Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 121 - Regaining Cultivation (2)

Chapter 121: Regaining Cultivation (2)

Translator: Sissy That Walk

In fact, their reactions were understandable. There were not so many alchemists on the land. Any alchemist with a certain fame would be respected by renowned families and royalties. What was needed most to be a alchemist was strong will power. Moreover, it was so difficult for a alchemist to move forward on their levels. Lots of alchemists were just on the third level till the day they died.

Also for this reason, those better quality elixirs were stored in big families. Now elixirs were mainly at nominal price, not in high demand. Auction of elixirs surely would attract many people to attend.

The first guard was looking Murong Qingyan up and down secretly and thinking. Was the man really an alchemist? And an ordinary alchemist didn’t lack money so, they seldom sold the elixirs they refined.

Murong Qingyan looked steadily forward as if she hadn’t sensed the guard was staring at her.

Within minutes she came to the door of a room after walking several corridors and turning several corners.

Obviously not the same attitude as before, the expression on the guard’s face turned serious. He slightly bent down and respectfully said to the person inside, “Master Liu, an honored guest wants to sell something and hopes you could appraise them.”

“Come in!” An aged and powerful voice came from inside.

More respectfully, the guard bent again and looked respectful even nobody could see him, the man inside must have an extraordinary status.

Seeing the scene, Murong Qingyan gave a curious smile. Behaviors of the guard suggested the man inside was unusual. Normal appraisers didn’t have the ability to appraise elixirs so, this aster inside must be an alchemist himself!

The guard didn’t follow in and Murong Qingyan walked in without hesitation. A faint fragrance of elixirs greeted her, which people refining elixirs usually had. This confirmed her conjecture.

In the room, an old man in his sixties was sitting there. He had grey hair but wasn’t dispirited looking yet he looked quite energetic instead, not less than a young man.

This was the most respected alchemist in Jialuo auction—Liu Pinyan. He was not only an alchemist at the third level, but also he was an appraiser. He had a high status in Jialuo auction house, he had a status only second to the boss.

“Elder Liu.” Murong Qingyan nodded slightly to greet.

Liu Pinyan glanced at Murong Qingyan and pointed at the seat and said, “Have a seat!”

Murong Qingyan didn’t hesitate and immediately sat down.

Liu Pinyan didn’t beat about the bush and asked straight to the point, “Little guy, you want to sell something at auction, right? I believe things you want to sell are extraordinary!”

The guards normally had good judgement, otherwise they wouldn’t take guests here if they sold ordinary treasures. They only allow people who sold precious treasures or those other appraisers couldn’t appraise come to him.

“You are so kind.” Murong Qingyan said, “I have some elixirs that I’d like to trade but I have no idea what level of elixirs you normally appraise.”

Such remarks made Liu Pinyan surprised, because now people were seldom willing to sell elixirs. What was more, from his remarks, it could be known that his elixirs weren’t at a low grade.

He could smell a faint and gentle fragrance of elixirs. Therefore, the man in front must be an alchemist. But the man looked too young to be able to refine elixirs at a high level. On the mainland, now it was difficult to find elixirs at even second level.

On the mainland, the alchemist at the highest level was the president of Qinglong College—Yuan Li. He was an alchemist at the eighth level.

“I’m an alchemist at the third level.” Liu Pinyan stroked his beard, laughed and said, “Of course, I can appraise elixirs of the fourth grade now. I can appraise your elixirs as long as they’re within the fourth grade.”

He was still in doubt even though he mentioned three grade and fourth grade to Murong Qingyan, for the man before him was too young.

Hearing what Liu Pinyan said, Murong Qingyan took a bottle from her arms, “Look, these were elixirs at the third grade. I wonder at what price you are willing to take it.”

Hearing the words “third grade”, Liu Pinyan’s eyes widened and an expression full of disbelief was written all over his face. He took the little jade bottle carefully from Murong Qingyan. Then he pulled out its cork and suddenly, a strong fragrance of elixirs filled the room.

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