Into Unscientific

Chapter 188

Chapter 187 – The Once Chinese Hacker Myth! (The Lord Adds More!

Chapter 187 The once Chinese hacker myth! (The lord adds more!)

“Network security”

Heard Xu Yun’s question.

Gu Qunqing was silent for a few seconds, then said:

“Dr. Xu, let me ask you a question first.”

“Let’s not discuss Internet companies of the magnitude of BAT. Let’s talk about Sanofi, which I worked for before. Guess how many times it will be hacked a year?”


Xu Yun blinked, why does it feel like he is discussing his ex with the current one?

But soon.

He dismissed this coquettish thought to the back of his mind, and began to seriously think about Gu Qunqing’s question.

Sanofi is also a well-known pharmaceutical company, and its main advantage is in the diabetes business.

Currently ranked 5-8 in the global pharmaceutical field, with an annual revenue of tens of billions of dollars, basically belonging to the first-class giants under the top echelon.

But among the world’s top 500 companies, Sanofi’s ranking is not high.

Floating between 270-300 all year round, occasionally breaking 250.

This kind of enterprise will certainly not be less involved in the game of public opinion, but its main business is not online like Internet companies, so theoretically speaking, it should not encounter many hacker attacks.

Think here.

Xu Yun thought for a while, and reported a number:

“10,000 times a year?”

10,000 times a year, an average of 30 times a day, it should not be considered a minority.

“Five thousand times?”

Hearing Xu Yun’s answer, Gu Qunqing shook his head lightly:

“Dr. Xu, you should know that OSI has a 7-layer network model. Generally, the 4 layers that are commonly used are the link layer, network layer, transport layer, and application layer. The application layer is where we ordinary people are active every day. “

“Aiming at the application layer, hackers commonly use DDOS traffic attacks.”

“That is to use the contract sending machine to amplify the broiler traffic, occupy the bandwidth with huge traffic, and cause the server to be paralyzed.”

“This type of attack on Sanofi’s headquarters alone, the number of victims every year is no less than

“2 million.”

Xu Yun’s pupils shrank immediately when he heard the words.

2 million?

Average 7000 times per day?

A company headquarters with more than 200 companies around the world and whose main business is not online is subject to 7,000 attacks every day?

Looking at the surprised Xu Yun, Gu Qunqing smiled and said:

“Accident? In fact, this is normal. After all, although pharmaceutical companies operate offline, all kinds of data cannot be separated from the Internet.”

“For example, various experimental reports and test drug data need to use cloud inventory, and there is no way to cover them all with a local area network.”

“So there is a basis for a cyber attack.”

After finishing speaking, Gu Qunqing pointed to Xu Yun’s mobile phone next to the coffee cup:

“Dr. Xu, you can look up another keyword, ‘Ma Yun 1.6 billion times’.”

Xu Yun picked up the phone and searched for the keywords that Gu Qunqing said.

After a while.

His brows raised again:

“Hey guy, Ali gets 1.6 billion attacks a day?”

Gu Qunqing changed to a more comfortable position on the seat, and explained with a smile:

“Yes, although Ali’s number is related to the characteristics of its Internet, it is enough to explain some situations.”

”Generally speaking, a Fortune 500 company suffers no less than one million DDOS traffic attacks a year.”

“As for the number of TCP/TST attacks will be less, it may be more than ten times a day, but this kind of attack is more lethal.”

“Once something happens to this kind of company, in terms of the size of the top 500 companies, it will at least lose millions of dollars, and the upper limit is unknown.”

Xu Yun put down the phone slowly, and nodded with emotion.

He always knew that network security was important, but he didn’t have a detailed and intuitive concept.

This is the first time someone has given him an accurate description from the data, which is naturally full of impact.

According to his original plan.

The company’s network security is not to say that you can just find some people, but it is not necessary to build a stable and scary Internet defense system.

After all, that’s all the money on the books, so saving a little is a little bit.

He even plans to find a few reliable seniors to take charge of this. After all, HKUST has a lot of experts in computer science.

But now it seems that .

My plan obviously needs to be revised.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at Gu Qunqing:

“Aaron, do you have any good recommendations for experts in cybersecurity?”

Gu Qunqing raised his eyelids and glanced at him. He seemed to be thinking about something in his heart, and finally asked:

“Dr. Xu, have you heard of Xiao Rong?”

“Xiao Rong?”

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, then blurted out:

“The one who created Liu Guang and Su Xue, one of the main players in the hacker war?”

Gu Qunqing glanced at him in surprise, he was already ready to introduce Xu Yun:

“Dr. Xu, you actually know about this?”

Xu Yun nodded heavily and said:

“Of course I know, I know an older single dog named Fisherman, and he participated in this event back then!”

When talking about the history of Internet development in China, one thing has to be mentioned:

Eagle Rabbit Hacking Wars.

The background of the incident is too sensitive to repeat.

all in all.

After the incident spread, the public sentiment was heated, and the opposition fermented again.

Hongmeng blew the horn at the right time, expressing that it would plant a flag on the opponent’s website.

Suddenly, young hackers poured into the position like a tide.


There are two organizers of the whole event.

are Lin Yong lion of the Hongmeng, and Wan Tao, the founder of the Huaxia Hawks.

The attack started at midnight on May 1st, and the commander-in-chief of the attack that day was “Bing’er”.

At that time, the Hongmeng distributed a software called flood to each combatant, with a size of tens of Kb. Tens of thousands of people opened the software at the same time within the agreed time, and the middle-level personnel were responsible for launching the attack. (At that time, the ADSL dial-up network speed was dozens of Kb. Benpu and his friends were novices, and they stayed up all night with delays. I really miss it.)

In the final result, Hongke briefly won, but in fact both sides ended up losing.

be honest.

Among the more than 80,000 people who participated in the battle at that time, 90% of them were amateurs with little professional knowledge, and many of them had just learned to dial-up to surf the Internet.

But among the remaining main force, many well-known hackers emerged.

For example, lion, Wan Tao, goodwell, ice river, aullik5, lonely swordsman, and .

Little Banyan.

These hackers—or red hackers—disappeared mysteriously for a few years between 2006 and 2010. Later, many people mentioned the confidentiality agreement.

Then since 2012, they have gradually returned to the public eye.

For example, Binghe and Juanzi are married, and they are currently very active on Weibo, showing off their affection at every turn.

Another example is that aullik5 went to Alibaba and is now the chief security researcher of Alibaba Cloud.

Also, Yuange went to Penguin and is now the head of Zhanlu Lab.

The other Honker founder, Lin Yong lion, has also come back recently. He still has an account on Xiaopozhan, and occasionally does live broadcasts and so on.

As for Xiao Rong.

is relatively low-key.

Xiaorong was born in 1972, male.

The well-known Luandao, Liuguang, Suxue, and Liuying software are all produced by him. I don’t know how many hackers regard it as a myth.

In the original offensive and defensive battle.

The slogan of the white house is Xiao Rong’s famous work.

It’s just that he doesn’t like to make high-profile appearances like Wan Tao. For a while, Xiaorong’s whereabouts were even a mystery in the circle:

Some people say that he was fully recruited and is currently working in the Chinese Academy of Sciences. .

Some people said that they were poached by IBM, and the cost was two to three million dollars a year.

There are even rumors that he immigrated to Gaul—the last point is especially funny. How could a passionate Chinese Hongke be a surrenderer?

However, the rumors spread on the Internet are simply unreasonable, so these rumors did not come to an end until Xiaorong himself coughed and coughed in Kidu in 2016, and the City of Abundance appeared.

After that, the public only vaguely knew that his current life had gradually returned to the ordinary, and that myth seemed to have returned to the world from the sky.

Gu Qunqing was one of the few people who kept in touch with Xiao Rong.

Then Xu Yun paused, pondered for a moment, and asked:

“Aaron, there is no doubt about Xiaorong’s ability, but he doesn’t have to worry about work at all, so how could he condescend to come to my company?”

Xu Yun’s words are not self-effacing.

Just look at the early hackers in Huaxia—except for the lonely swordsman Wang Xianbing and the strange dog who entered the oranges, the others are worth millions again.

It is no exaggeration to say that for a main force like Xiaorong, the BAT in China begs them to go.

Not to mention that Huadun Biotechnology has just been created, even if the product becomes popular, Xiao Rong may not be interested in it.

Hearing Xu Yun’s words, Gu Qunqing suddenly laughed.

He took out his mobile phone, clicked on Moments, swiped a few times, and then handed the screen to Xu Yun.

Xu Yun took the phone and looked at it.

I found that this was a circle of friends just posted two days ago, and the note was ‘Brother Rong’:

Angry emoticon package) When will cockroaches be extinct? If someone can exterminate cockroaches, I will give him a free five-year job!!”

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback when he saw this.

Then he raised his head and cast a searching look at Gu Qunqing:

“.This is?”

Gu Qunqing spread his hands towards him, affirming:

“As you can see, Dr. Xu, Brother Rong is also a cockroach hater.”

Two days later.


Baiyun International Airport.

Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing walked out of the terminal slowly dragging their suitcases side by side.

Feeling the relatively warmer temperature in Yangcheng, Gu Qunqing took out his mobile phone and glanced at the itinerary.

Then he smiled and said to Xu Yun:

“Dr. Xu, you have to hire an assistant quickly, otherwise I won’t have time to help you plan the schedule when the company gets on the right track in the future.”

Xu Yun nodded slightly.

Same as public relations, when it comes to assistants—especially the position of life assistants, many people will subconsciously rely on the word ‘Xiaomi’.

But in fact.

In a mature company system, life assistant is actually a formal and indispensable position.

Whether it is meeting arrangements, internal reports or business trips, a qualified assistant can save a lot of things.

For example, Xu Yun and Gu Qunqing’s business trip this time.

Without Assistant.

The taxi from HKUST to the airport, the boarding after the security check, the pick-up after landing and even the hotel accommodation were all handled by Gu Qunqing.

Especially accommodation matters.

If it’s a private trip, it’s okay to say, Xu Yun himself is not very hypocritical, and he doesn’t have to be in a high-end hotel.

You can live in four seasons for 3,000 yuan, and you can live in all seasons for 300 yuan.

But he came here for Xiaorong this time, so he needs to consider the perception problem—you travel thousands of miles to be a headhunter, and when you meet, you say that I live in Hanting.

So out of appearance considerations, he discussed with Gu Qunqing again and again, and finally chose the executive double room at the Rosewood Hotel in Yangcheng.

During the period, the executive lounge or even the lounge meeting room may be used. In detail, there are many handover links that must be considered. It is really tiring to not have an assistant.

Not to mention that there are arrangements for meals, anyway, when Xu Yun searched for reviews by himself before departure, he was almost in a daze.

Afterwards, he secretly kept the matter of the assistant in his heart, took Gu Qunqing to find a taxi, and drove to the reserved hotel.

An hour and a half later.

The taxi arrives outside the hotel.

Another half hour passed.

Xu Yun and Xu Yun, who had completed the check-in matters, did not rest, but went out to buy some gifts first, and took a taxi again to Dongfang Wende Plaza.

After arriving at Oriental Wende Plaza.

Gu Qunqing led Xu Yun to the gate of a pretty good neighborhood.

I saw this moment.

There is already a middle-aged man standing outside the gate of the community?

This person is about forty years old, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, giving the impression of gentleness, thick hair, looks like a university professor.

“Brother Rong!”

After seeing this person, Gu Qunqing quickly waved to him.

Then he stepped up and came to the front, and gave the other party a big hug:

“Brother Rong, long time no see!”

It is clear.

This person is the famous Xiao Rong.

Xiao Rong patted Gu Qunqing’s shoulder with a smile, and said with emotion:

“It’s been a long time. It’s been five or six years. How time flies. Everyone calls me Lao Rong now, ha!”

Then he looked at Xu Yun and stretched out his hand:

“I think this is Dr. Xu, hello, I’m Guo Rong, I’m an idiot, you can call me Brother Rong or Uncle Rong.”

Xu Yun quickly shook hands with him, and said reverently:

“Hi Brother Rong, I’m Xu Yun, you can just call me Xiao Xu.”

Although Xu Yun is a complete computer novice, this does not prevent him from having a deep admiration for those early hackers.

In the early days when Internet-related awareness and even laws and regulations were relatively vague, they did not rely on their own abilities to do anything wrong, but instead used their blood and heart to fight for the country.

In the past 20 years, only two of the more than 60 main members whose identities were revealed have immigrated, which is enough to reflect their awareness.

This is a group of truly respectable predecessors.

They may not be fighters, but they are real ‘knights’.

Internet iterations and gold and dollar offensives have not corrupted their hearts. As time goes by, they are still guarding the flame in their hearts in an unknown field.

There is a saying that is very good.

You can’t see the dark because someone is trying to keep it from you.

Looking at Xu Yun’s sincere gaze, Xiaorong was suddenly in a daze——Xu Yun’s gaze reminded him of his former self, Binghe, and Goodwell

They were so young back then, so high-spirited.

Spent several days overnight in a rented house with the national flag in Jinling, breaking through one block after another.

Finally, as an ordinary person with countless screen names, he uttered that roar on a hegemonic portal:

“China have atom bomb too!!”


Originally, it was said that the three chapters of the plus update are 3,000 words, but recently they are all combined chapters, so the plus update is 5-6K

Crying QAQ

I just heard that the director of Ultraman Tiga has passed away. He and Gao Keiji are one of the few neon people I have a good impression of. Both of them have been boycotted by neon in China because of facing up to historical facts.

(end of this chapter)

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