
Chapter 13.1 Watch Your Step (18+)

“It is as I said.  You all have been offered a pardon, provided you agree to certain stipulations.”

Each of the bandits were staring at Sade, as if they couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth.  She sighed inwardly, this really was a job for the army, not some low level hunters.  But the job was theirs, so they would see it through to the end.

“So… what are the conditions?”  Rayna asked.  “Actually, no, why the fuck are we even being offered a pardon in the first place?  We’re bandits!”

The rest of the ruffians started to murmur and not their heads in agreement.  It seemed that Lilie’s sister had a good head on her shoulders.  And since she had dropped the whole ‘demon lord’ persona after getting her dick kicked in, Sade could notice a few similarities in their speech and mannerisms.

“There are a few reasons why the crown is extending this offer to you.”  Sade began to explain.  “The first is that your group's reported body count is exactly zero.  None of the people who have encountered you have been killed.  Which is honestly remarkable in and of itself.”

“We could have killed some people and stashed their bodies away where no one could find them.”  The bandit leader said indignantly.

Sade gave her a piercing stare.  “Did you?”

She flinched.  “W-well… no.  But we could have!”

Sade sighed again.  “Which brings me to my second point.  Every reported robbery has told how your gang always had left your victims almost entirely unharmed, even when they attacked you first.”  Sade couldn’t believe it herself when she read through the testimonies.  The interaction between Rayna’s gang and the people they robbed could almost be considered cordial.  “In addition, you always left a significant amount of goods behind rather than robbing them blind and penniless.”

Rayna looked a bit sheepish.  “Okay… yeah.  We did kinda do all that.  But everyone needs to eat!  Can’t just leave someone to starve out in the middle of nowhere.”  She glared up at Sade once more.  “But that still doesn’t explain why we are getting off scot free!”

Sade agreed.  “And normally it would not.  If it were not for several reports of you and your band defending your would-be victims from unforeseen monster attacks and even going out of your way to make sure the people made it back to their villages in one piece.”  She chuckled at their shocked expressions.

“Ya are seriously the worst bandits I’ve ever heard of!”  Tyr laughed.

“But we have heard of them.”  Rick retorted with his own chuckle.

“But seriously though, sis.”  Lilie said.  “Who the fuck escorts to safety the very people you were previously trying to rob?”

Rayna and the rest all looked like they were going to retort, but thought better of it.  Sade assumed they all had a modicum of self awareness to realize they were pretty awful at being bandits.  They were so notorious for being such good people that villagers in the area had started carting around goods they could spare in the hopes they could ‘donate’ to the band of misfits if they ever got waylaid by them.

“Thus, on the condition that you turn yourselves in and swear never to rob or steal from the populace again, you all would be granted a full pardon.  Any actual crimes committed in the past would be wiped away and forgotten.”  Sade said, concluding her little speech.

“So… Will ya take the deal?”  Tyr asked sweetly, only adding a mild dash of her inherent intimidation for flavor.  It was completely unnecessary, Sade could see that every single one of them would agree.

When she was inevitably proven right, Sade decided that it was then a good time to get everyone moving.  “Alright, we all need to pack up what we can and get ready to leave.”  She looked to the broken cart, Tyr’s horse still attached and miraculously unharmed from the ice storm that the mage bandit unleashed.  “But first, we should probably repair our transport.”

“Um… Sade?”  Lilie piped up, looking quite nervous.  “Could, uh, could Rick and I break off for a bit so I can… top off?”

“What do you mean by- oh shit! Lills, you’re skinny again!  Are you okay?  Did your curse come back?”

Lilie could only look down at herself and shrug at her sister’s outburst.  She had indeed slimmed back down to nearly her original size.  She hooked a thumb through the top of her shirt and looked down though the wider neck hole.

“Oh hey, I still got some tit left!  That’s a relief.”  Nearly all the bandits were sputtering at the random display from the healer, Rayna especially.  Lilie smiled at their antics.  “I’m fine sis!  We’ve found a way to break my supposed curse.  I just need to…”  She trailed off, as if trying to find the best way to explain her new urges.  But then their large friend got involved.

“If ya need a cock ta suck, why not finally give mine a try?”

Lilie looked to Tyr, who was waggling her eyebrows suggestively, and started to fidget.  Her sister looked between the two of them with an increasing amount of confusion.  “The fuck is she talking about?”

Sade could see their pale friend start to flush a shade nearly as bright as her sister's hair.  It seems talking about her ‘eating’ habits was a soft spot.  She really wanted to let Lilie squirm a bit more, as payment for her own teasing back at the dorm, but revenge would come later.  Sade decided to step in and cut the awkward conversation short, but first, she needed to get a certain elf’s mind away from the lower half of her body.

“Tyr, darling, do you really want your first time with her to be out in the middle of the woods?”

The large woman just turned to her.  “What’s wrong with that?”  She asked simply.

Right, forest elf.  Sade thought wryly.  She needed to change tack.  “Fair enough.  But I think Lilie would prefer a more intimate setting, with a soft bed, and possibly a certain spell cast for comfort.”

She could see the pieces mentally click into place on the elf’s expression.  “Ah… right.  Yeah, that would probably be better fer her.”

“Indeed it would.”  She gestured for Rick and Lilie to find somewhere private.  “I will explain to your sister, go and do what you need.”

“Thank’s Sade, we’ll be quick.”  Rick said softly to her ear and the two of them set off for a bit of fun.

“That’s, uh, yeah… okay.”  Rayna said eloquently.  “Can you please tell me what the fuck is going on with my baby sister?”  She looked at Tyr.  “And did the forest elf just admit she has a cock like me?”

Both remaining hunters chuckled.  “To answer your second question first, yes, our dear Tyrillian has a functioning penis.  I have not studied your particular physiology, so I can not attest if it is exactly like yours though.”  Sade explained.  She tapped her finger to her lips in thought.  “If you were referring to its size, it is most probably not the same.  That thing is as long as my forearm.”

Rayna looked to Sade, then Tyr, then back to Sade.  She was probably debating on whether or not they were joking.  They weren't.  In fact, Sade suspected that she was slightly underselling Tyr’s true size.  “You’re fucking with me.  How the fuck can you walk straight taking something like that?”

Sade gave a coy smile.  “Magic.”  She said and wiggled her fingers.  “Speaking of, we could use your help in putting our transport back together.  Your ice mage was not very gentle with it.”

The redhead laughed merrily.  “Yeah, Jamie can sometimes go a tad overboard.  We’ll get it all fixed up for ya.”  She gave a shrill whistle and everyone stood to attention.  “Faris!  You, Glaive, and John will go see what you can do to fix the cart.  Jamie, you’re with me.  The rest of you, try to pick up all the supplies scattered about.  I want us to be ready to go in ten minutes!”

Like a fire was lit beneath them, everyone jumped up and went to their assigned duties.  Despite all the drama and silliness, it seemed Rayna was actually a competent leader with good subordinates.  The ice mage, Jamie, stepped up next to her leader and lover.  Now that Sade had a chance to look properly, she was incredibly beautiful.  Her hair was short and dark, her eyes a pleasant almond shape, and her chest was fairly large for her slender frame.  She actually bore many similar traits to Rick, despite being a shaytoni.

The two exchanged a quick kiss and a fierce hug.  “You doing alright?”  Rayna asked.

“I’m fine.  Just a little bruised from being thrown around like a childs toy.”

Tyr chuckled at that, but didn’t bother to comment.  “I am glad we avoided seriously injuring anyone.  You are a fairly powerful mage.”  Sade said.  “Both of you.”

Rayna seemed to blush at the complement but Jamie’s eyes never left Sade’s.  “I could say the same about you.  Are you an earth mage?”

Tyr made an amused sound with her throat once more and Sade shook her head.  “I am not.  I am simply a student at Mya University like Lilie.”

“Ya forgot ta mention the small fact that yer still the top student in yer year.”

The two other women looked shocked, but Sade merely glared at her lover while her face flushed a shade darker.  “The school year has just started.  An early lead is no indication of how things will play out in the end.”

Tyr just scoffed once more.  “If ya say so.”

Sade was in no mood to deal with the topic for the moment.  “Gah!  Where is Rick and Lilie?  I will go and fetch them.  They should have finished up their business by now.”  She growled and stormed off towards where the two other members of their party went.  Abandoning the conversation entirely.

She knew she was being petulant.  Tyr was only trying to prop her up in the eyes of those former bandits.  But that wasn’t what she wanted or needed in the slightest.  The adoring adulation from the masses did nothing to further her goals, not when compared to the opinions of those who truly mattered.

She was right in saying that things were too early for her to rest on her laurels.  She had not learned enough, worked hard enough.  Her goal was still a long way away but she had time.  She would soon have so many accomplishments to her name that no one could deny her greatness, no matter how hard they tried to downplay them.  She would not be denied.

Sade shook her head to clear away her thoughts.  It would not do to dwell on her family’s past troubles, not when there was still so much to do.  Right then, she had a pair of lovers to find.

She heard muffled groans from beyond a section of undergrowth.  Moving a bit closer Sade could spot her two companions a short distance away.  Lilie was squatting low in front of Rick, who had his back against a nearby tree, neither of them were paying much attention to anything besides each other.

“Gah-!  Lilie… you’ve been edging me for the past five minutes.  We-ugh!  We should probably- oh balls- we need to finish and head back.”

The shaytoni extracted his extensive member from her mouth with a pop.  “C’mon, don’t you want to see just how much you fill me after all this teasing?”  Her hands never stopped stroking, only slowing down when they felt he was close to release.  She opened her mouth and started running her tongue up, down, and around his shaft in a sloppy manor before plunging it right back into her hungry maw.  Rick could only gasp and moan at her expert handling of his manhood.

Sade felt her loins start to heat at the sight.  While usually tamped down to smoldering embers, in moments like these the ever burning fires of her lust would rise in intensity, no matter what she did to try and calm them.  She took a position behind a stout tree.  Far enough away to not be noticed, but close enough for her to see everything happen with exquisite detail.

She hitched up her skirt, enough to expose her underclothes that were already becoming damp with desire from the unexpected show.  She snaked one arm down and slid it underneath the thin fabric.  While that hand played with the small nub above her petals, the other started to play with a different engorged and sensitive button on her chest.

She remembered telling Rick at that inn in Valmik that she got off to him pleasuring himself in the woods.  He had thought she was just teasing him at the time.  It was true, she took great pleasure in seeing his reaction to her words.

But she never lied to him.

Sade had indeed crawled out from their makeshift shelter and watched as Rick stroked himself until his seed splattered the bushes with dots of pearly white.  All the while, she had enjoyed the show from afar.  So much so, that she was able to bring herself to a shuddering orgasm at nearly the same time, and quickly dashed back before he became none the wiser.

Lilie had tired of teasing poor Rick, and had started to suck his great length in earnest, one hand stroking up and down his shaft, the other resting on her knee for balance.  Sade did her best to keep pace, her upper hand switching to kneading her giant breast.

She was not going to finish in time.  Sade could tell from Rick’s body language that he was on the precipice.  She needed to find some way to enhance her pleasure and close the gap.  Her mind flicked to her pool of coital energy, she had so much saved up.  The combined efforts of two intimancers caused their energy output to double.  Every climax allowed their magics to feed off each other, allowing them to reach even greater heights in half the time.

The problem was in deciding what to enhance.  Sade still had the silly desire to keep up appearances at school, so she couldn’t balloon her breasts to double their current size, no matter how much she wanted to.  Every day was a struggle to not give in, to not indulge her desires and just let her true self out.  But she desired self control above all, and she would not bend to temptation in a moment of weakness… again.

Remembering the time she lost herself to the feeling of her flesh pillows growing while wrapped around Rick’s member gave Sade an idea.  She stopped mauling her poor breast and covered her mouth with the free hand to muffle any inadvertent noise she would make.  Her other hand was still furiously rubbing her painfully swollen clit.  She made her selection and poured ten units of energy into her body.

“Lilie!  I’m-I’m-'' Rick couldn’t finish his sentence.  With a primal grunt, he unleashed his load while Lilie greedily sucked and swallowed every mouthful of his creamy essence.

Sade watched on through bleary eyes as the changes to Lilie’s body took effect.  With each gulp of seed, her form swelled out in a quick pulse.  While it was hard to see what was happening under the armor other than seeing the chanmail push out slightly farther with each swallow, her pants were a different story.

Sade watched with fascination as the loose leather started to fill out, then become taut.  Lile’s thighs didn’t stop there, they continued to thicken until the stitching was nearly at their breaking point before finally stopping.

The entire time Sade watched the spectacle, her own orgasm wracked through her with thunderous force.  The euphoric rush of coital energy coursing through her body was enough to push her over the edge right when Rick lost his hold over his own release.  Her body shuddered and convulsed while she watched Lilie’s swell and expand.  The view was so enticing, It nearly caused her to climax a second time.

“Oh muscle mass.  Were ya finally getting sore from lugging those great tits around?”

Sade would have screamed if she didn’t already have her hand firmly clamped over her mouth already.  Once the shock ran its course, she gave Tyr a death glare.  The sneaky bitch had an infuriating grin plastered on her face.  Sade did her best to compose herself before speaking, this included taking her hand out of her soaked undergarments.

“Don’t you dare do that again.”  She hissed quietly.  She took a moment to calm down a bit further.  “And yes, my back was starting to hurt with the weight of my chest.”

Tyr’s toothy grin grew wider.  “But yer still gonna make ‘em bigger?”

“Among other things.”  She said unable to respond without adding a small grin of her own.  The whole party, including her, was fully in the grips of the ‘bigger is better’ mentality, she could at least be honest about it.

After making sure she removed all traces of her voyeuristic episode, Sade and Tyr rounded the tree to fetch the other two members of their group who were still recovering from their session.  They still had an escort mission to complete after all.

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