Into Unscientific

Chapter 121

Chapter 120 – Do You Know The Gold Content Of Antibiotics? (Big

Chapter 120 Do you know the gold content of antibiotics? (big chapter)


By the kitchen.

Hearing what Xu Yun said, Fatty Meng couldn’t help being slightly taken aback.

Immediately thought of something, pointed to the basket beside him and said:

“Brother, do you mean gourd? Is that the thing over there?”

Xu Yun turned his head and looked in the direction he pointed, and found that there were clusters of garlic in the basket at the corner of the kitchen.

These garlics are the same as those of the same kind in later generations, but they are generally large in size, obviously they are carefully selected high-quality garlic.

He walked quickly to the edge of the basket, picked up a head of six cloves of garlic, looked it over, nodded repeatedly and said:

“Yes, this is it!”

Fatty Meng couldn’t help but smiled complacently when he heard the words:

“My little brother, that’s what Dengzhou calls garlic, and we in Bianjing call it gourd or garlic.

If it weren’t for my husband’s family being from Dengzhou, I might not understand what you said! “

Xu Yun smiled politely at Fatty Meng:

“Thank you, Brother Meng, for your guidance,”

As a non-botany practitioner, he only knows that garlic was introduced into China during the Han Dynasty, and he really doesn’t know much about the other names of garlic.


In ancient China, there were many names for garlic. . .

The larger garlic is generally called gourd, and the smaller one is called wild garlic. The collective name will not be officially unified until the middle of the Ming Dynasty.

Then Xu Yun turned his head and said to Mr. Xie:

“The old man is in charge, please prepare a stone mortar, first use hot water. Keke, scald it with hot soup.

In addition, prepare a bag of salt for me, the finer the better, and by the way, I also need a gall-shaped Poli bottle. “

Xie Laoguan nodded:

“no problem.”

Half an hour later.

Old Duguan walked over with a few items and handed them to Xu Yun:

“Stone mortar, salt, Poli bottle, everything is here.”

Xu Yun thanked him, and then chose a cleaner room.

Leading Mr. Xie to wait outside the door, he went into the house with a few things he had prepared.

After entering the house.

Xu Yun put the stone mortar, grilled garlic, salt, the small bottle he brought, the gall-shaped Poli bottle, and a casserole-like thing he got from Fatty Meng on the table.

Among them, the bile in the shape of a bile bottle refers to glass.

That’s right.

In this day and age, glass craftsmanship has emerged.

One of the more famous evidences is the poem “A jade chime piercing through the forest, suddenly making the sound of glass shattering” in the work “Children Making Ice” by Song Dynasty poet Yang Wanli.

Other than that.

Song Zhenzong also ordered the tin workers to plate mercury on the glass bottle, and then drink it, and lick it every day before going to bed.

Yes, you read that right—mercury-plated drinking, so it is not without reason that the old Zhao family has a high death rate.

all in all.

The current glass technology is still far behind the future generations, but it is very close in terms of practicality or functionality.

After all this is ready.

Xu Yun first put the peeled garlic into the stone mortar, and began to crush it vigorously.

Boom boom boom—

After five or six minutes.

A mouthful of crushed garlic came out of the oven.

Xu Yun poured them into glass bottles one by one and put the lid on.

Fill the casserole with salt again, put the glass bottle into the salt, and lift the casserole in a similar way to hang it.

Then turn on the fire, adjust the number and height of firewood, control the temperature at about 40 degrees, and then start heating.

Another half hour passed.

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Xu Yun uncorked the cap of the small bottle with a bang.

In an instant.

A strong smell of alcohol filled the room.

That’s right.


Seeing this, smart students must have understood Xu Yun’s thinking.

Yes, what Xu Yun is going to prepare is allicin.

Don’t look at garlic, which seems to be everywhere. It sounds like it’s very low-quality, far inferior to penicillium or willow branches.


This is an artifact-level time travel black technology!

without any exaggeration.

Cement, papermaking, and taro are all younger brothers in front of allicin.

If you compare them hard, black powder and potatoes can barely be regarded as fetishes of the same level.

Because it is a class of antibiotics, and it is particularly easy to make.

Speaking of antibiotics, penicillin, erythromycin, and tetracycline may come to mind.

But in fact, allicin is also a particularly powerful antibiotic.

Its antibacterial ability is no worse than that of penicillin, and it has a wider range of antibacterial types—penicillin is only effective against bacteria and weak against fungi, while allicin is a rare type of antibiotic that can deal with both bacteria and fungi.

The main reason why allicin is difficult to popularize in later generations is that it is difficult to preserve, and it can only exist for one to two hours at room temperature. In addition, common resistance to antibiotics is also a big problem.

But after crossing, its advantages are fully revealed:

Compared to the preparation of penicillin, the production of allicin is too simple.

It can be said that as long as the time you travel is after the Han Dynasty, you can make allicin with your hands.

Because to prepare allicin, you only need garlic and high concentration of alcohol.

First crush the garlic and let it stand for an hour.

Soak and extract with high-concentration alcohol, and then

Take your hands off the console and you’re done!

That’s right.

It’s that simple, you can make a low-concentration alcohol solution of allicin in a foolish way.


You ask how to make high-concentration alcohol in ancient times?

Those who have a chemical basis can be prepared by distillation. Students who fail in chemistry can directly use lime to remove the water in the spirits.

If you can’t find any lime, you can find a corner and crash it to death.

In addition, if you want a higher concentration of allicin, you can use a simple salt bath to promote enzymatic hydrolysis like Xu Yun, or you can add a condensate reflux for more advanced.

Find a copper pipe for the condenser pipe, and then soak it in water. (There is no problem with this theory, because I personally verified it once before writing this chapter, and successfully produced garlic essential oil, and then added some soy sauce and vinegar to dip dumplings together during the Chinese New Year)

So Xu Yun never understood.

Why do some protagonists in those novels that travel through ancient times insist on purifying penicillin with logical loopholes, and don’t think about tinkering with allicin, a foolish artifact?

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Then Xu Yun opened the garlic residue that had been enzymatically hydrolyzed in a salt bath, added the absolute ethanol he brought into it, and waited.

This bottle of anhydrous ethanol was originally prepared by Xu Yun for emergency use. Now that Wang Yue is in critical condition, he can only consume this good thing first.

Another hour passed.

Combining the time to prepare things before and after, it is very close to the hour agreed with Lao Su.

Xu Yun glanced at the glass and found that a little oily liquid had appeared in the gaps of some of the garlic.

This is the standard garlic essential oil.

It is not a decomposition product of allicin, but an important raw material for allicin extraction.

In the local industrial field, those factories use this thing to extract allicin.

So with its appearance, it basically foreshadows a result:

Allicin has been successfully produced!

Think here.

Xu Yun quickly took off the glass, took it out of the room, and said to Mr. Xie outside the door:

“Xie Duguan, the medicine is ready, let’s go, let’s hurry up and go back to the east wing!”

Looking at Xu Yun with a little flying between his brows, Mr. Xie couldn’t help but feel a doubt in his heart while keeping up with the pace:

Could it be that this kid really has some confidence because he has been beaten for a long time?

Then the two hurried back to the East Wing.

After another simple inspection, he was put into the courtyard.

Afterwards, Mr. Xie Guan led Xu Yun to the door, and said respectfully:

“Master, let’s go back”

Before Xie Laodu could finish his sentence, he heard a creak, and someone opened the door from the inside.

The person who opened the door was Wang Ting, and he said to Xu Yun hurriedly:

“How is it? Did you get the medicine?”

Xu Yun nodded and raised the glass bottle in his hand:

“The medicine is here.”

Wang Ting hurriedly stepped aside and urged:

“Come in quickly, Zhengru has lost his mind!”

The loss of mind in the old saying is not the Ah Hei Yan in **, but the literal meaning of loss of mind, which is also known as coma or shock as the saying goes.

This is also a very, very dangerous signal.

So Xu Yun didn’t dare to neglect, and hurried into the room and came to the bedside.

As Wang Ting said.

At this time, Wang Yue had completely lost consciousness, and he couldn’t even hear the **** ho sound in his throat.

However, Xu Yun noticed that this Zhonghou’s Baihui acupoint, left temple, and ankle on the sole of his foot were being inserted with several silver needles.

If there are no accidents, it should be the so-called life-saving means of Lao Su.

Acupuncture has always been a very magical project.

Especially for code-word parties like Xu Yun (in the previous life), fingers, neck and shoulders basically have problems every month.

Xu Yun has tried ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, and Voltaren, but in many cases it is not as effective as going to the hospital for acupuncture.

At least in Xu Yun’s mind, acupuncture and moxibustion is indeed a subject worthy of further study.

After seeing him enter the house, Lao Su glanced at the glass bottle in his hand, and the silver needle in his hand was still shaking:

“Wang Lin, is this the folk remedy you mentioned?”

Xu Yun nodded, covered the body of the bottle with both hands, and raised it in front of him:

“The medicine in the bottle is called allicin.”


Hearing this name, Lao Su couldn’t help frowning.


Can this game save people?

However, considering that Wang Yue’s life is in danger now, he is no longer easy to question:

“The old man is unable to recover from Zhengru’s illness, so you can give it a try, hey”

Seeing the obvious pessimism on Lao Su’s face, Xu Yun didn’t explain much.

After all, for people in this era, **** water infection is basically like the late stage of liver cancer in later generations, and it is an absolute terminal illness.

Xu Yun’s current practice is as outrageous as in the 21st century, when a beggar went to the hepatobiliary ward of a hospital and told a chief physician that he could cure liver cancer.

It’s just that the chief physician (Old Su) allowed Xu Yun to administer the medicine because of the emotions of the patient’s family (Wang Ting) and because he really didn’t have much means.

So you can’t say that Lao Su is pedantic and rigid or looks down on people. In the final analysis, it is still a problem of cognitive ceiling.

After all, the current era, whether it is the East or the West, is far from the concept of modern medicine.

Then Lao Su stepped aside and signaled Xu Yun to step forward.

Xu Yun walked quickly to Wang Yue’s side, and gently tore his cloth.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Xu Yun felt like he hadn’t seen him for two hours, and the wound on the man’s body had deteriorated a lot.

The main purulent part of Wang Yue’s body is in the lower part of the chest, which is a very sensitive part between the lungs and stomach.

The feces contained a large number of conditional harmful bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus, so Wang Yue’s injury was actually more serious than it seemed.

But again.

It is precisely because the source of infection is feces, the antibacterial effect of allicin can also reach the highest.

Escherichia coli, Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative bacilli are the target bacteria of allicin.

Even if Wang Yue really suffered from severe sepsis, allicin can effectively achieve the killing effect, but the method is more complicated. (see writer’s words)

Of course.

It would be better if it was just bacteremia.

After all, today’s medical conditions are too limited, and many treatment plans of later generations cannot be replicated.

Then Xu Yun opened the glass bottle containing allicin, penetrated into it with a sterilized spoon, and took a sip of the alcohol solution containing allicin.

Then gently applied it to Wang Yue’s wound.

Friends who have applied alcohol to the wound should know it.

Alcohol is different from iodine. It will be extremely irritating when applied to the wound. The sourness is simply unbearable for ordinary people.

Even a break the size of a fingernail can make a man howl in pain.

However, when Xu Yun applied the allicin solution to Wang Yue’s wound, the big man barely reacted, only his muscles twitched a few times.

This is not good news, which indicates that the coupling signal in some regions has been completely blocked.

The coupling signal can be blocked, not to mention the function of the body, and even the proteins in some regions may be inactivated.

Seeing this situation, Old Su beside him couldn’t help frowning.

Although he is not clear about the concept of allicin and antibiotics, his sense of smell is fine:

He could smell the alcohol in the bottle and was sure it was definitely hard liquor.

And what would happen if spirits splashed on the wound, this Northern Song medical scientist naturally knew what would happen.

But Xu Yun’s hand just paused slightly, and then continued to apply the solution.

After a moment of variety.

The wound on Wang Yue’s chest was covered with garlic solution, and the whole room was filled with the smell of garlic.

Bang Bang —

Xu Yun put the spoon back into the glass, got up and said to Old Su:

“Master, the medicine is ready.”

Wang Teng on the side couldn’t wait any longer, and hurriedly asked:

“How long will Zhengru be able to recover? If Zhengru is saved, how long will it be possible to see results?”

Xu Yun thought about it for a while, and the local allicin usually takes two hours to take effect. The ancients had much lower drug resistance than later generations, so the onset time must be much faster.

Check it out

Is one and a half hours enough?

However, out of prudence, he reported a relatively safe time:

“If there are no accidents, it will have an effect within an hour.”

Wang Zhi muttered a few times at the corner of his mouth, but he still didn’t speak in the end.

In the process of Xu Yun’s pharmaceutical production, he already knew Xu Yun’s origin from Lao Su.

A male actor who escaped from a painting boat, except for some weird clothes, he didn’t have any special performance.

So although Wang Tin is emotionally concerned, he really hopes that his brother can survive.

But reason kept telling him that Wang Yue’s life might have come to a countdown.

that’s it.

In the room, Wang Ti and Lao Su were sitting, and Xu Yun was standing at the head of the bed.

The three were silent, waiting for the final result together.

One quarter of an hour

Two quarters of an hour.

Three quarters of an hour.

Time passed slowly, and Wang Yue still showed no sign of waking up.

But gradually, old Su’s eyes lighted up quietly:

Before, in order to kill Wang Yue, he stimulated several acupuncture points of Wang Yue with silver needles, basically stimulating his life potential unreservedly.

So in theory, Wang Yue’s vitality can only persist for about two quarters of an hour.

Now counting Xu Yun’s spraying process, it took four quarters of an hour.

That is a full half an hour.

Wang Yue’s pulse condition is still critical, but his life has not come to an end.

That is to say

Xu Yun’s folk prescription seems to be effective?

Of course.

Old Su did not say this sentence.

After all, no one can tell if Wang Yue has tenacious vitality and has been rejecting the call of black and white impermanence.

Even if Hua Tuo and Bian Que were alive, it would be impossible to accurately measure a person’s life to a certain quarter of an hour.

So he could only choose to continue to wait, but his seat was changed from the chair in the middle of the room to the bedside where Wang Yue was.

And after a while, a pulse will be diagnosed.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Old Su routinely checked Wang Yue’s pulse again.

But not long after he took hold of his hands, his breath became stagnant.

His eyes filled with complex emotions of astonishment, surprise, joy and a little guilt.

He opened his mouth slightly, and his eyes flicked between Xu Yun and Wang Tin several times:

“Zhengru’s pulse condition seems to be improving!”


Hearing this sentence, Wang Ting immediately stood up from the chair and ran to the bed in a big stride, not even knowing that the chair was brought down:

“Su Bo, is what you said true?”

Old Su closed his eyes and checked his pulse again. After opening his eyes this time, his gaze was much calmer.

He was silent for a moment, nodded slowly and said:

“Zhengru’s pulse condition has tended to be stable, although the internal evil is still lingering, and the underlying fire is hot.

But compared to before, it is already much better.”

As soon as Lao Su finished speaking, a dry voice came from the bed:

“Shui Shui.”


Many students will wait when I say that it will be updated in the early morning. Let me tell you here, the early morning I said sometimes refers to five or six in the morning, so there is no need to wait deliberately. My hand speed is 800 per hour, and it takes seven or eight hours to complete the chapter. normal.

This chapter is a big chapter, so the time is relatively late, not me.

The Spring Festival is not closed, for the sake of staying up all night, ask for a monthly pass with confidence!

Some readers said that allicin can’t treat toxemia. In fact, this is wrong. There are many kinds of pathogenic bacteria in toxemia, which are related to the polymorphism of PAI-1 gene. For the paper, please refer to 10.27812/d.cnki .glnyx.2021.000116 and 10.19460/j.cnki.0253-3685.2021.10.009

At present, the main reason why allicin is unable to treat sepsis is drug resistance, but the target body is actually compatible and can destroy enzymes containing thiol groups. This is why it is said that the prospect of allicin can treat insulin and tonsillitis.

For example, there was a case of allicin injection in West China Hospital that cured burns with pus, 10.13313/j.issn.1673-4890.20200217005

(end of this chapter)

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