
Chapter 2.1 A Handy Tool (18+)

Edited on Feb 12, 2024

Some comments may not accurately reflect on current story.

Chapter 2

It took four days to reach their destination.

After the first hour of walking Rick was already sick of lugging his heavy pack of supplies around.  He did his best to tough it out but was nearly at the limit of his meager strength when they stopped to eat a meal and rest their tired feet a couple hours later.

Rick remembered something from the time his father tried to take him camping and, with Sade’s help, attached thick belts to the lower portion of their packs to better accommodate their considerable weight by having it rest on their hips and not their shoulders.

That successful bit of ingenuity earned him a blowjob from Sade when they made camp that night.  Rick suspected that she may have given him one anyways, she was intrigued when the process somehow came up in conversation earlier that day, but he liked to think that having a modicum of ingenuity and being able to provide solutions to make their trip easier was a major factor in being rewarded in such a way.

If she don’t find you handsome, she should at least find you handy.  Rick chuckled at the obscure reference that suddenly popped into his mind that night.  Sade sure seemed to have enjoyed herself, that was for sure.

Something in Sade must have been awakened after their first coupling.  Because that night, and every night since, had her practically ache for sex like a woman lost in a desert thirsts for water.  She was borderline insatiable.  Rick could hardly claim any different.  He would often sneak sideways glances at her when they walked down the road each day.  Something in him longed, no, demanded that he attempt to plow her at every moment he could find.

Thankfully they acquired a tent and bedrolls from the various supplies found in the coaches.  After the inadequate location that was the riverbank, they had glorious padding for their backs and butts to more comfortably engage in coitus.  This allowed them the freedom to experiment with different techniques and positions each night when they rested.

Most of the ideas came from Rick and his years of adult media consumption.  Not everything was a success.  Trying to penetrate Sade while carrying her in his arms proved to be impossible unless he gained nearly a third of his body weight in muscle.

Sex in the river seemed like a good idea at first.  They quickly learned that the water, while a somewhat good lubricant, acted almost like a super thick condom and dulled the sensations both of them felt to the point of being useless.  Whether each nightly experiment was a success or failure, the couple enjoyed the process of trying new ways to pleasure each other.

While the sex was a wonderful set of experiences, hiking along the road for hours at a time was brutal.  Neither of the two were very physically fit, so the aches and pains accumulated during the day only compounded to the next.  On the final night, they were so sore that they almost decided to skip their nightly activities… almost.

So at around noon on the fourth day, they finally arrived at the town of Valmik.

The wooden gates to the town were the most beautiful sight in all of Parva to the road weary travelers.  There were no further attacks by either animal or mysterious monsters during their long trek.  But they both were tired, bruised, blistered, and sick to death of preserved food, long before the end of the road came into view.

There was a guard standing by a gap in the fence that Rick figured to be one of the main entrances to Valmic.  Sade asked him where the nearest patrol outpost was after greeting the man.  They were exhausted to the bone but Sade insisted that reporting the attack on the caravan was first priority.  It was the least they could do for the poor folks who died.  Rick conceded that having someone investigate and notify their families was important.  Even if his feet felt like they would fall off if he took too many more steps.

Any lingering doubts Rick had about being in a fantasy world died when he caught his first glimpse of the town.

Rick couldn’t help but stare as what looked like a bipedal mountain lion walked past him wearing an airy dress, her swishing tail poking out a hole in the back.  At a fruit stand to the side appeared a stocky dwarf sporting a braided soul patch and spiky blond hair cheerfully haggling with the vendor. There were humanoids of all stripes sprinkled everywhere he looked while they continued to make their way down the main street.  It was almost overwhelming for the ordinary human from Earth.

When they passed by a sawmill of some sort Rick saw some people with pointed ears that he assumed could be elves.  He wasn’t completely sure though.  He wouldn’t use the term ‘fair folk’ to describe those people in the slightest.  In fact he would almost describe them as borderline feral.

The elves’ skin was a tan that lay somewhere between Rick and Sade’s shades.  Their hair ranged from light brown to black in intricate manes decorated with braids and beads.  Both the men and women were tall and rippled with thick cords muscle that poked out of their hide clothing.  One of them must have told a joke because one giant amazon looking woman gave out a roar of laughter.  Rick got distracted by the biggest pair of breasts he ever saw bouncing with abandon at each guffaw.

That was until he noticed what appeared to be sharp fangs poking out of her open mouth.

“Forest elves.”  Sade said when she noticed where his eyes wandered.  “They are friendly enough.  But you need to be careful around them all the same.”

“Oh?  Why is that?”

Sade gave a wry smile “They like to get rowdy and sometimes forget to be careful around the more… delicate tribes.  And that is before they start drinking.  Don’t ever be around a pack of drunk elves unless you are wearing protection.  Only people who can keep up with them and survive are the coastal dwarves and orcs.”  She warned.  Rick did his best to stifle a chuckle.

Her incidental double entendre reminded Rick that the two of them had spent nearly a week enjoying themselves without any contraceptives.  He was about to speak up and ask Sade about it when she halted her steps in front of him.  “Here we are.  The local patrol station.”  She quickly resumed walking and made her way to the door before Rick could utter a single word.

Ah well, I’ll talk to her tonight.  He thought and followed after her.

The building looked considerably larger than the shops and homes that surrounded it.  A yellow flag waved proudly in the slight breeze on top of its pointed roof.  Inside they found a large hall with benches along the side walls and in front of them stood a large man sitting at a simple desk pouring over what looked to be a map of the area.  He looked up and studied the pair of newcomers.

“What can I do for you?”  He asked in a polite yet clipped manner.  Rick could only assume that he was an orc of some kind.  His skin sported a rich olive coloration, his body loaded up with dense muscles, and his jaw sported small ape-like fangs that slightly protruded out from his lips when his mouth closed fully.

“We are here to report a monster attack and the deaths of fifteen people.”  Sade replied in the same business-like tone.

The man’s eyes grew wide and cleared out a space on his map.  “Where?” He demanded, apparently not bothering to waste time with pleasantries.  Sade gave the rough location of the attack as well as list what names she could from the list of her fellow passengers, guards, and coachmen.  The warrior wrote everything down and placed a thumbtack on the map where Sade pointed.

“How did the two of you survive?” He asked with sincerity.  It was not accusatory, his tone conveyed that he simply wished to know.

“The night of the attack we were bathing in the river away from where the camp was set up.”  Sade began. “When we heard screaming we swam across and ran deeper into the woods as far away as we could and hid.  When the two of us arrived back the next morning, everyone was dead and the things that killed them were nowhere to be found.”

Most of what Sade said was the truth.  They agreed beforehand that it was easier for everyone if they pretended Rick was part of the caravan from the beginning.  It felt odd to lie, but explaining his odd circumstances would be difficult at best and invite the wrong kind of scrutiny at worst.

“And then we packed up what we could and walked the last four days to reach Valmik.”  Sade concluded her story.

“Four days!? No wonder the two of you look dead on your feet.”  The man scribbled a name on a note and handed it to them.  “Here is an inn I recommend.  I will send out a patrol immediately to verify what you just told me.  I will meet with you there or send some men to fetch you if we have any further questions for you.”

He held out his hand.  “My name is Captain Foltig.  I am grateful for the information you have provided me, and for laying the dead to rest.  You have my gratitude.”  Both of them shook Foltig’s meaty palm, grateful that their efforts were appreciated, and set out to the inn he told them of.

The captain was right, they could barely stand after nearly a week hiking through the woods.  It was with great effort that they made it to the two story building that was one of the local inns in town.  Rick’s mouth began to water at the thought of eating a hot meal and then falling asleep on a soft bed.  As much as he enjoyed their nightly sessions, Rick was seriously tempted to skip the romance and go straight into sweet, sweet oblivion.

The front room of the inn had a pudgy man sitting behind a counter just a little ways from the front door.  Rick assumed that the door and staircase behind him each led to the various rooms for rent.  “We would like to rent a room for the evening.” Sade said politely.

“Just one room and one bed?” The innkeeper asked.  Rick could sense something off about his tone but Sade just answered in the affirmative without batting an eye.  She must be even more tired than he was.  The man gave a disapproving sniff at them but still handed them their key after they handed over their payment.

The room was both small and sparse.  The only furniture Rick could see was a small bed topped with a straw mattress and a wooden chest at the foot of the bed where they could store their things.  No closet, no bathroom, just four walls and a bed.  It was still far better than camping.

After dropping their packs Sade pointed to a small bucket half filled with water and said that was for bathing.  They decided to wipe themselves down with the cool water and change into a fresh set of clothes before they made their way back outside to look for something to eat.  The inn didn’t have its own kitchen, so if they wanted to eat, they had to acquire food from elsewhere.

A couple hours later they returned happy and full to bursting from all the food they ate before collapsing on the straw mattress.  “That was the best meal I ever had.”  Rick said contentedly.  He didn’t even remember what he had, he just had memories of something hot and delicious being devoured at record speeds.

Sade gave a grunt in affirmation and closed her eyes.  She shot back up almost immediately and stared at him.  “Rick, check your status.  I want to confirm something.”  Rick obeyed and mentally summoned his character sheet.

“Oh wow! I got an extra point in endurance.”  He said happily.  Leveling up granted a single stat point to spend however he wished.  However, training a certain skill enough times could also see that stat being raised.  Just like lifting weights at the gym would increase his actual strength.

Sade gave him a slight smile “My endurance increased as well.  But I am more curious if you see another value that was not there before”

Rick once again looked through his stats with a tad more scrutiny.

Level 1 (38%)  
Strength: 9 Constitution: 12
Dexterity: 9 Endurance: 10
Intelligence: 12 Resistance: 10
Wisdom: 10 Attunement : 10 (1)
Charisma: 9 Luck: 15
Vocation:  Intimancer (1)
Coital energy: 5  

“What in the balls is ‘coital energy’?!”  

“I see. You have it too.” She said with a frown.  “Let me see if I can explore what that could be.  Give me a moment.”  She closed her eyes once again.  Not long after she leapt up off the bed with an excited look on her face.

"What did you figure out?"

"Stand in front of me.  I will show you."

"Like this?"

"Yes! Just like that."

Rick stood in front of a still grinning Sade.  She closed her eyes and seemingly selected something in her status.  She then let out a slight moan of pleasure as she stood on the balls of her feet.  Her eyes, now at the same level as his own, fluttered open again.  Rick saw her gaze was slightly clouded with lust.  "So, what do you think?" She asked.  Rick was unsure what she was talking about.  All she did was moan and stand taller.

He looked down and saw her feet flat on the floor.  Looking back up he saw that her eyes were still level with his.  "Did… did you just grow?" He asked, flabbergasted.  

Her grin turned feral "Indeed I did.  It seems this energy can be used to enhance our physical features.  I just poured all five points into my height!"

"But how did we get these points?" Rick asked "Are these changes permanent?"  Sade shoved him roughly onto their shared bed.  

"I do not know. I do not care." She began working to remove her garments "All I want is for you to spend your pool of energy before I disrobe completely."  Her tone brooked no argument.  Not that Rick could possibly refuse such a request in the first place.

He simultaneously started to work on undressing himself and mentally focusing on his new energy value to see what it could be used for.  Information flooded his mind as he became aware of all the different attributes he could modify.  Height, weight, muscle mass, foot size, the list felt endless.  It was hard to concentrate on something specific among the ocean of possibilities rushing through his thoughts.

Finally freeing himself from his pants Rick looked down and had an idea of what he wanted to try.  As if sensing his will focus, the list contracted into something considerably smaller and easier to choose from.  The change he wanted to affect was indeed possible and there were even other categories related to his desire that also tempted him.  Mentally he selected two attributes and allocated his pool of energy.

His body flooded with euphoria as the changes took effect.  His manhood surged with newfound vitality.  It grew to full size then continued to swell well beyond its previous limits.  He felt blood rush southward as his dick continued to expand longer and thicker.  The feeling of growth ended quickly and Rick looked down to find that he had graduated from somewhat small to a respectable average.  He was feeling an intense lust like never before, it was like his new tool was demanding to be used right then and there.

He looked up and saw that Sade was just tossing the last piece of cloth away before she strutted over to him.  She looked him up and down in a calculating gaze.  She smiled as her delicate hand gripped his sex before starting to stroke it softly.  Rick hissed as her fingers danced along his hyper-sensitive organ.

“Why am I not surprised?”  She sighed in the most dramatic fashion she could.  “A man gains the ability to change any aspect of his person and he chooses to make his penis longer.”

Her grip tightened right up to the line between pleasure and pain.  She began to rub her thumb over the ridges and crest of his overly sensitive head. “Lucky for you,” She leaned in closer to Rick's face, her smile turning predatory. “This was exactly what I wanted to happen.”

She shoved him hard enough for him to fall causing them both to crash back onto the bed.  She then sat up on her knees until she was nearly straddling him.  Without warning Sade angled his shaft with the hand that was still gripping it and impaled herself upon him.

She was absolutely soaked.

Sade was so wet that the entirety of Rick’s enhanced length and girth slid in all the way up to the hilt.  Rick moaned as her warmth suffused him completely.  Normally the two would spend several minutes caressing each other, heavy kissing, or other forms of foreplay before her entrance would be lubed up enough to slowly take him in bit by bit.  But all that seemed to have been skipped for the moment.

Rick suspected that spending a chunk of coital energy all at once may have something to do with it.  In the scant few seconds between him spending his own energy and penetrating Sade, Rick felt as if he spent the entire day slowly being cock-teased by pornstars.  The urge to rut like animals until the sun came up was nearly overpowering.

He really had to admire the woman’s willpower to have held out for nearly a full minute while he was deciding what to enhance.

Sade gave a moan that bordered on a roar as she slammed herself down on him over and over. “How exactly did you spend your coital energy?”  She panted out while still pounding him into the sheets.

Rick began to pump furiously from below before replying.  “Four points into length and one point into thickness.  How does it feel?”

She began to slow down slightly.  He thought it may have been to better gather the data for a proper answer.  In the short time he had known her, he had found out Sade was a strange combination of analytical and passionate.

“It almost feels like the first couple times when I was getting used to you inside me.” Came her answer to his question. “I really like the new girth, but I think any more than a single point there may be too much to handle.”  She gave another grunt as her hips slammed down hard before adding “Already I feel like I am being stretched out to my limits.”

“Oh really?” Rick laughed “How about the other four points?”  He thrust his hips upward in an attempt to shove himself as deep as possible.

“So deep!” She cried out with a gasp.

Rick could feel that she was just as close to release as he was.  Her rhythm sped up once more and her academic report on his new size was completely forgotten as she slammed herself down harder with each thrust.

The dam broke and the telltale convulsions of her climax rippled throughout her body.  She did not stop thrusting though.  The sounds of their bodies slapping together continued as Sade kept riding Rick even as her body shuddered violently, her inner walls contracting tighter as she continued to have him slide in and out.

Rick could not hold on any longer.  His lower half tensed and then he exploded inside her.  The sensations of his seed gushing into her deepest folds pushed her once again over the edge as she came a second time.

Sade fell on his chest.  He could feel her inner walls gripping and releasing him, as if milking him while his dick kept pumping small streams of cum deep into her.  With each pulse he was met with a reciprocating clamp down on his shaft.  Eventually his dick softened enough to slip out of her and the two were left panting in a heap on the bed.

“Well that was intense.” He laughed and held her tight.

“Indeed.” She agreed.  Her eyes began to droop and she snuggled up to him.  “Promise me one thing.” She said sleepily.

“What’s that?”

She looked up at him. “If we ever get more coital energy, please pick something else.”  Rick didn’t say anything but his eyes urged her to continue with her reasoning. “I know you are insecure about your… ‘height’.” She smirked.  “But tonight you filled me so much that I do not think I could handle much more.”

She held a finger to his lips to silence any response he could have given. “I think I can handle maybe a single point more to your length.  But that is it!”  She gave out a laugh at the expression on his face.  “You are more than the thing between your legs Rick.  I have a lot of ideas for when we get more energy to spend.  I know you will love them.  So explore all of what is possible and let us enjoy this wonderful gift we have been blessed with.”

Rick considered what she just told him.  For most of his life post puberty he was told that bigger is better and that women flock to men who are hung like horses.  He almost didn’t want to believe her.  It flew in the face of every scrap of man logic he knew.

But she accepted him for who he was.  Without ever considering a time when he could be as big as he wanted, she accepted him and was satisfied with what little size he could provide.  Besides, he could finally be taller than his little sister, be stronger than the biggest jock his old highschool could produce, he could sculpt himself to be the picture of male perfection.  All they needed to do was figure out how to gain more coital energy.  The prospect made his soft member twitch in anticipation.

He smiled down at Sade.  “I promise.  Only one more point to length for now.”

She gave him a slight punch to the arm and they both laughed.  Feeling the dampness leaking from Sade’s core reminded Rick of something he had been meaning to ask.  “Hey, we’ve been fucking like rabbits for a few days now.  Are you on some form of contraceptive or something?”

Sade, who had begun to doze off, fluttered her eyes open at his question.  “Contraceptive?”

“Yeah.  Like the physical, chemical, or hell, even magical method used to prevent unwanted pregnancies from happening.”  He began. “It’s just we’ve been having so much sex that I assumed there was a reason you were not worried about me finishing inside you all… those…” 

His voice trailed off as he looked at her face.  Her eyes were wide with fear.  Almost as if the consequences of unprotected sex completely slipped her mind.  When she found her voice it came out in a loud hiss.

“Oh, fuck!”

Man... The views from this cliff-side are just spectacular, wouldn't you agree?

This chapter though. This scene right here is what this story is all about.  Get ready folks!  Because from here on out, we're busting out all sorts of fetish tags in this story!

Nothing too extreme.  I still want to keep a somewhat fun and lighthearted story for the most part.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck with the story so far on its launch week.  I don't know how many times I'll post next week, but I for sure will finish posting chapter two.

Hope to see you all then!

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