
Chapter 15.3 Triple Stuffed (18+)

“Bye bye!  Thanks for everything Sade.  Oh, and thanks for the food too!”

All four of them stood in the doorway waving at the last of the energetic students as they made their way back to the university dorms.  It had been a very productive night, not even considering the fact that a couple of the students even saw an actual increase to their intelligence over the course of the evening.  Rick could see Sade still wore an extremely proud and satisfied smile as she watched her classmates disappear into the twinkling lights of the city proper.

“You look like you had fun.”  He said warmly.

“I did.  A lot more than I originally thought I would too.”  She leaned to the side and gently brushed her plush lips against his cheek.  “Thank you for pushing me to help them.  And also for suggesting we use our home.  I feel they were considerably more receptive to my guidance than before.”

Lilie chuckled at that last remark.  “Not having to constantly be on the lookout for angry librarians and some free food was probably what did it.”  She leaned in and gave a loud, conspiratorial whisper.  “Plus seeing our busty, big brained, beauty in that special outfit you picked out probably added to their… enthusiasm.”

Sade gave the mender a light smack on the arm.  “It did not!”

“Sade.”  Rick said in a complete deadpan to his brilliant lover.  “The second you took the stage, although we were sitting down, we were all giving you a ‘standing ovation’.”

Although her complexion hid it well, Rick could tell that Sade was blushing furiously at his innuendo.  She turned to the elf, who nodded enthusiastically in agreement to his statement.  Lilie snickered at Sade’s embarrassed expression.

“Come on, you erotic educator.”  She said while grabbing the dusky skinned woman by the shoulders and leading her back inside.  “Lets finish cleaning up so I can get my own reward for the evening.  I for one am looking forward to this particular… experiment.”

The last word was nearly dripping with insinuation.  Rick suspected that her tone wasn’t the only thing that was dripping at the thought of their upcoming bedroom activities.  Sade’s eyes flashed with the same ravenous hunger that showed in the lustful shaytoni’s own gaze.  Rick didn’t mind their enthusiasm, he just hoped they all didn’t get too carried away while indulging in their carnal desires… again.

He sighed inwardly.  The one silver lining is that none of them were sitting on a hoard of coital energy to spend all at once anymore.  They were rapidly working to refill it, of course.  But for the moment, they didn’t have enough to cause such widespread and drastic changes for at least a little while.  Rick himself was actually saving up to purchase two ‘upgrades’ to deal with the fallout of his previous actions.

While he hardly regretted giving himself such a mighty manhood, he had quickly realized that the thing was more than a little… unwieldy at times.  Even when casually walking he could feel the flaccid shaft slapping against his thigh and taking up an absurd amount of room in his trousers.  Therefore the first thing on the list was to do what Tyr did and make himself more of a ‘grower’.  The second purchase he planned on obtaining was similar to the first.  What differed was instead of making his flaccid length smaller, he would be able to adjust how big he would be when fully erect.

His maximum size wouldn’t change in the slightest, but not accidentally ripping his pants to shreds every time he popped a boner would certainly take a load off his shoulders.  That was to say nothing about safely having sex without the need for specialized spellcraft.  He loved how much the stretchy spell has enhanced their wild nights together, but sometimes he missed the more slow and sensual lovemaking from their early escapades.

Still, Lilie had specifically asked for what was going to happen next.  And Rick couldn’t help but be excited to see how it all played out.  The mender practically dragged the rest of the party up to their shared bedchamber once the last of the evening’s mess had been cleaned up.  Her eager smile burned through the other three’s hesitation with its infectious energy.

“Whoo!  Alright everyone; clothes off, cocks out!  That means you too Sade!”  Lilie ordered while practically ripping off her own outfit the moment she crossed the threshold.

“And how big do you want me to be?”  The dark mage asked while unbuttoning her blouse as requested.

Lilie made a show of considering the question for a few heartbeats.  “Since the other two are roughly the same size now, why not shrink yourself down to match?”  She said with a sultry smirk.

“As you wish.”  Sade said while returning the expression.  “We would not want our friends to feel inadequate, now would we?”

Rick snorted in amusement at the notion and shook his head.  Tyr was also grinning.  “That sounds fair.  Although…”  She paused as if considering something.  “Yer gonna have ta teach me that spell sometime.  I’m curious if it would cause me ta grow a second shaft or just make the one I already got even bigger.”

“That is… actually a good question.”  Sade admitted.  “But that is for us to answer another time.”

“Yep!  Now less talking, more stripping!”  The healer snapped.

That statement caused chuckles to erupt from all around.  It wasn’t long before they had finished removing all their clothing then looked to Lilie for further instructions.  The horned woman raked her gaze across their bare bodies with eyes filled with ravenous delight.  Looking down south, Rick could see that at least one pair of lips was drooling at the sight of so much exposed flesh.  The clear liquid formed a glistening trail along the inside of her creamy thighs.

From the corner of his eye he saw Sade trace a pattern in the air with her finger.  With a final tap to the top of her pubic mound Rick was treated to the sight of a penis emerging out from under the carpet of dark curls like a timelapse of a sprouting bamboo shoot from fertile soil.  The dusky shaft surged higher towards the ceiling with every heartbeat, each pulse causing it to swell with profound girth to match its expanding size.

“Mmmmm… Is this satisfactory?”  Sade moaned sensually once the spell was done with its task, leaving the curly haired woman with an oversized dick on par with all the others in the room.

Lilie gulped audibly and could only give a nod in response.  Rick was hardly better in being able to articulate how he felt of Sade’s latest transformation.  She already had proportions that could best be described as ‘pornographic’, with those long, muscular legs, hips and ass worthy of a fertility goddess, and then the new, throbbing cock standing proud over her toned stomach, pointing a thick black line straight up towards the impossibly large and perky melons that sat full and heavy over her entire sternum.

Sade had become the living embodiment of his deepest fetishes, ones honed from over half a decade of copious consumption of adult content.  It came as no surprise that his own beastly manhood roared to full awakeness at merely a glimpse of her impossibly voluptuous form.  He didn’t even have to look at Tyr to know she was equally smitten at the sight as he was.  The rumbling purr from beside him told him everything he needed to know on that front.

Lilie was the first to break out of her lustful daze and she squealed with joy while running over to one of their nightstands.  She riffled through one of the drawers before producing a small, unassuming bottle.

“Ah-ha!”  She cried, cradling the small object lovingly.

“And what do we have there?”  Rick asked.

Lilie gave a mischievous grin and gestured for the group to join her beside the bed.  “This, my friends, will assist us in ensuring the night's festivities go… smoothly.”

Something about the way she emphasized that last word tickled a corner of Rick’s brain.  He had more than a sneaking suspicion he knew exactly what that bottle contained and what it would be used for in a few moments time.

The eager shaytoni tossed each of them a contraception pill and swallowed one of her own before she pointed to the largest one in the group.  “Tyr.  Would you be a dear and lay on your back with your feet on the floor for me?”

The elf lowered her fist from her mouth before smiling and doing what was so politely asked of her.

“Great!  Just sit so that you’re right on the edge.”



Rick crossed his arms and smirked at the enthusiastic mender.  “Care to explain to the class what your plan is?”

“Certainly.”  She said while tracing a now familiar spell formula in the air.  “Being super stretchy allows us to- OOOooooooh, fuck yes- to fit overly large things inside safely that we normally shouldn’t.  But even if we can insert a massive fuckstick anywhere we want, it doesn't mean that shoving it in there would be easy.”

She moaned sensually in the middle of her explanation as her body became ready to take each of their ‘massive fucksticks’.  Lilie then cradled her pillowy mounds with one arm so that they puffed up and pressed close together like twin globes of rising dough.  With her other hand she theatrically popped the cork of the bottle and tipped a small stream of its contents right in the crook where the valley of her impressive cleavage met with her pale torso.

Lilie knelt in between Tyr’s tree trunk legs and in front of her turgid tower.  She set down the resealed bottle then used both her hands to cup each breast above the elf’s glistening crown.  “Here, let me get you all ready for what’s to come.”  She whispered seductively.

The horny healer then lowered herself down so that the enormous shaft became sandwiched between her soft mounds.  She took her time, dropping down, rising back up, and twisting all around Tyr’s length with deliberate yet sensual slowness.  Each time the twitching rod poked out from the valley of her pale peaks, more and more of the elf’s ridgid pillar became coated in the viscous substance.

Tyr herself whined with need as Lilie continued to tease her with the unique form of fluid application.  Beside him, Rick saw that Sade had her thighs rubbing tightly together as she watched the erotic display before them.  Her hand would occasionally reach slightly forward towards her new appendage before she would catch herself and force it back to her side.  Even without any extra stimulation, her cock was giving slight spasms while a steady stream of clear fluid dribbled from its tip.

“That should do it.”  Lilie purred when she was satisfied with how she painted the elf’s dick in transparent fluid.  She turned around and hovered her ass over the slick shaft.  The pale woman wiggled her hips from side to side just to tease the amazon a bit more before lining the head up with her puckered hole.  Even with the lubricant and magical elasticity added to the equation, Rick could tell it still took more than a little effort to fit the gigantic thing inside her.

“Ooooohhh- fuck.  There we go!”  Lilie cheered once Tyr’s glans were fully engulfed and she could slide more smoothly down the pole.

“At least you have the benefit of magic to make this absurd experience painless.”  Sade grumbled under her breath.

Rick slid an arm over her shoulder and brought his lover close for a sideways hug and a quick peck on the cheek.  He wisely decided not to open his mouth and just let his feelings of love and comfort transfer into the woman through his touch.

“Oh wow, ok, now this is an interesting sensation.”  Lilie gasped as she looked down to see herself fully impaled upon Tyr’s spike.  She rubbed the spot where an almost imperceptible bulge showed just how deeply the elf was speared through her insides.

“You want to just stop here and enjoy the wonders of anal for the time being?”  Rick asked.  The healer was already taking quite a lot of cock meat and he wasn’t too sure adding more to the mix was the best idea.

Lilie broke out of her reverie and snapped her head towards him.  “Fuck no!  I specifically requested that all three of you will ravish me until I’m satisfied, and that’s exactly what I’m going to fucking get!”  She waved the two humans over.  “I’m going to lay back onto these amazing elven pillows so you can stuff my pussy and Sade can ram that bitch breaker down my throat.  Any questions?”

Neither of them did, so they both got into their assigned positions.  Lilie leaned back so her head rested right between Tyr’s fleshy mounds.  She looked down at Rick and spread her legs wide in invitation.

“Fill me up.”  She begged softly.

Rick didn’t hesitate and plunged himself deep between her pink petals.  She was so soaked inside that he met virtually no resistance as he burrowed deeper and deeper inside her.  Knowing it was exactly what she wanted, he didn’t stop when he felt himself reach that final doorway and just shoved himself harder inside until he was fully sheathed within.

All three of the current participants moaned in pleasure.  Lilie herself had her head thrown back and her eyes fluttering madly.  Rick knew she would have climaxed at that moment if she was able to do so, but her unusual constitution prevented her from doing so until either he or Tyr did first.

Rick certainly felt like he was about to blow.  She was just so warm and tight.  He had grown since he last delved her depths and having another cock just as monstrous as his own pressing against him from the other side of her thin walls only added to the sensation.  The way Lilie squirmed and moaned at just being filled to the brim by the two of them simultaneously was nearly enough to tip him over the edge right then and there.

“Well, that is certainly impressive, I must admit.”

Lilie opened her eyes to find Sade looming above her head from the opposite side.  The tip of her drooling girlcock rested just a few centimeters away from the shaytoni’s mouth.

“Are you ready for me?”  The mage asked sweetly.  Lilie didn’t speak but nodded her head enthusiastically.

“That is good.  Although…”  Sade said before her hand locked around one of Lilie’s horns and forced the woman below her to be still.  “That little show you put on earlier has gotten me all worked up.”  She leaned down and her voice became darker.  “And I am not a fan of being teased.”

At those words, Rick could feel his dick get squeezed by her walls like it was trapped in a vice grip.  That short contraction nearly made him lose what little control he had left.  Sade sat back up straight while still holding Lilie’s head in place by her obsidian horns.  Her next words were softer, more caring, but still held an edge of command.

“Take a deep breath Lilie.  Because once I am inside you, I will not stop until I flood your stomach to bursting with my essence.”

Lilie sucked in a breath in surprise at the sudden dirty talk.  Unfortunately for her, that was all the time Sade gave her before she plunged herself down the healers throat as promised.

“Start bucking Tyr!”  Rick exclaimed as the race to finish before their friend ran out of oxygen suddenly began.  The amazon below wasted no time in grabbing Lilie’s hips with both hands and sliding her up both their shafts before bringing the pale woman right back down to be impaled once more.

Everyone was groaning in ecstasy by that point, and Rick knew this would be a relatively short affair.  He looked down to see one of the most bizarre and erotic sights he had ever beheld outside of some hardcore porn animations.

Each time Lilie’s body slammed into their hips, her whole stomach stretched and deformed all the way to her ribcage from the two colossal intruders filling up both ends.  Looking upward, Sade was cradling the healer’s head so that her mouth and throat stayed steady as the curly haired woman stuffed that end full with all twelve inches of her girlcock.

It was amazing to see Lilie’s mouth stretched impossibly wide as the dark intruder burrowed its way past her ruby lips.  As Sade’s shaft slid inside, Lilie’s throat bulged obscenely, marking Sade’s trail all the way down into her torso.  The pale woman was stuffed with a full yard of dick between the three of them, and judging by the blissed out expression on her face and the way her inner walls gripped and massaged him with every jerk of her body, she was loving every second of it.

It wasn’t too long before the whole lude situation became too much for him to contain.  “I’m-I-I- aaaaaaaaAAAAA!”

Like setting off a line of dominoes, his release was enough to set off everyone else.  Lilie thrashed and convulsed as her long denied orgasm tore through her like a lightning bolt.  Tyr was next, shouting off an elvish curse as she buried herself as deep inside Lilie’s ass as possible before flooding her guts in pale cream.  Sade threw back her head and howled in victory as her dick swelled even thicker inside Lilie’s abused throat before erupting like a geyser herself.

Rick watched in fascination as Lilie’s belly distended from what looked to be gallons of cum all rushing inwards from three virile sources.  He could feel the inward rush as his mana drained away with the rivers of ejaculate pouring into their pale friend.  As expected, her body ballooned in size all over as the mana and cum was rapidly absorbed and stored for later use.  What wasn’t foreseen, however, was that her belly was being filled just as swiftly as it was being assimilated.

In a matter of moments she had reached her ‘full size’, and yet Rick could still feel his magic being greedily sucked out of him as his extended climax refused to abate.  Before he could wonder what would happen next, a gush of liquid splashed against his belly and chest.  He knew Lilie was a squirter, but something felt a bit off about the waterworks this time.

Looking down, he noticed a white substance painted across his chest.  Looking back to the shaytoni he saw that her breasts were bloated and stiff to the point of being nearly solid and a thin stream of white spraying out of her swollen nipples.

Is she… lactating?  He wondered, dumbstruck at what he was seeing.

He scooped up some of the watery substance and brought it to his mouth to taste.  The moment the liquid touched his tongue his whole body jerked with a sudden burst of energy and an even greater pulse of cum rocked out of his shaft from the pleasure.

Thankfully he and the others were released from the succubus’ hold a heartbeat later and he fell back onto the wooden floor.  He groggily looked up to see Lilie continuing to douse the bed in increasingly larger fountains of white as her gravid belly emptied itself of its contents.

“This is my life now.”  He said, his tone a combination of amusement and exasperation at the utter strangeness he had found himself surrounded by.

Stop complaining Rick, I know there's loads of people willing to be in your shoes.

Anyways... Things are slowly wrapping up for this story.  I'm not 100% sure how much longer, but we are about 3/4 though what I initially outlined all the way back in the beginning.  Next up:  a new challenger!

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