
Chapter 26.3 Top Off (18+)

Tyr stumbled towards the rest of the group.

Daniela was quick to rush over to where the elven man fainted and administered the sleep petal like she had for all the others.  Considering just how difficult it was to knock the bastards out, Rick was at least glad they had some way of keeping them down until they could deal with them safely once this was all over.  That was… If the thief wasn’t lying about the petals' effects in the first place.

That was a conversation best saved for after Sade was rescued however.

The moment Tyr got within arms reach, her powerful legs buckled, sending her body crashing to the ground knees first.  Rick did his best to hold out his arms so that the rest of her fell into his own embrace rather than the floors.  He had a sneaking suspicion that he was marginally more comfortable.

“Geez Tyr, when you let your anger control you like that, I’m not sure if I should be aroused or terrified.”  He said with a raspy chuckle.

“Hrm… Both.  Yeah, both is good.”  She replied before nuzzling her head deeper into his chest.

Rick let out a strangled laugh.  “My love… when… when that spell came for you I-I thought we almost lost you.  I could only stand there and watch as…  I thought I would fail again.  I failed to protect Sade and then… and then I almost lost you and our child.”  With each new word, all the fear and tension that had been forcibly pushed to the side came flooding out like a tidal wave.

Tears were flowing freely as he clutched his mate tightly to his chest.  His throat felt so tight that even speaking another word seemed almost impossible.  He was just so relieved that his woman, his amazingly strong and courageous woman, was so fierce and powerful to defy even what looked like certain death.  He was just so happy and relieved that he just let his emotions flow where they willed.

“I know… I was scared too.”  Tyr whispered between his arms.  Rick could feel his own chest becoming increasingly damp, but he hardly minded.  His own tears had soaked through his lover’s wild mane already.

Lilie and Daniela both joined in the tearful embraces, the former having to crawl her way over due to her own extensive injuries.

“I have never been so scared in me life.”  Tyr continued.  “Me mind just froze.  All I could think was ta protect the baby with everything I had, me own life be damned.”

“And you succeeded.”  Daniela said softly.

Lilie let out a snort.  “Not only that, but you put the fear of death into those two mercenaries.  The sight of you not only lifting but throwing that walking boulder is certainly something I won’t be forgetting for the rest of my life.”

The four of them shared a mutual chuckle in agreement.

“Um, not to be rude, but just how strong are you Tyrillian?”  Ariwyn asked hesitantly.

Tyr took a moment to check her status.  “Well… Twenty now.”  She said with the ghost of a grin.

“T-twenty?!”  The high elf stammered.  “I mean… That is certainly impressive given your level, but that feat of strength seemed far too fantastic for someone with twenty strength.”

Rick wiped his eyes and kissed his incorrigible amazon one more time for good measure.  “I have a theory about that.”  He said softly.  When everyone nodded their heads for him to continue, he cleared his throat and did his best to explain.

“So our muscles are quite a bit stronger than what our bodies can typically handle at full force.  This normally isn’t that big of a deal, I mean why use all your strength when lifting a cup of water, right?”  The resident medical student nodded her horned head in agreement, which meant what he was saying wasn’t some unknown fact.

“Anyways, during high stress moments, like your child being in danger, those self imposed limitations are temporarily removed until the triggering event has concluded and you can calm back down.  I’ve read reports of a woman lifting a tipped carriage by herself because her child was trapped underneath one.”

“So because Tyr was so scared for her baby’s life, she tapped into that extra strength?”  Lilie asked.

Rick nodded.

“Fascinating.”  Ariwyn murmured.  “How have I not heard of this?”

Sensing the impending line of inquiry none of the group felt like dealing with at the moment, Lilie decided to change the subject.  “Well for the moment we got bigger problems to deal with.  Mainly the fact that I’m still the team healer and I’m all out of mana.”

“Even your reservas?”  Daniela asked, surprised.

LIlie held her arms out to either side to showcase her emaciated frame underneath the ruins of her armor.  “Look I didn’t think I would renew my membership with the itty-bitty tittie committee anytime soon either, yet here we are.  So if we want to have some healing during the next fight, or even get patched up right now with anything other than bandages, one of you is going to have to top me off.”

“I am sorry, but ‘top off’?”

The healer visibly winced when their newest member asked the seemingly innocent question.  She sucked in a great breath and let it out slowly.  “Yeah.  So to keep things short and simple, I can drain mana from willing participants and store it for future use outside of the typical mana pool us mages use.  But after constantly healing all the damage I took that fight both my pool and my extra reserves are all drained.”

“As inopportune a time to refill those reserves is, I’m all out of mana myself.  And I really rather not test what happens when you drain from someone when they are dry right now if that’s alright with you.”  Rick said with a sigh.

Tyr held up her hand.  “I know ya don’t really like ta feed from me, but I still have some mana.”

“Oh no, fuck that!”  Lilie shot back, poking a finger into the elf’s broad chest.  “You probably tore every muscle in your body pulling that little rage stunt.  And no fucking way am I draining vital mana from a pregnant woman.  I’m a healer for crying out loud, it would be fucking irresponsible if I even considered the notion.”

Lilie ended her little tirade with an indignant sniff, which Rick thought was just adorable as all hell.  But since neither of them were suitable to help feed the hungry succubus, their options were starting to get a bit limited.  The three of them then turned to the thief.

“Hey!  Don’t look at me, I’m in the same bote as the rest of you.”  Daniela said while vigorously waving her hands in the negative.

“Shit!”  Lilie cursed and bit her thumb in frustration.

“So… I still have most of my mana.  C-can I help?”

As one, the four companions turned to see a nervous Ariwyn crouched down nearby.  Lilie smacked her face and let out a long suffering groan.  “Look… I appreciate the sentiment, but there’s a whole slew of issues with me taking your mana.”

The high elf’s face twisted into annoyance.  “I do not see why it is such a big deal.  I have mana to spare, and you need it.  What is it that I do not understand?”

“Because I’d have to suck you off to get it!”  Lilie snapped.

Ariwyn froze.  “P-pardon?”

Lilie sighed once more and did her best to keep her voice calm and even.  “I drain people through sex, like those old stories about succubi.  So unless you’re fine with dropping your skirts and letting me slurp on your pretty little slit until you squirt all over my face, we’ll have to just recover the more traditional way.”

“You really do have the most colorful bedside manner I’ve ever heard.”  Rick commented dryly.

“Better she knows full well what she’s getting into than dance around the subject like fucking prudes.”  She shot back.

“W-would that truly help you recover your magic?”  The young magus asked nervously.

The raven haired healer nodded.  “Yeah, it would.  It’s not as effective as sucking a cock, but at this point it's better than nothing.”

“Then why not have her use the spell ta make one?”  Tyr asked with faux innocence.

“Are you fucking serious right now?”  Lilie snapped.  Her ruby orbs rolled up towards the ceiling and she let out a groan.  “Why am I even fighting this?  I haven’t been this starved for dick in months.  Yet here I am, trying to come up with reasons for the pretty young noble to not grab me by the horns and fuck my face until I’m bruised.”

She paused as if finally realizing what she was saying near the end of her rant.  “I-ignore that last bit!  Those are words of desperation, not a request for you to shove that breeding rod down my throat until I can no longer breathe properl-  OH FUCK!!”

Lost in her own fantasy, Lilie started squirming on the ground while grinding her thighs together in a desperate attempt to smother the encroaching heat.  Rick reached down and gently stroked her dark hair, doing his best to avoid touching her obsidian horns less that set her off even further down the lustful rabbit hole.

“I-I will do it!”

“...What?”  Lilie asked, finally dragged out of her horny daydream.

“I s-said I will do it!”  Ariwyn stammered, her cheeks coloring a slight shade of pink.  “If we a-are to face my m-mother, then w-we will need as much healing as we can get.  If that means I have t-to s-s-sully myself, then s-so be it!”

“With or without a cock of yer own?”  Tyr asked suggestively.  Rick huffed, but otherwise declined to comment.  He was not getting involved in this one.

“I, uh… well… she did say it was m-more effective.”  The smaller elf’s face had blossomed into a full on blush all the way to the tips of her delicate ears.

“Oh trust me chica, you’re going to love it.  Here, let me teach you el hechizo.”  Daniela said with a cackle.  She hopped up on the tips of her toes and gently whispered the spell formula the taller woman would need.

“I can not believe I am doing this.”  She muttered to herself before channeling her mana.  At first it looked like nothing happened, but then the high elf’s pupils dilated and her breathing suddenly became more ragged.

 “Oh… Oh my!  This feels quite strange.”  She gasped out as her thighs started to unconsciously rub together.  The group watched in silent fascination as the area of her skirts just below her hips slowly tented further and further outward.

“T-this thankfully is not painful, but… It is quite i-intense.  I-is this how m-men feel a-all the time?”

Tyr gave a small chuckle at the question.  “It feels overwhelming ‘cause yer not used ta having one.  Take it from me.”

“You use this spell a lot?”  Ariwyn asked.

“Nah!”  The big woman scoffed.  “I had ta grow me own before we discovered the spell.  Gave me lots of time ta get used to having a new playmate in me pants.”

While the high elf’s eyes grew wide in realization, Lilie slowly crawled her way forward until her face was level with the newly created bulge.  She angled her head upwards to look Ariwyn in the eyes.

“You sure you want to do this?”  The healer whispered breathlessly.

Ariwyn didn’t speak but nodded her head in agreement.

“Whoo!”  Lilie shouted and dove under the high elf’s skirts in a flash.  “Oh, look at this cute little guy!  Nice to meet you!  Now come to mama!  Oooooooh…. Yes.  You taste so good!  I can’t wait to just- mmmMMmpphh!”

With each new lurid slurp coming from between her legs, Ariwyn’s face became redder and redder until her cheeks could rival a tomato.  No words escaped out of the young woman’s lips as the assault from the shaytoni’s talented tongue on her newly grown and oh-so-sensitive appendage.  She placed her hands over the spot where Lilie’s head was bobbing back and forth and let out a long and low moan of pleasure while her hips unconsciously started to saw back and forth.

Her voice steadily rose in pitch as the unfamiliar euphoria built higher and higher.  Her eyes were rolled up into the back of her head, her breaths were coming out in great gasps.  She clutched her skirts in a white knuckled grip as her first foray into oral sex came to an explosive finale.

Ariwyn’s whole body seized up and she let out a soundless scream as her climax tore its way through her.  Between her legs, the sounds of satisfied gulps could be heard as both her cum and mana were eagerly devoured by the hungry healer.  When at last her orgasm ended, her whole body went slack and she collapsed down into Rick and Tyr’s awaiting arms.

“My goodness!  Your magic tastes fucking incredible!”  Lilie sighed happily as she crawled out from between the high elf’s legs.  “Why in the everliving fuck did I even try to deny such a delicacy?”

“Because despite your mouth, you are a decent person who cares about consent.”  Rick countered.

The shaytoni blinked.  “Okay, that’s fair.  But I’m being serious here, her mana is the only type that has come close to matching you or Sade’s.  I’m going to be hard pressed to resist asking for a second helping after this is all over.”

“Speaking of the princess, how was your first blowjob?”  Daniela asked the high elf sweetly.

Ariwyn was still laying down on the ground panting.  Her face was flushed with what Rick assumed to be equal parts arousal and embarrassment.  “That… That was the most mortifying thing I have ever done!”  She shouted and buried her face in her hands.

“So why in all the hells did it feel so fucking amazing?!”

Thought things were getting just a wee bit too heavy and decided to fix that.  Was this as fun to read for you as it was for me to write it?  I sure hope so!

See you all next time!

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