Into Unscientific

Chapter 178

Chapter 177 – Goodbye, Da Song! (8.2K)

Chapter 177 Goodbye, Da Song! (8.2K)

AD 1101.

Yuanfu is the third day of July in the fourth year.

It is Riyin time.

Yin time in ancient times is about three o’clock in the morning in later generations.

Generally speaking.

Even in a dynasty like the Song Dynasty, which had no curfew, all the houses had already turned off the lights and closed up at Yinshi, and everyone went back to their houses.

Except for a very small number of drunks and beaters, there is basically no sound on the road.

But today’s Bianjing is a special case.

Not only was it not as quiet as usual, but it was extremely noisy, and the air was full of solemnity and chill.

As early as several hours ago.

A large number of officers and soldiers from outside the city poured in, guarding all the main roads and exits in the city, and no one was allowed to enter or leave without authorization.

At the same time, they also conducted a rigorous search of the residents near Suzaku Gate and confiscated a large number of civilian-owned knives, guns and weapons.

The infantrymen of the imperial army carried out martial law with such great fanfare, not because of another accident in the palace, but because

Today is the day when Xiao Zhao ascended the throne.

Kaifeng Prefecture Yawai.

The newly appointed Governor Xie Wenguan was standing at the entrance of the government office, with his sleeves upright, looking solemnly in the direction of the palace.

three years ago.

The former Governor Lu Dafang, who had been in office for ten years, died of illness.

Both Zhezong and the subsequent Emperor Huizong chose to leave the post of governor vacant, and did not formally appoint a new governor.

Of course.

The “official appointment” here is actually just “knowledge”, not “knowledge” of other official positions.

Because the position of Governor of Kaifeng is very special:

This is a training post specially set up for the clan and princes who may succeed to the throne.

In the history of the Northern Song Dynasty, there were only four people who could really “know Kaifeng Mansion”:

Taizong Zhao Guangyi, Qin Wang Zhao Tingmei, Xu Wang Zhao Yuanxi, Zhenzong Zhao Yuankan.

These people were all heirs to the throne, but Zhao Tingmei died strangely, and Zhao Yuanxi died of illness while in office.

Therefore, for the officials, the governor of Kaifeng is at most “the right to know”.

After Lu Dafang died of illness, the vacancy of the governor of Kaifeng lasted until March this year.

At that time, Xie Wenguan was transferred back from the Daming Mansion by Xiao Zhao, who was in charge of the country, to send Kaifeng Mansion to give the right to the incident, and tried the case of King Shen’s “robbing a civilian girl”.

Xie Wenguan was born in 1021 A.D., only one year younger than Old Su, a proper living fossil-level veteran.

As a member of the Yuanyou Party who was released because he questioned the reform and wrote a letter to Lu Gong.

Xie Wenguan never imagined that he, an old man who is running out of time, could witness a coup d’état at the end of his life and be reused by the new emperor again.

“King Jane”

In the dark night, looking at the rows of torches in front of him, Xie Wenguan couldn’t help but sighed faintly.

I’m afraid no one would have thought of it before.

In just one year, Zhezong and Empress Dowager Xiang passed away one after another, and the situation in Beijing and China changed suddenly.

King Duan, who had just ascended the throne, was pulled from the throne and replaced by a younger new emperor before his **** warmed up.

King Duan is fatuous and frivolous, this is a fact that most people know.

Although King Jian is recognized as much better than Zhao Ji in terms of character, who can guarantee that he will be a wise king after he ascends the throne?

I can only pray that Zhezong’s younger brother will not let him down, and that he can guide this empire with internal and external troubles to move forward.

“Mingfu. Mingfu”

Just as Xie Wenguan’s thoughts were flying, a soft cry beside him suddenly brought him back to reality.

Xie Wenguan turned his head and found that the person who came was one of his pushers named Zhang Bangchang:

“Zineng, how is the gathering of the people going?”

Zhang Bangchang is a Jinshi who just passed the degree last year. He is only 20 years old this year. It is reasonable to try to be Fu Baolang.

However, because of the early death of the Queen Mother and Xiao Zhao’s coup, he was temporarily placed under Xie Wenguan.

Hearing the question from his boss, Zhang Bangchang hurriedly cupped his hands and replied:

“Back to the Ming Mansion, all the 639 lanes and alleys in Beijing have been notified properly, and in half an hour, Fangzheng will lead them to welcome the holy edict outside the alleys.”

Xie Wenguan nodded slightly, stroked his beard and said:

“Zineng, thank you for your hard work.”

“For loyalty to the emperor, don’t dare to talk about hard work.”

Zhang Bangchang cupped his hands again, and at the same time glanced at Xie Wenguan through the firelight, and asked tentatively:

“Ming Mansion, His Royal Highness King Jian has come to the Great Treasure this time, the land is in its own right, will last year’s Scholars also do it?”

Xie Wenguan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately understood what the deputy wanted to ask, and said:

“Zineng, don’t worry, I estimate that in less than ten months, His Highness will issue a decree, and then I will”

Before Xie Wenguan finished his words, a group of soldiers and horses walked quickly from a distance, with serious expressions on their faces.

The leader among them was a tall military man, who came to Xie Wenguan and clasped his fists, saying:

“Chen Ke, Marquis of Yu, the capital in front of the last general’s palace, met Yin Xie.”

“Dianqian Division?”

Xie Wenguan was a little surprised by the origin of the other party, but he subconsciously returned a salute and asked at the same time:

“I don’t know if the general came out of the palace late at night to find the mansion, but what is the important matter that needs the cooperation of the mansion?”

Wang Ke took out an imperial decree from his body, handed it to Xie Wenguan, and said:

“Master Xie, this is a handbook in the palace. His Highness specially instructed you when you came here that Yin Xie is old, so you don’t need to bow down, just read it.”

Xie Wenguan hurriedly bowed in the direction of the palace, then took the handbook and read it.

After a while.

Xie Wenguan raised his head with a complex expression, and looked at Zhang Bangchang beside him:

“Zineng, Your Highness has a decree that you should praise the family of Huangzhuang in the outskirts, and the official rank will follow the seventh rank.”

“Responsible for taking care of the deposed emperor Zhao Ji’s daily life, not to leave Huangzhuang without permission, and leave immediately without delay”

Just as Xie Wenguan received the written order.

In several mansions or government offices in central Beijing, several officials also received the same appointment as Zhang Bangchang.

If the line of sight is a little further away.

Suzhou, which is a long way from Bianjing.

At this time, there was also a pair of father and son named Zhu Chong and Zhu Xi, who were also arrested in the middle of the night for the crime of causing harm to the village.

An hour later.

In another heavily guarded manor outside Bianjing City.

Xiao Zhao Duan was sitting in a secret room, with a serious face and slightly moving lips, like a student who is still memorizing before the exam in the future.

after awhile.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door outside the house, and the person who came was Xiao Zhao’s personal servant, that is, Deng Duo who caused the prison case in Prince Cai’s Mansion:

“Your Highness, Su Gong and Wang Gongzi are asking to see you.”

Xiao Zhao quickly stopped reading, and said in a deep voice:

“Please let them in.”


After a while.

The door of the house was pushed open, and Xu Yun followed Lao Su into the house.

At this time, Xiao Zhao has not officially ascended the throne, so Lao Su and Xu Yun just bowed slightly:

“Your Highness, there is only one hour before the auspicious time, please be prepared.”

Xiao Zhao nodded lightly, looked at Xu Yun again, and said:

“Young Master Wang, how is the aircraft debugging going?”

Xu Yun saw the nervousness of the quasi-emperor. After all, he was a first-time treasurer, so he said:

“Your Highness, don’t worry, there is no wind or cloud today, and the sky is clear, and there will be no problems!”


According to the normal emperor’s enthronement process, the emperor does not need to go so far outside the palace.

They only need to worship Taimiao and Sheji first, and then enter the palace through Donghuamen.

After the first drum is sounded, go to the East and West Streets to accept the worship of all officials, and go all the way to the Taidian.

The so-called saying of “seeing the people and ascending to the great treasure” is just a kind of polite talk.

Throughout the enthronement ceremony.

Ordinary people couldn’t see the emperor at all, they could only hear the sound of various musical instruments, gongs, drums and firecrackers.

But what Xiao Zhao is going to do this time is big news:

At that time, he will fly around the city of Bianjing for a week and be seen by all people.

At the same time, the imperial edict was read out through a loudspeaker, and he ascended the throne in the form of falling from the sky.

It can be said like this.

Includes the first emperor, Yingzheng, or all the kings before that.

Xiao Zhao’s way of ascension to the throne can be said to be the first time in all ages!

This is destined to be a moment that will be recorded in the history books, and it will definitely leave endless questions for future generations.

At the same time, according to Xu Yun’s arrangement, the two manufactured Bo-2s will take off this time.

But there is a time difference before and after:

The first to take off was the ‘Wanhu’, driven by Xu Yun and Xiao Zhao.

Their purpose is to go around the city for a week, land from Donghua Gate, and complete the process of ascension in the palace.

Wait until the ‘Wanhu’ lands.

The “Never Air Force” that Lao Su and Wang Tin were on will take off.

Old Su and the others will continue to circle the city for a week, allowing some people who missed the first performance around the city to witness the ‘miracle’ again and deepen their impression.

all in all.

At this point, there is only one word left.

“Xiao Wang.”

After leaving the room, Old Su looked at Xu Yun strangely, and asked:

“It’s a very happy day for Your Highness to visit the Great Treasure today. Why does this old man feel that you seem a little depressed?”

Xu Yun forced a smile on the corner of his mouth when he heard this, but didn’t speak.

It’s like no one in this era can know the historical trend as clearly as he does.

Now, no one can really understand his mood at this time.

Maybe an hour.

Maybe two hours.

In short, within today, he will bid farewell to everyone in this era forever.



Because it is different from the 1665 copy.

The   1665 copy explicitly told him:

At the beginning, what he was doing was just a novice mission, and there is still a chance to meet Mavericks later.

But the copy of the Northern Song Dynasty is an official task.

That is to say, when he returns, the two sides will never meet again.

Everything will be permanently sealed behind that door.

Another hour passed.

There was news from the Ministry of Rites that the auspicious time had come.

Xiao Zhao, who had been prepared for a long time, was dressed in a crimson gauze gown, knee covering, square heart curved collar and celestial crown, and followed Xu Yun to board the plane.

Xu Yun adjusted the dashboard for the last time, and said to Xiao Zhao:

“Your Highness, are you ready?”

Xiao Zhao held the written edict in one hand and the iron loudspeaker microphone in the other, nodded and said:


“Have you forgotten the term for flying?”

Xiao Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately remembered a word Xu Yun mentioned in the previous drill.

According to Xu Yun, this is a professional word that means ready.

So he pulled a handsome smile again and said:

“Ouji Baker.”

Hearing the last job he completed in this era, Xu Yun took a deep breath and stepped on the pedal.

Yes, pedals.

After all, the plane needs to be ignited, so it can’t be started by manually turning the propeller like the Wright Brothers, right?

That’s too outrageous.

A few minutes passed.

The engine warmed up, and the ‘Wanhu’ started slowly.

I saw it sliding forward along the lawn, and the farther and farther it slid, the faster it slid.

When speed and lift reach a certain critical value.

Wanhu No.

flew into the sky.

Dawn will be faster in summer, and it is only early six o’clock, and the brilliance from the sun has dispelled all the darkness.

“It’s so beautiful”

After the plane took off, Xiao Zhao sat in the back seat and looked out at the scenery on the ground through the cockpit.

The sense of boundless magnificence made him feel surging.

This is the country of the Song Dynasty!

“Your Highness.”

Looking at Xiao Zhao who was a little excited, Xu Yun kept his concentration on controlling the plane, and said:

“There are no outsiders around now, if you want, you can shout a few times into the distance.”

“Don’t ask me how I know, everyone who flies for the first time thinks so.”

“Our altitude is not high and our speed is slow, so there will be no problems at all.”

Xiao Zhao was taken aback when he heard the words, and was about to refuse, when he heard Xu Yun say:

“If you don’t shout this time, after you ascend the throne, you may have no chance in this life.”

Xiao Zhao opened his mouth, but did not speak in the end.


Just like what Xu Yun said.

Now I am still King Jian, but after the plane lands, I will become Emperor Song.

At that time, all kinds of auras will be under pressure, and I am afraid that I will not be able to indulge and vent.

Besides, compared to others, Xu Yun knows almost all his secrets, and he even promoted his own superior position.

Indulging once in front of him is not a big deal.

Think here.

Xiao Zhao couldn’t help but lifted his helmet, his chest puffed up, and shouted into the distance:


at the same time.

Xu Yun in the cab also turned his head sideways and shouted in falsetto:


After a while.

Xu Yun gave a thumbs up to the rearview mirror, and the two laughed together.

Then the plane flew for a while.

After bypassing a mountain, Xu Yun suddenly said:

“Your Highness, it’s Bianjing City just now.”

“My lord. I saw it.”

Xu Yun was silent for a moment, and then said:

“Your Highness, the grassroots status is low, but I want to presume to say something now, please agree to it, Your Highness.”

“It’s okay to say something if you have something to say.”

“Master is old and has limited energy. I am afraid it will be difficult for him to assist the government.”

””The people privately think that Zong Ze and Zhang Shuye can serve as literary assistants, Wang Chi and Liu Fa can serve as military executives, and the chaos of party disputes should be cut quickly.”

“If necessary, you can use Guo Jing’s mouth to call Tianyi.”

Xu Yun babbled a lot, Xiao Zhao listened quietly, and suddenly said:

“Prince Wang, you are planning to leave, aren’t you?”

Xu Yun was stunned for a moment, then sighed:

“Your Highness, the sect has rules, and I hope His Highness will forgive you.”

In the passenger cab behind him, Xiao Zhao also sighed.

He is not a fool, as early as when Xu Yun asked him to hand over the book to Xiao Li, he already had a guess in his heart.

A wise man who opened the door of science for himself, a black hand who pushed himself to the throne, a treasure house of countless magical skills

If it were another emperor, perhaps he would rather kill him than let him go.

But Xiao Zhao is different.

He is a person who has been exposed to rain. He has experienced Zhao Ji’s persecution, and he can fully understand a person’s desire for freedom.

At least for now, his heart is not so dark.

that’s it.

The biplane traveled eastward slowly, and finally arrived outside the city of Bianjing.

According to the etiquette requirements.

When the emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty came to the throne, only the people in the Zhuquemen area had to kneel down for a long time.

In addition, most people just need to stand in line, which is somewhat similar to the crowd.

Right now.

East of the city, Hongmao Lane.

Zhang Sanzheng brought his family and kept showing off in the crowd.

Perhaps it was because of standing for too long, the younger brother next to Zhang San gently tugged at his sleeve:

“Brother, I’m hungry.”

Hearing his younger brother’s whisper, Zhang San hissed first, then glanced around alertly.

After confirming that the inspector’s eyes were no longer on his side, he quickly broke a few pieces of broken cakes from the inner pocket of his chest:

“Eat quickly, remember to shut down!”

Brother Zhang San stuffed the broken cake into his mouth, swallowed a few times, and asked:

“Brother, when will the auspiciousness that the masters mentioned arrive?”

Hearing this, Zhang San shook his head hesitantly.

He only knew that Xiangrui seemed to be related to his master, but he didn’t know anything about the details.


Speaking of Master, it seems that I haven’t seen Brother Wang for a long time, and only received a book from him a few days ago

Just when Zhang San’s thoughts were spreading,

He suddenly felt his brother who had been limp and feeble **** up suddenly, shaking and shaking non-stop in the public:

“Brother, look there!”

Zhang San subconsciously turned his head to look.

In the distant sky, suddenly a huge behemoth flew over, even a falcon was not worth mentioning in front of it.

See this scenario.

This young man, who has seen some big scenes, couldn’t help but let out a sigh, and suddenly a flash of understanding flashed in his mind, pointing to heaven:

“Look, Xiangrui, Xiangrui is coming!”


It was not only Zhang Sanyi who was in agitation at this time.

When wave 2 slowly flying appears in the field of vision.

The people in the entire east of the city almost fell into madness in just a few seconds!

After all, before this, the patrolling soldiers vaccinated them, telling them that there will be auspicious signs in the sky today, and they should not be afraid when they see them.

So in this case.

The first reaction of the public when they see the plane is naturally not panic, but surprise and awe accompanied by broken cognition.

In their experience, there is only one artificial object that can fly, and that is the paper kite released in early spring.

Comparing the paper kite with the flying auspiciousness, even a fool can see that it is not a concept at all:

Xiangrui is big and thick, and it cannot be blown by the wind at all.

The utensils of this specification want to go to the sky, they can think of one and only one explanation:

Divine power!


Almost no human organization.

In a few seconds, the people all bowed down and fell down a large area, including many soldiers!

Another moment passed.

A huge and clear elegant words began to slowly spread to the ears of everyone on the ground:

“The emperor’s ministers are like, dare to use Xuan Mu, and tell the emperor and empress: Song Dynasty has eight generations, and the actual year is one hundred and forty one.”

”The former emperor Zhao Ji did not establish the king’s plan, and the five latitudes went wrong, and the spirit and auspiciousness were seen together. Those who push the number, consider the ancient way, and think that the calendar of the sky will eventually come to the world.”

“The master of the group, Guo Jing, spoke to the barbarian ruler, and said: ‘The destiny cannot be rejected, the divine weapon cannot be left alone, the officials cannot be without a master, and the opportunities cannot be without a command.’”

“It seems that I only inherit the emperor’s elephant, but I dare not to inherit it.”

“Later, the tortoise shell was used for divination. The Emperor Taizu Yingwu Shengwen Shende entrusted a dream to Si and told him the divine way of ‘aircraft’, which is called auspicious. Therefore, now it seems to fly in the sky, and all people can see it.”

that’s it.

Xiao Zhao followed the flight path of Bo 2 while flying and said that wherever he went, whether it was the people or the officials and scholars who held a negative attitude towards him, they all bowed their heads and bowed down.


The mysteries of the monarchs of the past dynasties are mostly just rumors in the market, and it is considered a minority to be seen in unofficial history.

But what about Xiao Zhao today?

Walking in the air, tongue bursting with spring thunder, how can you use your head to deny it?

Two quarters of an hour later.

Bo 2 passed the sign on the ground and landed smoothly on a grass field arranged outside the Donghua Gate. Xu Yun and Xiao Zhao stepped down from the cabin one after another.

Looking at the eunuchs and guards who were walking towards here quickly, Xiao Zhao turned his head to look at Xu Yun, and asked:

“My lord, are you really not following me into the palace?”

Xu Yun did not answer, but took a step back and bowed solemnly to Xiao Zhao:

“Grassman Xu Yun, congratulations to the world!”

“Xu Yun.”

Xiao Zhao was silent for a moment, then nodded slowly:

“I understand.”

Then he suddenly remembered something, and said:

“By the way, she has accepted the book you asked me to hand over to Ms. Li, and she asked me to say thank you to you.”

After speaking, he turned around and closed his eyes.

Spreading his hands together, he asked the eunuchs who rushed to him to tidy up his appearance.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Li Qingchen, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, stepped forward quickly:

“Your Highness, the grooming is over, please enter the palace.”

Xiao Zhao nodded slightly, and whispered to Li Qingchen a few times, signaling him to lead the way.

Receiving Xiao Zhao’s order, Li Qingchen gave the guards a look, signaling them to disperse from Xu Yun.

Then the ritual and music sounded, and the group began to march towards Donghua Gate.

“Your Highness!”

When Xiao Zhao was about to enter the palace gate, Xu Yun finally made a decision and shouted:

“In the book that His Royal Highness Cao Min asked to hand over to Miss Li, there are several recipes in the leather interlayer on the last page. Please use it with caution!”

Xiao Zhao stopped, but in the end he didn’t look back,

Instead, like Xu Yun did on the plane, he gave a thumbs back.

Xu Yun just stood there, watching Xiao Zhao go away.

After Xiao Zhao’s figure disappeared, he sighed softly, turned and walked towards the Suzaku Gate where civilians gathered.

Another hour passed.

Old Su took the plane driven by Wang Ting and circled the city again, and the city was once again filled with exclamations and kneeling sounds.

Half an hour later.

The new emperor climbed to the city wall to pray for the community.

It’s not the first moment.

After the ceremony.

Xiao Zhao stood on the city wall holding a gift slip.

Amidst the cheers, he waved to the tens of thousands of people in the city.

Among the crowd, there was a corner that Xiao Zhao could not see.

Xu Yun also waved to Xiao Zhao on the stage.

It’s like saying goodbye to each other.

“You must be a good emperor, Xiao Zhao!”

Then Xu Yun walked to an empty corner and clicked on a transparent dialogue bar.

I saw this moment.

A paragraph of words is impressively displayed on the dialogue bar:

【The mission has been completed, please choose to return within 90 minutes】

【Countdown remaining: 115114113】

Xu Yun just waited and waited.

When the countdown reached the last second, I said slowly in my heart:

“Halo, Return”

After a while.

A halo of light wrapped Xu Yun, slowly turned into particles, and dissipated in the sky.


Old Su Xiao Li Xiao Zhao Wang Yu Wang Yue Zongze Old Seed Zhang San Lao Li Xie Lao all take care of. Yong Zhu

Oh, right.

And that donkey.

In short

Goodbye, Da Song!

Some people say why buy such an expensive keyboard, because of the hand guard

(end of this chapter)

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