
Chapter 20.1 The Challenge

Sorry for the late/short chapter today everyone!

Hopefully things will finally calm down where I live and work so I can build up a small backlog again.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy!

Sade was in a complete daze.

After Rick had proposed to her, the rest of the women in the room rushed in to congratulate the couple.  There were hugs, cheers, and even a few drops of tears all around.  Surprisingly, Tyr was the most enthusiastic about the situation.

“I’m just so happy fer ya two.  I can’t wait fer the little one ta have siblings!”  She had said while wiping away gigantic teardrops away from her eyes.  The sight of such a fierce and imposing warrior sobbing like a young girl was certainly an odd one to say the least.

The following weeks after their return to Shatak passed by in a blur.  Every time Sade would start to come down from her emotional high, she would glance at her betrothed, and the numbing giddiness would return in full force.

Her betrothed.

Just thinking of the word made her legs weak and her head feel fuzzy.  She knew in her head that she would one day marry.  Her heart however, had resigned itself to thinking that it would all be a marriage of convenience.  Her plan required power and political connections.  Those rarely came with love and affection beyond certain filial duties.

Rick had come into her life like a meteor and blew all her plans to bits.  And she couldn’t have been happier for it.

Sade’s odd mood had persisted even when her studies had resumed for the semester.  The gentle numbness brought on by pure joy was nearly enough to make her attention slip and her grades to drop… nearly.

It was close to a full month after the second half of the school year began when events conspired to finally come together and ruin her mood.

“Sade of Kanho!”  An imperious voice shouted from down the hall.  “I would have words with you.”

Sade flinched at the harsh and commanding tone aimed her way.  She turned to find Ariwyn jogging after her with the kind of determination usually reserved for avenging the death of a loved one.

This is not about the results of the last test, is it?  She whined inwardly.  While both women had passed with flying colors, Sade had managed to score slightly higher than the high elf.  Thus, Sade was once more the top student in her year.  The two of them had been trading the honor of first place in the school rankings back and forth all year.  Each time Sade managed to squeak ahead slightly, Ariwyn would glare balefully at the upstart human every time they crossed paths until their positions reversed.

Sade, while an enjoyer of many odd games, opted not to play along with the uptight noble.  Rather than sulk or glare at those she perceived as lesser, she celebrated every time her marks were anything less than full.  An incorrect answer meant she had more to learn, and her discussions with her professors about what she got wrong allowed her to build an even more solid foundation of knowledge.

But the high elf actually confronting Sade about test scores was new.  For all her arrogance, Ariwyn had never disputed the results or labeled Sade as a cheat.  So the sheer oddity of the situation caused the human to slow her steps and wait for the blond woman to catch up, curiosity far outweighing the mild annoyance at being stopped.

“To what do I owe the pleasure?”  Sade asked.  She did her best not to sound too sarcastic.  There was no love lost between them, but it was still foolish to provoke the ire of a noble unnecessarily.  It was better to wait and see how the situation would develop before exchanging venomous words.  Sade glanced at her friends who all stopped to stand around her in a sort of protective ring.  “And do you wish this conversation was more private?”

Ariwyn waved her hand dismissively and cleared her throat.  “It does not matter if they overhear since it somewhat pertains to them.”  She took a moment to give each of them a cursory glance.  “I must say, your followers have all certainly made names for themselves in recent months.”

“Friends.”  Sade corrected.

Ariwyn blinked.  “I beg your pardon?”

“These are my friends.  Not followers, lackeys, underlings, or even minions.  We have all struggled together in our shared quest to become the best mages we can be.”  She paused for a moment.  “And if I am being honest… I simply enjoy their company.”

Sade was somewhat stunned by her own words.  For most of her life, she had only her family to rely on for counsel and comfort.  Upon moving to the city and starting her education, that had all been turned on its head.  Sure, she wasn’t nearly as close with many of her classmates as she was with Tyr, Lilie, or even Daniela.  But she had found that Hattepa, Trish, and several of the people walking beside her at that moment were still near and dear to her heart.

“I… I see.  That was my mistake.”  Ariwyn admitted.

Sade noted that those words weren’t quite an apology.  But considering the source, it was as close to one Sade would ever get.  She shrugged her shoulders and crossed her arms under her sizable bust.  “Regardless, I believe you were trying to tell us something?”

The elf swiftly regained her composure.  Standing tall, she did her best to look down her nose at her rival.  That was an impressive feat, considering Sade stood a full head and shoulders above the blond woman.

“Sade of Kanho.  Due to your impressive feats here at Mya University, I have personally come to invite you to compete in a grand mage tournament being held in one month’s time.”  Her arm swung out and pointed a slender finger right at Sade.  “For too long the question of who is the best between us has been unanswered.  This is a golden opportunity for us to finally settle the score!”

Sade could hardly believe her ears.  The woman wanted to settle their one sided rivalry by essentially challenging her to a duel?  She pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation.  “Ariwyn… I never once cared about being better than you.  Why would I want to forsake my studies and participate in a pointless tournament?”

She made to walk away but the high elf jumped in her path.  “Wait, wait!  Please… You have to come.”

Sade quirked a brow.  “Do I?”

“Yes!”  The shorter woman cried.  “Without you, the whole thing is pointless!  No one else will put up a proper challenge.”

Sade made a show to look over her shoulder to where her friends still stood.  “I think you would be pleasantly surprised.  I have learned quite a bit from studying alongside our fellow classmates.  Far more than I ever thought I would.  I have no doubt they would put up an incredible fight.”

The noble in front of her didn’t seem convinced but chose not to argue the point.  She sighed.  “Look, the whole thing will be announced next week by the professors.  While my family will be hosting the event, it is co-sponsored by the school.  All the top students of each school year are allowed to participate in three separate tourneys.”  She glanced once more to the croud around Sade.  “This also naturally includes all your… ‘friends’ since they have all risen significantly in the ranks.”  Her eyes turned once more to her primary target.  “In addition to the fame and honor for placing high in the tourney, the finalists will each be given a prize or private lesson with the professor of their choice. ”

It was Sade’s turn to blink in surprise.  “Why did you not simply say that from the beginning?”  If this had the backing of the university, then that changed everything.  Plus, the chance to get personal tutoring from one of the greatest mages in the kingdom was just too tempting to pass up.

Ariwyn looked conflicted for a moment.  “I… I thought you would want to prove who was the best between us… Rather than winning some prize.”

Sade didn’t know what to say to that.  In all her time at the academy, she had never seen Ariwyn look so down.  So vulnerable.  She had the sneaking suspicion that this may be the true face of the high elf underneath all that haughtiness.

“To tell you the truth, you were not exactly wrong.”  Sade admitted.  “I can not say it has not crossed my mind once or twice on which of us would be stronger in an outright duel.”

“So you will do it!”  Ariwyn’s bright blue eyes grew wide with excitement.

Sade held up her hand.  “I would prefer to confirm the details you just told me when the official announcement is made before I make a decision.  But… Yes, I am highly considering the proposition.”

The blond’s grin grew predatory.  “Excellent!  I eagerly await the day I put you in your place.”

And with that cryptic statement, she turned on her heel and headed off to presumably make trouble elsewhere.


The high elf stopped and turned to face Sade.  “What is it?”  She demanded.

“Once we have our duel,”  Sade began.  “That is it.  We will have finally learned who is stronger.  The mystery will be solved.  There will be no turning back from that point forward.”  She paused just long enough for her words to sink in before asking.  “Are you sure you wish to find out now?”

Ariwyn hesitated for a few moments, as if she was truly unsure if she wanted the little game between them to end.  Eventually she looked back up, her usual arrogance on full display.  “Nice try!  But I will show you and everyone else in this city why we elves are superior.  Enjoy your time in the limelight while you can.”

Once more she turned and left, leaving Sade and the rest of her group to mull over her words.

“What a bitch.”  Tess scoffed.

“Yeah, for a moment I was starting to feel sorry for her!”  Hattepa added.  “You’re not seriously thinking of fighting her, are you?”

Sade didn’t answer.  She was staring at the spot where the noble woman previously stood.  She wasn’t lying when she told Ariwyn that she didn’t care about which one of them was the best in the school.  It was just a silly ranking, she was simply trying her best and it just happened to be equal to the bratty noble.

No, she didn’t care about rank.  But the tournament offered something else;  The opportunity to trounce a noble.

Sade’s grin widened into something sinister.  She had waited nearly her whole life for a chance to spit in the face of the ruling class.  And now a chance to publicly slap one of them around while the whole kingdom watched had just fallen into her lap.  She could care less about Ariwyn, but that brat was more than just an arrogant mage.

Sade couldn’t wait to show her and the rest of her ilk just what an intimancer was capable of.

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