
Chapter 3.4 Who’s Asking? (18+)

Edited Feb 12, 2024

Comments may not accurately reflect on current version of the story.

Here ya go!

It's a new week so here's just over 3.7k words of steamy goodness.  Just for you!

Additionally;  Huge Shoutout to Roseofblades , author of "How I became the Empress of Hell" and "Body of a Goddess".

Her feedback has been instrumental in making sure my work is as high quality as I can make it.  I love her work, so certainly check them out when you got time.

And enjoy!

Dinner that night was, in a word, awkward.

All three of them were silent and giving the others sly glances, unsure how to broach the subject of the night's activities.  Rick had no idea what to say.  Based on comments after his slip up, a bisexual pseudo-amazon forest elf wanted to have sex with him.  All so she can use his magic to grow a dick.

Did he want to indulge her in this?  He most certainly did.  The young elf was tall, shredded, and curvy in all the right places.  She was downright sexy.  If a young woman like her approached him back in his old life, asking for a few nights of fun, he would have agreed on the spot.  But that was his life before everything changed, before Sade.

“Okay!  I’m just going to say this out loud.  How the fuck is this going to work?”  He exploded.

Rick didn’t get a response and let his frustration out with a giant sigh.  “Look, I was raised in a strictly monogamous culture.”  He looked to Sade as he did his best to explain why this was so awkward for him.  “We may not be courting each other but you are the one I am currently with, your opinion and your happiness is important to me.  If you say that I shouldn’t have sex with Tyr for any reason, then that is final.”

Sade looked flustered at his open confession of his feelings for her.  Tyr looked pensive.  Rick could just barely make out a few words that she muttered under her breath.

“So if I can get Sade ta join in…”

Tyr took that opportunity to saddle up next to Sade.  She wrapped her large arms around the smaller woman in an embrace that was more than a little intimate.  Sade let out a squeal of surprise before the larger woman gently locked lips with her.

Sade got over her shock fairly quickly, and even started to moan with desire.  Her chocolate and pink lips shifted and parted slightly.  Rick swore that the two were engaging in some sort of tongue duel.

What the balls is going on?!  He was more than a little confused.  And more than a little aroused.

Their arms began to rub and knead each other's backs, softly at first, then with greater force and urgency.  Low moaning escaped from their locked mouths before Tyr forced herself to break away from the deep kiss.

Sade was panting slightly, her slender torso rising and falling with each breath.  Rick was at full attention from the display, in a manner of speaking.

Tyr fixed her gaze on them both. “Rick, Sade, would the two of you like to fuck me until we all pass out?”  The humans both gave enthusiastic nods.  “Good.”  She purred.

The elf unwound her arms from Sade and leaned down to give her a soft peck on the forehead.  “What ya decide ta do afterwards is of no concern of mine.”  She stood up, sauntered over to the cart, and then turned to face them.  “But I guarantee this will be a night for us to remember.”  With that, she proceeded to climb inside.

Sade moved to join but noticed Rick unmoved from his position on the rock he used as a seat for dinner.  His mind just couldn’t adequately process the current events.  It was like the needle jumped off the track and was just skipping along the side of the record.

His mental gears locked back in place when Sade grasped his hands and pulled him up to his feet.  “I, uh… what just happened?” he asked with masterful eloquence.

She let out a musical chuckle.  “If an elf asks for a fuck, why say ‘no’?.”

Rick's mind came back to full power at her words.  “I’m sorry.  What did you just say?”

Sade smiled and began to lead him to the wagon.  “Just some words of wisdom. There is not enough time to dive into the history of the phrase, but I will highlight the major points.”

“Would you consider our dear Tyrillian beautiful?”

“Yeah, of course.  T-the same as you!”  Rick answered, barely catching himself and squeaking a compliment Sade’s way.

“I am quite flattered you would put me on the same pedestal as an elf.”  She said in a mild teasing tone, showing that she knew full well of the hole he nearly dug himself into.  “My point is that elves are as sexy as they are powerful. They often ask the various single residents of the border towns if they would like to join them for some fun while they visit.”

“So they are as horny as they are sexy?”  Rick asked

“Precisely!”  She said with a soft rap of her knuckles on his chest.  “Most people who live close to wood elf territory even consider those trysts a rite of passage.”  She tapped her finger against her lip in thought.  “Although, I have heard that in some rare instances they can sometimes be a bit… pushy.”

That was certainly a word that could be used to describe their new friend.  “I can imagine.  But it looks like that kiss got more than a little heated on both sides.”  He gave her a look of mild concern.  “And are you interested in… other women?”

She burst out laughing at his question. “I honestly never thought I would be.  But I felt a spark of something after the shock wore off, I want to explore that a bit more, I want to see where this takes us.  Regardless of the outcome, an elf just asked us to fuck.”  She shot him a knowing look.

“And if they ask, why say ‘no’.”  He intoned.

She smiled.  “I can not think of a reason, can you?”

He chuckled.  “I can’t either.  Let’s see where this goes.”

They passed by a large sack that they stuffed the bug monster in earlier in the day.  Tyr told them earlier that most animals avoided the scent of monsters, even dead ones.  So they didn’t need to worry about the corpse disappearing in the middle of the night from a desperate scavenger.  They parted the cloth covering their wagon and stepped inside.

“About time the two of ya came in ta answer me request.”  She was sitting on the bench in a relaxed pose.  “I was about ta show ya the consequences of saying ‘no’.”  Her smirk told Rick that she was more than likely just playing around after eavesdropping on their conversation outside.

She really needs to work on her phrasing, someone could get the wrong idea about her views on consent.  Rick inwardly winced at her poor choice of words.

Giving her the benefit of the doubt, he decided to play along a bit.  “And what are the consequences exactly?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “No idea.  I honestly never had anyone refuse me before.”

Her hands moved to the ties on her leather vest.  The armor fell away to the floor and she stretched her arms above her head with relief.  Rick could see the outline of her nipples poking out from the thin shirt she wore underneath her leathers.  He heard rustling to the side and saw Sade was in the process of disrobing as well.

I guess it’s time to strip. He thought wryly.

He had just gotten his shirt off when he felt himself wrapped in a firm embrace.  “Here, let me help ya.”  He was then gently hoisted by his rear end and gently laid down on their sleeping mats on the floor.  Tyr’s strong hands deftly unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off with just a quick tug.  She gave him the most predatory stare as saw his member standing proud.  “That’s a good size.”  she purred, her hand gently stroking it “It seems me eyes weren't playing tricks on me last night.”

She plopped down next to him and shrugged her own boots and pants off.  She had small strips of linen wrapped around her legs from their fight with the monster, but if her injuries pained her, she didn’t show it.

She guided his face to hers and pressed their mouths together.  Her tongue snaked out and began to explore the inside of his mouth so he attempted to return the favor.

He found himself trapped between her fangs before she retreated slightly to give him some room.  While their mouths were busy getting to know each other her other hand slid between them and started stroking his shaft once more.  He couldn’t help but let a low moan slip out at her touch.

She broke off their kiss with a slight pop. “I think it’s time ya got on top.”

Rick rolled over and sat up on his knees.  Her legs were folded up like she was about to do some sit-ups, blocking his view of her pelvis.  She reached down and grabbed the bottom of her shirt and with an aching slowness, pulled it up and away from her body.

Bit by bit her chiseled stomach was revealed first.  Each abdominal muscle formed a soft bump on the rippled surface.  After the washboard abs came the swells of her breasts with her pink nipples poking out prominently.  Her mounds were large enough to overflow in his hands slightly and he laughed inwardly at what was probably the only concentration of fat on her body.

“Ya like what ya see?”  She teased.  She then parted her meaty thighs and exposed herself fully to him.  Rick most definitely liked what he saw.

He gazed lovingly at the thin strips of pink surrounded by a faint dusting of red and brown.  He lowered himself down and began to explore with his tongue these lower lips much in the same way he did with the upper set earlier.

Tyr began to squirm so he grabbed her by the hips and just attacked harder.  Her bucking became wild as he did his best to lick every nook and cranny of her slit he could.  “That’s enough of that.”  She gasped while pulling his face away with both her hands. “I’m ready fer the real meal, not just the appetizer.”

Rick got back to his knees.  A slender arm snaked across his chest and another came over his shoulder to present a pill.  “Try not to forget your medicine.”  Sade giggled from behind his ear.

He laughed and swallowed the proffered pill from her outstretched palm.  She slithered her bare chest around his back so that her hands could rest on his groin.  She gently pressed down and guided him towards Tyr’s waiting entrance.  With just a couple thrusts he was fully sheathed inside.

“Oh wow!”  He breathed in pleasure.

Tyr chuckled softly and suddenly her tunnel tightened around him like a velvet lined vice.  She began to rock her hips so that he slid in and out of her without any input from him.  While her grip was powerful, it was not to the point of being painful.  Certainly different than Sade’s gentle softness, but no less wonderful to feel.

Rick shook off his surprise and did his best to match the pace she was setting.  Faster and faster, his thrusts built up speed.  He could feel the pressure in his penis building steadily, he was far too keyed up, she just felt so good around his shaft.  With a final thrust he finally let loose and erupted inside her.

He could feel her inner walls contract and relax with each spurt of cum, almost like she was milking him for each drop she could.  Her massaging tunnel caused his climax to last far longer than he thought possible.  Finally he was wrung out completely and collapsed on her ample chest.

“That was good.”  She cooed and stroked his hair softly. “But now ya better put that new skill to use.”

She extracted herself from his still hard cock and turned him over so he was sitting in her lap with his back to her chest.  Rick saw that Sade’s hands were exploring her own chest and groin, her eyes clouded with desire.

“I think she’s been ignored fer too long.  We should fix that.”  Tyr gestured for Sade to come forward.  The human woman padded forward and positioned herself so that she was staring into Rick’s eyes while her lower half was hovering just above his manhood.

She crouched down and buried his erection inside her with just two thrusts and cried out with her first release of the evening.  Rick could feel his desire rise as the aftershocks traveled down her spine and through his rod still buried deep enough to scrape the entrance to her womb.

“I guess I worked myself up just a bit too much.”  She laughed and gave him a warm embrace.

The two kissed passionately.  It was not long before Sade started to bounce up and down on him once more.  From behind he could feel Tyr grinding against his back, her sizable pillows sliding up and down his shoulder blades.

The feeling of being sandwiched between two beautiful and horny women caused Rick to reach climax far faster than he normally would.  For the second time that night he came.  He unloaded spurt after spurt of his seed inside his lover, his balls eager to fill Sade up just as much as they did for Tyr.  It seemed his new skill made it so that every time he released it was just as large as the first.

“My turn.”  Tyr growled seductively in Rick’s ear.  No sooner had Sade extracted herself from him then Tyr swung herself to his front in one smooth motion.

Rick was now on his back with his large friend on her knees in between his legs.  One hand scooped down and started to lift his pelvis up by his rear.  The other hand bent his still rigid shaft down and toward her waiting entrance.  Once his head slid in between her lips she adjusted her grip with both hands around his buttcheeks and slid him further inside her.

Tyr then began to piston forward and back with her hips.  With his lower half being lifted up, there was very little Rick could do other than let her have her way with him.  Sade crawled around the two and observed the odd position.

“It looks like she is the one with the man parts.”  She said with amusement and more than a little awe in her voice.

Rick could only groan in response.  His admittedly limited exposure to carnal relations with women meant that he never really considered his preferences for being dominant or submissive.  This was most certainly not dominance, but he could not deny that whatever was happening, it felt amazing.

His cock was angled almost completely downward.  It wasn’t painful, but the unfamiliar angle caused his sensitivity to skyrocket with every bump and twitch.  He could feel every ridge and divot along the roof of her tunnel as it scraped along his full length, ending with the button of her clit pressing hard against the rim of his head before being plunged back in.

A shudder ran through her body and she let out a harsh cry of ecstasy, shoving him as deep inside her as he could go.  Tyr was most certainly larger than Sade in that regard, which wasn’t that surprising.  As soon as the spasms began to subside she once again resumed her mechanical grinding, gaining even more speed and ferocity.  It was not long before he emptied himself once more into the large woman and she let him slide out and fall back to the mats.

They continued copulating for another hour before all three collapsed in a heap, panting heavily with exertion.  Rick had managed to give a total of three loads each to the women, each as large as the last, but now his little soldier was down for the count.

“I don’t think I have ever felt so drained in my life.”  He gasped out.

Sade reached over to pat his hand but flinched slightly when their hands made contact like he just shocked her with static electricity.  “You have almost no magic left in your body!”  She said with a worried tone.  She sat up and wore her pondering face while occasionally looking back at him.

“You have only used one spell today.  That should not account for such a large drain to your reserves.  Could this be your new skill?”

He shrugged. “Probably.  You will probably test it next time anyway.”  She chuckled at his fairly accurate assessment and laid down sleepily on top of his chest.  Rick felt exhaustion start to overtake him at the same moment.  They were asleep before either of them took a second breath.

The next day, when they once more traveled through the lonely forest, and evening began to fall, all three of them were excited.  It was mostly because their long and somewhat dangerous journey was nearly over.  By noon the day after they would be safely behind the walls of the coastal city of Shatak.

Of course this also was the last night the three of them could enjoy their evenings in private.  All three of them had a wonderful time exploring each other and testing Rick’s new vocational skill.  They were quite eager to enjoy that again.

After staying up all night on watch, Tyr did indeed confirm her own pool of coital energy and that what she wanted from his magic was both possible and she had nearly enough energy to get it.  Something she excitedly gushed about to the two humans the second she woke up from her nap earlier that afternoon.  Her enthusiasm was quite infectious.

Once again Rick found himself naked with two gorgeous women who were eager to make love to him.

Sade slid off to the side and opted to let Tyr have all the fun she required to grow her own manly bits.  A gesture that the elf took with relish.  Before he could even get a word in, Tyr grabbed his midsection, lubricated him with two quick sucks with her mouth, then plunged him inside her in the same position she favored the night previous.

The elf ranger was both larger and stronger than him, and the way she pounded him inside her left no doubt who was the dominant partner.  There was no getting around it, it was emasculating as hell.  But as much as his masculinity railed at being manhandled like this, he could admit that it was freeing in a way.

He didn’t have to take charge or force himself to do anything.  All he had to do was just lay back and enjoy the sensations of being fucked by an incredibly powerful and sexy woman.  By the way she made him feel both emotionally and physically, he could do far worse when it came to partners.

As if sensing his feelings about the lack of agency after she made him finish inside her for the first time that evening, Tyr turned around and got on all fours, bidding him to take her from behind.  It was a subtle gesture, but one that told him she was willing to receive rather than just take.

This was a position he and Sade had done and enjoyed but Tyr’s size and power made the experience considerably different.  It was no less pleasurable, just an interesting case study in contrasts between the two of them.

Sade moved to the other woman's front and guided her face towards her steaming core.  LIke the animal the sex position was named after, Tyr began to lap at Sade’s lower lips with great enthusiasm.  All three of them gave a cry as they eventually reached their climax together.

“Damn!  I’ve never been spit-roasted like that!”  Tyr gasped from between Sade’s legs.

“I know I said I would let you have your fun.  But I just could not help myself when you two started going at it like dogs.”  Came her breathy chuckle in reply.  “And like a dog, there is a certain bone I want to enjoy at this moment.”

Sade stalked towards Rick.  She extended her hand and gently shoved him down to his back before standing over his waist.  Her hips suddenly surged outward to either side and Sade cried out in unadulterated pleasure and lust.  Rick could just barely catch sight of clear liquid gushing down her thighs before she rocketed down and impaled herself upon him.

“Yes, Yes, YES!!” She cried as she pounded her newly widened hips down on his shaft with reckless abandon.  Fueled by her passion, Rick could not help but explode inside her in what had to have been the largest load of his life.

Sade enveloped him in a fierce hug. “By all that is good, I love this!”  She panted over his shoulder.  Rick returned the gesture with an equal amount of enthusiasm.  Feeling exactly what changes his magic allowed her to enact gave him an idea on how to convey just how much he enjoyed her love and companionship as well.

He mentally flicked through his available options and dumped all his accumulated energy in one enhancement.  His entire body sang with energy and power coursing over every muscle and nerve he had.  He adjusted his grip under Sade’s thighs and made to stand up.

The last time they attempted this nearly ended with a snapped penis, his only saving grace was both the lack of height he tried to lift her, and his dick’s lacking size at the time.  He could feel strength flood into his limbs and each passing second became easier and easier to carry the weight of his now slightly less slender lover.

He had just poured more coital energy in one go than ever before and he could now feel the secondary effect kick in.

Blood rushed straight into his dick as his carnal desires grew tremendously.  The desire to make love to this cute, smart, and kind woman over, and over, and over until the sun rose high into the sky.  And then to keep going beyond that.

He was driven mostly back to reality from his carnal haze when an animalistic scream tore through the air from the other side of the wagon.

Both their heads twisted to the source of the terrifying cry.  Tyr was on her feet, hands covering her face, her back arched in a rictus of pain and pleasure.  Between her legs, poking out from the light patch of auburn fur above her vagina, a penis stood proudly.

The thing was tiny, probably no larger than five or six centimeters, smaller than Tyr’s thumb.  But it was there, she now had the dick she always wanted.  A deep growl rumbled out of her throat as her hands fell away from her face.

“Ya… Ya forgot ta mention how good this feels.”  She purred, her voice slightly slurred with desire.

Her deep green eyes locked onto the two of them and she ran her tongue along her fangs.  She stalked forward until her face pressed up against Sade’s rear.

“I hope ya don’t mind me joining the fun.”

Before either of them could answer she ran her long tongue down into Sade’s cleft and started going to town.  Rick’s own overwhelming desire to rut his dusky lover all night came back in full force when he felt Sade clench his overly engorged shaft every time the elf hit a sensitive spot between her cheeks.  He started to pump in and out of her once more.

The effort of both Tyr and Rick soon brought Sade right up to the brink.  The elf suddenly stopped her furious licking before the smaller woman could reach climax and stood up to face her.

“I think that’s enough foreplay.  Time fer the real fun.”

Sade attempted to collect herself from her delirious haze to ask what Tyr meant.  But she only got a few words in before she got the answer to her question immediately.  Right when the larger woman plunged her new appendage inside the only unused hole it could reach.

“What… what are you- OoooOOOoohh my!”

Sade didn’t cry out in pain, merely surprise at the sudden intrusion.  Tyr’s lustful ministrations had her thoroughly lubed up, and the small size of the insertion helped prevent her from being stretched beyond what she could handle.

This was fortunate for Sade.  Tyr was far too lost in her own haze of desire from using a large amount of coital energy, and continued to thrust in and out of her asshole with reckless abandon.  Sade was now sandwiched between her two friends and lovers while being plowed from both ends.  Rick was grateful that her grunts of exertion soon morphed to moans of pleasure as soon as the initial shock wore off.

“I-I can feel you.  Both of you.  Rubbing together against my- oh yes- pressing against my walls.  It feels so strange… but so good!”

Once again swept up in the moment, and more than a little riled up from Sade’s commentary, the three lovers quickly approached climax together in a chorus of ecstasy, then fell in a heap on the mats below.

“Sex magic is the best.” Tyr chuckled out loud.

Rick had to agree.  He idly opened up his status to check how much coital energy he had gained after this little stunt.  He had more than the thought he would but that would be a mystery for when he wasn’t bone tired and drained of mana.  He briefly looked over his stats and noticed something odd.

“Hey, my strength went up.”

In almost comical unison, the two women broke out of their lustful daze, looked at him, and shouted.  “What?!”

And now I can finally justify the futanari tag.  Sorry it took so long.  Also the position Tyr used on Rick is called the "Amazon position".  It's quite interesting to see in action, even if it isn't really your thing.

Chapter 3 and the traveling arc is now done.  Next chapter will finally bring our party to the big city.

If you guys have any questions, comments, concerns, or just want to be silly, please post down in the comment section.  I love to hear your feedback... I crave it!

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