
Chapter 13.3 Monster Mash

The moment the group came close to the cave entrance, everyone heard a shout.


A pale streak shout out of the darkness faster than anyone could blink, and collided with Rayna and Jamie with enough force to send both tumbling backwards into the bed of the cart with a loud “Fuck!” escaping from the leader's lips before she was sent tumbling heels over head.

“And this is the infamous Kitten, I presume?”  Rick asked, thoroughly amused at the turn of events.

Sade had to admit, the nickname was extraordinarily fitting.  The young shaytoni was on her side, snuggling her leader’s chest with her face.  She had long snow white hair that cascaded in waves down her back and her cheeks had three blue marks each that could be interpreted as whiskers.  Completing the image was her long tail swaying back and forth in those same languid undulations that cat’s do.

At Rick’s words, her eyes shot open, and she leaped up from her prone position in a flash.  “Who are you?  What have you done with the boss?”  Arcs of blue power gathered around her splayed fingers and spilled from her glowing eyes.  It was indeed an impressive display of power, especially considering her apparent youth and environment.

“Calm your tits girl!”  Rayna said while sitting up and bonking Kitten on the head with her fist.  “If they did something to me, they wouldn’t have let me sit on the fucking bench beside them.”

“But, but… You said that any stranger that approaches the base should be considered an enemy unless you give the all clear.”  The girl whined, clutching her head in pain.

“And you came running out and tackled me before I even had a chance to utter a single word!  Next time, hide and wait until I give the all clear before you do that.”

Her tail drooped at the harsh reprimand.  “I’m sorry…”

“If I may ask, how old are you exactly Kitten?”  Sade inquired.

“Wha-?  Oh, I just had my eighteenth summer celebration.”

“How interesting.”  Sade smiled.  She flooded her internal pathways with mana, creating a particular pattern she had been dying to try ever since she learned it existed.  Since that day on the beach, she had enjoyed the way this particular branch of magic coursed and writhed around her.  These bandits all had a flair for the dramatic, she was sure they would appreciate her efforts.

“What the fuck?!”  The bandits all cried out as thick bolts of electricity surged around Sade’s body, her eyes glowing a faint blue as sparks ignited around them.  The effect was a mirror of Kitten readying her magic a few moments earlier, just at a larger scale.

“It is not often I meet someone my own age who can wield electricity spells with such proficiency.”  Sade purred and held out her hand to the girl.  When Kitten managed to pick up her jaw off the floor from the shock, her expression morphed to a feral grin as she started to channel her own mana once more.  The two young women clasped hands, bolts of power arcing around them in an elemental fury.

“I think a bit of a spar is in order, especially since Lilie got to enjoy a special duel with your group already.”  Sade said while grinning madly.

“Now that does sound like fun.”  The young shaytoni purred, as befitting of her name.

“Uh, Lills, Rick… just how strong is Sade exactly?”  Jame asked tentatively from her position next to a still stunned Rayna in the back of the cart.

Rick tapped his chin in thought.  Completely unbothered by the flashing spectacle the two women in front of him were putting on.  “Hrm… If I had to guess.  I would say she’s as strong magically as Tyr is physically.”

Everyone around them visibly gaped at the estimation, even Kitten faltered in their electrical contest after glancing at the imposing elf then looking back to Sade.

Tyr nodded her head.  “While I would love ta disagree with anyone being compared favorably ta elves on principle, fer once I agree.  Perhaps ya even undersold her a bit there.”  She commented without a hint of sarcasm.  Sade’s heart warmed at the praise her lovers were freely giving.  Neither of them, especially Tyr, were prone to excessive compliments or exaggerations of skill.  To say that she was as powerful as a forest elf was the highest honor any of their tribe could bestow.

“Fucking monsters, the lot of you!  The damned crown sent mother fucking monsters after us.”  Rayna cursed in the hunters direction.  She also shot Kitten an irritated glare after dodging a stray spark that nearly zapped her outstretched hand.

Sade’s retort was cut short when a roar cut through the silence of the area like a knife.  All fifteen people jumped to attention and drew their weapons, ready to fight at a moment's notice.  Whatever made that sound was going to regret messing with this group of fighters.

A shape emerged from the ridge atop the cave entrance to the hideout.  Sade’s eyes widened as she saw a familiar set of green armored plates covering the things bug-like body.  It was not the same creature, not exactly.  This thing was smaller, leaner.  Instead of clawed fingers at the end of its four arms, long scythe blades extended out from the wrist.  The monster had a more hunched posture, balanced out by the long, lizard-like tail that stuck out its rear.

The shaytoni around them shivered at the sight.  “That thing… It feels… wrong.”  Raya said.  Despite the tremor in her voice, her arms were solid as stone, ready to run the monster through when she deemed it necessary.

The other bandits all murmured their agreement.  Even Lilie looked unnerved at the sight of the creature.  “What is that thing?”  She whispered fearfully.

“Trouble.”  Sade spat.  The giant insect gave off the same feeling as the one that attacked them back in the forest.  While she originally thought that was simply because it was a monster, she had soon learned from experience fighting with the hunters that her initial impressions were misplaced.  Now that others had pointed it out, her sensitivity to the mana around the creature felt off, unnatural, like the things mere existence was an affront to reality.

A telltale red glow suffused its eyes, and the monster reared back its head to roar into the sky.  The red seeped down from its sockets and began to pool in the cracks between the green armor and purple flesh.  Sade’s heart sank to her stomach when she heard answering roars come from all around them.

Another plated head full of sharp teeth poked out from a position next to the first, then another, then two more on the ridge to the left.  They just kept coming, more and more green monsters piled in around the group from all sides.  Sade did her best to sort through the stalking figures and counted twenty.

“Have you seen these things before?”  Rick asked.

“What?  Fuck no!  We’ve been up in these hills for nearly a year and never saw anything like this!”  Rayna shot back.

“They’re smaller than the little shite we fought on the old road.”  Tyr growled  “But I’ve been wanting ta kill one of these bastards fer what happened last time.  Guess these fuckers are as good as any.”

“Everyone, the green plates are thick and can block most physical attacks.  Aim for the joints in between or use magic that can bypass those defenses.”  Sade called out.  “Oh, and Jamie, either hit them with an ice spike with enough force to crack stone, or shift to more crushing attacks.  Maybe pure cold will work too, but I am not sure.  Having my magic bounce off its armor was not a pleasant experience.”

“You got it!”  Jamie confirmed.  “But why aren't they attacking?”

She was indeed correct.  Sade could see the monsters around them had not moved more than a few steps closer since they were initially surrounded.  They were waiting for something, and the people they had surrounded were probably not going to like it.

Another roar echoed throughout the rocky terrain, louder than all those previous.  One last figure stalked forward and stood beside the first bug creature that appeared.  This new monster looked extremely similar to the ones next to it, but the thing was considerably larger and stood taller than most people who weren’t orcs or forest elves.  Its head was covered in a large crest of dark green armor, a horn the size of Sade’s arm poking out from where its nose should be.

“I think their dad came out to play too.”  Rick said in his best attempt at humor.  He looked back to the rest of the large group.  “So, mages blast our way out and we book it to the nearest town while fighters guard our rear?”

Rayna cackles.  “Not a bad plan kid, but I got a better Idea.  Do you mind If I lead this dance tonight?”

Rick and Sade shared a look together.  She could see his fear and unease at the situation.  But she could also sense his determination and resolve.  He gave a slight nod of his head and she returned the gesture, they would fight together.

“Just leave the big one ta me.”  Tyr growled while glaring balefully at the pack leader.

“Perfect!  Now Sade, which elements can you conjure?”

Sade shot Rayna a hard look.  “All of them.”  She said simply.  Like she would ever neglect a specific branch of magic for any reason.

“Of course you can.  Such a stupid question”  Rayna muttered.  Sade had to agree, it really was.  Before any more words could be exchanged, all the monsters around them roared in unison and charged as one.  Sade estimated they had just under a minute before the hoard would be upon them.

“Oh fuck- ok, we ball!”  Rayna cursed.  “Sade, you and Jamie build some ice walls to funnel the bastards in and protect our flanks.  Glaive, you and I will take point to stop the tide.  Kitten, hit them from the outside of the encirclement with your speed and wait for the signal to pair up with Glaive.  Lills, you and Davie stay in the center and patch anyone up who needs it.  Rick, Faris, and John, you three protect our butts and healers.  Anders, try to trip them up with your magic.  Reed, snipe away.  Willa and Bai, try to do something useful this time, eh?”  The two women she singled out returned their orders with rude gestures, but otherwise got ready for a fight.

“And Tyr…”  Rayna paused, briefly.  “Smash!”

The look of pure joy that broke upon the elf’s face was something Sade had rarely seen, and more often than not, led to dangerous outcomes.  Those poor, unsuspecting monsters had no idea what awaited them.  Rick cackled at the sight before he joined up with the rearguard as ordered.

Sade had already been channeling her mana the moment her instructions were given.  She looked to Jamie.  “Ready?”  The other woman nodded and both of them unleashed their magic.

Walls of ice erupted on either side of the group.  The barriers were not perfectly parallel, with the opening in the front being wider than the gap in the back.  Neither of the mages stopped there, with Jamie forming her ice lances and firing them at the charging hoard of teeth and claws that were just reaching the end of the icy funnel.

Sade decided to see just how much she improved since her last fight with the beasts.  She held out her palm and a boulder of ice the size of her whole body, blasted forward.  The colossal chunk crushed the first bug to paste and kept on rolling, its deadly momentum reduced, yet still effective.

A handful of the things died within the first few seconds of the whole group's opening salvo.  Sade, Jamie, and Rayna being the most effective with their magic, but Sade noticed more than a few monsters stumbling around or tripping due to arrows suddenly sprouting from their joints.  This brought the numbers on both sides to even.

When the creatures managed to finally close the gap, they were mercilessly cut down by the three fighters in front.  Glaive and Rayna were holding their own quite well against their otherworldly opponents, but Tyr was a pure force of nature.

The elf gave a roar of challenge and charged forward, knocking away several of the smaller bugs on her way to the supposed leader.  Those unlucky enough not to get out of her way were ripped open by her magical claws.  It really did seem that leaving her bow and axes behind didn’t hinder her ability to rip and tear monsters to pieces in the slightest.  Her clothes were stained a dark purple as the slit throats left in her wake sprayed their contents like macabre fountains.

“Glaive!  Mount up!”

Sade spared a glance to Rayna.  Her wings suddenly erupted out her back and she quickly started to run towards the big man, her extra limbs flapping furiously to give her lift.  Glaive broke away from his fight with one of the creatures and grabbed her outstretched hands.

Rayna quickly banked to the side, Glaive holding on for dear life below her, and made a narrow loop.  Once she gained enough centrifugal force from the maneuver, she hurled her cargo high into the air.  The man flew higher than the ice walls and raised his axe skyward.  There was a loud clap of thunder as a bolt of lightning hit the weapon at the apex of his leap.

“Fag aaaaaaattaaaaaaack!”  He bellowed as he came crashing down on top of a cluster of enemies.  The energy stored in the head of his weapon exploded outward, causing monsters and chunks of dirt flying away from the point of impact.

Even in the midst of a real fight with actual stakes, they just can not refrain from being overly dramatic.  Sade thought with a chuckle.  She would have to ask Kitten how she managed to store her spell in his weapon like that, and why they thought it would be a good idea to even try it out in the first place.  While not the most practical, Sade had to admit there was just something inspiring about the spectacle of it all.

Looking back, she saw that Rick and the others were standing above a small pile of monster corpses.  None looked seriously injured, and Lilie was herself engaged with one of the things while the rest looked on and cheered for her.  Glancing back to the front, it looked like things were just about wrapped up.  The only monster still alive was the leader facing off against the mighty Tyrillian.

It was a surprisingly close match, all things considered.  The beast was swinging its deadly limbs with an agility that belied its large size.  One of its lower limbs was cut off at the elbow, a bony scythe chipped and jagged from blocking her counter assaults, scores of deep gouges ran up and down its armored body, dark blood oozing from where her claws cut completely through the chitten.

Tyr, while not missing any limbs, wasn’t much better.  Her clothes were little more than rags after being ripped and sliced to pieces.  Her limbs were stained red from her own legion of cuts and gashes where she was unable to dodge fully.  Sade had never seen Tyr pushed to her limits to such an extent before.  She felt her heart tighten at the thought of the goofy giant being unable to come out of the fight alive.

The monster leaped forward, arms outstretched in an attempt to grapple with the elf.  Tyr ducked down and tumbled backward.  Her legs kicked out and caught the creature in the chest, sending it flying harmlessly over her prone position.  She used the momentum of the maneuver to flip back on her feet and go back on the offensive before her prey could recover from the throw.

Tyr grabbed hold of its leg and pulled with all her might.  Sade could see the elf’s arms bulge with the effort.  No, that was incorrect.  Sade’s eyes widened when it dawned on her that Tyr’s muscles were visibly growing before her very eyes.

Is she insane?!  Using coital energy in the middle of a fight with a monster?!  Sade’s blood ran cold.  A scenario like this, where Tyr decided to greatly enhance herself, consequences be damned, was one the whole party feared.  And, to cause such a dramatic effect meant that her companion had indeed used a significant amount of energy all at once.

Tyr’s lips were pulled back in a silent snarl.  With one last heave, she yanked the monster high above her head.  And slammed it right back down with great force.  Back and forth she lifted and swung the monster from one side of her body to the other.  The impacts were so strong that the ground cracked beneath the monster as its face and back met the hard and unforgiving ground over and over.  Tyr held the thing up to her eye level to check on its condition.  Seeing that it was still alive, she threw the monster down face first with every scrap of her prodigious strength to finish it off.

Sade heard a sickening snap with that final collision.  She could see its head jutting out at an unhealthy angle.  Tyr slammed one of her feet on top of the creature and roared in victory.

“Fuck… that is, um, quite impressive.”  Rayna coughed.  Looking slightly southward, Sade could see that a different part of the elf was also standing tall and proud, completely free from its battered confines.Jamie turned around and shot Lilie a dirty look, pointing at the wild elf. 

“Oi!  I thought you said she was a beast that walked on two legs?!”

I am NOT sorry for all the silly jokes and references in this whole chapter.  It will happen again, overly dramatic crossover or not.

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Until next time!

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