
Chapter 27.2 The Escape (18+)

I wanted to be able to post this chapter yesterday.

But, due to the subject matter at hand, I felt taking my time and making sure I did a proper job was more important.  So as a result, here's a double length chunk of steamy goodness just for you!


Sade knew she was running out of time.

Through the whispers exchanged amongst her captors in between their ‘sessions’, Sade had gained a sense that whatever it was Lady Rivenmoor planned to do with her, it was going to happen soon.

It was just so frustrating having no idea what the crazed elf was planning.  After their last little talk, the only visitors Sade had received to her cell had been the guards either coming to feed her or feeding her cum.  Both served their purposes, but the lack of information of what was going on still grated on her fraying nerves.

She briefly checked her energy levels.  With almost nothing better to do between feedings, it had almost become a habit to pour over her status and recalculate over and over how much coital energy she needed to farm before she could enact her plan.  The idea that she could possibly escape her confinement felt like the only thing keeping her sane while she sat alone in complete darkness, a sturdy piece of flotsam for her to cling to amidst the raging storm of fear and roiling insecurities.

Collating her numbers together, Sade found she was close.  Achingly close.

Unfortunately, the amount she would need to collect was ever so slightly more than what the guards could normally give.  Her initial sessions hadn’t been too draining for the lustful men, but that was only because Sade didn’t want to push them too hard too quickly.  This proved to be the correct move.  As she slowly began to ramp up the pressure, her captors had done their best to keep pace with her.

It was almost amusing seeing some of them react like their very pride as men were at stake every time she reduced them to a twitching mess on the floor.  One stubborn and enterprising guard even started to bring stamina draughts for him and his colleagues to quaff in an effort to finally best her.  They couldn’t.  Sade’s skills in the bedroom had been tempered in the lusts of a young forest elf, a latent succubus, and a legitimate sex mage, all bound together with a will that put weapons grade steel to shame.

They didn’t stand a chance.

And yet even with the unwitting help from over a dozen guards, her rate of coital energy harvesting was just shy of her goal.  While simply accepting this fact and harvesting the rest was an option, Sade’s gut told her that it wasn’t a viable one.  That meant she would need to milk their pathetic cocks for all they were worth.

She would tolerate no more delays in escaping.

Reining in the wave of anger that managed to bubble up through her forced composure, Sade sat down and looked through her stats once more.  She had chosen this path to freedom willingly, she knew what needed to be done, she would use her capable mind to ensure the best outcome possible.  Sucking in a deep breath, she focused all her energies into planning.

An unknown time later, Sade heard a faint squeaking of hinges and the sound of shuffling footsteps.  Ignoring the protest from her still sleeping legs, she rose to her feet and adopted her usual pose when welcoming guests into her domain.  She had to toe a fine line with her posture.  She couldn’t afford to show weakness, yet she couldn’t come across as actively hostile either.  She had to be the good little slut that enjoyed their company, but she also had to be imposing enough that the men thought twice about taking more than what she offered.

“I do hope you are ready gentlemen.”  She cooed when they stepped inside her cell.  “Because today I am not stopping until I am completely satisfied.”

Some of the men balked at the prospect, while others reacted with stoic indifference.  One of the men bristled slightly at her words.  Sade wasn’t surprised, from the very first day he had been the one she had to keep a close eye on due to him being the most stubborn and confrontational.  Peer pressure from his colleagues had managed to keep him in line so far, but she knew it was only a matter of time before his patience with her finally ran out.

With any luck, she could guarantee he wouldn’t be a problem for anyone ever again.

Like the well trained dogs they were, each of the men stripped down, lined up, and presented their little soldiers for her to inspect.  She walked down and inspected each one to make sure they were clean and presentable.  She lovingly caressed their lengths, letting out low, appreciative moans at what she found.

“Mmmm, you are all so big and hard for me.  They will feel so good inside of me.”  She said with a low purr.  A young, gangly looking guard let out a gasp and unleashed a spray of white the moment her sensual fingers brushed back his foreskin.

Sade let a small giggle bubble out from her throat.  “Oh my… It appears that someone is eager.  Here, let me clean you up properly.”

She knelt down so that her lips were only a hair's breadth away from his glistening tip.  Opening up her mouth, she let her tongue slowly unfurl outwards before coiling around his sensitive crown like a snake constricting around its prey.  She let the dexterous muscle slide around his girth before giving a light tug to guide his length into her gaping maw.  Sade’s cheeks hollowed as she lapped and sucked all the way down until her lips brushed up against his pelvis, and then slowly twisted her head back and forth as she slowly made her way back.

“Muah!  There we go, all nice and ready for me to enjoy.”  She said after releasing his reenergized dick with a pop.  Several nearby cocks twitched in anticipation, their owners barely suppressing their need to moan.

Sade blinked.  While she was admittedly laying it on a little thick, she hadn’t anticipated her little show would garner such enthusiastic responses.  It would be something for her to experiment with later.  For the moment, she needed coital energy and a lot of it.  It was time for her to get to work.

Time passed by in a blur.  Sade skillfully used her hands and mouth to service every prick within reach.  She rubbed, sucked, licked, and caressed each of them in turn.  She kept it up until their moans turned into animalistic grunts, unleashing sprays of white to coat her face and hair.

“More.”  She moaned.

The men attacked her upper body.  They wrapped themselves within her expansive cleavage, slid between the undersides of her pillowy breasts, and even rubbed between the crevice below each of her shoulders.  Each of them rubbed and squeezed until cum snaked down her torso in creamy white rivulets.


Plush thighs wrapped themselves around hardened shafts.  Two impossibly round cheeks enveloped another cock entirely, with just the tip barely managing to poke itself out above her tailbone.  Every spare scrap of skin from her fingers to her toes joined in the dance of ecstasy.  Sade reveled in the debauchery, moaned sensually, and rejoiced as her dark skin was slowly painted white, sanctifying her body as an altar of lust.


Sade could sense the power, could feel the primal energy seeping into her skin and pooling into her core.  She felt one with her vocation, knew on an instinctual level the minute differences between mana and the special power only those like her could wield and distribute to those they considered worthy.  She just needed a bit more.

Both the men’s willpower and their erections began to flag.  One by one they began to drop like flies.  Sade ignored the weaklings and redoubled her efforts on those who still had more to give.  She used her semen slick skin to slide up and down, squeezing every drop she could out of their shriveling balls.  She watched in horror as the last of them fell, leaving her well of energy still short of what was required.

“No, no, no!”  She seethed, letting her carefully laid mask slip.  “Get up!  I am not finished with you lot just yet.  Get off the floor and fuck me!”

“So the slut finally shows her true colors, eh?”  A raspy voice said from behind her.

Sade whirled around and saw the stubborn man rising back on unsteady legs.  In his hand was a small vial, devoid of its contents, that he let slip to the floor with a dull clink.  His eyes blazed with determination as he slowly stepped closer.

“Says the man who requires medicinal help to keep up.”  Sade shot back.

It was reckless of her to antagonize the guard, she knew that.  Regardless of the sway she had over these men, she was still a captive with her magic suppressed.  But her impatience at falling short of her goal had caused the calm and calculating part of her mind to slip by the wayside, leaving only her more rash and impulsive side to take over.

The man stalked forward, both his face and his cock swollen with fury.  Sade lept to the side, but was unfortunately hemmed in by her confined cell and the twitching bodies of the other guards.  The man grabbed ahold of her and slammed her face against the stone wall.

He leaned in close enough for her to smell his rancid breath.  “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to sink my dick into that fat ass of yours.  I’m going to enjoy splitting you in half.”

“No, wai- aaaahhh!”

Sade could barely offer any words of protest before the cretin slammed his swollen rod against her rosebud.  Well lubricated from saliva and the copious amount of fluid pooling between her ass cheeks, as well as being caught off guard from his sudden attack, the jailer's rod slid right inside with no resistance.

Mild pain from being stretched out transformed into pleasure after only a few quick thrusts.  For the first time in what felt like months Sade’s insides were being filled.  There was a cock inside her, thrusting in and out of her tight little hole, boring its way into the blazing heat of her core.

Her mind railed at the sensations assaulting her body.  This was not what she wanted.  This filthy degenerate was not the man she craved.  Despite her feelings on the matter, she could feel the pleasure building in her abdomen, a rising wave about to crest and crash down with thunderous force.


The word reverberated throughout her entire being.  She would not give in to her flimsy desires.  Letting herself go would allow this man, this thief, to gain something she considered most sacred.  Even if it was only a little piece, Sade refused to share her gift to the world with this filthy bastard.

With a pulse of willpower, Sade activated one of her newest skills.  Instantly the overwhelming pleasure was dampened like a bucket of water poured over a bonfire, clearing her mind and allowing her a moment to assess her situation.  The smoldering desire was still there, slowly building back up to its peak, but it was still manageable for the moment.

After hearing about the concept of edging from Rick, Sade was surprised to find a vocational skill of the same name and general description on the eve before the tournament began.  She originally intended it to be a surprise for her lovers after she came home victorious, but fate had found an odd way to reward her decision regardless.

The man behind her grunted like a pig and Sade felt warmth seep into her bowels.  She tried to wriggle free but the man held her fast.  With a slight shock of alarm, Sade felt that he was still rock hard inside her.

“Heh heh… I made sure to bring the good stuff this time.”  The man snickered behind her.  “It will take a lot more than this to satisfy me.”

“Good…”  She growled, and slammed her rear down hard into his pelvis.

 Sade braced her arms against the wall for support and continued sliding herself up and down his shaft.  He may have started fucking her, but Sade was going to make damn well sure she was going to be fucked on her terms.

The sudden reversal and assault on his dick left the man reeling.  Within a short order, Sade could feel another spurt of baby batter shoot its way into her insides.  True to his word, whatever potion he drank made it that his dick remained steadfast as she continued to pound him down deeper and deeper into her backdoor.

Twice more she had to use her skill to stop from cumming.  While she may have turned the tables on the guard, getting her ass blasted still felt amazing after such a long stint without.  ‘Edging’, like its name suggested, was a double edged sword.  She could prevent herself from reaching climax, but the tradeoff was that the next time she built herself up to an orgasm it would be even more powerful.  Eventually she wouldn’t be able to hold herself back any longer, and she hadn’t had the time to properly experiment with the consequences of her new skill before capture.

With one last grunt of effort, the man’s penis released its load and finally grew soft.  He groaned before slipping out and falling to the ground, utterly spent.  Sade could feel the combined fluids from the whole ordeal gush out from her gaping asshole.  Snaking her hand down to her sodden snatch, she flicked her fingers across her swollen clit.  The feeling of cum dribbling down her thighs while she played with her aching pleasure button quickly brought her long delayed climax rising to the surface.

Her back arched, her mouth opened in a silent scream, her whole body seized up as the most intense orgasm in her entire life tore through her body like an erupting volcano.  All thoughts were wiped completely out of her mind as her vision went white.  Her insides clamped and her pussy gushed like a river as the world shattering release kept going and going.  Eventually she too collapsed down to the ground, panting heavily from the ordeal she had just finished.

Looking inward, Sade’s mouth twisted in a satisfied smile.  She had done it.

Climbing back to her feet, Sade sucked in a deep breath.  From here on out, there will be no going back.  Summoning her status sheet, she quickly parsed through her options and dumped all her collected energy all at once.

Pure euphoria coursed through her veins.  The pleasure was so great that the feeling overflowed into indescribably agony, then circled right back to ecstasy all over again.  Her nerves were pure lightning, her bones turned molten, every square millimeter of skin became the most sensitive of erogenous zones.  Her womanhood gushed like a waterfall from the seemingly endless stream of orgasms.  This time, when she opened her mouth, she truly did scream.

It was like the time she overused coital energy giving Rick a titfuck, but worse, so so much worse.  None of their little group had spent more than a dozen or two points of energy at a single time.  Even when she compounded the effects, Sade estimated she only hit the equivalent of fifty or more.  Her mind had nearly broken with that stunt, the sensations so overwhelming that she had slipped into unconsciousness in order to prevent any permanent damage to her psyche.  That was roughly fifty points.

And in her little cell, she had just spent a little over three hundred.

Through the haze of agonizing rapture, Sade could see her small room become even smaller.  Her head crept closer and closer towards the stone ceiling.  Her torso bent and stretched, her limbs lengthened, and her body expanded as she grew.  She grew more and more, taller, thicker, greater.

Her muscles bulged outward, creating deep furrows all across her skin.  The abdominals on her stomach became the same size and shape of actual cobble stones.  Her thighs and rear, once so soft and plush, hardened into feminine pillars of corded steel.  Her shoulders broadened in order for her frame to support her greatly enhanced physique.  Of the points she spent, she had split them evenly between height and muscle mass.

Sade’s head impacted stone and she stumbled down to her knees with a crash.  Even prone, she could feel the pressure of her growing legs pushing back against the wall and her limbs sliding against the floor from her widening stance.

“What’s going on in there?  Did you bastards finally break her?”

The words ripped Sade out of her stupor.  She whipped her head towards the source of the noise, seeing the guard outside trying to peek through the narrow gaps between the bars in order to see just what had transpired.  Looking back towards the other side of the room, she saw the man who violated her struggling to sit back up, shaking his head side to side in an attempt to clear away his own lust induced brain fog.

A cruel smile curled her lips.

Sade reached out and clutched the man by his throat.  She had become so large that virtually anywhere within her cell had become within arms reach.  His neck felt as small as a child’s wrist enclosed within her meaty palm.  His eyes grew wide with fear and she let out a dark chuckle, deep and rumbling, while his weak struggles utterly failed to break her iron grip.

Unleashing all the fury she had harbored in her captivity, she let out a thunderous bellow and hurled the man as hard as she could towards the cell door.  Bones and metal crunched together in a macabre symphony, both the door and the man’s body unable to withstand the forces being acted upon them.  Blood sprayed out between the bars, drenching the guard and his lantern in crimson mist.

Sade crawled towards the now open doorway, her enhanced limbs propelling her forward nearly as fast as a normal man could sprint.  The guard beyond was too distracted from being drenched in his colleague’s remains to notice her until it was far too late.  Her fingers clamped down over his face and she wrenched him by his head back into the pile of his naked comrades inside the cell.

Sade slammed the cell door shut.  Even if the lock wasn’t irrevocably broken, the man she had just tossed inside still had the key.  How fortunate for her that such mundane trifles were no longer a concern.

Grabbing hold of the cold iron, Sade pulled with all her newfound strength.  The metal screeched like a wounded eagle.  Slowly, the bars bent and buckled until she managed to twist the two sections together, permanently locking away all inside unless someone came to remove the barrier entirely.

“I thank you all for such a lovely time spent in this dungeon.”  Sade said with saccharine sweetness.  “Unfortunately, I must leave you now.  I have an important meeting with your employer.  Do take care!”

Letting out another wicked laugh, Sade tore through the now claustrophobic hallways.  She had managed to escape her jail cell, all that was left was to find her way out of the dungeon and back to freedom.

She skidded to a halt as she came across a wide corridor.  Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw a stream of all too familiar monsters rushing down the tunnel next to her.  Not a single one of them paid her any heed as they all continued to pour their way towards whatever foul sorcery summoned them.

Once the tide of green insectoid beasts petered out, she poked her head out to examine the now empty corridor.  Stepping back into the hall she came from, Sade took stock of herself.  Looking down at her body, she could see she was a literal giant.  If she had to guess, she was probably double the height Tyr was when they first met.  While her muscles had also grown to proportionally rival that of the hulking elf, Sade was sad to find other parts of her hadn’t quite kept up with her changes.  Her poor breasts had shrunk down to very large as opposed to humungous, no longer dominating her torso as they once had.  Her hips too only gave her new frame a distinct hourglass shape rather than jutting out twice as wide as her shoulders.

She sighed.  She still looked nice and incredibly feminine, but the loss of her desired form stung all the same.  It was a necessary sacrifice, one she would pay again in a heartbeat every time.  Reaching out with her senses, Sade was at least glad to feel the familiar tingle of magic dance upon her skin.  She smiled wide.  While her new stature made her incredibly dangerous, the return of her spellcasting had turned her into a weapon of legendary destruction.

Stepping into the tunnel, Sade turned and headed into the same direction the monster hoard had gone.  Whatever was going on, she was sure to find Lady Rivenmoor at the heart of it.  Sade clenched her fists and watched as electricity danced across her knuckles.

She would make that woman pay.

She crept along down the stone hallway.  As invincible as she felt in her large and powerful body, the last thing she desired was for that illusion to shatter at the worst possible time.  So for the moment, discretion was the better part of valor.  She would be cautious and patient, the time for her revenge would come soon enough.

Her diligence was rewarded when she heard the sounds of fighting come from around the corner.  Poking her head out to look, she saw hundreds of those bug monsters being magically cut down by the score by a painfully familiar spell.  When the last of the monsters succumbed to its wounds, Sade slowly approached the cavern where the slaughter took place.

There, just ahead stood her friends.

Rick, Tyr, Lilie, Daniela, and… Ariwyn?  Sade shook her head to clear the confusion from seeing her academic rival amongst her lovers.  The details were not important, all that mattered was that she had found them.  Somehow, buried deep below the earth of who knew where her friends, her family, had somehow managed to find their way to her.

Movement drew her eye.  Her lovers were fighting.  Lilie was engaged in the largest insect monster she had seen yet.  Rick was fighting someone else.  Sade saw a blade wreathed in ghostly pale flames and the face of the woman who wielded the weapon.

Sade’s vision went red.

Lady Rivenmoor, the woman who had her captured, who had forced her to debase herself like a whore all in an effort to survive and escape, was fighting with the man she loved with all her heart and soul.  She was toying with him.  Acting like the sadistic cat toying with a little mouse.

Sade’s feet were already in motion.  When she saw the wretched high elf’s blade slice across Rick’s handsome face, she let out an earth shattering bellow of rage.  Rick had fallen, the flaming blade held up towards his throat.  Lady Rivenmoor’s face a mask of triumph.

Right up until Sade’s fist slammed into the bitch’s jaw.

At long last, the gang's finally back together.  I don't know about you, but I sure can't wait to see how this fight turns out.

See you all soon!

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