
Chapter 8.3 A Hearty Meal (18+)

The party turned to see Lilithane gawking at them.

“What the actual fuck was that?!”  She said in disbelief.

“I beg your pardon?”  Sade asked, confused.

“That!  All that back there!”  She said while pointing to the legion of dead monsters behind them.

“What, like the awesome lightning Sade threw?”  Rick guessed.  Even though he knew she could cast that kind of magic, it was still awe inspiring to see her use it.

“Well, yes.  But no!  But… ARGH!”  She screamed and clutched her head in frustration.  “Where was the arguing, the posturing, the arrogance?  You guys made a plan… and ACTUALLY stuck to it.  Was that… actual teamwork?  How come none of you are shouting at Rick for stealing the kill?  Where was all the running into danger and needing me to pull your sorry asses out of the fire?  Why are you not blaming me for everything that happened to go wrong?!”

Lilithane collapsed on her knees.  Rick had no idea how other teams of hunters may have worked, but he was sure their healer had to deal with some pretty shitty ones to cause a mental breakdown like this.

Sade reached the poor woman first, with the other two not far behind.  She cradled the overwhelmed shaytoni’s head to her ample breasts and hummed softly, as if to comfort a scared and confused child.  Rick and Tyr crouched a bit away so they could be near but also give the healer some space.

“I… ahem, I’m sorry for that.  I just…”

Rick smiled at Lilithane’s blush.  “You just are used to dealing with shitty people?”

“Y-yea.  Dealing with kind and competent teammates is a wholly new experience for me.”  She said before she scrambled out of Sade’s chest in embarrassment.

Tyr chuckled.  “Remind me ta never take a job from the garrison that requires us ta interact with other groups.”

Both humans nodded in agreement.  If the average hunting party was dysfunctional enough to drive Lilithane up the wall, they didn’t want anything to do with them.

“Are you hurt anywhere?  How are the civilians?”  Rick asked, hoping to distract her with the job that was still ongoing.

“What?  Oh!  Everything is fine.  Everyone has a few minor cuts or bruises but I was able to heal any broken bones or severe lacerations before things could turn ugly.  They actually sent me over to help when the big fucker showed up.”

All three of them let out sighs of relief.  “That’s good to hear.”  Rick said and eyed the defensive line where the villagers fought.  The last of the monster crabs were being massacred by people armed with simple spears, knives, and clubs.  Some of them even waved cheerfully when they noticed him staring.  “Looks like things are all wrapped up.  Which is good, I don’t think Sade has enough mana to cast another lightning bolt.”

Lilithane froze.  “Wait… ‘Sade’.  As in the Sade?  As in the single greatest non-elf student Mya University has seen in decades, Sade?”

Rick blinked at the unexpected reputation his lover had acquired in the short time she’d been attending school.  “I’m not sure about that last part, but we did introduce you to each other before we left.”

Lilithane blushed beet red and looked down.  “I was kinda too busy staring at her tits to connect the dots at the time.”

“Understandable.”  Tyr said simply.  Sade eyed the elf with an incredulous glare.  “What?  They are distracting.  Especially with that corset.”  Tyr shot back.  Sade’s face darkened and she threw an arm across her chest in an effort to hide them from view.  This attempt was less than successful since the act of trying to hide her knockers only called attention to them.  Especially when her generous swells overflowed above and below her slender arm.

“Yea… I can see that.”  Rick agreed.  The Streisand effect was indeed a bitch.

The four all made their way to Gaviota to see what still needed to be done, and eventually get some much needed rest.

Thankfully, the villagers declined their hero’s offer to assist with the cleanup.  There were hundreds of bodies littering the beach, and around half were killed by Rick, Tyr, and Sade alone.  Mostly Tyr and Sade, but Rick was fairly happy with his own contributions.  When the people who evacuated earlier that day came back, they built a large pyre on the beach and got to work tossing the monsters on the flames.

Not all the crabs were reduced to ash however.  The giant king crab became food for the whole village.  Cheers and laughter could be heard throughout the plaza and alleys between buildings.  Alcohol flowed into mugs and cups.  Everyone was just so full of life and cheer, happy that all those involved made it through a dangerous assault unharmed.

Rick and Sade sat off to the side and enjoyed the scene.  Sade had her head on his shoulder, enjoying how comfortable it made her feel.  Both of them were nursing their cups of wine.  Sade because alcohol made her sleepy, and Rick because he would rather feel buzzed than sloshed.

“HeeeeEEeeey!”  Lilithane said as she drunkenly stumbled toward the pair.  “What’chu two doing all alone in a corner?”  She had changed out of her armor and wore a cute blue and white sundress that came down to her knees.

“Just enjoying the show.”  Rick said as he tapped the seat next to him for her to sit down.  The show in question was a drunken Tyr systematically arm wrestling every self-identifying strongman or woman in Gaviota.  And since the village consisted of mainly dwarves, beastkin, and sailors, there were quite a few who thought they could take the young elf.  They were wrong, so horribly wrong, but it was quite entertaining to watch them try.

The shaytoni plopped down in the proffered seat and lay her head on his other shoulder.  Sade gave a long exhale from her nose at the woman's actions, but otherwise said nothing and stayed where she was.

“They just saw the woman cut down a swarm of monsters like a farmer harvesting wheat, in what universe do they think they have a chance to beat her in a contest of strength?”  Rick asked the women, not really caring about the answer.

“I think it’s less them trying to win and more to see how they measure up.”  Lilithane said after a moment of observation.

Sade hummed thoughtfully.  “I guess that makes sense.  There is something wonderful in knowing where one’s limits are, and to strive on until you have surpassed them.”

“Is that why you are so strong?”  Lilithane asked.

Sade shook her head.  “I do not think so.”  She turned her gaze to the myriad of stars and constellations painting the night sky.  “My whole life has been full of limits that I could not overcome.  Only now I feel like I have finally found the strength to rise beyond what was possible and seize my dreams.”

Rick gave Sade a light squeeze around her waist.  “You work harder than anyone I have ever known.  You haven't just suddenly been able to do what you wish, that was in you all along.  From the very beginning.”  He turned his head and kissed her lightly on the forehead.  “It’s you who brings out the full potential of those around you, including yourself.  I’m lucky to have met you.”

“Ugh!  You two are sooo sappy!  I’m jealous.”  Lilithane said, blowing a loud raspberry at the end.

“Why’s that?”  Rick asked, turning to the drunk woman on his shoulder.  He completely missed Sade palming her face and shaking her head at his question.

“I mean, here’s this cute boy that always comes into the library where I like to read.  When you waved to me I thought ‘Maybe we can be friends’ and then we started talking and I was like ‘He’s really nice, I hope he’s single’.  And you just smelled sooooooo good!  LIke If you could bottle your scent, you’d be as rich as a noble!”

Rick had no idea what to say to the woman.  Unfortunately, she continued her drunken rant.  “And then I found out you needed a healer.  How lucky for me that I could offer my services and see if something more happened.”  Lilithane started to tear up.  “But then you bring out two of the most drop dead sexy women I have ever seen in my life!  And they are your teammates.  And THEN I find out you are most certainly not single, but you also fuck them both too!  How is my skinny ass supposed to compete with that?  All those muscles, giant tits, hips that could lure sailors to their doom!  I mean, come on!”

“I do have some hypnotizing hips, I must admit.”  Came a husky voice.  Rick saw Tyr smirking as she made her way closer to their lonely corner of the plaza.  Rick looked behind her and saw a sizable pile of the defeated left behind in her wake.  They really didn’t stand a chance.

“They certainly cause things to get ‘stuck’, that is for sure.”  Sade giggled and Tyr scowled.

“Ya must be tired.  That wasn’t nearly as clever as ya think it was.”

“Wha’sat?  Leaving already?!”  LIlithane whined.

“And you, Lilithane, are drunk.”  Rick said dryly.

“Ugh!  I told you to shorten it!  My name’s a mouthful.”  She turned and gave him drunken puppy dog eyes.  “C’mon, please?”

“Fine, fine.”  Rick obliged and considered it.  His first thought was thrown right out, a woman with demonic features named ‘Lilith’ was just a little too on the nose.  And having to explain the origins of the name would bring about just a few too many uncomfortable questions he really didn’t feel like answering.  “How about Lilie?  Similar to the flower.”

Lilie’s ruby eyes grew bright and she wrapped her arms around his neck in a fierce hug.  “I love it!  It’s so pretty!”  She nuzzled in close and gave a long, audible sniff.  “Did I ever tell you that you smell really, really good?”

“Alright!  You are officially too drunk for this conversation.”  Rick said and started to pry her off him.  It didn’t take much effort and Lilie was soon wobbling alone on her own seat.

“Psha!  That’sh an easy fix.  Just need to… whoop!”  She waved her hand in the air and Rick could feel the magic pulse all around her body.  “See?  No longer… drunk…”

With the sudden clarity, came sudden realization.  Lilie’s face bloomed an impressive scarlet and she looked ready to bolt like a scared rabbit the moment any of them made a sound.

“Well… That’s handy.”  Tyr said with her usual tact.

“I-I’m so sorry.  I d-din’t think all that would come out a-and…”

Sade’s hand gently rested on the spluttering woman’s head.  “It is alright.  Even though you easily fixed the issue, you were still drunk.  We’ll forgive you for anything said while under the influence.”

Tyr chuckled.  “Yea, Rick and I have said some pretty stupid things too.”  Rick winced.  She wasn’t wrong, but did she have to add his mistakes along with hers as well?

“Anywhoo, that crab bastard hit me hard in the dick.  I think the smart one of us should take a gander and see if it still works properly.”  The elf bent down and reached a hand for Sade to take.

“But… you’re a woman.”  Lilie blinked at Tyr’s fanged grin.

Sade slapped a hand over the elf’s mouth before that notion could be disputed.  “Yes, but I probably should check on her before we retire.”  She tiredly turned to Rick.  “Maybe you should have a proper healer examine your own dick for injuries tonight.  We would just hate it if our mutual lover developed any issues in bed after today’s fight.”

And with that not so subtle encouragement, the two walked off toward their shared room.  Rick just chuckled and shook his head at how events unfolded in the last few minutes.  He looked to Lilie, who was still as red as a tomato.  “Relax.  Our relationship is both extremely simple, and unbelievably complicated.  But that was as loud an approval I have ever heard from either of them.  Trust me, Tyr is not very subtle if she dislikes something.”

The shaytoni hugged herself and blushed an even darker shade of crimson.  Rick didn’t know exactly what to do, but he wanted to make sure she was comfortable before all else.  “Hey, nothing you don’t want needs to happen, ever.  But I honestly should get a checkup from an experienced healer anyways, we did just survive a battle with monsters together.  We can see what happens after that.”

“I… I think I can do that.”  She said softly and took his proffered hand to stand up.  The two walked quietly to her room, located right next to the trio’s sleeping quarters.  Rick seriously hoped that the walls were sufficiently sound proofed.  Tyr could get quite loud whether she was giving or receiving.

“So, how does one assess injuries with magic?”  Rick asked to break the ice.

Lilie giggled in that musical way.  “Sit down and I’ll show you.”  Rick did as the doctor ordered.  “When the mana from a healing spell first enters the body, it runs a full circuit through the magical pathways of the patient and then reflects back into the caster.  This allows the healer to know what parts of the body are damaged and what is wrong with them.”  Her hand glowed a gentle golden white and Rick could feel the pulse of mana she described course through him like a magical sonar.

“I only sense a few cuts and bruises here and there.  But your back seems to have suffered the worst of it.”

“Need me to take it off so you can see what happened?”  He asked slyly.  He could see her face flush slightly, but he didn’t hear her tell him not to.  He winced as his arms pulled the shirt over his head.  Sly or not, it was probably a smart idea for Lilie to see the damage for herself.

“Oh wow!”  She hissed as she saw what her magic sensed.  “That is one nasty bruise.  I also see a few shallow tears in the skin.  Do you know what caused this?”

Rick mentally went over the fight from that morning.  Most of the crabs couldn’t reach up to his back, and he didn’t fall down anywhere.  “I think that's from when the big guy ripped off its own arm and threw it at me.  I think it bounced off my back as I dove out of the way.”

“I can’t imagine what would have happened if it actually hit you rather than just graze the skin.”  She gently pressed her hands to the tender areas.  Warmth spread from where she touched and bathed his back with soothing numbness.  In only a few moments, he could feel the magic retreat back to where it came, taking the lingering feeling of pain with it.

“There we go.  How does that feel?”  She said as she wrapped her slender arms around his shoulders.

Rick leaned in and hugged her limbs, enjoying the softness of her pale skin on his cheek.  “Much better, thank you.  Maybe you could teach me that spell sometime?”

“It wouldn’t do you much good.”  Lilie giggled.  “To fix a body with magic, you need to know how everything looks when whole on the inside as well as the outside.  You have to study a lot.  You need to study medicine, and most importantly… anatomy.”

She leaned in and pressed her chest against his bare back.  Rick observed the softness against his newly healed skin.  Could feel the two hard nubs rubbing against his shoulder blades.  He could sense her naked heat warm where the two were connected.

Blood rushed down south like a waterfall.  He felt the pulse of magic thrum through him once more.  Lilie leaned close to his ear.  “What’s this?  Was there some inflammation that I missed the first time around?  As the party healer, it’s my sworn duty to see that you are in the peak of health”

She swung around and stood on the floor in front of him.  She was as bare as the day she was born.  Pale skin hugged her tall lithe frame.  Rick could see the faint outlines of her muscles and bones in equal measure.  Her flat chest flowed down to an equally flat stomach, then collected past her narrow hips to the pale mounds surrounding her entrance.  She was shaved completely bare around her thin lower lips.

After giving Rick an eyeful of her body, she knelt down so her head was level with his pelvis.  Her hand brushed up against his groin.  “I can feel how bad the swelling is down here.”  She whispered seductively.  “I’ll need to examine this area thoroughly.”

“Lilie you-”

“Nothing I don’t want needs to happen.”  She said while interrupting him with a slender finger.  “But right now, I want this.”

Her hands moved to remove his belt and lower his pants, and with a gentle tug the beast was freed.  His swollen member swung upwards like a catapult, lightly smacking Lilie on the tip of her nose, before slapping against his bare stomach with a meaty thud.

Lilie blinked as she took in the size of him.  One of her hands reached out to grip him by the base and angled him skyward.  “This… this is a lot of swelling.”  She said, trying her best to get back into the roleplay.

“I’m only average sized.”  Rick joked.

Lilie’s head snapped to face him.  “This is average?!”

He couldn’t hold in his snicker.  “Well… average for a wood elf.  Tyr confirmed that personally.”

She just continued to stare at him.  “The fuck is a man of your size doing with a wood elf sized cock?  And the other two can take this thing?”  She marveled at his fleshy pillar.  “Well, Tyr I can see, she’s gigantic in every way possible.  But Sade?”

Rick nodded.  “Just barely if I’m being honest.  Size has certainly been an issue getting in the way of fun.”  He didn’t feel like mentioning that his cock was double its original size since Sade first took it inside her by the river.

Lilie had been idly stroking his shaft since she first freed it.  But now she gazed on the thing with a look of ravenous hunger.  “That’s fine.  I think I can find some other way to make this monster shrink back down.”  She opened her mouth wide and let her surprisingly long tongue slide up from the root all the way to the tip.

When her mouth crested his head, Rick saw that her teeth were slightly pointed.  Not nearly as dangerous as a wood elf, but still sharper than a standard human.  Her lips stretched over the head and she let out a happy moan as her tongue wrapped around the sensitive glands.

Rick looked over her back and saw an adorable little tail, just barely long enough to stretch down to her knees, wagging back and forth like a pleased puppy.  He could feel the suction increase around his shaft, Lilie pumping her head back and forth with a faster rhythm.

She popped off with a squeal of delight.  “You taste so good!  I need more!”  She panted in excitement before slathering her tongue messily all up, down, and around his length before swallowing the tip once more.  Both hands were gripping him then.  Lubed by her spit, they twisted and pumped softly all over his girth while her mouth licked and nibbled, desperate to taste every part of him.

Desperate for him to pour his essence down her waiting throat.

Rick wasn’t the biggest fan of blowjobs.  There was something about how he was supposed to lay back and enjoy himself while his partner did all the work that did not sit right with him.  But this, this was something completely different.

Every millimeter of him was being caressed, massaged, or sucked that just fired off the pleasure center in his brain with every smooth and practiced motion.  The audible slurps and moans Lilie gave out as she ingested his rod like it was the greatest delicacy she had ever tasted only poured fuel to the raging fire of his lust.

He was getting close.  Her moans were getting faster, more desperate.  She furiously began to pump as if to draw out his seed with just the motions alone.  Her efforts weren't exactly misplaced, he was seriously getting ready to blow.

As if sensing the time was near, she shoved as much as his gigantic cock in her mouth as she could.  She wanted, needed, to be filled by him.  And he would give it to her.  He would give her everything he had.

He grabbed the back of her head and roared with his climax.  Wave after wave of creamy white shot down her throat with each mighty pulse of his balls.  She nuzzled deeper while he continued to pump more and more cream into her eager tunnel.

He was relishing the release when something tickled in the back of his mind, growing stronger.  Something was wrong.  His climax wasn’t over, he was still ejaculating freely and showing no signs of stopping.  Faintly, he could feel the pull of his mana.  It was just like when he used his skill to last longer than a single shot, but this time it was happening all at once, making this one orgasm last indefinitely.

Rick looked down and his eyes widened in surprise.  Lilie’s horns were growing.  What once were little nubs were now as long as his hand, curling up and over her raven hair.  With each swallow of his seed, he could see the dark bone climb ever higher.  Her tail, once short and pinkish, had thickened so it was as wide as his arm at the base of her spine and was coiling down further and further towards her bare feet.

The most surprising transformation was Lilie’s body as a whole.  The hard edges of her bony arms and legs had softened.  She had filled out.  What was before a woman who looked to be on the edge of starvation, now she looked better, more healthy.  She was still skinny, but as more of Rick’s mana drained, the more weight Lilie seemed to be piling on.

Her wiggling rear plumped with round, jiggling cheeks.  Her thighs became thick and juicy.  Her shoulders rounded and broadened.  And still she sucked away at his shaft, gulping more and more of his seed as if her life depended on it.  Rick could feel the final reserves of mana flush away through his manhood.

The edges of his vision began to turn black.  He had never felt so drained of life and vitality.  The room spun and he fell back onto the mattress, no more balance left to keep him upright.  Before the darkness took him, he heard Lilie gasp and sigh as she released his softening manhood.  The last thing he heard was her contented moan from between his legs.

“Thanks for the meal.”

For the one person who voted for weight gain in the poll last month.

This chapter is for you!


For everyone else, don't worry... I saw what you all wanted.

I got plans... all sorts of plans.  MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

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