
Chapter 4.3 Growing Games (18+)

Edited on Feb 22, 2024

Comments may not accurately reflect current version of the story.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Even if you don't particularly celebrate the holidays, I still want to give you all a little something.

So... Later today I'll post the first section for Chapter 5.

Yep!  You guys get double updates today!  Not only do you get something sexy in the morning, but now you get to experience the story from a slightly different perspective in the next chapter.

“Ta da!  ‘The Ship’s Rest’!”

“I’m sensing a pattern here.”  Rick muttered under his breath.

“The pub and inn both share the same owner.”  She retorted. “Come on!  I’ve already got ourselves situated.”

By ‘situated’ she meant one room with an overly large bed in the center.  Unlike the inn in Valmic though, there was an actual tub for bathing in its own closet area.  There was even a writing desk.

“Um… so all three of us are going to sleep here?”  Rick asked.

“Of course!”  Tyr responded, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Ya two are great company.  And let’s not forget that I still need a proper elven cock ta swing around!”

Rick turned to Sade and saw the knowing smirk plastered on her face once more.  Man, she read that woman like a fucking book.  Rick gave a great sigh.

“Fine.  It’s not like this is the worst living arrangement I could be in.  And while we’re on the subject, how big are wood elf dicks anyways?”

Tyr held out her two index fingers a significant distance away.  “About two hands long.  And maybe two or three fingers thick”

Rick guessed it was about twenty centimeters between her two fingertips.  With a bit of further information, he found out a finger was equivalent to an imperial inch, and a handspan was four inches.  He suddenly grew very concerned.  An eight inch, or roughly twenty centimeter as his earlier estimation proved correct, and two to three inch or five to eight centimeters thick tube of man meat was a lot to deal with.

He then did a bit more mental math. “So you would need to invest another fifteen points of coital energy on the length alone.”

“Nah… That’s not good enough.”  Tyr purred, showing her large canines in a feral grin.  “That’s just the average size.  I wanna be BIG!”  She cupped her generous chest.  “Imagine a glorious cock that I can fuck with me own tits!  Oh! And then having some great, big, puffy pillows worthy of such a beast ta go with it.”

Tyr was working herself up into a bit of a frenzy.  Her emerald eyes were distant as she was no doubt imagining being a walking hentai tag-list.  Rick had to speak up, if only to try adding a dash of sanity into her horny daydreams.

“Um… You know that won’t fit, right?”

She broke out of her daze and looked at him.  “Wha?”

“Like, being that big.  You won’t be able to fit into a normal woman anymore.  Even at the ‘average’ size, you would have difficulty finding a woman who could take a flesh pillar like that.”

She just stared at him blankly.

“Tyr… I was recently lectured on this topic too, so I get where you are coming from.  But women have,” He sucked in a breath. “Size limits.  They can only stretch so wide, and then there is the fact that getting pounded in the cervix hurts like hell.”

“It… does?”  Tyr almost visibly deflated.  She turned to Sade for confirmation, who was furiously nodding her head in agreement, face pale at the thought of taking such a monster inside her and having it ravish the entrance to her womb.

“Wait a moment.”  Rick said as he was suddenly very confused.  “Tyr, aren't you a woman?  How the hell did you get sucked into the ‘bigger is always better’ hype?”

“Well, uh, um…”  She stuttered.

“Were you a virgin before you met us?”  Sade asked in a breathless tone.

Rick looked at the elf and tried to remember their first night together.  She was so powerful and confident, but now that he was looking back on it, there were hints of her doing things oddly, like she never did them before but had a vague idea on how it all worked.

“Wow.  That bravado of yours really fooled us.  To think we took your first time.”  Rick laughed.  He was slightly bluffing with his statement, but her furious blushing told him that he was spot on.

“Oh piss off!”  Tyr screamed as she fell back onto the bed.  Her hands were covering her face but Rick could still see the tips of her ears were even more red than the mane they poke out of.  Rick sat down on the bed and draped an arm over her broad shoulders.  Sade mirrored the action with her arm around the big woman’s waist.

“Would you care for a change in subject as a distraction?” Sade asked softly.  Tyr, with her furiously blushing face still in her hands, nodded enthusiastically.  Rick thought the action was absolutely adorable.  Quite different from the wild huntress they saw when fighting the strange bug monster.

“Well, I suppose we should discuss what we want to do now that we have arrived in the city.”  Sade began. “Rick and I still have a decent amount of coin to last a little while, but perhaps employment is something to consider?”

“I, for one, think I should focus on research in the public library.”  Rick piped up.  He wanted answers more than anything.  And having a place to research both magic and the history of this new world he found himself in was not something he could pass up.

“Ya two are boring bookworms!”  Tyr groaned from her position on the mattress.

“Hey! Nothing wrong with trying to improve yourself.”  Rick shot back.

The elf shot up and gave Rick a look.  “Hunting.”  She said simply.  Rick and Sade shared a confused glance with each other before gesturing for Tyr to explain further.  “The hunters are always looking for more bodies ta clear out the roads and city limits.  The hunter we met earlier asked if I wanted to join up.”

Rick thought that would be a good job for his friend.  “Yeah, okay.  But why are you looking at me like that?”

“Ya did good in that last fight.  Yer still an amateur, but ya show promise.”  That comment stung slightly, but he could do little to argue with her assessment. “I could train ya.  I’m not saying ya shouldn’t spend time with yer fancy books.  But If we both sign up with the hunters, I could help put into practice what ya learn.”

“I think that is a great idea.  All three of us should sign up.”  Sade said calmly.

“Wait, don’t you have school?” Rick asked

She smiled back at him and held up her hand. “I do.  But there are a few reasons why I should join up with you two.”  She raised up a finger.  “First, the practical application of learned concepts applies to me as well.”

She looked at Tyr’s confused expression before sighing. “Going out with you two would, as you previously stated, be a great way to practice what I am learning about magic at the university.”

“Ah… go on”

Sade shook her head and raised another finger.  “Second, this will allow me to get some physical training as well.  While coital energy can be used to raise our strength, I believe real training is the better way to raise our stats.”  She gave Rick a knowing look at that last comment.

After his sudden declaration the evening prior, they guessed that the energy used to increase how much muscle mass he had also could increase the strength stat after enough mass was accumulated.  The women thought it was outright cheating and Rick could only agree.  The ability to literally get stronger by making women orgasm?  Yeah, that would make any competitive weightlifter just weep with envy.

“Hey, I agree with you on this one.”  He said while holding his hands up in surrender.

Once more a finger rose into the air.  “Third, most hunters form groups with a diverse set of vocations and skills.  My school will eventually have me join up with a group to gain a vocation.  I would rather already have a group formed and used to each other well before that happens.”

“But we already fought that strange monster and leveled up already.  Didn’t you get a magical vocation?”  Rick asked.

Sade seemed to shrink at his question.  “I, uh, y-yes.  Yes, I did.”  She stammered out.  “B-but regardless, I will still need to work hard.  I doubt I am the only one who is starting their education from a position similar to mine.  I can not afford to become complacent!”

It did not escape Rick’s notice that she once more dodged the subject of her vocation.  Honestly, it wasn’t really his business to pry into that, so he dropped the subject.  Regardless, Rick had to admire her work ethic.  He knew that Sade probably worked twice as hard as anyone, no matter the subject.  It was one of the many, many things he found attractive about her.

“Well, it seems we got ourselves a plan for now.  So what’s next?”

“What’s next,” Tyr said as she began to unlatch her leather vest.  “Is we fuck.”  She stood up and began sliding her pants off of the tree trunks she called legs.  Before long she was fully exposed to the world, her tiny penis standing proudly just above her slit.  Her large hand completely engulfed it.  “We still need ta have this little guy grow up properly.”

Sade gave an overlay exasperated sigh as she reached for the clasps on her own clothing.  “Why am I not surprised?  I swear, all you two do is think with your cocks.”

“Hey! That’s not entirely true.”  Rick whined while also getting undressed himself.

“Yeah!” Tyr added. “What do ya do instead?”

“Oh that is very simple.”  Sade giggled. “I spend all day thinking about your cocks.”  She said that last sentence with such sincerity while staring at their erections with a loving gaze, that Rick had no idea if she was joking or not.  “Just one thing Tyr.”

“Oh? What’s that?”  The horny elf said as she stalked towards her prey.

Sade laid down on the bed and spread her dark legs wide.  She snaked one arm down so her fingers could gently spread her lower lips in an enticing invitation.  “Please use the proper hole this time.”

Tyr snorted in retort before attempting to plunge herself in the waiting hole, but quick as an adder, Sade’s hand snapped forward and wrapped her thin fingers around the elfs manhood, squeezing hard enough to stop the woman in her tracks just millimeters away from her glistening pink petals.

Sade’s voice came out as a purr as she gazed up at Tyr’s face.  “I am still sore after all.  But, if you are a good girl, I think we both can make it worth your while.”

Her gaze fell on Rick.  “Shall we all play a little game?”

Rick couldn’t help but chuckle on how well Sade was masterfully stringing them along.  “And what would m’lady wish to play?”  He asked, only slightly in mock sincerity.

Sade shivered in pleasure at his words.  “The rules are simple.  Tyr will pleasure me, and you will pleasure her at the same time.  If she can bring either you or I to climax, she can spend some energy to make herself bigger.”

She looked down at Tyr’s shaft then back up.  “Within reason of course.”  She clarified.

“Hrm, sounds fair enough.  So what happens if we make her blow her load?”

“Oh, then we get to grow instead.”  She chuckled mischievously, “I have a list of things I want to improve, how about you call out a number between one and five? Just to add a bit of mystery.”

“I don’t care! Let go of me prick so we can get on with it!”  Tyr roared in indignation.  Sade still had her deathgrip on the poor elf’s little friend.

Rick chuckled and ran to their packs.  He fished out three small pills and returned to the two women.  “Can’t forget about the medicine.”  Sade thanked him and all three popped the small medicine balls into their mouths.  Tyr was practically vibrating with need so Sade decided to stop teasing the poor woman and unleashed the beast.

Immediately Tyr’s member crossed the short distance and finally plunged right into Sade’s waiting tunnel in one smooth thrust.  She scooped the smaller woman in her arms and bared her fangs.  “I’ll teach ya why it’s a bad idea to tease an elf.”

“Oh really?”  Sade drawled.  She adjusted her gaze until she was staring Rick dead in the eye from over the large woman’s shoulder.  “Do it.”  She was taunting the elf with that last sentence, but Rick got the message meant for him alongside the teasing.

Before Tyr could make her regret those words, Rick slid behind his larger friend and inserted himself into the equation.

Tyr snarled in pleasure at the sudden penetration and soon started bucking her hips back and forth.  It was times like these that the more animalistic aspects of forest elves really started to show prominence.  Rick idly wondered if they had some sort of beastkin ancestry or if they were just a primal variant of the elves he knew from fiction.

Once more Rick found himself in a sexual position that looks really good in hentai but when actual physics got involved, problems start getting in the way of the fun.  The first apparent issue with this particular daisy chain was that it was hard to get a good angle while Tyr was busy thrusting into Sade’s prone form.  Every shallow thrust pulled him out of her backend and when she pulled out, she did so at an awkward upwards angle.

He decided to take a step back to observe the mechanics at play first.  Sade could deal with the consequences of her actions for a few moments while he pondered the situation first.  He watched Tyr’s magnificent ass rise and fall, each peak splitting her mighty cheeks and showing off her wet slit.  After a few seconds of deliberation, Rick thought he found a solution.  And that was essentially to do nothing.

It wasn’t like he was going to sit out on the sidelines while his two friends rutted themselves into a coma.  He was a part of this little game of Sade’s, and he was going to perform his role to the best of his ability.

Rick maneuvered back into the line of fire.  As the elf was thrusting herself back, his shaft once more got buried in her soft pink petals.  He followed her on the downswing and as she came back up, she buried him just a little deeper inside her.  Once he was engulfed as deep as his enhanced member could go, Rick just stopped moving and just let Tyr do the work for him.

Tyr moaned sensually.  Rick supposed it was the alternating pleasures from her two sets of sexual organs.

Oddly it was Sade who reached climax first.  Her back arched back and she let out a slow groan as her body shuddered.

“Well, well,”  Tyr chuckled darkly. “I guess it’s time ta stuff ya deeper.”

And then all three of them let out cries of pleasure.  Tyr, of course, now had the side effect of using coital energy.  This caused her to clamp down on Rick like a vice, causing his voice to add to the chorus.  And Sade cried out due to Tyr’s enlarging member slowly pushing itself deeper into her.

“What is wrong?  Were you not going to stuff me full, ‘big’ girl?”  Sade teased after Tyr became frozen in rapture.  To punctuate her words, she started grinding her hips in an almost figure eight pattern.  This caused the woman above her to nearly whimper.

And the mighty hunter falls right into the trap.  Rick chuckled inwardly.  He knew the side effects of using coital energy too well.  He wouldn’t doubt it if Sade had planned to fall first just to tease their large friend.  The second things start getting lewd, it’s like a switch is flipped.  He mentally shrugged and started to slowly gyrate his hips as well.  He wanted to see himself grow too after all.

Under their combined assault from both ends, Tyr’s defenses collapsed in short order.  “Do you have your list ready Rick?”  Sade asked from under Tyr’s bulk.

“Yep!  For you I’ll go with option number one.”

“Oh, I like that.  I will also choose option one for you, just to see if we were thinking of the same thing.”

Rick smiled and invested a point of energy, and for the first time since early high school, he grew taller.

Through the haze of pleasure that cascaded throughout his being, he could feel the changes to his body.  He could feel how his legs stretched, his spine lengthened, and even how his hands slowly traveled further down than their previous positions.  It was intoxicating.

“I’m sorry Sade, I couldn’t watch your change.  What was it that I picked?”  He asked once his head cleared slightly.

She started to chuckle in a low tone.  “That is quite alright.  It was actually the same as yours.”

Rick also chuckled. “I guess great minds think alike.”  He said as he started to slowly thrust back into Tyr.

His dick was so hard he could probably cut diamonds with it.  He loved his intimancy with every fiber of his being, but once he started spending coital energy, it became nearly impossible to think of anything else other than getting off.  Especially considering he was the only one in the room who had yet to cum.

“Oi! Don’t talk around me like that.”  Tyr growled from between them.  “Let me show ya why It’s never a good idea ta count an elf out of a contest.”

She began bucking then.  Each time she swung back, her velvet tunnel would grip Rick all up and down his shaft, then plunge right back into Sade at just the right angle to make her squirm.  And since the two of them were now the victims of the same trap Tyr previously fell into, she quickly brought them straight to the edge.

“Holy crap!”  Rick gasped before he felt the pressure in his balls reach the breaking point.

“Yes. Yes!”  Sade squealed as her climax hit her like a runaway wagon.  Rick could not hold on any longer and he unloaded everything he had into the amazon in front of him.  Before he could recover, a large hand yanked him out from his position and threw him on the bed next to Sade.

Tyr loomed above them both.  “Let’s change things up a tad, eh?”  She then scooped up Sade and sat herself above Rick’s still hard member.  “If I’m going ta fuck ya both, then I should do it my way.”

And with that, she plunged down and impaled herself on his cock.  She then held Sade out in front of her so that her, admittedly still tiny, penis was resting against Sade’s warm entrance.  With a cry of ecstasy, the small shaft extended out until the head was firmly buried inside the warm tunnel.  And then she slammed Sade down the rest of the way.

The elf used the two of them like sex toys as she worked both her sexes to their fullest.  Rick was constantly amazed at the strength, stamina, and technique on display.

The three of them continued well into the night, all of them granting a point to each other as they all climaxed again and again.

By the time they fell into a sweaty and cum-stained heap on the sodden sheets, Tyr’s manhood had grown to a respectable size in both length and girth.  Not to elven standards, but it was still fairly large.

Both Rick and Sade had each gone through their list of five attributes at least once.  Sade now had increased height, bust, hips, butt, and even some more muscle mass.  All good options in Rick’s opinion.

Rick’s list consisted of height, muscle mass, shoulder width, penis girth, and ball size.  The last option surprised him when he found it, but it wasn’t too surprising after a moment's consideration.  Both women seemed to enjoy watching his manly orbs swell with newfound potency whenever they called out that option.

“Is this how we are going to spend every night?”  He said with an exhausted sigh.

“Ya got a problem with that?”  Tyr asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Nope.  Just checking.”

So, how was the end of chapter 4?

From now on "Grabbing an elf by the dick." will be this world's version of "Grabbing the bull by the horns"

Sade will make sure of that.

Anyways, be sure to come back later for another update today!

Take care out there.

(Edit) So... yeah, this is the final update for now for the early chapters.  I want to thank you all for sticking with the story this far, and I hope everyone can go back and enjoy the slightly changed opening section.  The comments and feedback I've gotten in the comments really helped me in my journey to improve as a writer.  So keep up the great work!

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