
Chapter 7.3 What Was Missed (18+)

Sade sat alone on the bed all three lovers shared in their inn.

Rick was a bit dazed after his encounter at the library.  He sat down on the bed next to his lover and saw a similar faraway look in her own eyes.  “Something odd happened at school?”  He asked.

Sade seemed to snap out of her funk at the sound of his voice.  “Oh! Um… It is hard to fully describe.”  She wrapped one arm around Rick’s waist.  “How was your day?”

“Probably not as crazy as yours, but still quite odd.”  He said while hugging her back.

She leaned into his embrace and laid her head on his shoulder.  Sade no longer had her curly hair in two puffballs like when they first met.  She now had her hair pulled back somewhat tightly before the dark strands trailed off the back of her head in a waterfall of twisted coils.  It was a nice look.  He greatly enjoyed playing with her braids as they lay in each other's arms.

“Tell me about your day.”  Sade said from her apparently comfortable position.  Rick never understood what it was that she liked about his bony shoulder, but he had long given up arguing when Sade had decided something.  If she enjoyed that spot, then she did, it didn’t have to make sense to Rick.

“Well, someone at the library approached me.  We got to talking about books and hunting.  Next thing I know, she is selling her services as a healer next time we go out.”

Sade extracted herself from his shoulder to look at him, most likely to see if he was joking around or being serious.  “I agree, that was indeed odd.  Could you please tell me the full story?”

Rick recounted his tale about going to the library, meeting Lilithane, and their conversation that followed.  He did his best to recount everything said, word for word.  Sade gave him a playful slap when the subject of his apparent flirting came up in the discussion, but otherwise let him continue the tale.

“I have read a few of the blue paladin stories.”  Sade said when he mentioned how much she gushed about the character.  “I enjoyed them, but they did not pertain to actual magic, so they were just something to enjoy before bed or on rainy days.”

“Why rainy days?”  Rick asked.  If you were in a library, there was no reason you couldn’t read a book on magic, rain or shine.

“Because you should not practice magic indoors.”  Sade giggled.  Rick gave a grunt of understanding.  “I wonder if ‘tiefling’ was the original name for her tribe.”  She mused.

“Why do you say that?”

Sade straightened her posture slightly.  “This is slightly tangential to how my day went, but ‘shaytoni’ is an old elvish word.  One that means ‘born of demons’.”

Now that was interesting.  “So they call themselves essentially ‘devil-born’, just in a slightly fancier way.  Depending on whether or not they are aware of that, it could be impressive or just another cosmic joke.”

“How would it be impressive?”

“Think of it like this.”  Rick began, already seeing parallels to certain people groups from his world.  “You spend all your life being called nasty names.  So instead of taking the phrase an insult, you own it.  Make it your identity.  They call you a devil-born, a shaytoni, because of your looks?  Fine then.  You are a shaytoni.  They can’t insult you with it if you consider it a badge of honor.”

“Fascinating.”  Sade breathed.  Rick hoped she wouldn’t ask where he got his information from.  It would be incredibly awkward talking about racism in his world and the history involved.  Especially considering his lover's dusky complexion.  He silently prayed to whatever gods were in this world that discrimination based on skin color wasn’t a thing here.

“Anyways,”  He began so the conversation could continue.  “She’s a third year medical student, has some experience going out on hunts, and has offered to sell her services.  Think we should take her up on that?”

“Hrm, I think we should wait for Tyr to get back first.  She did not give you an actual price, and until our deal with the antiquity auction is concluded, we are getting a bit low on funds.”  She gave him a warm smile.  “But, we could instead offer her a larger cut of the pay for the next hunt.  That should at least encourage her to do a good job.”

“Indeed.  So, why were you staring off into space when I walked in?”

“Ah, that.”  She sighed.  “I talked to one of my professors about one of the books we found.”

She went on to describe how her professor gave her a lecture, then tested her casting, to finally why the books they found were so strange.

“Well… did he give you the formula for the contraception spell?”

Sade did a double take at his words.

“What?”  He said with a sarcastic tone.  “It would save us money on all the medicine we buy.”

She laughed and tackled him to the bed.  “I was being serious!”

“I was too.”  He quipped back, without a single hint of seriousness.  “You just said that money is tight right now.”

Sade just shook her head in exasperation and leaned down.  “Thank you.”  She whispered and kissed him softly on the lips.  “I got stuck in my own head.  This just all seems too much to deal with.”

Rick wrapped his arms around his lover, bringing her in close.  “I know.  We’ll have to be careful with who we talk to about what we found.  For now we should focus on learning and growing stronger together.”

Sade just hummed in acknowledgment and snuggled up between the crook of his neck.  Rick absentmindedly massaged the back of her head with the pads of his fingers.  “So, how much have you translated already?”

“Of what?”

“Of the books we found.  You mentioned you studied the elven dictionary, so I assumed you already started translating.”

She snuggled some more before answering.  “Nothing yet.  I had to secretly pick up and drop off the dictionary with one of the librarians, so I have been transcribing the pages written with some spare paper.  This way I can translate our books here where it is marginally safer.”

“Plus,” She added. “I still had an assignment given to me.  I needed to finish that first.”

“Of course.”  He chuckled.  Sade had priorities, and not even an ancient mystery or secret conspiracy could derail her from her goal of being the best mage she could be.  “How long do you think it will take you to copy the dictionary down completely?”

“Oh that is already done.”  She said simply, as if it was the simplest thing in the world.  “I was debating on if I should continue down this path when you walked in.”

Of course she did.  Why am I not surprised?  Rick thought as he kissed his not quite so little genius on her forehead.  “I say go for it then.”

“I will.”  She said softly.  “But for now I would prefer to stay where I am currently.”

The two kissed, long and slow.  It had been quite some time since it was just the two of them alone.  Aside from the first night alone in the forest, he and Sade have always been together in one form or another.  She was his rock.  The lone point of stable footing in this strange and somewhat dangerous world.

He hoped she felt the same about him.  That he was someone she could turn to when the pressures of school or city life became too much to deal with on her own.  He really did worry if she was piling too much on her plate.  He deepened their kiss, trying to pour every scrap of love and affection he had for the woman into that one simple act.

Their connection became even deeper, more heated.  Their limbs starting to explore more of each other's bodies.  They had seen each other naked since the day they met, but neither of them got tired of looking, touching, experiencing the other.  Rick could feel his lower body react to her touch.  How it swelled with the need to be inside her, to make two become one.

No words were said, none were needed.

Both lovers tore off their clothes and went right back to what they were doing before, a tangle of naked squirming limbs and greedy mouths.  Rick could feel Sade slide her fingers along his shaft, the tips of her fingers tickling the ridge of his swollen head.  He returned the favor and brought his own fingers to her hungry slit, lubricating the tips as he traveled up and down her sodden lips.

Sade whimpered and started stroking harder.  Her desperate need for release felt with every pull.  She still had his hand loosely between her fingers, sliding herself up and down his length so that each centimeter of his skin felt alive with her touch.  She knew if she gripped too hard it would feel like she was flaying his dick, and that wouldn’t not have been fun.  Few things killed the mood like unwelcome pain.

That first attempt of hers at jerking him off that first week they met was certainly a night to remember.

“I still find it hard to believe I can fit this thing inside me.”  She breathed after they separated from their kiss.  “It is twice as large as it was before.  You have no idea how full this thing makes me feel.  How even now, I can feel my insides stretch almost to the point of pain just to make room for you.”

She slid down until her knees rested on the pile of clothes they threw on the floor.  She pulled on Rick’s legs so that he was sitting on the bed right in front of her.  She curled her hand around his cock and lifted it up to her face.  “Look at this.  I can barely take you in my mouth.”  She laughed and began to demonstrate.

Her thin lips opened wide to accept his manhood between them.  The glands just barely made it inside before there became an apparent lack of room.  She sucked and swirled her tongue round the sensitive folds, but it looked fairly awkward and it was obvious the other fifteen centimeters left would have to settle for her delicate hands.  Not that he would complain about that.  Her fingers danced and curled up and down him in a glorious display of skill and pleasure.

He could feel himself getting close.  The urge to erupt and flood her cheeks with his seed rising with every bob of her head.  Sade must have sensed the impending eruption and slowed down, easing the pleasure bit by bit, until she stopped completely.  One more stroke, one more lick, and he would have been done for.  But she brought him to the final millimeter of the edge, and held him there.

His dick throbbed with need.  Red and angry at being denied its purpose, to paint that lovely dark skin in a shade of white.  “You are such a tease!”  He croaked out.

Her smile widened, stretching into a grin.  And there it was, that cheshire grin she sported whenever she had come up with a way to bring him to the greatest of heights in a way that he would love and hate in equal measure.

“You know you love it.”  She laughed.  Nothing made Sade happier than to play with her meal.  But she always made sure that her teasing was worth it in the end.  Rick wondered what her devious mind had in store for him this time.

She sat up straighter and placed his rock hard cock right between her delicious mounds.  Her breasts were fairly big, but the flesh pole between them looked too big to handle.  She started to rock her chest up and down along his length, both her hands resting at its base to keep it from slipping out.  “Oh darn.”  She whined playfully.  “It looks like I will need some help to take care of this thing.”

“Wait! Sade, don’t-”

He was too late, his words drowned out by cries of ecstasy.  He looked down and saw the sides of her breasts puff up slightly to cover more surface area.  Sade started to rock her torso up and down with greater enthusiasm.  At each peak and valley she would slow further to an almost painful crawl.  Rick knew that each time she slowed, another point of energy would wrack through her body.  With each point of energy, he could see her peaks rise and her valley deepen.

She was not using large chunks of coital energy all at once, but one point at a time.  Using coital energy at all was an absolutely orgasmic rush, and putting more energy in only added to it.  But slowly drip feeding the magic and feeling that rush over, and over, and over? This could possibly be worse, far, far worse.

Sade’s breathing was hitched, her eyes completely clouded with lust.  Her tongue stuck out of her panting mouth like a dog.  “I want to see if we can both cum with just my tits.”  She slurred, a lurid smile on her face.  Rick was horrified as he was turned on.

Her breasts had expanded by at least two cup sizes, her newfound cleavage wrapped around his penis like a hotdog between the worlds softest buns.  She moved her hands up to cup her expanded assets and squished them together.  His whole shaft was swallowed by the pillowy softness, only the tip could be seen poking out of the fluffy tunnel Sade created.

With one last stroke that made his manhood disappear then pop back out to poke her in her waiting mouth, Rick exploded.  A geyser of white shot up into her mouth, then kept going to her face and hair.  Some of his eruption flew up so high that it arced back down and landed on her naked back.  Sade gave a cry of joy as her own climax ripped through her whole body.

Rick fell back, utterly spent from the most erotic tit-job he had ever seen, let alone got to experience.  Sade just sat there, leaning forward with only her gigantic jugs supporting her weight, his dick still pleasantly wedged between them.  Her body twitching with orgasmic aftershocks.

And then he saw that her eyes rolled up to the back of her head, a blissed out expression frozen to her cum splattered face.  Her steady breathing told Rick she was unconscious.

“I’m back ya mayflies!”  Came a shout as the door opened.  Tyr strolled into the room with a large sack over her shoulder.  She paused as the smell of sweat and cum assaulted her nose.  She then noticed the two humans in their rather precarious post-coital position.

“What did I miss?”

Well... that just happened.

I don't know what its like to orgasm so hard you knock yourself out, but Sade sure does now.

I'm trying a few different things with my writing, I would love to hear what you guys think.

See ya next chapter!

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