Into Unscientific

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 – William Ascu

Chapter 13 William Escoub

Wolthorpe Village is located in the northern part of the UK. There are generally three types of tree species commonly found in the wild:

Oak, poplar, and cherry trees.

Among them, due to their fast growth and low density, poplar trees are used as firewood all year round in the northern countryside in non-fir-covered areas.

Mavericks is planning to find Yang Shu this time, as preparation for the next door-to-door visit.

After leaving the residence and heading west for several hundred meters, Xiao Niu and Xu Yun finally selected a dwarf poplar tree about 1201 mm high.

The process of cutting down trees will not be described in detail. After all, this is not a fantasy novel, and there will be no strange creatures such as dryads and treants.

A circle of poplar trees as thick as toilet paper could only be slaughtered in front of two grown men, and finally they were cut into several wooden strips.

The only troublesome thing during the period was that Xu Yun felt a little flustered on his feet—he was wearing Mavericks’ high school shoes, about 40 sizes, which were somewhat different from his 42 sizes.

Everyone knows about shoes, even a tightness of 0.5 cm is a devastating blow to comfort.

Therefore, with the exertion of twisting his waist and hips a few times, Xu Yun’s ankle joint that supports his feet soon appeared a piece of redness and swelling caused by extrusion.

Xu Yun couldn’t help shaking his head slightly when he saw this—this kind of broken skin is not a big problem, but it reflects the many difficulties that will be encountered in the future.

In short, what a rough start.

After more than an hour like this, Xiao Niu and Xu Yun finally cooked all the firewood that needed to be prepared.

It is worth mentioning that Xiao Niu did not sneak away at all during the whole process, let alone treat Xu Yun as a servant or slave.

He wore Xu Yun’s shoes on his feet, but he worked hard to help Xu Yun share the work, and even had a few words with Xu Yun occasionally.

This slightly inconsistent picture can also be regarded as the epitome of social thought between 17th century Britain between the bourgeois revolution and the glorious revolution—that is, between 1640 and 1688.

Seriously speaking, it can even be regarded as a conflict in legal cognition.

Of course.

Understanding is understanding, it is still difficult for Xu Yun himself to connect to this kind of thinking track all at once.

After all, the difference between the 17th century and the 21st century is not only the number of 400 years, but the multiple rounds of political, economic and literary changes.

Therefore, it is foreseeable that the collision of worldviews will continue in the days to come.

Xu Yun and Xiao Niu sorted out a total of two bundles of firewood this time, and each of them happened to be carrying one bundle, and walked eastward like a shepherd boy descending a mountain.

Now the calf has moved to that garden due to a quarrel with his mother. Judging from his proficiency in introducing that house, it is obvious that this is not the first time this has happened.

Xiao Niu’s accommodation and study are completed in the garden room, and two meals a day except breakfast are settled at his uncle’s house.

That’s right.

In the 17th century, the British would eat three meals, and some nobles would even add an afternoon tea—this was one of the dividends brought about by colonial expansion. Some scholars in later generations believed that Britain completed the optimization of the new generation at this stage .

After all, the difference between bathing once every three days and bathing once every 30 days is mainly in appearance, but the nutritional gap between two meals a day and three meals a day may affect many physiological data of offspring.

This is actually very obvious in the current local area:

The post-00s are obviously better than the post-90s in terms of body, especially in some areas in the south, the height of the new generation is really going up.

So those so-called remarks about not eating meat, eggs, and milk are all stupid, and their hearts can be punished!

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Before the advent of the industrial age, there was no noise in the British countryside, only the rustling of footsteps and the singing of water birds. Everything seemed harmonious and natural.

Without the hustle and bustle of the city, the light blue sky stretches to the sky from a distance, and the quiet village looms in the mist…

Xu Yun suddenly felt a little emotional.

I am used to hearing the hustle and bustle of the city, who else would remember the country roads?

The two walked for about a kilometer in this way. After bypassing a mountain forest, a house surrounded by a fence appeared in front of them.

The whole house is built with red bricks, the mortar joints of the masonry are very thick, and the waistline, feet, lintels, top pressing, window sills, etc. are made of gray-white stones.

This house is also a low-rise design. Judging from the triangular roof, it should be an internal layout of a first-floor house + a second-floor storage attic. The overall area is about six times that of Newton’s residence.

Looking at the painting style and layout, this should be regarded as a very typical seventeenth-century English country cottage.

It does not have the luxury of the aristocratic buildings in London, but it has a little more life.

There is a simple cowshed on the right side of the main entrance of the hut. You can see a man is busy in the cowshed at this time.

After walking to the edge of the fence, the calf first slumped the timber it was carrying on a broken horse stake.

Then he evened his breath and shouted to the man in the cowshed:

“Uncle William, Uncle William, please open the door!”

Hearing Newton’s voice, the man in the bullpen raised his head subconsciously, allowing Xu Yun to see his face clearly.

This is a middle-aged man of about forty-five or sixteen years old, tall and tall, with a slightly brown-black complexion.

He was wearing a plain-colored jacket with sleeves, an apron around his waist, and shaved short hair, which is relatively rare in this era.

Judging from his appearance, this person is somewhat similar to Commander Olga—of course, it would be even more similar if he was lying on the ground.

Student Xiao Niu is famous for his smiling face in communication. In his opinion, most people can only be divided into two categories: mentally retarded and some mentally retarded.

In the whole life of Lao Niu, there are only two “Williams” who can make him speak actively and with enthusiasm:

One is the William coin, which was minted by Lao Niu in 1714.

The second is his uncle:

William Escoub.

William liked Newton very much since he was a child. In addition to being extremely close to the Mavericks in blood, he can also be regarded as one of the nobles in the Mavericks’ life:

William Escu graduated from Cambridge University, and he is Newton’s senior in terms of academic qualifications. Had it not been for the joint persuasion of him and the principal of Mavericks Middle School, Stoke, Hannah would not have let Mavericks go to Cambridge University.

It can even be said that:

William’s original persuasion changed the direction of the whole world.

If he hadn’t persuaded Hannah at the beginning, the founder of classical physics would probably have to hire someone else.

At this time, William Escue was a material merchant, traveling between Italy, Spain, and France, and the main traded goods were cotton, linen and pig iron.

However, at this time, due to the raging Black Death in the Netherlands and Great Britain, William’s trade chain was abruptly interrupted not long ago.

At present, although he has a batch of cotton and linen materials in his hands, he does not have enough funds left.

According to the record in Lao Niu’s personal letter.

Before 1668, the life of the William family was somewhat difficult.

William’s family counts him as having six people. Under such circumstances, he can still allow Newton to come over for a meal, which shows how close their relationship is.

(end of this chapter)

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