Into Unscientific

Chapter 163

Chapter 162 – The Beginning Of A Shocking Change (Part 1) (6.2K)

Chapter 162 The Beginning of a Shocking Change (Part 1) (6.2k)

Three weeks later.

Su Mansion.

It is still in the small yard where Xu Yun prepared the generator earlier.

At this moment, the surrounding area of the yard has been cleaned up, even the stone tables and flowers and trees have been removed.

In the entire courtyard.

Only in the central area was left a strange device whose top was made of bricks spliced into an arch, somewhat resembling a coffin.

Beside the equipment stood Lao Su, Wang Ting brothers, Zong Ze, Wang Hou, Siegfried and

An old man with white beard and hair but hale and hearty.

Of course.

Xu Yun is naturally there too.

At this moment, he was staring intently at the interior of the vaulted device, his eyes motionless.

Guessing that the time is almost up, he turned his head and said to Mr. Xie:

“The old man cares, you can stop.”

Old Master Xie heard the words, and quickly answered yes.

Turned around, stopped the donkey that was pulling the blower, and put a lot of grass in front of it lovingly:

“Hurry up and fill your stomach, I need you later.”

Brother Donkey:


Xu Yun looked at Siegfried who had been waiting here for a long time, arched his hands at him, and said with a smile:

“Master Qi, I’m sorry.”

“My lord, you are being polite, it’s just a matter of duty.”

Siegfried returned a very reliable look at him, led several craftsmen to the side of the equipment, and pried open a preset cover with an iron bar.

As the lid was pried off, a stream of hot, viscous molten iron began to slowly flow from the slot into a dug small pond.

Then Siegfried, according to Xu Yun’s previous instructions, sprinkled pig iron powder lightly and evenly on the molten iron in the small pond.

The other people stirred quickly with willow sticks.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun felt a little relieved just now.

In ancient China, smelting steel and forging steel were the two most common ways of casting steel.

Taking the finished products of the Song Dynasty Bureau of Equipment as an example, the sulfur content in them is about 11/10,000, which is about 1/1,000.

Mentioned earlier.

Every ten-thousandth difference between sulfur and phosphorus in steel, the effect can be called a huge difference, which is not a concept at all.

Modern iron and steel technology basically uses this difference as the demarcation line of the grade, and is divided into ordinary steel, high-grade steel, special-grade steel, special-grade peak steel, special-grade Dayuan steel, half-step detachment steel, etc.

all in all.

Compared with five ten-thousandths of the most common steel in modern times, the finished product of ordinary steel in the Song Dynasty was a full six orders of magnitude worse.

Even if it is compared with the highest-quality steel products in the Tool Manufacturing Bureau, the difference can be shortened to about 4.5 at most.

So Xu Yun held the idea that “the task is to make trouble anyway”, so he simply did not do anything, and made a big one:

He combined the Beizi steelmaking method of Beisermeier with the steel pouring method of the late Ming Dynasty, and used the local 1956 small-volume furnace as a template to design a two-cubic-meter reverberatory furnace.

The so-called reverberatory furnace.

refers to a chamber flame furnace.

The fuel is burned in its combustion chamber, and the heat generated is reflected to the heating chamber by the furnace roof to heat the billet.

The heat transfer method in the furnace is not only by the reflection of the flame, but more importantly by the radiation heat transfer of the furnace roof, furnace wall and hot gas.

Therefore, there are certain requirements on the design specifications.

Xu Yun used a brick reverse-arched furnace bottom this time, with a thickness of about 900mm. From bottom to top, it is as follows:

Furnace bottom cast iron plate, 20mm asbestos plate, 300mm clay brick, 100mm ramming material layer, and the uppermost layer of magnesia brick reverse arch.


You ask how the magnesia bricks come from?

The magnesite is calcined at high temperature, and then crushed to a certain particle size to become sintered magnesite.

After pressing, you can get magnesia bricks with good appearance.

Considering that the melt ratio and depth of the horseshoe in the trial preparation are relatively small, Xu Yun adopted a reverse arch center angle of 129°.


The temperature in the furnace can easily reach over 1600 degrees, even close to 1800 degrees.

And in addition to equipment.

Xu Yun also made some improvements in terms of raw materials.

For example, coke is isolated from the air in bituminous coal, and coke is used instead of coal as fuel.

Another example is decarburization by pouring steel and so on.

Of course.

More critical is another step:

Increase the bellows for pulling.

There is no resource consumption in this step, and there is no labor cost, but it is tiring.

After a while, Siegfried raised his hand towards Xu Yun to signal:

“My lord, the molten iron has become like a sponge.”

Xu Yun walked quickly to the edge of the slot, and as soon as he approached, there was a scorching breath coming up:

“Master Qi, have you added all the pig iron filings?”

“Finished adding.”

Xu Yunjian nodded:

“Then cut the molten iron into pieces, put them on the second floor, and inject oxygen.”

Siegfried had already practiced the relevant operation methods before, so without much effort, he transferred the molten iron filled with pig iron filings to the second floor of the reverberatory furnace.

The temperature of the second layer of the reverberatory furnace is much lower than that of the first layer. The main purpose of this link is not calcination, but

Introduce oxygen.

or more precisely

Introduce pure oxygen.

That’s right.

Pure oxygen.

This is why Xu Yun is confident in forging steel with lower impurity content:

Well known.

Preparing pure oxygen is an operation that can be done with hands, there is no one who can’t, right?

cough cough

Considering the extremely high temperature inside the reverberatory furnace, Xu Yun did not use electrolyzed water to produce oxygen:

Oxygen production by electrolysis of water consumes a lot of energy, and it is easy to mix hydrogen.

Once the concentrations of hydrogen and oxygen reach a certain limit, certain Didara behaviors are likely to occur in the reverberatory furnace.

Therefore, this time Xu Yun chose the standard laboratory oxygen production method of later generations.

That is, heating hot potassium permanganate to collect oxygen.

First of all, Xu Yun found pyrolusite through Lao Su’s contacts. This is a very common ore, and there are a lot of them in Bianjing.

This is then heated with potassium nitrate to produce potassium manganate.

Then electrolyze with oxidant in alkaline solution.

In this way, potassium permanganate is obtained.


You ask where did potassium nitrate come from?

Do you still remember the potassium nitrate salt bridge made by the saltpeter from the sour plum soup shop when preparing chlorine gas? (See Chapter 123)

So it’s still the same sentence:

The generator and electrolytic cell created by Xu Yun are far more than just for showing off.

Then, he directed Siegfried to move the copper pipe that transmits oxygen to the entrance on the second floor.

Although the melting point of copper is less than 1100 degrees, the temperature of the second-floor reverberatory furnace is not high.

In addition, the copper pipe is only connected to the slot, so it is not necessary to consider that the copper pipe will melt.

“Be careful and poke it in slowly. It’s very sensitive. Get ready, be careful when it comes out, and don’t let the water inside splash out”

The copper pipe is connected to the self-priming pump designed by Lao Su. As the valve is opened, a large amount of oxygen is quickly transported into the second floor.

These pure oxygen quickly combine with carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur in the spongy molten steel, and after oxidation, escape through the tuyeres pulled by the donkey brother.

After just two quarters of an hour, the purity of the molten steel was stretched to an extremely high value—compared to this era.

“What a pity, what a pity”

Looking at the molten steel that has entered the final stage, Xu Yun couldn’t help shaking his head slightly.

Seeing this, Wang Zhi couldn’t help asking:

“Xiao Wang, what are you regretting?”

Xu Yun sighed and said:

“We don’t have enough time to prepare, and the relevant technical equipment is also insufficient, and the hardware conditions are somewhat poor.”

“So theoretically, the durability of cast steel can only reach about fifteen times that of ordinary steel at most.”

Wang reported:


Xu Yun didn’t notice Wang Tin’s expression. What Wang Tin seemed to pretend to be was actually his true thoughts.

After all, if there are conditions.

It doesn’t require too many steps, as long as nickel and chromium are added to the molten steel, the quality of the steel can be easily increased by ten times—that is, a gap of one order of magnitude.


The laterite nickel mines in the world are mainly distributed in tropical countries within 30 degrees north and south of the equator.

Although there are some laterite nickel mines in the mainland, they are all distributed in the northwest and northeast, not in the Central Plains.

Such as Longyou, such as Zhuzhou, such as Baishan Songshui.

The latter two are currently not within the territory of the Song Dynasty. Although Longyou belongs to the Song Dynasty, it is an important frontier area for fighting with Xixia.

At present, Longyou mainly focuses on fortifications, and in terms of resource development, it is far from reaching the level of later generations.

Therefore, Xu Yun’s idea of further purification can only be aborted, waiting for the lucky ones in future generations to discover it.

Another hour or so passed.

He reckoned that the time was almost up, so Ziegfeld said:

“Master Qi, the time has come, and I will leave the rest to you.”

Siegfried nodded to him, and directed the other craftsmen to take out the softened molten steel, and started forging.


The cotton candy-like molten steel gradually began to condense under Siegfried’s stirring.

Siegfried felt that the heat was ready from the resistance, so he poured it into a horseshoe printing mold.

Many people in later generations are influenced by some movies and TV or civil horseshoes, and think that horseshoe is a very simple tool.

But in fact.

The horseshoes of military horses and racing horses are very complicated, far from being as simple and light as they seem.

For example, the weight of a single horseshoe in the Olympic equestrian competition is 2.2 pounds, which is 1.99 kilograms, and the whole body is made of aluminum alloy.

In the Brisbane Museum of Kangaroo, there is also an iron horseshoe from the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games, with a single weight of up to 3 kg.

Why is this thing so heavy?

Because the horseshoe combination requires no less than seven nails for reinforcement in addition to the shoe, plus an iron sheet similar to a leg guard at the end.

With so many combined joints, it’s not too surprising that the horseshoe is not low in weight.

The line of sight returns to the original place.

Another 20 minutes or so passed.

Molten iron casting is completed.

Xu Yun succeeded Siegfried, holding the poured horseshoe with long-end tweezers, soaking it in the water.

This kind of operation that is common in TV dramas is quenching.

It is mainly to quickly condense and shape the iron embryo to have a hard entity.

But from the perspective of relevant professions.

Although the action of quenching is simple, the principle is quite complicated.


Followed by a burst of white smoke, it suddenly floated up.

The interior of the steel changes rapidly to austenite, and then quenched at a rate greater than the critical cooling rate, forming metastable martensite.

Deformation brings high-density dislocations, and at the same time, the supercooling brought by rapid cooling makes the nucleation speed of new grains very high, and fine-grain strengthening appears.

The external performance of the above two feedbacks is .

Quenching and shaping completed.

The blacksmith shop in the movie is usually almost ready after quenching, but mechanical and electrical dogs. Keke, students majoring in machinery should know it.

At this time, there is actually a lot of stress and brittleness inside the quenched part.

If the tempering step is not carried out in time, deformation or even cracking will often occur, and various troubles will appear in practice.

For example, for a shovel that has not been tempered, it is likely that a gap will appear after a few digs.

So Xu Yun tempered the horseshoe again, which completely ended the forging of the horseshoe.

In a quarter of an hour.

Xu Yun held the cooled horseshoe with his bare hands, walked up to Wang Ting and the others, and handed it to the old man:

“Xian Cheng Xuanshi, this thing is a horseshoe, please have a look.”

That’s right.

Hearing this surname, the judges must have guessed it:

This person is the well-known old-fashioned strategist, the contemporary head of the Zhong family army, and the army soul of the Song Dynasty after Liu Fa passed away.

Kind of teacher!

When connecting with Wang Hou earlier, Xu Yun specially asked Wang Ting to take the trouble to inquire about the old-fashioned news.

Finally, I learned that Lao Zhong had indeed returned to Bianjing with the Western Army.

After all, Weizhou is the core center of this battle on the western front. As the governor of Weizhou and the deputy envoy of the Taoist Army, Lao Zhong needs to be transported by him.

Now that he has returned from a staged victory, the probability of him returning to Beijing together will not be less than 70%.

After all, although the old type is not greedy for money, he has a high integrity, and has no black spots in his life except for a few defeats in two games.

But that doesn’t mean he has no desires.

Quite the opposite.

Being able to be the contemporary leader of the Zhong Family Army, being a teacher is almost a must for every achievement:

Anyway, it was the result of my blood and sweat, so there is nothing to be ashamed of.

If you don’t fight for the welfare of the people below, how can others believe you?

Later, Xu Yun used the horseshoe as a guide to invite Lao Zhong to his house through Lao Su’s book sticker.

However, when he returned to the mansion, Lao Zhong’s attitude towards Xu Yun was rather lukewarm, and his complexion was a bit worse than Lao Jia’s.

Like this moment.

Seeing such a young man with a ‘hairless mouth’ like Xu Yun holding a horseshoe, he said convincingly that it was ten times harder than ordinary steel.

The eyes of the old man were full of suspicion.

After all, he is different from a civil official like Lao Su.

The nature of the soldiers is mostly straight-forward, saying whatever they want, but because of Lao Su’s face, it has always been difficult to get angry.

He glanced at Xu Yun and took over the iron hoof of the horse.

He touched it with his upper hand, and flicked it lightly with his index finger,

After a while.

The old man’s expression froze slightly, and a hint of surprise flashed across his face.

As the commander of the army who has been stationed abroad all year round, his familiarity with steel has reached an astonishing level.

Basically get started a bit.

He can judge whether it is low-grade steel, medium-grade steel or high-grade steel through quality, flatness and syllables.

Follow the haptic feedback he just got.

The horseshoe weighing several kilograms in front of me seems to be made of the same material as top-grade steel.

That is to say

How many brushes does the young man in front of him seem to have?

After all, he has also seen the forging process of the Weapons Bureau, and it is much slower than Xu Yun in terms of process and efficiency.

But what the old man didn’t expect was.

Some steel is called top grade steel because it is only top grade steel.

And some steels are judged to be high-grade steels because of the existing cognitive system.

Only top grade steel.

Then the old species pondered for a moment, and took out a saber from his body.

This saber is a precision knife given to him by the late Song Zhezong. The material is a batch of the best quality steel in the five years of Shaosheng.

Let’s not talk about cutting iron like mud.

It is not difficult to leave a gap on the steel axle of the chariot with at least one blow.

In several life-and-death fights, the old species even used it to pierce the enemy’s breastplate, which was much thicker than a horseshoe.

After preparing the knife.

Old Zhong put the horseshoe on the table, stroked the edge a few times with a knife, and asked Xu Yun:

“Little brother, can the old man give it a try?”

Xu Yun hurriedly made a gesture of invitation:

“Stick to what you want, but dare not ask for it.”

The old man looked at him thoughtfully again.

If there is no accident, this young man should still have some skills.

But it seems a little arrogant, or rather confident.

But if he can really produce high-quality steel on a large scale.

For the imperial court, especially for the Western Army, it is considered a good thing.

So he hesitated for a few seconds.

He didn’t exert all his strength, and planned to make a small breach to save Xu Yun some face.

Hands up.

The knife falls.


With the sound of contact accompanied by splashing fire, the dagger in the old man’s hand

Suddenly split from the edge, and finally collapsed into two.


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The Northern Song Dynasty copy is coming to an end, and there are still about 15 chapters (6,000-character chapters), and the following plots will definitely not disappoint everyone!

(end of this chapter)

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