Into Unscientific

Chapter 190

Chapter 189 – Papers Published (5.6K)

Chapter 189 Paper Release (5.6K)

After confirming Xiaorong’s intention.

The rest of the question is very simple.

That night.

Xu Yun took Gu Qunqing to the door again, and signed an employment contract at Xiaorong’s house.


Huadun Biotech reached a formal employment intention with Xiaorong with an initial monthly salary of 70,000 plus some equity incentives.

Xiaorong will be the CTO of Huadun Biotech, also known as the Chief Technology Officer, who will be fully responsible for the company’s network security matters.

Among them, the salary is gradually increased every year based on the annual report, and the initial contract is valid for three years.

be honest.

This salary is not high for a Honker of Xiao Rong’s level.

Like the tombkeeper at the same level as Xiaorong, also known as the famous TK leader, is now the head of Penguin Security Xuanwu Laboratory.

According to what he disclosed on XX.

His annual salary alone starts at 5 million, not to mention the higher dividend income.

There is also Dao brother Wu Hanqing, nicknamed aullik5, who was the god-man who directly invaded the server in front of Ali’s high-level executives. It is true that he mentioned his salary first.

To some extent, this one is also a wall:

At the age of 15, he entered the junior class of Xi’an Jiaotong University. At the age of 16, he established the Phantom Forum, an organization that gathers national security technology leaders.

Currently, the top cyber security experts in China have more or less accounts with Phantom.

It’s a pity that Phantom was established at the end of 2001, unlike Heiji, who could have a lot of cash income during 2006.

Wu Hanqing had no choice but to close the Phantom Forum because he had no money to maintain the server.

In 2005.

He was recommended by a friend to go to Ali for an interview.

At that time, 20-year-old Wu Hanqing remotely turned off one of Ali’s routing devices in front of the interviewer, causing Ali’s internal network to be interrupted, so he was admitted on the spot.

The only exaggerated thing about the whole thing is that the interviewer is not Ma Yun, but Sheng Yifei from Eighteen Arhats.

Another interesting thing is.

When Wu Hanqing first joined Ali, the leadership actually didn’t pay much attention to network security construction.

So Wu Hanqing, who did not take the usual path, engaged in a wave operation:

Cracked the game passwords of the entire company, and left an email to inform the other party.

Since then, it has really entered the high-level attention.

Today’s Wu Hanqing’s annual salary is about 7 million. There is no pressure to break through the tens of millions of equity incentives, and the initial figure may not be small.

Therefore, the 70,000 monthly salary that Xu Yun offered Xiao Rong was not worthy of Xiao Rong’s personality.

But there is no way.

Now the company has limited funds on its books, poor.

The day before they arrived in Yangcheng, the company’s official seal was officially approved.

So Xu Yun rushed to Luzhou High-tech Zone on the same day, and paid the rent with the director who couldn’t remember the name of the author and didn’t want to read the previous article.

Gold Coins – 1,130,000.

at the same time.

The start-up fund also reported the list of equipment, which is also a big expense:

Since the fifth-generation imidacloprid needs to use cyclization synthesis technology, the requirements for production equipment are extremely high.

Even if the company only plans to launch three production lines initially, the cost of a set of related equipment will not be less than 1.7 million.

One set is 1.7 million, and three sets add up to 5 million.

More than four times more expensive than ordinary agricultural imidacloprid.

This is not over yet.

In addition to equipment, all links such as employees, water and electricity, and logistics require capital expenditures.

It’s like you go to the supermarket to buy something.

The potato chips don’t seem to be expensive, the fruit seems to be quite cheap, and the shampoo is also on sale today.

As a result, OnePlus when checking out.

Good guy.

Small two hundred dollars!

So Xu Yun could only brazenly give Xiaorong a relatively common CTO salary, and planned to raise the price when the company’s books were sufficient.

Of course.

It is said that it is the salary of the public, but it is already the maximum salary in Huadun Biotechnology.

As the COO, Gu Qunqing signed a VAM contract with low salary and high incentives.

The starting salary is only 40,000 yuan, less than 500,000 yuan a year before tax, which is almost equal to the ordinary VP of an ordinary listed company in Shanghai.

As for Xu Yun.

As the company’s executive director, he naturally wouldn’t pay himself too high a salary—his income is all in dividends.

Although I don’t only get one yuan like Dong Ge, but I don’t get many, only four thousand before tax.

It is true that those who hear it are sad, and those who see it cry.

all in all.

At this point, the company’s main personnel structure is almost complete:

Xu Yun is in charge of R&D.

Gu Qunqing is in charge of commercial matters.

Xiaorong is in charge of network security.

As for the rest of the public relations and finance, this can be handed over to the University of Science and Technology. They are much more sophisticated than Xu Yun.

And at the same time that Xu Yun was splicing his right and left arms together.

Tian Liangwei, who lives in Luzhou University of Science and Technology, also has good news:

Xu Yun’s paper submitted to “NUCLEICACIDSRES” will be published soon!

Students who have submitted papers should know it.


It is actually hard to say the specific time from the acceptance of the paper to the publication. The better the journal, the longer the publication period.

For example, general publications are generally within 1 to 4 months.

Core journals need 1 year or even 1 and a half years.

If the latter is a Chinese core journal, it may be a little shorter, but not too short.

However, “NUCLEICACIDSRES” is a solicited manuscript journal, and Tian Liangwei also did a lot of work during this period.

For example, I gave some Erjingtiao, bacon, snail powder, zheergen, hairy eggs, and Ninghua mice to those foreigners.

So it was only a little over a month before and after.

Xu Yun’s thesis caught up with the latest issue of “NUCLEICACIDSRES”.

Early the next morning.

In the executive lounge of Rosewood Hotel.

Xu Yun sat at a relatively quiet dining table, with a glass of whole milk in front of him, and calmly had a video chat with Tian Liangwei.

“Xiao Xu.”

At this time, Tian Liangwei in the video seems to be eating breakfast, and he shakes the cup in his hand towards Xu Yun:

“You haven’t been at school for the past two days. I don’t know how good the soy milk business is at Dongyuan Restaurant in the morning. It sold out in a short time.”

“Tsk tsk, I have to say, the taste of soy milk made from a stone mill is different.”

“Before I was so stupid, I still thought of turning a donkey into donkey meat and burning it”

Seeing this, Xu Yun took a sip of the milk and said with a smile:

“That’s right, this is a purebred local donkey, which is better than later generations, the donkeys in modern cities are of better quality and easier to cut?”

In today’s village workshops, many people often complain that the donkey can’t pull the mill.

There is actually a reason for this.

After entering the millennium, with the soaring demand and price of donkey-hide gelatin, the demand for local donkeys has increased significantly.

So at that time, the country introduced a lot of Pakistani donkey hybrids, that is, meat donkeys.


The number of donkeys has increased.

But the endurance from the perspective of the population has dropped a lot.

Even the donkeys that go to the market in those villages and towns, many of them are hybrids.

But donkey brother is different.

It is a purebred local donkey!

That body is very strong, and the effect of grinding is naturally far from comparable to modern donkeys.

Afterwards, Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei chatted for a few more words, then Tian Liangwei straightened his expression and asked:

“Xiao Xu, it’s less than ten minutes before the publication time, how is it, are you nervous?”

Xu Yun smiled slightly, spread his palms towards him, and said:

“I don’t sweat at all, what do you think?”

Opposite the video.

Tian Liangwei was taken aback when he saw this, and then nodded approvingly:

“Not bad, the mentality is commendable.”

Well known.


Before the journal is officially published, the publisher will often send samples to some authors some time in advance.

This process is also called journal proof.

However, Xu Yun’s paper appeared in the publication very quickly, and it has the nature of ‘jumping the queue’.

Therefore, the journals cannot proofread the journals in advance, and can only send the samples about three days before the journals are published.

The headquarter of “NUCLEICACIDSRES” is in John Bull, and it may not be able to be delivered to the mainland in three days, and Xu Yun is still in Yangcheng at this time.

So in the end, he regretted that he missed the treatment of receiving the sample magazine at the first time, and he couldn’t show off in front of acquaintances while drinking coffee.

Of course.

If you are not nervous, you are not nervous.

When the journal was about to be released, Xu Yun’s mood was still fluctuating.

After all, this is the first time he has published an article in a journal in the first district, and the content is biology that he has only encountered in his life.

Although the status of “NUCLEICACIDSRES” in the industry is far inferior to that of CNS, its impact factor is there.

most of the time.

Professors of some top universities spend a full year or two before a paper can be included in “NUCLEICACIDSRES”, and may even get a big push from the school website when it is published.

In this life, Xu Yun turned his major into biology, and he was able to publish an article “NUCLEICACIDSRES” as a novel at the age of 24. It is impossible to say that there is no disturbance in his heart.

“It’s a pity that this time the content is imidacloprid”

Opposite the video.

Tian Liangwei thought of something again, and sighed slightly regretfully:

“Even if this is the fifth generation of research report, it is still destined to have a higher commercial value than academic value.”

“The citation value must not be too high, and the degree of discussion in the circle must be limited. It would be fine if it was dinotefuran.”

Xu Yun knew that the older generation like Tian Liangwei had the idea that fame is more important than profit, so he took the initiative to explain:

“Ham, teacher, isn’t it good to have high commercial value? I wish no one would quote it.”

“Although our products are destined to be sniped at the beginning in the field of disinfecting, compared with other industries, the attention has been very low, which is a good thing.”

“As the saying goes, accumulate food widely and become king slowly.”

“Besides, it is not easy for you to ask for academic value? If the new species of microorganisms we are studying can be successfully commercialized, it may still be difficult to win awards, but the last article “PNAS” is still sure.”

“You you”

Tian Liangwei smiled and pointed at Xu Yun with his index finger. He didn’t say anything serious, but he was obviously not very optimistic about his student’s optimistic attitude.

《PNAS》is an old-fashioned comprehensive journal. It is generally regarded as a watershed for mid-to-high-end journals. It is often called a “water journal” by many Jianxians.

But in fact, whether “PNAS” is good or not depends mainly on whether you have an academician relationship with the Eagles:

Eagle academicians have the right to submit up to 4 papers on PNAS through the “internal channel”, and this unconventional channel allows authors to choose who to review their papers and how to respond to reviewers’ comments.

Therefore, many people regard it as the Eagles’ internal club of academicians.

But for those who have no relationship with Eagle Academicians, the difficulty of “PNAS” is very, very high.

It can be said like this.

If you have a relationship with Academician Eagle.

The difficulty of publishing is about equal to “scientificreport”.

But if there is no academician relationship with Eagle.

The difficulty will be approximately equal to “naturecomms”.

Therefore, in Tian Liangwei’s view, Xu Yun’s remarks are indeed a bit too optimistic.

No way, after all, he didn’t know that Xu Yun had a halo.

While the two were chatting, the time finally came to 8:00 a.m. Yanjing time.

The time difference between John Bull and BJ is eight hours, and it also happens to be 0:00 am John Bull time.

Almost at the moment when the pointer reaches 8 o’clock.

Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei both silenced.

They were separated by two places, but they pressed the refresh button on the homepage of “NUCLEICACIDSRES” at the same time.

The homepage of the journal in the early hours of the publication day, this is the only way to see the latest papers other than the sample issue.

The well-known HowNet takes an average of about three months after the paper is published before it is officially included in the website.

Xu Yun had already set up the ladder in advance, so he quickly read the latest issue of papers updated on the homepage of “NUCLEICACIDSRES”.

Then he slowly pulled the mouse down.

“DDInter:anonlinedrug–druginteraction is not this article”

“Nor is the syntheticbinding protein.”

“Zoujinbukexuezhenhaokan is not either.”

“Effect of Imidaclopridon Periplanetaamericana found, this is it!”

After finding his thesis, Xu Yun immediately clicked in.

The account he logged in is the official account of HKUST, so he can directly read the full text without paying.

“PERIPLANETAAMERICANA, whichbelongstoBlattariaandBlattulidae,isaworldwideurbanpest”


“maturefemalesofPERIPLANETAAMERICANAreleasetwotypesofsexppheromones:thevolatilesexhormone”blatteaquinone(3,6-dioxocyclohexa-1,4-dien-1-yl)methyl3-methylbutanoate of)

After a few minutes.

Xu Yun raised his head from the screen in satisfaction.

The typesetting level of “NUCLEICACIDSRES” is very high, and most of the content is consistent with the final review.

Only a few places have been simply modified.

These modified contents do not affect reading, but are more suitable for Westerners’ semantics.

It can be seen that the importance of journals is still full.

Of course.

A large part of the reason is due to Tian Liangwei, the gold content of H-index77 is really terrifying!

And at this moment.

Xu Yun put two WeChat messages on his mobile phone beside him.

One of the senders is Xiao Rong:

“Dr. Xu, the VUE hook you let me bury in advance on the homepage of “NUCLEICACIDSRES” has given back.”

“Within ten minutes, there were 18 IP access records for Neon, 11 for Eagles, 6 for Germany, 4 for Gaul and Italy, and sporadic records for other countries.”

“Your paper is on the eleventh article on the homepage, but the number of hits within ten minutes has exceeded the sum of the previous two.”

“It is clear that an invisible war has been waged.”

And the sender of the other WeChat, the note is [UST Innovation Fund-Zheng Zu].

【HKUST Innovation Fund-Zheng Zu】:

“Dr. Xu, the production line has arrived in Luzhou and is ready for production acceptance.”


I set three goals at the beginning of the month, and the first one has been achieved. 1500 may be a bit difficult, but 1000 is very close.

Don’t forget, if there are 1000 monthly tickets before the 8th, there will be more updates for the whole month~

Grandma is in the ICU, hey

In conjunction with a wave of Qi Chengda’s new book, “Sailing the Sea”, Qi Da returned to industrial literature, and he was very happy!

(end of this chapter)

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