Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 86 - Admit Defeat

Chapter 86: Admit Defeat
Translator: Sissy That Walk
Editor: Christina Chen

Murong Qingyan’s words were reasonable which made Murong Xiong unable to refute, however, he really wanted to slap her to death if he could.

“Murong Qingyan, why did you have to destroy her?” Nangong Ye, who was sitting in the grandstand, couldn’t help but ask. He looked at Murong Qingxue with worried and distressed eyes, before looking at Murong Qingyan with a disgusted expression. “Xue’er has already been defeated by you to this state. You are pushing your luck if you continue to fight.”

In contrast to her treatment towards Murong Xiong, Murong Qingyan didn’t even glance at Nangong Ye but instead lifted Murong Qingxue with one hand and sneered, “Murong Qingxue, do you want to admit defeat or do you want to continue to fight? I don’t really care so, I’ll let you choose.”

“If you want to admit defeat, you must speak loudly and let everyone know that you, Murong Qingxue, were defeated by me, Murong Qingyan, a good-for-nothing.”

Then Murong Qingyan gave an evil smile. At this moment, admitting defeat seemed much more painful than dying for Murong Qingxue.

Murong Qingxue fiercely glared at Murong Qingyan. If it were like usual, the expression in her eyes would be quite scary but unfortunately, Murong Qingxue’s white dress had been stained with dirt, making her look extremely disheveled.. Furthermore, her normally beautiful face turned into a pig face. Therefore, the glance that she thought was harsh looked quite funny instead.

“You don’t want to admit defeat, do you?” Murong Qingyan nodded her head and gave an evil smile, then she immediately threw Murong Qingxue to the ground and threw a punch.

“I admit defeat.” Just before the fist reached Murong Qingxue’s face, a hoarse voice sounded.

Murong Qingxue finally admitted defeat even though she had already been used to wipe the floor a while ago.

The punch from Murong Qingyan stopped midway as the voice sounded. Alt hough she stopped her attack, the wind from the fist still made Murong Qingxue feel a light pain. At the same time, she was glad because had she received the punch, she couldn’t predict what would happen to her after.

Since Murong Qingxue had already admitted defeat, naturally, Murong Qingyan would not kill her, especially in public. But—

Murong Qingyan gave a faint smile and sneered in heart, would Murong Qingxue think that this was the end?

Previously, Murong Qingxue had always thought Murong Qingyan was a good-for-nothing and kept humiliating her for it. This time, she would let Murong Qingxue have a taste of what it felt like to be a good-for-nothing.

Even though it wasn’t apparent now, the attack from the sword was actually not that simple. Murong Qingxue thought that only her internal organs were severely injured. In actuality, Murong Qingyan had injected her unique dark power into her sword of light, that little golden light. The little golden light was really not simple because it could cut off Murong Qingxue’s meridians and make her unable to cultivate. Murong Qingxue would discover this soon.

“Murong Qingyan wins!”

As the voice came from the judge, the curtain descended on the fight between Murong Qingyan and Murong Qingxue. The result was out of everyone’s expectation, but it happened.

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