
Chapter 3.2 Slow and Steady (18+)

Edited on Feb 12, 2024

The comments more than likely don't reflect on the current version of the story.

The next morning Rick and Sade were both grumpy and dissatisfied with their situation.

While Rick got the middle watch, Sade had the misfortune to be assigned the final assignment until morning.  Tyr did her best to help build a makeshift bed for Sade to sleep in while they bounced down the road.  Despite how uncomfortable it must have been, she managed to sleep for most of the morning.

After Sade woke up from her nap they took a break for lunch.

Tyr gave them both the formula for the ‘elven claw’ while they shoveled food in their mouths.  “This shares quite a few similarities to the ‘cut’ spell.  Although quite a bit more powerful and complicated.”  Sade commented.

The elf laughed. “Aye. The elves taught some human the claw spell a few hundred years ago and it was a wee bit much fer him.  So he made the ‘cut’ spell instead.  Quite clever honestly.”

Sade was delighted to learn that little tidbit of magical history.  The two women chatted a bit more about elven history and the various magic their people both learned and taught other races.

Rick learned that the wood elves were the closest thing the land, that would eventually be designated the kingdom of Shivani, had to a native people group.

When a new sentient race wandered in, either from the coast like the dwarves or from the eastern mountains like the humans and orcs, it was usually the wood elves that they encountered first.  Many would-be tyrants tried to subjugate them and other races that called the land home over the centuries, but none of them lasted more than a few battles.

“Eventually everyone learned that trading and leaving us be was a far better option than getting an arrow up the arse.”  Tyr said with a sadistic chuckle.

While she had an obvious bias, Rick could certainly see why not fighting the wood elves was a smart idea in the long run.  Tyr herself was a head taller than the two of them and was nothing but muscle, feral might, and feminine curves.  Trying to fight a nation where the average citizen looked like her sounded like a bad idea.

And if he remembered correctly from his short time in Valmic, she was on the small and weak end of the spectrum.

“Hey Tyr, you said that you were fully grown, right?”  Rick asked the woman. “Aye.”  She replied with a bit of confusion.  “Well… I saw a lot of other wood elves back in town and they were all really big.  LIke huge!”

He held his hands way out to the side and then above his head to demonstrate their broad physics and towering height.  A glance behind Tyr showed Sade placing her hands way out in front of her chest with a smirk and a raised brow.

Tyr blinked for a few seconds before she registered what he was asking. “Ah!  An elf is considered ta have an adult body when they can start bearing children.”  She laughed and continued “We don’t stop growing taller and busty’er,” she cupped her fairly sizable breasts with both hands in emphasis, behind her Sade coughed and nearly fell over.  “Fer several hundred years after we pass the point where we can have little ones.”

She pointed at the two of them. “Like the two of ya.  Both of ya look like wee ones by human standards.  I’m sure ya two will look quite sexy in a few more summers.”

While she wasn’t wrong in her assessment, Rick suspected there was a slight misunderstanding going on.

“Oh! You are talking about how a human can have children as early as ten but still can develop for many years after, right?”  Sade piped up.  

“Yeah, something like that.”  Tyr said. “I didn’t know ya two were so young though.”

There was an awkward pause until Rick cleared his throat. “Um… we both are full adults.  We are each eighteen, and nearly at the end of our natural growth period.”

At Rick’s confession, the elf looked between the two humans, at their small and slender bodies that lacked many adult features.  She looked crestfallen.  It was obvious she didn’t mean to be insulting.

Sade quickly reached out and patted the other woman on the shoulder.  “Do not feel so bad.  Exceptions do exist.”  She looked over at Rick and they shared a private smile between the two of them. “I actually grew a bit taller since starting this trip.  I even grew ‘busty’er’ too!”

As she quoted Tyr’s earlier comment, Sade cupped and jiggled her own breasts in the same way the elf did earlier.  While not nearly the same size as their elven companion, her mounds were considerably more prominent than when they met in the forest.

“I have the feeling that both of us are not quite done growing.”  Sade squeezed Rick’s thigh and gave him a knowing smile.  He returned the gesture.  There was no way either of them were done spending coital energy anytime soon.  He greatly looked forward to them both getting bigger in all sorts of fun and sexy ways.

Tyr’s mood seemed to lift at Sade’s words.  It was obvious to both humans that she had a difficult time choosing her words, so neither of them would hold that against her.  Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.

The day passed by slowly as they bounced along the forested path.  Tyr showed Rick how to drive the cart and Sade spent most of the afternoon pouring over some of the few books she brought with her from home.  She said it was to help her learn something useful so Rick decided to leave her to it and concentrate on not hitting a tree.

Sade surprised them all when she suddenly stood up from her position in the cart a few hours later.  Before anyone could ask what was wrong, she held out her arm and a long spike of ice shot out and embedded itself in a nearby tree trunk.

“There we go.”  she said smugly “That should be an offensive magic that would not burn the forest down, correct?”

The elf just shook her head in amusement. “That it won’t.  Now, why don’t ya see if ya can hit what I tell ya.

Until Sade’s magic ran dry, she attempted to hit various targets Tyr called out to her.  The targets varied by size and distance, from a tree trunk near the side of the road to a falling leaf that Rick struggled to even spot a dozen meters away.  Her descriptions were precise, making it hard for either of the two humans to get confused on what exactly Tyr wanted Sade to aim for.  It was a good reminder that their companion was exactly as capable as the guard captain assured them she would be despite her apparent youth.

“Ya aren't an elf with a bow, but that ice sure has some kick ta it.” Tyr exclaimed after Sade collapsed to the cart bed, panting.  It seemed that a dozen icicles was the limit of her mana reserves.

She could hit most targets within a few meters with decent accuracy.  What impressed Rick the most was the speed in which she could fire another ice spike after the first.  He guessed the spell had only a couple second recharge time.  Each spike hit with enough force to dig almost a quarter of its length into dense wood.  So the spell was quite powerful.  If she could increase her accuracy, Sade could probably wipe out an entire squad of soldiers before they even reached the wagon.

And she’s only level 1 without a magical vocation.  Rick mused.  He wondered just how powerful Sade was capable of becoming.  He wondered if he had it in him to follow beside her on her path to becoming a full mage.

Once Sade could stand up again she took a turn learning how to drive the cart while Rick practiced the elven claw spell.  Despite his earlier success with the ‘ember’ cantrip, his progress in maneuvering his mana along the proper paths had met with little success.

The problem was that the spell required him to split the flow evenly between both his arms then split the mana again along each of his fingers.  Each separate flow had to be uniform and steady.  Each time he focused too much on one area another would falter and he would scramble to correct, causing his focus to slip somewhere else, and ultimately the mana flow would break and the spell would fail to manifest.  He felt like the meme guy holding too many avocados, just without the goofy smile.

He groaned in frustration.  “Am I missing something?  How did you master the ice spell so quickly?” He complained to Sade in the driver seat.

She turned briefly to give him a knowing smile. “I have yet to master the spell.” She said softly. “In fact, today was the first time I was able to use it at all.”  Rick shot her a disbelieving look and she continued. “I have read and reread every spell in that book since I was a child. I have dedicated myself to learning to wield magic for half my life, finding success only relatively recently.  It only looks easy when you see the result of all those years of hard work from the outside.”

Rick groaned again.  Nearly every one of Sade’s lectures could be summed up with ‘practice, practice, practice’.  He knew she was right in her thinking.  He just didn’t want to deal with the mountain of effort anything worthwhile took.  If he wanted to master his magical gifts, there would be no easy route to take.  Lacking anything better to do, he went back to practicing, grumbling inwardly all the while.

The rest of the day passed uneventfully.  Once more they drew lots for watch duty.  Rick was once again in the middle and wished Sade a good night while she took the first watch.

It was sometime later that he slowly became aware of a warm and wet sensation affecting a small part of his skin.  It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling.  In fact, he could feel a growing sense of pleasure as the soft dampness continued its ministrations.  Slowly his mind clawed its way out of sleep's grip and he cracked open his eyes to see a mass of dark puffy curls bobbing between his legs.

The mass shifted and Sade’s eyes met Ricks, his dick dangling out of her mouth like a lollipop.

Before he could make a sound her arm shot out and covered his mouth with her hand.  He could feel something small and round being forced between his lips and he involuntarily swallowed.  Her mouth slid off his shaft and she quietly moved to sit on his thighs, her hand never leaving his mouth.

“Shhhh, I just gave you some medicine.” She whispered so quietly that he struggled to remember if she spoke at all.

Rick was now fully awake and gave her a questioning look from around her cupped palm.  She flashed him a glimpse of her pearly white teeth and with her other hand lifted up the hem of her skirt.  Her bare sex greeted him from below the garment, her juices glistening in the dim light.

Without saying a word, Sade angled her hips to drag her lower lips along his length then plunge downward once they crested his tip.  He was already close to the edge thanks to her unorthodox method of waking him up, but based on how easily he was sheathed, she must not have been too far either.

Oh, how I missed this.  He sang inwardly.  Somehow waiting just an extra day outside what they got used to made him even more sensitive.  He could feel every single slippery bump and fold within her blazing tunnel.  Each gentle caress was like being wrapped in the softest heated blanket.  It was the coziest place he could imagine, and he never wanted to leave it again.

Sade did not go quickly.  She rose and fell on top of him with the most deliberate slowness.  She would rise until his head was just barely between those most pink lips, staying just long enough for the juices left on his shaft to cool in the night air.  She would then leisurely, lower back down until the chill would be obliterated in her all consuming heat.  And once more, she would begin to rise, her walls clenching tight like she was trying to squeeze the last bit of toothpaste from the tube.

After a minute of this achingly slow lovemaking, they both started to feel the pressure building.  Rick reached up and embraced Sade before they both shuddered with climax.

Once their high subsided Sade removed her hand from his mouth.  “I am sorry.  I just couldn’t help myself.”  She said softly in his ear.  Rick just gave his lover another slow hug to show he was far from mad by the way she woke him.

“It is also time for your watch.”  She giggled and extracted herself from him so he could get dressed.  He gave her a quick kiss before he grabbed his other spear, the one that had yet to be used that evening, and began his own lonely vigil.

Rick and Sade sat next to each other in the driver's seat the next morning.  Their companion was still sleeping in the back of the cart after finishing the final watch of the evening while the two led the cart down the lonely forest road.

Sade’s head was resting on Rick’s shoulder.  He marveled at how content he felt in that moment.  Despite being so very far away from his home, Rick felt an ease in his soul that he didn’t even know had troubled him.  He may never be able to go back home, and for the moment, he was okay with that.

It may just be from finally getting laid, but who really knew?

He heard stirring from behind him and the two looked back to see Tyr shrugging out of her bedroll.  The elf stretched her muscled arms over her head and gave a mighty yawn.

Her gaze met theirs. “What, no waking me up by wrapping yer lips around me shaft like our friend here?  I’m mildly offended.”

Her words hit them like a wave of ice water.

“Oh yeah,” she teased them with a knowing smirk while sauntering over to them “I got ta see the whole show.”

I wonder how this will turn out.  Guess we'll all see very soon.

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