised expression, I was extremely used.

“Now I can go into the storage room cleanly.”

“Collection room? What collection room? Gu Ze touched his head and was puzzled.

“Well, don’t you treat me as a collector’s item?” I was even more puzzled than he was.

A trash can, you don’t use it to put garbage, don’t use it for collection, then what else can you do?

“Actually…” Gu Ze whispered close to me.

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to experience what it’s like to sleep in a trash can.”


I was dumbfounded.

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