Interstellar Super Doctor

Chapter 71

Chapter 70 S-level guide agent

Xiao Mu smiled, and directly told Jones his request: “I need a complete set of guide agents for the research institute.”

Jones was stunned: “That’s it?”

Xiao Mu nodded, thought about it and said again: “I also need a room equipped with a mental isolation system. I need to do an experiment.”

Jones stood up: “No problem, you come with me,” he took two steps, and then asked, “The same medicine has different flavors, do I have to take all of them?”

“No need to.”

Jones nodded, sent a message to the assistant, and took Xiao Mu to a room: “This is my pharmacy room, all equipment is fully equipped.”

“I will use my mental power later, trouble open the isolation system.” Xiao Mu said.

After he combined with Leo, his mental power would no longer cause the sentinel to react, but he would be noticed, and he did not want to cause a sensation.

In the current social situation, seeing a guide outside the Jinta is like seeing a panda on the road in a previous life.

Jones turned on the system, and his assistant sent the guide agent. He hesitated while giving the guide agent: “Director, the senior ones are also brought, really?”

Jones nodded: “Well, you put it all on the table.”

Xiao Mu stayed in the pharmacy room, and the rest of the people stayed outside. Ah Da and two guards checked the pharmacy room and went out after making sure that there was no danger.

Xiao Mu’s eyes fell on a row of guide agents. The guide agents were all liquid and used in conjunction with a syringe.

If the sentry falls into a coma, liquids are more convenient than pills.

He stretched out his hand and touched the guide agent one by one, and every time he touched one, the corresponding efficacy and use interval would appear in his mind.

There are a total of ten guide agents, the efficacy of which increases every five hundred from left to right, from small to large, from five hundred to five thousand, and the interval of use increases as the efficacy increases.

He opened the bottle cap of the guide agent, the mental tentacles were divided into ten parts, penetrated into the guide agent, and then input mental power into it.

Two seconds later, the leftmost antennae felt a resistance, and the mental power could not continue to be transmitted, and then the rest of the antennae felt the same.

It took a minute for the last two to feel resistance, and the two almost cost him a thousand mental energy.

He retracted the remaining tentacles, and the leftmost tentacles continued to forcefully convey mental power.

With a bang, the glass bottle containing the guide agent suddenly burst, the glass was scattered on the desktop, and the guide agent splashed around.

The door was slammed open, and Xiao Mu turned his head to see Ah Da looking around him with guard.

Xiao Mufei quickly retracted his tentacles and said, “I’m fine.”

Jones looked at the scene on the desktop and wondered: “Why did it explode? What experiment did you do?”

Xiao Mu didn’t answer directly, but stretched out his hand and touched the remaining guide agent from left to right. The medicine information that constantly appeared in his mind made him laugh.

For all the medicines, the efficacy has doubled, and the interval time has become two hours, which is the same as the finished medicine made by the guide.

Xiao Mu was a little surprised. He didn’t expect the effect to be so good, especially the advanced guide agent, which actually doubled, and could instantly recover 10,000.

It was even more powerful than the formula medicine that his system had just activated.

The idea of ​​injecting mental power into the guide agent made by ordinary people, he had it two days ago, came about when looking at the summary of guide questions forwarded to him by Zhao Meng.

There are many guides who want to make medicine, but most of the guides have never studied medicine, and even don’t know anything about medicinal materials.

He also learned at that time that the reason why Xie Bei was able to contact Yummy so quickly and deliver the sample medicine to Yummy was because Xie Bei was a student in the pharmaceutical class jointly opened by the Pharmaceutical Association and Jinta.

Xie Bei had experience before watching the Tasty Pharma video, and because of his brother’s poor health, he has been studying medicine-related courses by himself.

Xiao Mu deliberately checked that the guides who signed the contract with Meiwei these days are all students in the pharmacy class.

The question that guides leave most messages to Tasty is related to pharmaceuticals.

At that time, he was wondering whether he could use the mental power of a guide to process the current guide agents on the market, so that the guide only needs to use his mental power, and it can greatly speed up the speed of making the medicine.

It’s just that these few days are too busy, he hasn’t had time to experiment. Hearing what Jones said, I decided to give it a try.

He thought carefully about the process of guided medicine. The biggest difference between ordinary medicine is that mental energy is injected at the same time as the medicine. He guessed that it is also possible to prepare the medicine and then inject the mental energy.

In fact, it really is.

After Xiao Mu confirmed the result, he smiled at Jones and said, “Is there any Zhao’s pharmacodynamic device introduced by the research institute?”

“The order has been submitted,” Jones nodded. “The Institute has instruments to test the efficacy of drugs, but there is no specific instrument that Zhao’s newly released.”

Xiao Mu pointed to the guide agent: “It just so happens that you will test these agents again.”

Jones was puzzled: “Is there any problem?” He said as he walked to the table and picked up the guide agent, and brought it to the instrument in the corner.

He put the one-thousand-effect guide agent into the tester, saw the result, his eyes widened, he quickly took back his hand and looked at the label at the bottom of the bottle, making sure that he had taken it correctly, and turned his head to look at Xiao Mu incredulously.

Xiao Mu smiled at him. Jones knew that he knew the effect of the medicine had changed when he saw his expression, and he finally understood why Xiao Mu asked him to retest the value.

Jones took a deep breath, and excitedly put the remaining guide agents on the instrument. Apart from shock, he couldn’t make any other expressions.

When he put the penultimate guide agent, which was originally 45,000 potent, on the instrument, the green dot on the top of the instrument suddenly lit up, and at the same time, it was accompanied by the sound of ‘bells, bells’.

Ah Da and another guard rushed to Xiao Mu’s side to protect him, watching Jones warily.

Jones was stunned for a while, and suddenly yelled: “Oh, my God, s-level guide agent, I actually saw s-level guide agent!”

His eyes were red with excitement, and he carefully picked up the guiding agent being tested from the instrument, and the instrument instantly quieted down.

He looked at the last guide agent as if he was looking at a stunning treasure. He stretched his hand halfway and stopped. He looked at Xiao Mu and swallowed, “Well, is the effect better than the previous one?”

Xiao Mu nodded: “Yes, I am also surprised, your advanced medicine is very powerful.”

Jones sighed: “There is not much production in a year. I was still proud of it before today. Now these medicines have doubled their effectiveness in just a few minutes in your hands. I just feel ashamed.”

“You are too humble,” Xiao Mu looked serious, “The quality of your medicines is very high, otherwise there will be no such improvement.”

It can be seen from the bursting guide agent that the mental power that different medicines can withstand is limited, and the better the quality, the higher the endurance.

Jones smiled, took a deep breath, picked up the last potion, and joked: “I think I need an ambulance at any time.”

Xiao Mu laughed, still a little curious: “This is better than the previous one, but the highest level is S grade. Isn’t the result different?”

Jones shook his head: “Although the level display is the same, the induction intensity is different.”

He was about to put the potion into the instrument when there was a sudden noise at the door.

“Who are you? You actually stopped me, do you know that this is my territory, let me get out of it!”

Jones’ complexion changed, and he quickly said to Xiao Mu: “It’s Dean He, he must have known the appearance of the S-level guide agent, so he came here to take a look.”

Xiao Mu signaled to Ah Da, and Ah Da walked to the door and asked the guard to let the person in.

Dean He is a shabby middle-aged man with messy hair and deep beard. He is wearing a long white coat and his face is unhealthy white, as if he has not seen the light in a long time.

As soon as he came in, he rushed towards Jones, and grabbed Jones’s arm with his eyes: “You made an S-grade potion? What formula and procedure? Which one? Show me quickly.”

Jones reluctantly lifted the collar he had pulled to his shoulder, and motioned to the guide agent that caused the instrument’s response: “That one.”

Dean He immediately let go of him, holding the potion 360 degrees without blind spots.

Not surprisingly, Jones put the last one on the instrument, and the instrument rang again with a green light, and at the same time the red light beside the green light began to flicker, and there was a harsh scream.

Xiao Mu couldn’t help frowning, and the faces of Ada became dark at the same time. This kind of voice was too difficult for the sentry.

Dean He and Jones were shocked and delighted. Dean He quickly grabbed the potion in his hands with eyesight, and carried the other hands behind them.

“Jones, I want all the recipes, otherwise I won’t return the medicine.” Dean He was confident.

Jones said in a bad breath: “You made the two high-level drugs, you ask me?”

“Impossible!” Dean He said, “I know the effects of the medicine I made the best.”

Jones looked at Xiao Mu: “This is what you said before to solve the problem? How did you do it?”

Xiao Mu said: “It’s very simple. I just injected mental energy into your medicine. You should have understood the process of guided medicine. The move I just made is equivalent to moving the mental energy injection step to the end instead of the pharmaceutical process.”

Jones immediately understood: “You mean, let the research institute cooperate with the guide?”

“Yes,” Xiao Mu nodded, “I think this is a win-win situation. Most guides don’t know how to make medicine, but they will use mental power.”

“Can every guide double the effect of the medicine?” Jones asked.

Xiao Mu shrugged: “I don’t know. I haven’t tested it. This is my first experiment. There are members of the Pharmacy Association in the Institute. Isn’t the Pharmacy Association and Jinta just cooperating? Let the guides try, Jin The tower is equipped with a pharmacodynamic instrument, and the value can be judged more accurately.”

Jones nodded, Dean He understood, and rushed to Xiao Mu, blocked by Ah Damu’s face: “Go back.”

Dean He stared at him and stretched his head to look at Xiao Mu: “I still have medicine here. You can inject your mental energy and try again. I want to see it live.”

Xiao Mu had an inexplicable feeling of deja vu. This Dean He and Qiao are really alike, I don’t know if they are doing research like this.

He listened and moved in his heart: “Are there two kinds of the most advanced?”

“Yes,” Dean He’s eyes glowed, the medicine in his hand disappeared from his hand, and two other medicines suddenly appeared, and his hand reached out to Xiao Mu, “Do it now.”

Xiao Mu smiled and said, “No problem, but I have a request. The two medicines will sell me ten each.”

Dean He narrowed his eyes slightly: “Not so many, three each at most.”

Xiao Mu still remembered that Jones said that there are not many high-grade drugs in a year, so he nodded: “Okay.”

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