
Art and Authors Thoughts

Hey everybody!

It's the end of the year, so I thought it would be fun to reflect on these past couple months and look forward to what comes next for the story.  I'll be talking a bit about the various art for the characters and cover, my thoughts on writing this story, and a bit of what comes next.



In case it wasn't completely obvious, I used an AI generator to come up with the character models.  I can't draw that well or fast, sue me.  For Rick here, I was presently surprised how well he came out.  It's not a perfect 1:1, but it still is pretty darn close.  I may incorporate the art designs for his clothing into the story proper at some point.
Sade took a bit to finally get the darn AI to do what I want.  Oddly, the more vague I went on the prompt, the better it came out.  I have no idea why this particular generator likes to add scars, cuts, blood, or other random things on the face, but what can you do?  I'm really happy with this one.  Sade is one of my favorite characters, and she deserves a cool image to go with her.
Tyr... oh Tyr.  You guys have NO IDEA how hard it was to get an image that was even remotely close to what I wanted.  I have used several free generators and every single one of them REFUSED to work with me.  I have no idea why AI hates muscular women, or why "fangs" is considered obscene.  Yea... One of the AI just outright said that the sharp teeth was too adult for me to use.  Like what?  So out of all the character images so far, this is the least accurate to what I wanted the character to look like.  If there are any artists reading this... I'll pay.  I may be a poor author, but these characters deserve some proper love with their art.
Here is an uncropped image I used for the cover.  Lots of details like the odd legs, or the fact she doesn't have a FACE really show the limits of the generator.  But this was the best I could get and the odd details made for a more interesting mystery for the characters to deal with,  so all's well that ends well.  Believe it or not, I DID use editing software to crop the image and add the title text myself.
One of the things I wanted to do with this story is take a bunch of my fetishes, and a few others, and explore them in a safe and fun environment.  Some of the things I write made me feel a bit uncomfortable, and that's okay.  Some people like things others don't.  Its all mostly harmless fun in my story.
The other thing is that I wanted to take a closer look at genre tropes and conventions, and break them down to examine.  Obviously I cant subvert everything the fantasy or LitRPG genre's have to offer, but I wanted to give it a fair shot.  I hope to at least start a discussion on why certain things are the way they are.
What happens next?  Honestly, I have NO IDEA.  When I first started writing this story, I had a beginning and a vague idea of the end.  Everything in between is made up as I go along.  That isn't to say I won't try to make fun characters or a cohesive narrative.  It's just this is a porn story, it won't be the next Lord of the Rings.  I will try my damnedest to write the best story I can, but lets be realistic here.
Thanks for sticking with me so far.  I'll leave you guys with a bit of a gift;  Two out of context character pics!  Who are they?  What can they do?  What fetishes will they have?  You'll just have to keep reading to find out!
I want to thank you all for reading my story this year.  I've had a wonderful time engaging with you guys in the comments.
I also have to give thanks to HoraceH.Horney - author of "The First Hellhound" for the shout out in one of his updates.  I feel honored that a fellow author had liked what I've written so far.
I also have to give major thanks to Roseofblades once again.  Her feedback on some of my currently unreleased chapters has been crucial in my efforts to improve as a writer and give you guys the best story I can.
I HIGHLY recommend you check out their works.  Each of them have written fun and interesting stories and I personally can't wait to read what they have in store for the next year.
That's all folks!  I hope to see you all next year as a new chapter for Intimancer begins!


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