Into the World of Medicine

Chapter 99 - The Outcome (1)

Chapter 99: The Outcome (1)
Translator: Sissy That Walk
The rich spiritual power nearly turned into substance in no time and poured into Murong Qingyan’s body at a speed that everyone could feel.

The sudden change confused everyone. No one knew why it happened on earth so, they paid all their attention to Murong Qingyan, which seemed to be the only way to figure it out.

Murong Qingyan didn’t know what was happening either. What she knew was that her dark power had been exhausted and she couldn’t transfer any spiritual power in her pubic region. But in spite of her state, she strongly refused to admit defeat to Nangong Ye.

She knew she might not be able to hold on much longer, but she was unwilling to admit defeat. Just when she had prepared to fight again, she found surrounding spiritual power crazily poured into her.

When those spiritual power entered her body, she felt her body relaxed. Then, she immediately began to breathe to let the spiritual power turn into dark power. She guided the dark power towards her pubic region.

“She is advancing to the next level.”

A loud voice came from the audience. People looked at where it came and found it was apparently said by Feng Fei.

This moment Feng Fei lost all his composure. He abruptly slapped his thigh, stood up and looked at Murong Qingyan with great shock in his eyes.

Feng Fei’s words made everyone present aware that Murong Qingyan was advancing.

But quite a few people didn’t believe it though they indeed knew that was happening. As is known to all that advancing wasn’t easy. Only those whose cultivation reached the top with full spiritual power in his or her body could break through the last barrier and improve his or her level.

Normally people who were advancing would select an isolated spot and cultivate. Because advancing was not easy and people might involve their lives with any carelessness. Moreover, Murong Qingyan now was in the process of the game and severely hurt. It was impossible for her to advance at this time.

But, the least possible thing did happen.

When he saw what was happening before him, shock flashed through Nangong Ye’s eyes. Neither did he expect that Murong Qingyan would have been advancing during the game. However, by no means would Murong Qingyan win even so, let alone she would undergo the process which was full of danger.

Advancing wasn’t easy and required abundant energy to support. Murong Qingyan had been exhausted right now so, she might not insist even if supplied with spiritual power.

While Murong Qingyan was advancing, Nangong Ye sat cross-legged and began to regain his dark power. Actually, if he wanted, he could attack Murong Qingyan now and soon he would win.

But he didn’t, not because he was open and aboveboard but because at the moment everyone was watching everything in the ring. So they would spit on him if he attacked Murong Qingyan.

Instead, he’d better take this chance to recover and then defeat Murong Qingyan again in public and win the finals.

In the grandstand, people all gasped with admiration at Nangong Ye’s behavior.

“Master Nangong, your son is really open and aboveboard!” Feng Fei praised, “It was a great opportunity for him. But he didn’t take advantage of her perilous state, which is a true man’s deed!”

“This is what he should do. You’re flattering him, General Feng.”

Ostensibly saying that, but Nangong Tingli was a little bit dissatisfied with what Nangong Ye was doing.

After all, it was a rare opportunity to defeat Murong Qingyan, then the repute of the first family would belong to Nangong family.

Now Murong Qingyan was advancing and if she succeeded, a new change might crop up. Though he was confident in his son’s strength, Murong Qingyan was not a simple character either.

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