Into Unscientific

Chapter 155

Chapter 154 – Everything Is Ready, Only Dongfeng Is Owed (6.8K)

Chapter 154 Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed (6.8K)

After getting a relatively satisfactory answer.

Xu Yun walked out of the yard and called Mr. Xie to take care of him.

Let him find a few servants and maids, and place Xiao Zhao and Xiao Li in the guest room respectively.

Early the next morning.

Xiao Zhao was the first to wake up from the drunkenness.

“His Royal Highness King Jian.”

After Xiao Zhao got dressed, he just went out.

Xu Yun, who had already been waiting outside the courtyard, stepped forward quickly, cupped his hands towards Xiao Zhao, and said with a smile:

“I wonder if His Highness is still used to sleeping last night?”

Xiao Zhao rubbed his still sore head, grinned, shook his head and said:

“The bed is quite comfortable, but the alcohol is really strong”

Before Xu Yun could answer, Xiao Zhao thought of something.

His eyes flashed, and he took the initiative to ask him:

“By the way, Mr. Wang, did this king ever get drunk and make a slip of the tongue yesterday?”

When Xiao Zhao asked this sentence, Xiao Zhao’s tone seemed casual, but his expression was slightly nervous.

After all, although he is good at drinking, he is rarely really drunk.

In most cases, it’s just pretend acting.

When he learned from Wang Zhi yesterday that Xu Yun had good wine in his hands, he thought that it was at most similar to the bottled incense in the palace.

It is about twenty degrees in later generations.

The result was unexpected.

Xu Yun’s high alcohol content far exceeded his expectations.

But the wine tasted very mellow when he first tasted it, so he drank a few more sips without noticing it.

After the alcohol came up, the whole person began to feel dizzy, and he couldn’t pull back.

Although Xiao Zhao knows that his wine is not bad, he is afraid of everything.

It would be terrible if he really said something.

But soon.

Xu Yun’s answer made him breathe a sigh of relief:

“His Royal Highness, you are asking the wrong person.

Caomin’s alcohol strength is shallow, and he became dizzy after two drinks. He was the first person to get drunk yesterday.

However, before fainting, Caomin seems to vaguely remember what Miss Li told you, “Your Highness should be punished for a few days of absenteeism” and so on.”

Xiao Zhao was taken aback when he heard this, and then nodded thoughtfully, with a relaxed expression visible to the naked eye:

“The king does remember saying something like this, hey, Miss Li has such a temper, she likes to make trouble when she gets drunk.

That’s how it was in the song “Like a Dream”.”

Xu Yun could only laugh awkwardly.

Then Xiao Zhao chatted briefly with him for a while, and after confirming again and again that he hadn’t said any dirty words, he hurriedly said goodbye and left the Su residence. .

Although the queen mother has passed the most dangerous stage, Xiao Zhao no longer has to stay in the palace all the time.

But as a junior, I still have to go to greet the Queen Mother every day.

Xu Yun turned around and went to another courtyard, preparing to give mathematics lessons to old Jia Han Gonglian and others.

A few days ago.

After calculating the tilt factor of the lens, the amount of calculation on Lao Jia and others was greatly reduced.

But Xu Yun didn’t let them go.

Instead, he persuaded Lao Su to give Liu Yi the identity of his disciples, and continued to impart advanced mathematical knowledge.

These include symbols, names, and some equations related to binomials, which are not limited to modern mathematics, namely .


It’s still the original sentence.

Although the mathematics level of the Song Dynasty was very high, it still did not have the systematic basis for a complete derivation of calculus.

For example, before calculus was derived in later generations, the foundation of the European mathematics community was already very solid—compared to that era,

First, there is the product quotient theorem of two functions proposed by Mr. Barrow, and at the same time, there are infinitesimals and a large number of previous guesses and deduction results as the cornerstone.

After accumulating all the above, Mavericks deduced calculus.

Although he is a genius, he does not violate the laws of mathematics.

The mathematics world in the Song Dynasty was not the same, and there was a serious lack of accumulation in this area.

Even if Xu Yun really came up with calculus, it can only be regarded as a spur to growth.

Therefore, what Xu Yun can do is to inform Lao Jia of the small number of relevant variables in the entire calculus system.

Try to plant some seeds for the local mathematics community in this time and space, such as how difficult the college entrance examination is by 20 or 30 points.

that’s it.

During the alternation of teaching Lao Jia, Xiao Zhao Xiaoli, and Lao Su.

Twenty days are fleeting.

It was early in the morning.

Xu Yun finished his morning routine and just walked out of his hut while yawning, when he found a little old man standing outside the door:

Northern Song Dynasty’s “eighth-level worker”.


Seeing that Siegfried was waiting for him, Xu Yun hurriedly stepped forward and gave him a junior courtesy:

“Master Qi, why are you here? Could it be that the telescope is about to be made?”

Siegfried smiled and bowed to him, nodded, and replied:

“Young Master Wang, about 80% of the preparation of the telescope has been completed. The old man came here today because he wanted to ask you to go to the Manufacturing Bureau for a check.”

Then he paused, as if he remembered something, and added:

“By the way, Miss Li’s microscope has been completed, and you can also pick up the goods by the way.”

Xu Yun nodded in understanding.

Considering that the telescope is quite large and requires a lot of professional equipment to make it, the old Su family is obviously not suitable.

After many discussions, the production location was finally arranged at the Manufacturing Bureau.

Of course.

In addition to this obvious reason, there is another underlying reason:

The whole process needs to consume more than five tons of iron.

To know.

Iron is an important military material in ancient China.

If these irons flow into private hands, they can arm a large army.

Therefore, from the perspective of stability, the entire production process must also be carried out under the nose of Emperor Huizong of Song Dynasty.

The whole process was only carried out in Lao Su’s house, only the making of a mercury paraboloid.

Xu Yun finished making this mercury paraboloid a few days ago, and it is currently stored in a closed and low-temperature environment, ready to be used at any time.

That is to say.

Siegfried is mainly responsible for the cylinder body, spherical lens, and the related links of changing the watercraft observatory into a rotating instrument clock.

Afterwards, Xu Yun simply took care of his clothes, and followed Siegfried to go to the Toolmaking Bureau.


As soon as the two of them reached the gate of Su Mansion, they saw Xiao Li approaching him.

“Miss Li.”

Xu Yun quickly stopped the little bean sprouts. Today is not a day for class, and this girl obviously only has one thing to do when she comes to the door:

“Are you looking at the microscope again?”

Xiao Li nodded and said:

“I made an appointment with Uncle Su the day before yesterday, and today I can use the microscope for two hours.”

Xu Yun suddenly smiled, and pouted his chin towards the door:

“That’s really a coincidence, Miss Li, don’t go in, start with me and Master Qi.”

Xiao Li blinked, with a hint of reluctance on his face:

“Where is this going? I finally got the opportunity from Uncle Su.”

“Of course go get your microscope and slow down!”

that’s it.

Xu Yun and Xu Yun followed Siegfried and arrived at the Manufacturing Bureau in a carriage.

The Weapons Manufacturing Bureau was established 33 years ago and is affiliated with the Military Weapons Supervision, but it is not responsible for the preparation of military weapons.

Its main production function is to refine non-military ironware.

The more common ones are iron implements such as curved shaft plows, and some iron axles used in high-end carriages, etc.

In addition, iron pots or kitchen knives-these are all government-run businesses these days, and private ones are even equivalent to private coins.

Siegfried’s department is a bit special.

Some R&D institutions are similar to later generations of big factories. There are no hard production tasks on weekdays, mainly self-developed new ironware and so on.

Of course.

This research and development has certain constraints.

For example, how much iron can only be consumed each year, multiple people must be present during the smelting process, and scrap iron must pass multiple inspections before it can be destroyed, etc.

The location of the Manufacturing Bureau is in the northeast of Yujie Street, and some smoking iron furnaces can be seen from a distance, with an obvious earth-made industrial atmosphere. (Refer to doi10.16783/j.cnki.nwnus.2009.05.007 for the architectural layout of Bianjing during the Song Huizong period)

In fact, Xu Yun has always been a little puzzled:

Why is the Department of Equipment Manufacturing Bureau, which may cause major accidents at any time and pollute the environment, not only set up in Bianjing City, but also only about a mile and a half away from the imperial palace?

Not to mention how much harmful exhaust gas can be produced by four six-meter-high ironmaking furnaces.

Just the acidic sewage produced by ironmaking will flow out along the Bian River, seriously affecting the daily life of residents in the northeast area of Bianjing City.

It’s so weird

Bang Bang Bang —

When Xu Yun and the others walked into the Equipment Bureau.

There are a large number of shirtless and strong men, using black and hard tools to hit some round, slightly elastic targets with force.

Siegfried led Xu Yun and the others forward while explaining:

“Prince Wang, Miss Li, this is hammering the bottom of the pot. After the hammering is completed, it can be quenched and strengthened.”

Xu Yun nodded, remembering the scene of sparks flying everywhere in his heart.

This is the peak skill of ancient China

If I remember correctly.

Quenching technology should have appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it began to be widely promoted after the Western Han Dynasty. It is also a technology that is more than a thousand years ahead of Europe.

But in later generations, everything changed places.

Iron ore needs to be purchased from other countries.

After all, this is an innate limitation of resources, and it must be traced back to the Neoarchean, and it is a situation that cannot be changed by humans.

However, some ironmaking equipment and even ironmaking processes have been seized by foreign countries. For example, FINEX has to pay patent fees to Primetals, which is a bit speechless.

It can only be said that the pit dug by a certain braid is too deep, and the debt will be paid until a hundred years later.

Then the three of Xu Yun followed Siegfried and walked for a while, and the surrounding voices gradually became quieter.

In a quarter of an hour.

Several people passed through a courtyard gate and came to a ground covering an area of nearly 300 square meters.

I saw this moment.

There is a thick iron cylinder on the ground, about ten meters in length and about one meter in diameter.

The interior is hollow, and no other patterns are engraved on the whole body.

One side of the iron cylinder is relatively smooth and simple, while the other side is much more complicated, with a large number of fine mechanisms and push slots inside.

It is clear.

This is the barrel of the telescope.

Siegfried led Xu Yun to the tube, pointed at it and said:

“My lord, can you see if this tube is qualified?”

Xu Yun arched his hands towards him, walked to the edge of the iron cylinder, and began to check the completion status.

be honest.

The barrel of the telescope is not very complicated.

Except for the subject.

The key structures are the finder mirror, guide mirror, and rotator clock, which are nothing more than a matter of accuracy.

Some can be accurate to seven or eight decimal places, while others can only be accurate to one or two decimal places, and the prices are therefore very different.

The rotating instrument clock is mainly used to compensate the rotation of the earth, so that the telescope is always aimed at the same sky area, so as to achieve the effect of stable observation.

At present, the power of the rotary instrument clock is mainly driven by a motor, and the speed is controlled by an astronomical clock or a radio oscillator.

The early rotary clocks were powered by chain-type weights or springs, and the rotation speed was controlled by a centrifugal governor.

The water astronomical platform, which represents the pinnacle of Lao Su’s life, is based on the latter principle.

When designing the layout of the telescope, Xu Yun made a simple modification to the rotary clock on the basis of the astronomical observatory.

Firstly, the torque was adjusted, and then a surrounding channel was made inside the barrel.

makes it an attachment type device.

Then Xu Yun bent down, put his right hand deep into the barrel and began to grope.

After a few seconds.

He touched three raised small plates at a position about 30 centimeters from the wall of the cylinder.

Xu Yun twisted slightly, and an iron plate was disassembled.

Then he randomly picked up a piece of dogtail grass from the ground, and inserted it along a certain gap.

The torque is adjusted at the same time, and the scale is accurately expanded to twenty times the speed.


Under the action of the internal clockwork, the dogtail grass rotated with the stage.

“one two Three.”

Xu Yun watched carefully for a few minutes, keeping count in his heart.

After a few minutes.

There was a look of satisfaction on his face.

The precision of this set of rotoscope equipment is perfect, at least it is more than enough to afford this observation task.

In this way.

Just ask the donkey at home to store a few more turntables.

Then he reinstalled the iron plate and began to inspect the remaining star finder and guide mirror.

Friends who know astronomical telescopes should know it.

Because the field of view of the primary mirror of an astronomical telescope is generally relatively small, it is often very difficult to find the observation target directly in the primary mirror—because there are often no other celestial bodies that can be compared with the target near the target.

In order to solve this problem, later generations will quickly search for celestial bodies to be observed.

Astronomers attached a small telescope with low magnification and large field of view next to the primary mirror.

It is the finderscope.

Most finder mirrors use refracting telescopes, whose optical axis is parallel to the optical axis of the primary mirror.

The caliber is generally about 50-100mm, the field of view is about 30°-50°, and the magnification is 7-20 times.

There is also a reticle for calibration at the focal plane, which can be modified with a scale.

When observing.

Just use the finderscope to find the celestial body to be observed, and adjust the celestial body to the center of the field of view of the starfinder.

Because the optical axes are parallel, celestial bodies will also appear in the field of view of the primary mirror synchronously.

in addition.

The primary mirror is used for long-term observation.

In order to correct the error in tracking in time, the observer will also set up a monitoring telescope next to the primary mirror.

It is the guide mirror.

The aperture, focal length and magnification of the guide scope are larger than those of the finderscope, and the field of view is smaller than that of the finderscope.

When the observation target deviates from the center of the main mirror, this situation can be reflected in the guide mirror, and it can be adjusted back to the center of the field of view in time.

However, there are many profiteers in later generations. Some popular astronomical telescopes only have one of the finder mirror and the guide mirror, which greatly affects the observation experience of beginners.

The line of sight is returning to reality.

Xu Yun came to the head of the star finder and measured the optical axes of the two mirrors through the wisdom teeth he carried with him.

“17.4 cm.”

Then came to the end and continued to measure.

“Also 17.4 cm.”

Then there is the guide scope.

“Head 12.1 cm.”

“The tail is also 12.1 cm.”

“Exactly consistent, parallel.”

After the inspection is completed.

Xu Yun stood up, patted the dust on his hands, and gave Siegfried a thumbs up:

“Master Qi, there is no problem with the body of the cylinder, what is the condition of the mirror?”

Seeing that the barrel passed Xu Yun’s inspection, Siegfried relaxed his shoulders slightly, and replied:

“The mirror surface is still being polished, after all, unlike the barrel body, the mirror surface was completed by the young man alone.

So it has to be relatively slow, judging from the current progress, I am afraid it will take about a week.”

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, calculated the approximate time, and said:

“Master Qi, don’t be nervous, don’t neglect quality in pursuit of time.

Ten days if a week is not enough, two weeks if ten days are not enough, and one month if two weeks are not enough.

Master doesn’t have high requirements on the construction period. Everything is based on precision. Slow work produces meticulous work. “

Then he thought of something again, glanced at Xiao Li who was staring at him eagerly, and asked:

“By the way, Master Qi, I don’t know Miss Li’s microscope.”

When Siegfried heard the words, he immediately pointed to a certain room next to him:

“The microscope has been made. It’s in that workshop. You can enter by pushing the door.”

Xu Yun glanced at him again and confirmed:

“Master Qi, the microscope is made according to the drawings I gave you earlier, right?”

Siegfried nodded heavily:

“Yes, everything is consistent with what the young master explained, without the slightest deviation.”

Xu Yun nodded, pondered for a moment, then said to Ziegfeld and Xiao Li:

“Master Qi, Miss Li, I’ll go in and check first.”

Xu Yun, as the person who knows the microscope best, made the request without any problem at all, and it was reasonable.

Even Xiao Li didn’t say much, and watched Xu Yun enter the house.

A quarter of an hour passed.


The door of the house was opened again.

Xu Yun came out carrying a box.

I saw him raising the box to Xiao Li, and said with a smile:

“Miss Li, the precision of the microscope is correct, but the box is estimated to be a little heavy.

I’ll hold it for you, and give it to the groom later, and you can check it yourself when you get home, how about it? “

Xiao Li’s eyes flashed with excitement, and he nodded quickly:

“That’s very good, thank you very much.”

Xu Yun put down the box when he saw this, and cupped his hands towards Zieg:

“Master Qi, there are still some matters in the mansion. There are no problems in all aspects at present, so the boy will leave first. Master Qi should pay more attention to the remaining lenses.”

Siegfried quickly returned the gift:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Wang, I will keep this matter in mind, and I will definitely not make mistakes.”

Then he accompanied Xu Yun and the two back along the original road, and sent them outside the door.

Xu Yun handed the box to Xiao Li’s coachman, and said goodbye to Xiao Li on the spot.

Da da da-

Looking at the receding carriage, Xu Yun slightly sighed:

“Sorry, Lao Li”

Grandma had diarrhea today, and she was hospitalized again. Let’s put it off for a day or two. Please approve.

This time, my grandmother was hospitalized in my hometown, and it was much easier to accompany her. I will try to adjust it within two days.

Push a friend’s book, “The Pengo Lie Family in the World of American Comics”, which is quite good.

(end of this chapter)

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