
Chapter 24.4 Filth (18+)

It's been a while since I wrote a sex scene.  I thought I should fix that.


Grunts of pleasure echoed throughout the stone cell.

Sade let out one of her own sensual moans to add the cacophony.  One of her guards had his cock sandwiched between her impossibly soft tits as she hefted their weight up and down his length.  Another of her jailors was hunched behind her, vigorously thrusting his own member between her plush thighs.  Every so often she would wiggle her massive rear and tighten her hold with her legs just to add extra stimulation.

This had been her life ever since she had all but seduced that first guard a few days prior.  At least… she assumed it had been only a few days.  No sunlight ever reached her dark corner of the dungeon, and aside from the sporadic meals delivered to her, it was nearly impossible to tell just how long she had been imprisoned.

With a wide grin that in no way showed how she actually felt, Sade lowered her face close to her heaving mounds.  She slowly unfurled her tongue and let it coil around the sensitive crown of the man’s cock when the head managed to poke out from between her dusky pillows, eliciting even more groans from the one she was currently servicing.

More than once Sade was glad the guards had heeded her request to bathe.  The utter revulsion she would have felt if all of them were as crusty as the sole holdout that first session would have crumbled the last shreds of her sanity to ribbons.  She didn’t even want to think about how that would have affected her plan to escape.

She was thankful that calling out the man for not cleaning his manhood properly elicited feelings of betrayal from the other guards rather than indignation at her attitude on the matter.  Peer pressure was a powerful tool, and for the past few days, Sade had done her best to wield it in order to keep her captors in line.  And most importantly of all, to keep herself safe.

“I… I can’t hold it!”  The man to her front gasped out.

“Yes, yes!  Give it to me!  Paint my chest white with all that delicious seed!”  Sade begged before upping the tempo of her movements.

“I’m a-about to blow too!”  The one from behind added.

Sade squealed in excitement as both men began to shudder in orgasm near simultaneously.  She could feel ropes of burning hot liquid splatter against her legs while a small pool of the stuff began to form inside the valley of her cleavage.  The sticky substances joining the myriad of others slowly drying all over her body.

“There is so much.”  She purred while completely ignoring just how badly she was stretching the truth with that statement.  “It almost makes me think the two of you have enough for another round.”

The guard who was still standing nearly stumbled at her words.  “N-no… I… I got nothing left.”

Sade would have turned to ask her other partner, but he had already fallen over and added himself to the twitching pile of bodies littered around her cell floor.

“Aw… Such a shame.”  She said while forcefully shifting her features into a pout.  Although her words were tantalizing, speaking them nearly caused her to choke.

Thankfully, the men all roused themselves off the floor and grabbed their clothes before stepping outside her cell.  Sade did her best to cheerfully wave goodby to each man while simultaneously fighting back the urge to vomit.  Once the last of them stepped through the door, the lone guard who abstained from the day’s activities in order to stop any escape attempts produced a set of keys and relocked the iron door before joining his fellows in shuffling out of sight.

When the last of their footfalls began to fade, Sade collapsed on all fours and started to dry heave.

It had been days since she had struck her deal with her captors.  And every time she felt just as disgusted as the first.  She felt like a small piece of her died with each point of coital energy she harvested from them every time they crowded into her cell.  And despite her personal feelings on the matter, she had harvested a lot of coital energy.

Once she managed to get her roiling insides under control, Sade slowly crawled over to a small metal tub tucked away in a corner next to her waste bucket.  She dipped the ragged washcloth into the near freezing water and then began to wipe herself off.  When she made the comment for the guards to paint her skin earlier, they had actually nearly pulled the feat off before her little words of ‘encouragement’.  She was absolutely coated in spunk.  From the tips of her toes, to the creases of her armpits, and even all over her hair.  There was hardly a patch of skin that wasn’t coated in the sticky substance.

The outer layers of filth were slowly wiped away.  But Sade felt that with each passing day, certain, less physical, parts of her would remain stained, no matter how much she scrubbed.  As the icy cold cloth brushed up against her mound, a thrill shot up her spine.  While she had become the guards personal plaything, not a single one had been allowed to penetrate her womanhood.  She had made sure to use her mouth and every other part of her body to their fullest in order to keep her captors too satisfied to demand entrance to that sacred realm.

It was not for them to use.

She ached to be touched.  She yearned to have her entrance stretched wide and her insides filled to capacity.  She craved the feeling of her pussy getting pounded until it was puffy and red.  She wanted to feel the door to her womb knocked down before being flooded with molten hot seed until her belly visibly swelled.

She wanted Rick.

Mindlessly, Sade cupped her entrance with her free hand while the other continued to clean off the remains of the orgy.  Her fingers slowly rubbed up and down her outer folds sending pleasant tingles through her core.  Her breath quickened and warmth began to radiate from beneath her palm.

A part of herself was disgusted with what she was doing, eliciting pleasure so soon after being used by a bunch of men.  It was more than just longing for her lost lover’s touch that had her so worked up.

There was just something about how she manipulated those guards, how she slowly corralled them one by one until they were all wrapped between her delicate fingers, that drove her wild.  They way she twisted their desires for her body in ways that allowed her to receive better amenities like the tub she was using to wash herself with, or food that was of actual quality.   All of it carefully negotiated with subtle hints and whispered promises.  She may have been the one on her knees, but within the confines of her cell, it was Sade who held all the power.

And it was intoxicating.

A lone finger slid between her glistening petals causing her back to arch in pleasure.  She hated how much of a thrill her machinations gave her.  Detested how wonderful it felt to twist the desires of others to her own ends.  And worst of all, even though she had all but bargained away her body to become a plaything… A growing part of her reveled in the debauchery.

Aside from the internal dilemma, there were some more tangible benefits to her daily sessions.  Her charisma had grown by two whole points.  Even compared to the grueling physical training, that sort of leap in ability was unfathomable.  She would never recommend this type of ‘training’ to anyone, but the results had more than spoken for themselves.

Her thumb gently caressed the sensitive nub above her folds while another finger found its way inside her to join the first.  She could feel the long denied release slowly building, she needed it like a starving wolf craved a fresh kill.  Her fingers twisted inside herself.  She could feel the wave of pleasure nearly at her peak.

“I see you have been enjoying your stay here.”


The curse roared out inside Sade’s skull.  The first twitches of her orgasm had just started to hit her when the voice of that self righteous bitch cut through her blissful haze like an executioner's axe to the neck.  With that sole interruption she could feel the rest of her climax wither and fade away like it was never there in the first place.

“Lady Rivenmoor.  How wonderful it is to see you once again.”  Sade said while forcing herself to keep the rampaging fury out of her voice.  She gingerly extracted her fingers from her dripping womanhood and turned to face the noble with infuriatingly bad timing.

“I thought it best to drop by and see how my men were treating you.”  Lady Rivenmoor said flatly.  She looked Sade up and down, taking in all the places she had yet to clean properly.  “And they have been quite enthusiastic.”

“They have all been such sweet boys.”  Sade taunted with faux sincerity.  “I had to do my best to reward them for their genuine hospitality.”

The older elf crossed her arms over her slender chest.  “You really are that far gone.  I wonder if you would even care to learn that the man responsible for corrupting your mind in the first place is looking for you.”

Rick is looking for me?!

The news filled Sade with such joy and surprise that her carefully crafted facade nearly shattered right then and there.  In hindsight, it should be obvious that her betrothed would search for her.  But logic couldn’t hold a candle to emotions, not even for a mind like Sade’s.

“How wonderful!  He has the best dick!”  Sade giggled.  Watching the highborn woman’s face scrunch up in disgust from Sade’s cock drunk antics brought her no small amount of joy.

“Yes, he and those other thralls of his have been quite… Persistent.”  Lady Rivenmoor said once she regained her composure.  “But it is not yet time for you to be reunited just yet.  It may have taken more effort than anticipated, but he will come to us only when we are ready to deal with him once and for all.”

Sade’s heart leapt ever higher at the news.  She couldn’t imagine just what sorts of things he and the others managed to do to have a noble house like the Rivenmoor family actually expend effort in order to stop them, but the fact that her usually passive lover had probably all but turned the city on its head soothed her aching soul greatly.

Sade also didn’t miss the small hint that she was here to lure him out, but only when they were finished with whatever kind of trap they were setting up first.  This seemed like an extraordinary amount of effort to kill or capture someone.  Something told Sade that there was far more to this whole thing than what was on the surface.

“What did he do to you?”  Sade asked in a casual, almost bored tone.  “I mean, he made your husband look like a fool, but that was hardly the most difficult task to accomplish.”

“You think this is all to save face?”  Lady Rivenmoor seethed.

“No, which is why I asked.”  Sade shot back, still adopting a casual air.

“This is because there is an intimancer set loose upon this world!”  The elven woman screeched.

Sade let the rise in volume wash over her and arched a single brow.  “So?  One would think sex magic could only help the elves.”

Lady Rivenmoor’s face became a rich scarlet as her rage at Sade’s questions had reached critical levels.  “Intimancy nearly destroyed the elves!”

The sudden, unbridled fury exploding out from the slender woman stunned Sade into complete silence.  The angry elf wasn’t quite done however, and grabbed the iron bars to Sade’s cell and snarled at the young woman trapped behind them.

“Our forefathers were forced to watch in horror as our proud people slowly became twisted and warped into cruel parodies of their former selves.  And do you know what was at the heart of this?  Intimancy.  That foul vocation is a disease that erodes the mind and soul while it reshapes their bodies.”  She gestured forward in Sade’s direction.  “Just look at what it did to you.  A highly capable mind nearly on par with an elf’s, on par with my own fucking daughter, reduced to little more than a swollen cum addicted slut!”

Sade felt like she had just been slapped in the face from the verbal onslaught. But it seemed that once the bottle was opened, the noble woman’s feeling could no longer be contained until she let it all out.

“The vile magic tore through us like a plague.  By the time we understood the source, nearly half of our number had succumbed to its allure, and more importantly, the ones who wielded it.  My ancestors managed to eliminate the source of the corruption but unfortunately those who were under its sway were no longer able to come to their senses.  We who kept our purity were driven out by the creatures who still masqueraded as elves, forced to make our home elsewhere.  Until the day we could return and take back our homeland and wipe the stain of our failures from history forever.”

Lady Rivenmoor’s eyes were manic as she stared holes into the frozen Sade.  “It has been a long process, but we are nearly at the tipping point.  But what do I find right under my nose?  The very magic that nearly brought my people to ruin had resurfaced.”

The pale elf looked calm, dangerously calm.  “I will cut out the rot before it has a chance to take root.”

With that said, she turned on her heel and briskly walked away.

Sade sat there, her mind caught in a whirlwind of thought.  If what Lady Rivenmoor had said was true, then intimancy created the forest elves.  A flash of a dusty stone room, filled with carved pictures and a lone chest filled with ancient coins and a book of spells.  A spell book written in old elvish.

“Oh… Shit.”

Can I see a show of hands for anyone who saw that coming?

I've left a few clues and hints here and there, I'm just curious if anyone noticed.

In other news:

Did you know that the first Harry Potter book, the story that a lot of people considered extremely long (especially for a children's book), was only 76,000 words long?  And that the final book in the series, the one that rivaled a bible in thickness, was a little over 190,000?

Well... my google doc says that I'm at 205,000 words and over 450 pages.

Its odd how our sense of what is "too long" has warped and changed over the years.  I just powered through an audiobook that was over 60 hours long.  And I know there's a few stories I've read on this sight that are nearly at 1000 chapters.

Anyways... It just struck me as something odd and fun.

See you all soon!

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