Interstellar Railway: Copy Morax at the start

Chapter 76

Chapter 76


Gu Ze looked at the text message with some doubts.

Kafka: What does this mean? Will I have something to ask her then?

What would it be….

In any case, it is always good to have the help of someone with good strength.

After everyone made a decision, the train began another jump.

By the way, March 7 did not accidentally lose balance again and the challenge failed.

When the Star Dome train jumped over, Gu Ze looked out the window and saw that a huge object with a giant appearance similar to a giant ship was quietly mooring in the galaxy.

Luofu Xianzhou! It’s arrived!

“This is the Star Dome Train, this is the Star Dome Train, we have arrived in the airspace of Xianzhou, to the ground, well, maybe it should be said that it is the deck, and ask for landing permission.”

Himeko applied to Luofu Xianzhou for landing.

A moment later, after a burst of prompts played intermittently, the Jade Realm Gate slowly opened.

“Wait, shouldn’t there be someone to guide us at this time?”

Himeko felt a little strange.

“Xianzhou won’t really have an accident, right?”

March Seven guessed.

Just when they were a little puzzled, a shrill alarm sounded in the carriage.

“What’s going on?”

Pam walked to the operation room a little anxiously to check the situation.

“Not good! There is an attack coming towards the train.

Himeko said loudly.

“What? Raid?

Gu Ze hurriedly walked towards her.

“Where did it come from?”

Who exactly is going to attack the train.

“It’s the attack of hundreds of beams, and Pa flew from Luofu Xianzhou.”

Pam brings up the picture.

The densely packed dazzling laser cannons in the picture are flying out of the fairy boat, and after calculation, their target is the Star Dome Train!

“What’s the situation? We haven’t provoked Luofu Xianzhou either, have we?

March Seven said with some doubt.

“Why are we attacked before we get close? What are they going to do?

“It probably wasn’t an attack by Luofu.”

Danheng hugged his arm and said.

“Luofu’s defensive weapons will not be this type of laser cannon, these weapons are definitely not owned by Xianzhou.”

“Huh? Why would you know Danheng?

March Seven asked stunned.

After all, this guy looks confident, and it doesn’t look like he’s lying.

Danheng was silent again.

As he spoke, the laser hit the train’s shield as many times as possible, but it didn’t shatter it.

“Pa has been intercepted in full.”

Pam turned and said.

“Xianzhou doesn’t look like a force that will strike at will at will against others… It is very likely that someone deliberately targeted us.

Walter held up his glasses.

“Either way, we’ll have to go there as soon as possible to investigate.”


March Seven and Gu Ze nodded and replied.



“Second master, our weapons are all useless!”

A man said in a panic as he was half-kneeling.

Amazingly, half of his body has actually been replaced with a mechanical body, and the hard metal shines with a sharp luster.

The arm is loaded with a metal blade and a small barrel, which is very powerful to look at.

And the man he knelt down was not an ordinary person, he had a body of steel, wore a coarse linen coat, and applied paint similar to the color of his skin on his face, as if he wanted to maintain the appearance of his original face.

Compared to that little one, this one is significantly more transformed.

“I know, what’s the panic, I didn’t expect these things to hit the Star Dome train.”

The second leader waved his hand.

“Those nameless guests are not very good, we will take care of them when they come in!”

“That’s right, I originally wanted to take advantage of this time to make trouble for the group of idiots in the alliance, but I didn’t expect to bump into the Star Dome train!”

A mechanical strong man next to the second leader laughed.

“When we grab that Star Dome train, don’t we go wherever we want in the future?” Live a happy life! No more hiding from those cloud rides here! ”

They have been hiding in Liuyundudong for a long time, and although these guys have undergone transformation and surgery, their strength has increased, but they are still no match for Yunqi’s encirclement.

“Mistress! Don’t be careless! The

second leader reminded loudly.

“Second brother, what are you afraid of? We have all transformed so strong, why be afraid of that group of pioneers! The

three masters shook the iron bar in their hands and disdained them.

“Hahaha! That golden emperor’s legacy is so powerful, in my opinion, we are not without chance, besides, even if they have a little strength, don’t they still have a big brother…” The

second leader covered his forehead, and was about to say more, but heard someone come to report.

“Report! Three Trailblazers have arrived at Louvre from the Star Dome train.

“Hahaha! Well done! The

three leaders stood up and put the iron bar on their shoulders.

“Little ones! Fight with me! ”


Hundreds of transformed minions raised their blades in response.


“There are so many containers here, it feels like a terminal or something.”

March Seven looked around and saw many containers placed here.

“It’s so quiet, there’s no one around.”

Walter carried his cane to check his surroundings.

“There is something in the sky.”

Gu Ze suddenly felt wrong and looked up.

I saw a group of mechanical bird-like flying objects flying towards them.

“Clever bird? No, it’s not right.

Gu Ze noticed that they also had cannon barrels on their bodies.


Densely packed miniature missiles shot out from the barrel and went straight to Gu Ze and them.

Gu Ze stretched out his hand, and a layer of shields appeared, and those missile bombardments left only a little fire on the shield.

The smoke dissipated, and a layer of gravity appeared out of thin air above the heads of those mechanical birds, shrouding them, those mechanical birds could not resist at all, they were suppressed by gravity, their bodies were flattened, and the electric sparks generated by the explosion were one after another.

“Hey! Stop hiding, come out!

Gu Ze stepped forward and said loudly.

“Hehehe, I have long heard that the strength of the Star Dome Train is good, and when I see it today, it is indeed as extraordinary as rumored!”

With heavy footsteps, a robot carrying a steel stick stepped out of the shadow of the container, followed by many minions who had also undergone body modifications, but not as well as his completion.


March Seven’s brows furrowed.

“It’s not like, it should be a transformation person.”

Gu Ze looked at the situation of the group of people and said.

“The little brother has vision.”

The three leaders said with a smile.

“We are evolutionaries beyond human limits! It’s the forerunner of mankind into a new era…”

“What the hell do you do?”

Walter interrupted as he pulled down his glasses.

“What for… Robbery, of course! ”

Obediently hand over the Star Dome train!” Spare you from dying! The

three leaders snorted coldly.

It turned out to be a group of robbers.

Gu Ze thought to himself.

But it’s a little interesting to look at them, I don’t know where the technology came from.

“Of course, we not only robbed money, but also robbed color!”

The three leaders smiled lewdly.

“Huh? Hijacking?

March Seven couldn’t help but hide behind Gu Ze.

“Hey, what are you afraid of, who will fancy that little pink-haired girl.”

The three leaders pouted disdainfully.

“Then what do you mean…”

said March Qiyi subconsciously.

“Of course, it’s mature men who are most attractive to me… Hey. The

three masters turned to look at Walter and said ambiguously.

Walter: .

I didn’t expect this product to have such a special hobby!

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