Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 141 - A Fierce Battle (2)

Chapter 141: A Fierce Battle (2)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Recovery Elixir was of great value, it was a shame to the whole family that they had lost it, but if they would obtain Murong Qingyan’s Spiritual Treasure, that would be a perfect compensation.

Murong Qingyan wasn’t surprised everyone chose to just sit and watch, let alone disappointed at them. But is was not was not easy to tackle her and take advantage of her.

She had a rough idea now as for who was the real thief. She already found it odd the other day when she saw Murong Qingxue had regained her Dark Power, it must be the Recovery Elixir! But who would believer her?

And it didn’t really matter who the thief really was, Murong Xiong was looking for an excuse to punish Murong Qingyan and take away her Spiritual Treasure, he was more than happy to punish her anyways even though Murong Qingyan could present evidence.

The guards marched in the hall from outside trying to tackle Murong Qingyan, Murong Qingyan of course wouldn’t accept that.

She tried to hide her strength in the beginning, but more and more guards joined, and a lot of the guards were great cultivators, some of them were even at Light Level. Murong Qingyan narrowed her eyes and had to show her real strength to protect herself.

“Advanced Stage of Melting Level?!” Murong Xiong sprang from the chair immediately when he saw Murong Qingyan’s moves.

Everyone else in the hall was also dumbfounded, they had witnessed Murong Qingyan’s battle just days ago at the contest and she was just at the Initial Stage of Melting Level, Murong Qingyan was just fifteen years old, being able to reach the Initial Stage of Melting Level was already impressive for a girl of her age, but how come she made such a huge breakthrough within just days, she even skipped level, jumping from Initial Stage directly to Advanced Stage.

Murong Xiong could tell from Murong Qingyan’s moves that she was already at the peak of Advanced Stage of Melting Level, just a notch from Heartbeat Level.

Murong Xiyi and Murong Xili felt so embarrassed that they were at the Initial Stage of Melting Level and the Middle Stage of Melting Level respectively, they had been cultivating their whole lives, and now a fifteen year old junior in the family had outshone them!

Soon Murong Qingyan took care of the guards.

Seeing that, Murong Xiong’s face darkened, he pointed at Murong Qingyan and shouted, “Murong Qingyan! Now you are giving the show away, how can you make a breakthrough within just a few days without Recovery Elixir?”

“This is ridiculous!” Murong Qingyan found that outrageous, she laughed, “Master Murong, I’m sure you know the nature and effect of the Recovery Elixir since it’s your family treasure, how come you forget the fact that the Recovery Elixir would only enable you to advance one stage? And I, I have skipped stage, how could you choose to be oblivious of that?”

Murong Xiong was speechless but he refused to let go of this opportunity to defame Murong Qingyan, he still insisted, “I have no idea what trick you have played and I’m not interested to know about it, but today you shall receive your punishment. You either take it or I will make sure you take it.”

With that Murong Xiong charged towards Murong Qingyan in a flash.

Murong Xiong, as the master of Murong Family, was at Middle Stage of Azoth Level!

Murong Qingyan by no means could take his attack, Murong Qingyan soon felt her chest was pounded heavily as Murong Xiong charged towards her, and she coughed blood the next second.

“You evil creature, as long as you present the Spiritual Treasure and receive the punishment of wiping off your Dark Power, I will spare your life.” Murong Xiong occupied a commanding position, “Think twice before you answer, is it really worthwhile to lose your life for a Spiritual Treasure?”

Murong Xiong didn’t feel proud seeing his young granddaughter mastered such great cultivation, he was more determined to get rid of her instead.

He knew Murong Qingyan would create an endless flow of disastrous aftermath sooner or later, so he was more than happy to get rid of her before she actually became a force to be reckon with.

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