Into Unscientific

Chapter 151

Chapter 150 – Initial Summary Of The Copy

Chapter 150 Initial summary of the dungeon


The yard.

Looking at Xiao Li who said “my poems are easy to sell”, Xu Yun felt that his throat was stuck and he couldn’t spit it out.

As a Song fan.

Of course he knows that in this day and age, there are often transactions in certain gray areas where poetry is bought and sold.

Just like buying and selling papers in the 21st century, where there is demand, there is a market.

During festive seasons, Huafang will spend a lot of money to buy some beautiful poems, which will be sung by the top players of their respective painting boats during the festival.

In some articles of later generations, this kind of activity is also called fighting for the oiran.

Now this period is the prosperous period of Bianjing painting boats. Li Shishi, Xu Poxi, Feng Yinu, Sun Sansi and others almost fought over their heads for the fame of the oiran.

Among them, the most famous singer is undoubtedly Li Shishi.

According to the records of “Tokyo Menghualu·Jingwa Art”, Li Shishi is a man of extraordinary elegance and beauty.

It’s a pity that in ancient China, only the four beauties were judged. From Xi Shi in the Spring and Autumn Period to Concubine Yang in the Tang Dynasty, the four seats have already been filled.

Mr. Li was a late student and failed to catch up with that wave of titles.

But if the evaluation is not the four beauties, but the five beauties, then there must be Li Shishi among the five beauties.

However, the most popular period of Li Shishi was between 1102 and 1110. At this point in time, she has not yet shown a crushing advantage.

Therefore, in a competition of this intensity, the importance of a good song naturally goes without saying, and it is not an exaggeration to call it the winner.

Singers of later generations often pay 50,000 to 100,000 yuan for the composition of a good song, and even better 20, 30 yuan is not uncommon.

A small number of ceilings can even sell for 600,000-800,000.

So with Xiao Li’s current name, it’s not difficult to sell three poems for 200 yuan-although this girl is a girl, she is definitely a father of Ci.

But Xu Yun is worried about

This girl won’t sell “Partridge Sky”, right?

And if she tastes the sweetness, maybe she will become Li Qingzhao in the future.

Don’t let it go to the end, Xiao Li even includes some science terms in his poems?

For example, “The phoenix tree is more drizzle, and the alcohol is dehydrogenated, bit by bit.” What?


I feel like I am going farther and farther on the road of being hanged and beaten by Xiao Li’s fans.

But looking at Xiao Li with a happy face, Xu Yun could only nod helplessly in the end:

Whatever, as long as this girl is happy.

Study is not a dead end. Is it possible that Xiao Li will become a genius who doubles up in arts and science in the future?

Then he followed Xiao Li to Lao Su’s side and recounted the whole situation.

Old Su already knew Xiao Li’s thoughts in advance yesterday, so he agreed to Xiao Li’s request on the spot without much hesitation.

Of course.

Agree to agree, but Lao Su did not let go of the price.

Not only was it not cheap, but it even raised an additional 20%.

After all, this is the resource found through Xiao Zhao, and the franchised opening is considered a back door, and it is absolutely impossible to leave a sensitive tail in the business.

After getting approval.

Xu Yun returned to his room and began to calculate the curvature value that Xiao Li needed.

Two days later.

Early morning.


After finishing the morning snacks brought by the servants, Xu Yun went back to the table and began to write in a small book.

This is his special memo, which records some of the projects or “accomplishments” he has completed, as well as his next thoughts.

It is worth mentioning that.

Although Old Su’s house is very safe right now, theoretically no one will go into his room to steal things.

But considering the problem of fault tolerance, Xu Yun finally chose not to use Chinese characters, but to use .

Morse code and English alphabet.

The memo on the whole side is divided into two columns, the title on the left is ‘ok’, and the title on the right is ‘nook’.

The left side refers to the completed project, and the right side refers to the next plan.

Although grammatically speaking.

The English words for completed and unfinished should be finished and unfinished. Xu Yun’s two methods of composition seem to be deadly.

But at this time, my English teacher hasn’t been born yet, so there’s no need to worry about it, as long as I can understand it, it’s over.

And under the completed project, there are several Morse codes written impressively.

Among them, the number one is:



,—(Don’t talk about my hydrology, 7 characters are equal to one word)

The combination is allicin.

Students who have been in the military command should know it.

Writing Morse code is not difficult.

Coherent book writing is fast, even more convenient than letters and pinyin.

In addition, its shape can be covered up with ‘planning’, so Xu Yun mainly chose Morse code as the recorded text.

After all, it is still the same sentence.

Everything is based on stability.

In addition to allicin, there are several groups of words in the completed project:

Generator, electrolytic cell, syringe, microscope, blackboard chalk, curvature formula, introduction to mathematics, physics and chemistry, saving Wang Yue, killing cockroaches, etc.

Judging from the situation of the last 1665 dungeon, the scores of completed projects are obviously not too low.

It seems that as long as Lao Su’s last wish is fulfilled, he can successfully return to reality and score.

But don’t forget.

This task is not only called [Make trouble, make trouble], but the difficulty of the task also fluctuates between [★★☆☆☆-★★★★☆].

Xu Yun had a vague premonition in his heart:

The things I do are basically not difficult. It can be said that I can do it with my own hands, and the probability is far from enough to complete the four-star standard.

Not to mention the national perspective, Xu Yun also didn’t want to see the sudden and sudden death of the Song Dynasty, which was so prosperous twenty years later.

So the next direction.

Xu Yun came to the nook column, and next to the next goal of “continue to kill cockroaches”, wrote down another set of Morse code.





Another crucial point is.

The next plan is not only limited to Laosu Mansion, but also to expand its influence.

If there is a chance, it is best to meet some big names in the Imperial Army.

Although the Song Dynasty is very typical of emphasizing literature over military.

But if you can be a military officer above the third rank, you will have some status to some extent.

Looking at the memo in front of him, Xu Yun could not help biting the back end of the brush, which is also a movement he likes very much:

“The highest rank of military officer in the Song Dynasty was the Taiwei, but Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty would soon dismiss the Taiwei from Sankilometer. How many Taiweis will there be in total in the future?

Tong Guan must be one, Wang Hou must also have one, the old one was later the Deputy Privy Envoy, I remember.

In addition, ZTE’s four generals can be excluded, and the rest will not be remembered.”

Right now Song Huizong has just ascended the throne, Taiwei is still one of the positions in the Sangong, and it will be officially disbanded after a few years.

So Xu Yun directly gave up the idea of asking Lao Su for the list—in normal history, when Lao Su died, the Taiwei was still Sangong.

According to later developments, Song Huizong will classify the Taiwei into nine positions in a few years.

They are the Commander of the Sidu in front of the palace, the Commander of the Deputy Capital, and the Marquis of Duyu, the Commander of the Ma Jundu of the Guards, the Commander of the Deputy Capital, and the Marquis of Duyu, the Commander of the Infantry of the Guards, the Deputy Commander, and the Marquis of Duyu .

They are also called the three commanders of the Diansi, the third commander of the horse army, and the third commander of the infantry, and they are collectively called the nine commanders in front of the palace.

Among them, Gao Qiu’s real position in “Water Margin” is one of the three commanders of the Diansi.

That’s why he is called Dianshuai and Taiwei.

It even develops according to the plot in “Water Margin”.

Song Jiang was later named the comfort envoy of Chuzhou, and Wu Yong was named the envoy of Wu Shengjun, and he was also eligible to be called “Song Taiwei” and “Wu Taiwei”.

However, although there are many Taiwei in later generations, those who are truly capable and relatively high-ranking in this period are quite limited.

From the perspective of the overall situation, the most suitable person for the Forbidden Army to contact is undoubtedly

Old kind.

The old kind, that is, the way of being a teacher.

In “Water Margin”, Lu Da often mentioned the old businessman, this is him.

He comes from a family of generals, has made great military exploits, and finally became the deputy envoy of the Privy Council.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lao Zhong is the soul-level figure of the entire Song and Western Army.

Although Lao Zhong had victories and defeats in his career, in terms of military ability alone, he is undoubtedly recognized as the last pillar of the Northern Song Dynasty.


Throughout the Jingkang Incident, his strategy was correct:

First, the elite rushed out of Tongguan, and then tended to hold back Wanyan Zongwang of the Eastern Route Army.

After Zongwang’s lone army goes deep and retreats without supplies, it will bite again. No matter how bad it is, the Hebei defense line must be rebuilt.

Wanyan Zhonghan of the West Route Army in Taiyuan, Hedong can wait for most of the Western Army to gather and cooperate with the Taiyuan King’s Department to eat it, because Taiyuan is a strong city and mountainous, Zonghan is difficult to eat.

However, when the old man met Song Huizong, a good teammate, the most famous honey operation in Huaxia history came:

First of all, Yao Pingzhong’s surprise attack was used to make it known all over the city. Zong Wang naturally accepted the gift with a smile.

The East Route Army was not allowed to retreat and repair the line of defense, and they urged the younger brother Zhong Shidao who rushed to Hedong to fight.

The division won first and then lost, and finally died on the battlefield, shrouded in horse leather.

On the eve of the Jingkang Incident, Jin soldiers besieged Bianjing again.

At this time, Zhong Shidao, who was seriously ill, made the last suggestion to Song Huizong’s son Qinzong:

Your Majesty, you go to Chang’an to temporarily avoid the edge, and the capital will be entrusted to the generals who defend the city.

As a result, Qinzong, who inherited the excellent lineage of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty, of course continued to ignore it, accusing Master Zhong Daonian of being cowardly and rejecting his suggestion.

In the end, the 76-year-old Zhong Shidao died of illness amidst grudges.

One month later, in November of the first year of Jingkang, Bianjing fell.

What can you say?

all in all.

The old species is undoubtedly the most suitable option, but what Xu Yun is not sure about is whether this business manager is currently in Bianjing.

According to the normal situation.

At this time, the old species should be the magistrate in Weizhou, and the frontier guards will not return to Beijing easily.

But right now, the Qingtang War has just achieved a strategic result, and the veterans will also come back to report on their duties.

In fact, Xu Yun also asked Wang Chen about this before, but Wang Chen took Wang Yue back to Beijing for treatment first, and he had to inquire again about the entourage of the large army before he could be sure.

So Xu Yun first drew a question mark next to the old Morse code to show the variable.

Then he thought about it first, and wrote down another name:

Wang Hou.

This is also a character mentioned before, and in a sense, it is also one of the reasons why Tong Guan can stand up.

Although Wang Hou’s historical reputation may not be as great as the old one’s, his achievements and abilities are only about half a step lower than the old one’s.

And compared to the uncertainty of the old species, Wang Hou’s whereabouts are still very clear – he has returned to Bianjing with Tong Guan.

More critically.

Wang Hou and Wang Ting are also related to a certain extent, almost having the same great-grandfather, but their great-great-grandmother is not the same person.

“Old man, Wang Hou, as long as he can catch up with any one of them, and cooperate with Lao Su’s surviving status and connections, as well as the ‘Rye Erguotou’ buried before.”

Looking at the names of these two people and the proposal written earlier, Xu Yun nodded slightly:

“In this way, the configuration to make things happen is almost complete”

While Xu Yun was thinking, Yong Zhu’s voice suddenly came from outside the door:

“Brother Wang, Master asked you to go there.”

Xu Yun quickly put away the memo, took a breath, and replied:

“Come right away, brother Yong Zhu, did the master say something?”

“Yes, His Royal Highness King Jian has just arrived at the mansion.”

There was an explosion in the last few days of last month, the tenosynovitis recurred, and there was still fluid in the knuckles. Today, the acupuncture and moxibustion Buddhist system was updated, and the blood revived on the 3rd! !

In addition, this kind of transitional chapter is too embarrassing to write too long, just simply mention the context

(end of this chapter)

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