
Chapter 11.2 Getting Compettitive (18+)

“So, uh, how is this all going to work?”

The four of them were standing just inside the entrance to their master bedroom suite.  Sade turned to Lilie and smiled.  “It is simple really.  We agreed to have you and Rick do some… experimentation.  So, I think we all should be present to observe.”

Lilie’s face somehow got a shade paler.  “This is because of the orgy comment, isn’t it?”  She grumbled under her breath.

Sade’s smile grew wider.  “This is most definitely because of the orgy comment.”

“Sade, stop teasing the poor woman.”  Rick sighed.  Whenever things start to get heated in the bedroom, Sade would start to dip into her more sadistic side.  Thankfully, that mostly manifested in an increase of teasing comments and coming up with ridiculous sex games to play in the bedroom.

“Bah!  Any orgy comment is appropriate when we’re in the ‘orgy room’.”

Everyone else pointedly ignored Tyr’s silly comment.  They would not encourage her.

“Do not worry Lilie, Tyr and I will be having our own fun while you and Rick enjoy each other.”  Sade chuckled while disrobing.  She gently helped the blushing shaytoni out of her own robes and guided her to sit on the edge of their extremely large new bed.  The thing was a four post style monstrosity, wide poles of wood as thick as Rick’s thigh rose up from each corner to connect to a large canopy held in place by a boxy wooden frame.  There was easily enough room for all of them to sleep side by side comfortably on its surface.

Rick and Tyr also started to remove their clothes.  Rick could not help but admire Tyr’s amazonian physique.  He had seen the woman naked nearly every night since they met, and he never got tired of admiring her chiseled artistry.

“Oh fuck!  Is that what you really look like under that vest?”

Rick turned to see Lilie actively gaping at Tyr’s torso.  Her eyes roamed around the broad shoulders, to the heavy breasts resting atop defined pecs, to the exaggerated washboard that was her stomach.  Her eyes boggled when they gazed further down and beheld what lay between her tree trunk sized thighs.

“That’s… I know you said you had one.  But, wow, yeah.  It’s something else.”  She looked up to meet the elf’s eyes.  “But compared to the rest of you, I was expecting something completely oversized, even when flaccid.”

Rick’s head snapped to where the shaytoni was looking.  “Tyr… did you make yourself… smaller?”  Sure enough, the fleshy tube was noticeably shorter than when he last laid eyes on it.  “I could have sworn you had just as much of a trouser snake to wrangle as I do.”

Tyr huffed in amusement.  “Aye, and that was starting ta become a wee bit of a problem.”  She held her member, no bigger than her thumb, and began to slowly stroke it to life.  Rick saw the thing pulse and grow larger with each beat of her powerful heart.  Her shaft steadily swelled, poking out of her curled fist, causing her whole hand to slide up and down the length with increasing distance.  And still it grew.  Her dick had reached what Rick assumed was its full size, and just kept going.  Further and further out its head pushed, the girth too thick for her fingers to comfortably wrap around completely.

Rick gaped openly when, at last, the elf’s dick stopped at its monstrous full size.  Thirty centimeters.  A full mother fucking imperial foot of throbbing girlcock.

He rounded on Sade.  “How in the unholy balls can you fit that thing inside you?!”  Sade was no longer a small woman by any measure, but there was being able to take a large penis, and then there was an ability to take a hentai sized flesh hose.

“Y-y-you’re not that small either Rick.”  Lilie stammered out.  She was looking at Tyr’s mighty rod like the elf was about to use it like a weapon.  “But I agree.  That’s not a cock, it's a fucking colossal bitch-breaker!”

Tyr just beamed like she was given the greatest of compliments for her mighty member.  Sade only chuckled at everyone’s reactions.  It was her, after all, that somehow managed to fit that thing inside her.

“Well, to answer your question, do you remember the spellbook I had to translate?”  Rick nodded his head and she continued.  “While I have not finished interpreting everything written, the very first spell form listed has proven quite… useful for us.”

She lowered her hand until her pointer finger rested just above her pink petals, right over her womb.  With casual ease, she traced her finger up and around her body with slow, languid motions.  It took Rick a few moments to realize that she was tracing a spell formula.

Sade shuddered as she finished forming her spell and the magic seemingly took hold.  With both hands, she stuck her fingers into her slit, and pulled her lips apart.  Rick could only stare in amazement as Sade soon had a gape wide enough for him to slide his fist in.

“It is difficult to give a direct translation for the spell's name, but I like to call it ‘stretchy’.”

Her hands let go and her lower lips clapped shut with a barely audible slap.  Any evidence that her hole was reached to over twice its usual capacity disappeared the moment the folds connected.  Sade moaned loudly as she caressed up and down her body in euphoria.

“There is… a bit more to the spell than increased elasticity.”  She panted.  “Any perceived pain from being stretched beyond normal limits is instead converted to pleasure.”  Her eyes were starting to take a lustful gleam.  “All the joy of being filled to the brim, but then magnified when those limits are exceeded.”

“Is that just your hole or…”

Sade turned to Lillie and pinched her own cheek.  She pulled out her dusky skin further and further out from her face.  “My whole body is affected.”  She released her skin and it snapped back into its proper place.  “Tyr and I had quite a bit of fun testing things out while you two got to know each other back in Gaviota.”

“Now, I assume that you have yet to sleep with a man as large as Rick?”  Sade asked the naked woman beside her.  Lillie nodded her head, her cheeks flushing at the question.  “That is perfectly fine.  I would recommend casting this spell even if you had.  It never hurts to be prepared after all.”

Sade once more extended a finger down to her most sacred source and traced the pathway throughout her body.  The pattern she traced across her dark skin differed near the end, and Sade finished the spell with a light tap on Lillie’s nose before the horned woman started to shudder much like Sade had.

“Wow- that… just, wow!.”  She said when the magic took full effect.

“Indeed.”  Sade smiled and kissed Lillie gently on the forehead.  “All that is left is taking our medicine, and then we are ready to begin.”

“Fuck’n finally!”  Tyr groused.  She stomped over to the jar of medical pills and gathered the needed amount.  “Still don’t understand why I have ta take these.”

“Because we are dealing with sex magic.  Something no one has dabbled with for centuries.  We can be certain of nothing.”  Sade answered dryly.

“Yeah, you may not have any balls, but I wouldn’t be surprised if you had some little swimmers hanging out in your spunk.”  Rick added.

“Little… swimmers?”  Tyr asked.  Her head was cocked to the side in confusion.

Rick palmed his face.  “Right… okay!  So if you take male ejaculate and use a device to look extremely close to it, you will see thousands of these little tadpole looking things.”  He looked around the room and saw three confused faces staring at him.  Rick sighed, despite having quite a high level of education, this was still a fantasy world.  Of course they wouldn’t have microscopes to see sperm or other types of cells.  They probably didn’t know what cells even were.  “It’s complicated, but that’s how a male fertilizes a female.  Those little swimmers race to find a female egg in her womb and when the two combine, they start forming a child.”

“How do you know all this?”

Rick looked at Lillie and did his best to answer her question.  “Where I’m from, some people decided to find out how everything works.  It’s an ongoing project, but some people figured out the more technical aspects on how babies are made.”

He waved his hand to forestall any further questions.  “Anyways, I think we should move on to the main event.  I think Tyr will blow if she has to wait any longer.”

The woman in question had a more pensive expression on her face than what Rick described, but Sade got the idea that he wanted to get things back on track and spoke up.  “Well I for one am tired of waiting.  I need a tall and burly elf to come over and fill me up.  Immediately.”

Tyr shook her head to clear whatever thoughts were clouding it and focused her attention on the needy woman in front of her.  She gave a large, fanged grin.  “Yer right.  I think it's high time I plugged up one of those needy holes of yours.”  She turned to Rick with her signature smug grin.  “And someone has ta demonstrate that bigger is most certainly better.”

“I doubt having a third leg is really an advantage in the bedroom.”  Rick shot back.  “And even now, you wouldn’t be able to have sex with any non-elven women if it wasn’t for that spell of Sade’s.”

Was his argument logical?  Yes, yes it was.  Did he mostly argue because he was jealous that Tyr got the jump on cock size when he wasn’t looking?  Also yes.  Still, size envy or not, he was extremely grateful to Sade in finding a way for all of them to enjoy the ludicrous sizes his magic allowed them to reach, even if the desire was completely impractical.  It was a good thing that they all exercised a modicum of self control when they were first experimenting with intimancy, otherwise they probably would have all seriously hurt each other.  And nothing killed the mood faster than unintentionally hurting a lover.

Sade just chuckled at the two’s antics.  “How about we make a little game out of it?  Which one of you two can make us climax first?”

“Hey!”  Lillie complained.  “What about us?  I’m sure I can make Rick explode faster than you can with Tyr.”

Sade’s eyes lit up with mischief.  Lillie was speaking her language.  “That does sound like a fun little competition.”  She turned to the two members still standing, in more ways than one, in front of the naked beauties.  “Let us see who can make who gush first, shall we?”

Tyr and Rick shared a look of confirmation between the two of them and got into position.  Rick had to chuckle inwardly at the predicament he found himself in.  Welcome to Sade’s sex games;  Where the points don’t matter and everyone is thoroughly fucked.

Lillie lay in front of him, legs splayed wide, a clear and open invitation to dive right into her depths.  He took a moment to look her over.  Lillie had gained a good amount of weight from their first coupling.  She was still what many would consider thin, but no longer all skin and bones.  Her thighs had some plumpness, just enough to add softness and a bit of jiggle.  Her stomach was at the point just before true flatness gave way to bulge.  Her breasts had the largest improvement, with generous handfuls that Rick considered would be a C, rather than the AAA ironing board he remembered.

Rick looked up at her face.  That had changed the least from her sucking out his magic.  The angular chin, high cheekbones, button nose, and those inviting ruby eyes were all there.  But she was now softer, less tense.  Like all the hard lines of her life she wore on her face had been smoothed away.  She was gorgeous.

“Yer doing it again.  Eating a gal alive with yer eyes.”

Rick looked to find Tyr and Sade looking at him.  The former wore a somewhat jealous expression, while the latter was biting her lip hungerly.  “I can’t help it.”  He replied.  “When I see one of the most beautiful women in existence before me, I just have to stop and admire every little delicious detail.”

“You really mean that, don’t you?”  Lillie asked, raising her hand to cup his face.

“Of course.”  Rick said softly.  “You had this charisma around you, even when we first met.  I just feel that now that inner beauty has now come fully to the surface.  How can I not admire that?”

“Oh, you are such a sweet talker.”  She purred.  “Now shove that dick in me and I’ll show you how much I enjoy sweets.”

Her hand wrapped around his shaft and gently started pulling it down towards her eager folds.  Lillie was skilled with her mouth, really skilled, but her lower lips were on a whole nother level.  Rick gasped as his shaft was devoured in almost its entirety in just a few quick bites.


Rick couldn’t tell if it was him that said it aloud or Lillie.  All he knew was being smothered in delicious heat as Lillie’s tunnel greedily sucked him in deeper, trying to swallow him whole.  He almost came right then and there, he could feel her desire for him to do so, to let all his essence pour forth until she was satisfied.  The thought that maybe she really was a latent succubus crossed his mind before euphoria washed all thought away completely, like writing on a sandy shore when the tide came in.

His hips rocked on their own volition, each swing pushing him deeper into that cloying embrace.  Her undulating motions served only to bring his desire to even greater heights.  It was then that Rick felt his lower head bump up against something soft.

Lillie howled and her whole body lurched up.  “Balls!  Are you okay?”  RIck asked as he woke up from his stupor and slid out.  He lay next to her, careful not to give her enough space to recover from whatever he bumped.  Was that her cervix?  She just laid there, panting for a few moments before her eyes cleared and she glared at him.

“Why’d you stop?!”

“Ah-du wha-?”  Rick said eloquently.  He shook his head to shake the fuzz out and tried again.  “Because I thought I hurt you.”

With surprising strength, Lillie shifted Rick back to his previous position and wrapped her legs around his waist.

“I’ve never been fucked so hard before in my life.”  She snarled and brought him closer to her flushed face.  “And I want you to go in harder.  I want that cock to knock down the door to my womb like a fucking battering ram,  ya got it?”

“Ya heard the lass.”  Tyr said while leaning in close.  “It’a be rude otherwise.”

Sade looked like she was drunk while the elf continued to pulverize her pelvis.  “She can take it.”  She slurred.  “You would be hard pressed to hurt her while the spell is still in effect.”

“What the fuck are you waiting for?!”  Lillie bit out.  “You want the blasted elf to show you up?”

Rick looked down to the horny healer, back up to the elf in question, and back to Lillie.  If the lady insists.  With that thought, he plunged down hard.  Lillie roared in triumph when he started knocking on her door as instructed.  Rick tried to slide out of her sodden tunnel as far back as possible before bringing his full length straight to the end with a loud slap of flesh smacking together.

Curious, he looked over to the other pair and saw Sade using one arm to keep her chocolate mounds from slapping herself in the face.  Each thrust of Tyr’s battering ram forced the twin peaks of chocolate to jiggle violently from under their restraint like rogue mounds of gelatin.  The other hand, was gently caressing the obscene bulge caused by Tyr’s flesh pillar taking up far more room than what should be possible.  The amazonian woman causing such a display gave Rick a knowing smirk.

Rick felt a surge of annoyance at her smug face.  If that’s how you want to play it, then fine.  He thought before altering the way he was thrusting into Lillie.  Making love was about more than pounding as hard and deep as he could, it was about ensuring your lover's womb felt every little corner get its due attention, it was about figuring out what made your partner experience the most pleasure you could possibly give.

He leaned more forward so that his angle of attack was almost straight down.  His dick slowly scraped along her back wall on its way to her secondary entrance in her furthest depths, he did promise to batter it until it came down after all.

“Oh yes- right there!  That feels amazing!  Yes, yes, yesyesyes!”  Rick’s efforts seemed to bear fruit as Lillie started bucking in order to let him scratch just the right spots as he tunneled even deeper inside her.

While Rick was glad that she was enjoying herself more, he was at his limit.  The better angle also caused him to feel more stimulation as well.  Hearing her sensual moans while he pounded her into the sheets really didn’t help either.  With a cry, he hilted himself fully inside her softness and sprayed his seed into her hungry maw.

Lillie added her own musical voice to his own, creating a chorus of rapture.  He then felt the tug of mana as it began to shoot out his dick alongside his creamy essence.  With his climax still going strong, Rick felt her grow beneath him.  The pressure around his waist increased as her thighs and calves swelled around him, her rear inflating with extra cushion, causing her hips to raise slightly with each pulse of his magic.  Her features grew softer and more round as she continued to feed on him.

A few heart stopping moments later, he could feel the pull on his reserves slow then stop, his dick no longer spraying inside her like a firehose.  The two panted as they came down from their shared bliss.  Reality beginning to reassert itself properly.

“Tha- that was… oh… I don’t think I’ve ever cum so hard in my life.”  She looked up at him, realization of what just happened hit her like a lightning bolt.  “I fed on you again!  Are you hurt?  How is your mana?”

Rick shushed her with a soft kiss to her plump lips.  “I’m fine.”  He chuckled when he broke contact.  “Yes, you did drain me.  But I think you only took about a quarter or third of my total reserves.”  He smiled again.  “Let’s instead talk about you.  How are you feeling?”

“I feel… good, actually.  I was starting to feel slightly hungry- no, not the right word… peckish?  Yeah, I was starting to feel peckish before we started.”  It was amusing to see her train of thought stroll through one station after another.  Lillie’s enhanced body jiggled enticingly while she worked her way through her feelings.  “And now I feel full.  Like, I just came back from a holiday feast sort of full.”

“I am glad that things have turned out for the better when it comes to the subject of your condition.”  Sade said while reaching out and clasping the healer’s hand in hers.  “Perhaps one day you can even control the exact amount you feed.”

“That would be nice.”  Lillie said and wiggled around to get comfortable.  She paused, then started to flush pink slightly.  “Hey, uh, Rick?”


She bit her lip.  “You’re like, still really hard inside me.”  Her face became a shade darker.  “Can… Can we go again?  You felt amazing, and my pussy is still begging to be plowed.”

Rick’s cock throbbed from inside her at the prospect of more.  Despite the seemingly endless ropes of cum he already sprayed and a good chunk of his mana being devoured, he was looking forward to continuing their coupling.

He didn’t say any words, he let his bucking hips do all the talking required.  Lillie moaned lewdly as he picked up the pace.  She was still so freaking tight, her folds gripped and squeezed him like they were trying to milk a dairy cow.  Rick started to pant with effort.  Despite only going at it for another minute, he could feel the pressure building once more for an explosive finale.

“I’m… gonna… CUM!”

His balls hitched and he stuffed Lillie full of jizz and mana while the two entwined in shared passion and release.  Lilie inflated under and around him while they both shared their high.  When he felt the drain on his magic lessen, Rick broke out of her fluffy leg lock and took several steps back.  He was woozy from all the exertion and burning through over half his magic reserves.

Lillie greatly expanded form bucked and shuddered with continued climax, her face a mask of pure satisfaction.  Her body gave one last heave before a small squirt of liquid shot out of her slit, and then she laid still.

Lillie had changed considerably after feeding on him twice in a row.  She had probably doubled her original weight since first meeting him.  Most of that extra padding went to her hips, thighs, butt, and especially her breasts.  She had become the definition of thick, but her shape was easily more in the voluptuous column, rather than obese.

“Fuck… I feel so full!”  She sighed happily from her prone position on the bed.

“Uh, Lillie.  There’s something glowing on your belly.”

The shaytoni shot up in an instant to stare down at what Sade was looking at.  She had to part her gloriously huge breasts to see properly, but there, right over her lower stomach, a pulsing pale red symbol glowed against her skin.

“What the fuck?!”

And here we are, the first sex scene since I got back.  What did you all think?  I personally had quite a bit of fun imagining Rick and Tyr giving each other glares while they pound their respective partners.

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