Into Unscientific

Chapter 176

Chapter 175 – Gifts For Li Qingzhao (6.2K)

Chapter 175 A gift for Li Qingzhao (6.2K)

In the 21st century.

Aircraft parameters are generally divided into two types:

Non-computable parameters and computable parameters.

A typical representative of the former is aerodynamic data.

Friends who have participated in aircraft design should know it.

Due to the incomputability of some data, aircraft design is often observed through wind tunnels.

For example, the shape of the flow field can be observed qualitatively through tracer particles + laser sheet light, but it is not accurate enough to analyze the flow field quantitatively.

In order to truly measure the flow field, PIV technology has been developed in recent years.

That is to use an ultra-high-speed camera to continuously take two pictures in the same section.

For the same particle.

There is an interval between the shooting time of these two pictures, so the recorded position must have changed, and the displacement distance can be calculated from this.

Knowing the time interval between two photos at the same time, then the velocity of the particle can be calculated.

If the velocity of all particles on this section is calculated, it will be a real-time velocity vector field.

As long as 100 pictures are taken continuously, you can see the change of the velocity vector by connecting them together, and use this method to collect flow field data.

So in a modern context.

Designing a model is actually quite difficult, and the cost will be very high, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

As soon as the wind tunnel blows, you will get ten thousand taels of gold. This is no joke.

However, the model Xu Yun is going to build this time is very simple, so he does not need the assistance of a wind tunnel in the design. The main object to be overcome is still the calculable parameters.

Therefore, as time goes by, the entire project is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

Four months later.

It’s still a tool maker bureau.

Right now.

Xu Yunzheng, Xiao Zhao, and Lao Zhong walked slowly behind an old man in his seventies.

This lasted about a quarter of an hour.

After passing through a fortified guard line, a hut suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The old man listened to the pig bleating in front of the house, turned around and saluted Xiao Zhao respectfully, and said:

“Your Highness, old general Zhong, Mr. Wang, this is the place.”

Xiao Zhao looked around, nodded, and pointed to the door:

“Master Su, open the door.”

The old man surnamed Su quickly said yes, took out a key from his sleeve, and opened the door of the workshop.

Then he made a request:

“Please come in, the little old man will lead the way.”

Xu Yun and the other three entered.

The workshop covers an area of about a hundred square meters, and a set of equipment is placed in the center.

About half of these equipment are related to distillation, and the rest are a few glassware, as well as a number of bottles and jars.

The size of the glassware is somewhat similar to the 15-liter barrel of a water dispenser. It is the kind of thing that girls will say that they can’t move when there are boys present, and they will be picked up with one hand when there are no boys present.

I saw this moment.

Each glass vessel is filled with some kind of transparent solution, which looks a bit viscous, not quite like water.

There are some silvery, chrysanthemum-like plants floating in the solution.

Beside one of the largest glass containers, Brother Donkey was whimpering and pulling it around in circles.

Xu Yunjian said that he walked to the vessel and carefully observed the internal situation for a while through the glass cover of the vessel.

Then he stuffed donkey brother with some grass, and asked the old man:

“Master Su, how long have these silver chrysanthemums been soaked?”

The old man surnamed Su pondered for a while, calculated the time in his mind, and replied:

“It’s been about ten hours.”

Xu Yun nodded thoughtfully:

“Then let the donkey rest for a while.”

The Master Su he was talking about had the same surname as Old Su, his full name was Su Qi, and he was an old master from the Garment Department of East Zhejiang Luzhou.

Different from Siegfried.

Su Qi is not a craftsman, but he has extremely rich experience in dyes.

Xu Yun designed the aircraft assembly process with many modules, and most of the equipment production needs to rely on Siegfried’s kind of sophisticated craftsmen.

But in some links, special professionals like Su Qi are needed.

for example

Preparation of rubber-like substances.

Friends who have a little understanding of engine structure should know it.

In addition to steel, various alloys or ceramics, there is another material that is essential for the engine:

That’s the rubber piece.

For example, engine oil pipes, crankshaft oil seals, valve oil seals, O-rings, etc., all require a variety of rubber parts.

The origin of rubber is Brazil. According to the normal timeline, it will take another few hundred years for it to be brought back to Europe from the Americas by the Gaul expedition.

And it wasn’t until the end of the nineteenth century that rubber finally took shape as an industrial material.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to find natural rubber in the standard sense in the current Song Dynasty.

Of course.

Except for natural rubber.

Rubber There is also a category of synthetic rubber, but this requires sufficient material to polymerize.

Even the simplest dimethyl butadiene is not what Dasong Industry can achieve now.

However, as a physicist, Xu Yun said that in addition to standard rubber, there are some methods to produce rubber-like products.

For example, it has a wide spread in later generations

Eucommia gum.

Eucommia, which is a unique single family plant in my country.

Secondary rubber is a natural polymer material, also known as trans isoprene rubber.

In the later 21st century.

The local area is also vigorously developing this material, which has a high technical value and a very broad prospect.

However, Eucommia gum has limited sensitivity in terms of engines, and the extraction process is relatively complicated, and even petroleum ether is required.

Thus, after careful consideration, Xu Yun finally chose another plant:

Gufew Chrysanthemum.

Guantha, also known as silver chrysanthemum, is a plant with leaves that resemble snowflakes and has a high value.

It is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Basin in my country, and its commonness is higher than that of Eucommia ulmoides, and its transportation cost is also very low.

Guayule gum produced by guayule is also a very good rubber-like product, and it is very suitable for the engine end. (DOI: 10.28077/n.cnki.nchgb.2005.001315)

Among them, what Xu Yun and others saw at this time was the first step in guayule gum production:

Put them into the sodium hydroxide solution for alkaline immersion, and dissolve the cuticle through sodium hydroxide.

The sodium hydroxide needed in this step still comes from the initial electrolysis link.

As for Brother Donkey.

Naturally, centrifugal power is provided to increase the contact surface.

Before Xu Yun and others came, Su Qi soaked the silver chrysanthemum for a long time. After estimating that the time would be about the same, Xu Yun said to Su Qi:

“Master Su, let’s start the next step.”

Su Qi said yes, put on gloves, and walked to a corner.

After a while, he brought back a small plate.

At this time, there was a pile of sticky white mucus on the plate, exuding a faint fishy smell.

Of course.

Don’t get me wrong.

These things are not the liquid that comes out, but

Crushed dead termites.

That’s right.

termite carcasses,

Termites are the main degraders of natural cellulose. There is a microorganism called flagellate in their digestive tract, which can produce a large amount of cellulase.

These cellulase enzymes can hydrolyze the cell wall of guayule and release the glue filaments.

At the same time, termite corpses will not affect the preparation of guayule, and cellulase will not react with sodium hydroxide, which is a very good self-extraction material.

Wait until this step is over.

Just reflux extraction and filter while hot.

After cooling, freeze at sub-zero temperature for an hour to get the finished guayule gum.

After putting termites into the container.

Considering that there is still a long time for the next steps, Xu Yun took the initiative to ask Su Qi:

“Master Su, is the finished product that has been refined before still available?”

Su Qi nodded and said:

“There is a huge demand ahead. Master Qi and the others have taken away a lot of finished products, but there are still some hoses that have not been taken away.”

“Wang Gongzi wait a moment, the little old man will go get it.”

After saying that, Su Qi turned around and walked to another corner.

After a while.

Su Qi returned to Xu Yun with a few hoses and handed them to him:

“Young Master Wang, this is the rubber hose that was made earlier, and it was processed according to the requirements shown in the illustration.”

Xu Yun took the hose and pulled it with ordinary strength.

Under the force, the hose quickly became a thinner strip, but it was not broken.

Xu Yun nodded in satisfaction, and handed it to Xiao Zhao:

“Your Highness, would you like to see?”

Xiao Zhao took over the hose with great interest, and began to study with Lao Zhong.

After a while.

Xiao Zhao looked up thoughtfully, and said to Xu Yun:

“My lord, is this thing waterproof?”

Xu Yun smiled at him and replied:


Xiao Zhao tried to squeeze the rubber tube flat again, rubbing the rubber surface with his thumb and forefinger, and said:

“In this case, can this thing be made into rubber shoes or a rubber coat?”

Xu Yun immediately raised his eyelids, and gave him a slightly surprised look.

Unexpectedly, the quasi-emperor first thought of the application in the field of people’s livelihood, but he still affirmed:

“Your Highness is right, yes, this is a good material for making rubber shoes.”

He is not flattering Xiao Zhao.

Whether the rubber shoes or the rubber coat mentioned by Xiao Zhao are indeed the early application of rubber in life.

Although the vulcanization process still needs to be used in the middle, but to be able to think of this in a short time, to be honest, it is pretty good.

When natural rubber was first brought back to Europe, it was only used to make some toys and souvenirs, and no one thought of making rubber shoes at all.

It wasn’t until more than 30 years later that Europeans realized its waterproof performance and suddenly got the hang of it.

Beside Xiao Zhao, Lao Zhong was also looking at the rubber in his hand with great interest.

“Good stuff.”

As a member of the army, the old-fashioned way of thinking is obviously more militarized. Just listen to Xu Yun:

“Xiao Wang, according to what you said, the initial state of this object was mushy?”

Xu Yun nodded to him and said:

“That’s right, when it was first extracted, guayule gum looked like rice paste.”

“Can it be sticky?”

“Of course.”

The old-fashioned opinion hastily asked:

“Then if the guayule glue is applied to the weapon or the axle that is easy to loose before it has solidified, wouldn’t it be possible to achieve a reinforcement effect?”

“If it can be applied to the handles of knives and guns, it seems that it can also reduce the wear and tear on the palms of sergeants.”

Xu Yun frowned again when he heard this.

Good guy.

Thanks to being a well-known military master at the end of the Song Dynasty, the military literacy of the old man is really not covered, and he immediately thought of the role of rubber in cold weapons.

To know.

Before the emergence of bug-level products such as rubber wheels, the greatest use of rubber in industry and military was to glue weapons and strengthen equipment.

For example, the long knives and spears common in the Song Dynasty army.

Don’t look at the knives, guns and sticks in the movies. Every weapon seems to be particularly delicate, with carved patterns and orthographic carvings.

But in fact.

In the ancient background, the quality of weapons equipped by low-level sergeants simply cannot reach the level in the film and television.

For example, in ancient times, the handles of knives were generally made of mulberry or jujube, and the shafts of guns were made of zhe wood.

The weapons configured by the elite troops may be slightly better, and they will be soaked in oil repeatedly during production, which is relatively less handy.

But ordinary troops are not so lucky.

Their weapons are basically coated with raw lacquer on the outside. There is no so-called polishing and waxing at all. If you are unlucky, you will easily get thorns.

Therefore, the wear and tear of the palm and the tiger’s mouth are very common in all dynasties, and even affected the situation of many battles.

And if guayule can be added to the grip

As long as the method of application is correct, it can completely protect the palm without slipping.

Said bluntly.

If such weapons can be popularized and used for a long time, the winning rate on the ground battlefield may be increased by at least 10%!

An inconspicuous thing can increase combat power by 10%, which is already a very terrifying value.

Of course,

Considering that guayule gum cannot be mass-produced yet, the ideas of Lao Zhong and Xiao Zhao can only be regarded as the prospect of materials, and there is still a long way to go before practical application.

Then Xiao Zhao left Su Qi and Lao Zhong at the scene, and took Xu Yun out, casually strolling around the device making bureau:

“Young Master Wang, I wonder how the production progress of the aircraft is going?”

Xu Yun heard that he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, spread it out, and said:

“Your Highness, this is the schedule of various departments. The aircraft is about 80% complete.”

“Eighty percent?”

Xiao Zhao raised his eyebrows in surprise, Xu Yun’s answer was somewhat beyond his expectation:

“Isn’t this much faster than previously planned?”

Xu Yun smiled, it can be seen that he is also very satisfied with the progress:

“It’s about 20% faster, thanks to the fact that the efficiency of the calculation team is much higher than expected.”

“The other donkey is also working very hard, it can grind for ten hours a day.”

Xiao Zhao nodded in satisfaction, then thought of something, and said to Xu Yun:

“By the way, Miss Li still doesn’t see you?”

Hearing the name Xiao Li, Xu Yun’s eyes suddenly flashed a trace of complexity.

In the previous coup led by him.

He asked himself whether he owed Xiao Zhao, Lao Zhong, Wang Teng, and he didn’t even feel sorry for Zhao Ji.

After all, in normal history, this guy directly led the demise of the Song Dynasty, and he was the chief culprit.

In this life, let him roll down from the throne, Xu Yun said that it was justified by Potian.

Therefore, there were only two people who really made him feel sorry.

One is Lao Su.

Unable to allow Lao Su to witness the original timeline with his own eyes, Lao Su is doomed not to escape the moral condemnation in his heart.

He will keep self-doubt and self-condemnation, to question the correctness of his approach, until the end of his life.

The second is Xiao Li.

Although Xiao Li didn’t know the cause and effect of the whole incident at this time, the reason why Lao Li went to jail was there:

In the dark compartment under the base of the microscope, Zhao Ji’s name and birth date were found.

At the same time as an excellent student who has used the microscope in Laosu’s Mansion many times.

How does Xiao Li not know that there is no hidden compartment under the base of a normal microscope?

At the same time, combined with the analysis of the development of subsequent events, Xiao Li can easily come to a conclusion:

Lao Li was imprisoned by Xu Yun.

Although Lao Li was not injured much during the whole process, he was finally released from prison.

But for Xiao Li, this approach is a psychological hurdle after all.

So after the whole thing is over.

Xiao Li stopped attending lectures at the mansion, and also refused Xu Yun’s visits many times.

Of course.

Lahei returned to Lahei, but Xiao Li still didn’t return the microscope—the girl immediately took the microscope back to Li’s residence after learning that Lao Li was fine.

The reason is that I spent money, which is a legal transaction.

At the same time, Xiao Zhao also ‘suddenly’ became curious about creatures,

He would ask Xu Yun some biological questions from time to time, and sometimes he would ask Xu Yun to write it down on paper, which is not something that can be understood by outsiders.

But after all, we will never see each other

Then Xu Yun paused, took out a book with a thickness of three to four centimeters from his body, and handed it to Xiao Zhao:

“Xiao Zhao, if it’s convenient, please pass this book on to Ms. Li.”

Xiao Zhao took the book, flipped through it a few times, and asked:

“Prince Wang, the book seems to be full of biological content?”

Xu Yun nodded and replied:

“That’s right. It’s mainly some knowledge about microbes. It’s all recorded by Fenglingyueyingzong. Ms. Li should be very interested.”

Xiao Zhao closed the pages of the book, looked at Xu Yun with some confusion, and asked:

“Prince Wang, Miss Li actually doesn’t hold grudges against you. In your words, it’s just that she hasn’t changed her mind.”

“In a few months, when the situation stabilizes, this king will come forward to invite you and me to go out and play, and the gap will naturally disappear.”

“Wouldn’t it be better for you to give her this book when the time comes?”

Xu Yun was silent for a long time after hearing the words, shook his head with complicated emotions, and insisted:

“Your Highness, you should deliver this book.”

After finishing speaking, he sighed slightly in his heart:

My time in this world is running out

It was reported because it was too detailed to write about the manufacture of airplanes. Anyway, basically every author will receive a lot of reports after reading the guide, and there is no way for pink eye disease.

This incident can’t be blamed on the platform, it’s usually reported to NetEase, and there’s no need to change the article just to warn, so this paragraph is directly brought over, probably two chapters less than planned.

The copy ends tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)

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