Interstellar Wife Rong Hugui

Chapter 131

Chapter 131

Wen Xiao glanced curiously at the fish clip that was dragged into the river, and looked at Li Feng, who shook his head: "I haven't seen it, but judging from experience, it shouldn't be very useful."

"The cost is not small." Wen Xiao gritted his teeth: "There are several high-grade energy stones installed on it, you didn't see that the bait used by people is not fish internal organs, but high-grade exotic animal meat that has been marinated Fuck, I only ate two pieces, if I had known she was going to be the bait, I would have eaten a few more pieces."

Li Feng's mouth twitched and he was speechless. After helping Wen Xiao to pick up a net of fish, Jiang Yixin also came back from the other side of the river.It was evening now, and the rain had lightened. Li Feng shook his arms and packed the fish for cooking.

Jiang Yixin picked up the fishing net made by the third-level craftsman, and threw two nets. In addition to dozens of large herring weighing thirty to forty catties, there was actually a brocade fish on the net. It is a highly nutritious fish species evolved from fish. It is small in size and only comes out at night, so it is extremely difficult to catch.

Jiang Yixin was so happy that he found a water basin for this jinyu by himself, and he sat beside it and watched, poking grass roots from time to time, enjoying it like a child.

The team next to it also stopped fishing at this time. Lan Qiao worked diligently, and after washing her hands, she dragged Bai He and Cai Die to cook. pull back.

He Guixian, who was watching, was very happy!Nod your head, well, sometimes second-hand goods also have the benefits of second-hand goods.

It was already dark when Li Feng grilled the fish, and several people washed their hands and began to eat.Luo Bi was thinking about the crab cages and fish traps in the river, so after eating, he ran to the river and tentatively pulled the ropes of the crab cages.


It was too heavy, so Luo Bi resolutely gave up pulling it up by herself, the rope was tightly stretched, and she knew there must be something in the crab cage without looking at it, no matter what it was, she didn't have the strength to pull it up anyway, turned around and ran back to the defensive cover to scream people help.

"There seems to be something in that crab cage. I can't pull it out. Can any of you help me pull it out?"

"I'm strong, I'll go." Li Feng just had a full meal, dropped the fish bones and stood up, after a meal it was already dark, he ordered: "Take the lights."

Luo Bi took the light and brought Li Feng to the bush. Li Feng used the light to pick up the rope and tested it a little, then his expression became solemn: "It's quite heavy, and it's really in stock."

The utensils in the water were heavier than usual, and it took Li Feng some strength to pull up the nearest crab cage. He weighed it with one arm, and the cage was full.

"Give me the light."

Li Feng asked for the light from Luo Bi's hand and took a look. Luo Bi only saw a big red clip waving. Li Feng returned the light to her, got up and continued to pull the second crab cage, and couldn't help but ask. : "How many cages are there in the river?"

"There are nine in total. If you pull one up, there are eight more inside."

Li Feng knew it well, and while speaking, he had already pulled up the second crab cage. Luo Bi took a light to look at it, and the cage was full again. The density of the net was too fine to see clearly.

Luo Bi disliked the smell of fish and leaned over to look at it. There was some distance from the crab cage, and Li Feng could not see clearly when squatting. Before she could understand what was inside, Li Feng had already clicked on the terminal to dial out the communication: " You two hurry up and help."

(End of this chapter)

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