Into Unscientific

Chapter 2

Chapter 2 – Hot Man! ! !

Chapter 2 Hot man! !

After sluggishly lying on the bed for a while, Xu Yun turned up and looked around.

This is a single apartment with a total area of more than 40 square meters. The decoration is not particularly luxurious, but the location is quiet and the privacy is relatively high.

Although HKUST refurbished some dormitories in the East District in 2019, except for Dai Peisheng, the dormitory conditions of Shuo Bo are actually average.

For example, a master’s room is for four people, and a doctor’s room is for two people—of course, the one on Science Island will be better.

However, Xu Yun chose to live alone off-campus not because the dormitory environment is bad, but because he has a secret.

Xu Yun is 24 years old now.

Gender male, gender-aware male, non-extreme animal protection person, non-extreme environmental protection person, no depression, hobby female.

The man who is called that man in the society, if he can make the news, he will probably be called that man. Occasionally, if he doesn’t do something for no reason, he will be given a surname—Grasshopper.

He was admitted to the junior class of HKUST when he was 15 years old, and graduated with a bachelor’s degree at the age of 19. After graduation, he did not choose a master’s degree, but applied for a direct Ph.D.

Xu Yun Zhibo’s direction is synthetic biotechnology and systems bioengineering, which is also a relatively well-known doctoral program in biology in the University of Science and Technology of China, which is famous for its physics, and is about to get a doctorate.

In addition, he is still studying for a master’s degree in condensed matter physics, and it is not long before he gets his degree certificate.

Friends who have read the juvenile class should know it.

Whether it is the USTC Junior Class, the Yao Banzhi Class, or the Turing Junior Class, in these top halls, the name of the top student is often XX God.

Such as Cao Shen, Han Shen, Wei Shen and so on.

So naturally, Xu Yun also won the title of God Xu.

However, although creatures like Xueba are almost invincible in academics, they often appear to have very different personalities in life, and they are even regarded as weird.

For example, Wei Shen Wei Dongyi, who was on the Internet at the time, even seemed a little sluggish on the outside, because he was thinking about academic issues almost all the time.

There are also some academic geniuses who don’t even have the ability to take care of themselves, and they need their parents to take care of them.

In his previous life, Xu Yun was actually one of the “geniuses” with such a serious disparity in emotion and IQ. Although he was not so outrageous that he needed help from his parents for food, clothing, housing and transportation, the intersection circle was almost zero, and he did not get better until he was 30 years old.

Seeing this, students who are not interstellar players and know how to ban Mammoth must have noticed a certain word:

In the previous life.

That’s right, in the previous life.

Xu Yun is a reborn.

However, Xu Yun’s rebirth is a bit special compared to some other reborn seniors.

It was a winter in 2041. Xu Yun was writing an online novel called “Where is Wu Fan Going”, but he suddenly became dizzy while writing, and fell headlong on the keyboard.

When I woke up, I found that I was reborn at the age of 15, which was the second day of the second round of defense in physics for the Junior Class of HKUST.

This is also a life node that Xu Yun was deeply impressed by—because the defense topic that year was very interesting:

Answer questions One question is about a group of little green men who went to the gold planet to dig gold mines and fell to their deaths. They were required to calculate the falling time according to the inclination of two different shapes, and they were also required to conceive a sketch of the appearance of the spaceship.

Another question gave the condition that the thickness of the atmosphere is h, and all the students lamented that it was unreasonable, because the particle velocity space on the surface and the outward flight of the same direction are no longer h.

The question also claims that the atmosphere is even and magical, so Xu Yun finally chose to hand over the score of this question to the country.

As a reborn person who has written online novels for a long time, Xu Yun naturally knows the coolness of the setting of rebirth:

Relying on the understanding of the direction of various future events to make arrangements in advance, so as to earn a lot of money and social status.

But when Xu Yun recalled his memory with full confidence, he found that his mind was blank, and he only remembered a few scattered things:

For example, the long-distance running competition has decided the champion, Jia still claims to return to China next week, Tianzu is still taking stock of Milan after 30 years, etc.

In addition to the above things, the only thing Xu Yun remembers is the academic knowledge he learned before he was thirty.

I don’t have the slightest impression of other specific derived science and technology, historical events, and competition results.

But on the other hand.

Compared to the blurred memory, Xu Yun’s mentality and experience in his forties have been completely preserved.

This makes him far more mature than his peers in terms of dealing with people and self-control.

It is based on this point that Xu Yun was able to graduate with a Ph.D. at the age of 24 in this life—he was 28 when he graduated with a Ph.D. in his previous life.

In fact, what happened to Xu Yun is far more than that

In the bedroom.

Xu Yun rubbed his temple with the thumb of his left hand, and silently recited a syllable with unclear semantics:

Following the export of the byte, Xu Yun’s eyes suddenly darkened.

When he regained consciousness, he was already in a dark space.

The area of this space is not large, only about 20 square meters in total. Except for a dark green ring with a diameter of about two meters in the center, there is nothing else in the space.

At this moment, a number is flashing above the ring:


This space appeared on the second day after Xu Yun was reborn, exactly ten years ago.

The size and appearance of the space was the same as it is now at the beginning, and the boundary is composed of some kind of hard solid matter, which is much harder than the wave anyway.

It’s just that at the very beginning, the value on the central ring is ‘0/300’.

and then space gives the only hint so far:

The value of the ring will increase positively according to the amount of knowledge mastered by the ‘Wallfacer’, and the first doctoral degree must be in the direction of biology—the value of the ring is called a knowledge point by Xu Yun.

Because of this, Xu Yun, who was engaged in physics in his previous life, inexplicably ‘defected’ to the field of biology, and this is a rare occurrence in the junior class of HKUST, which is famous for its physics.

Now Xu Yun has spent a full ten years, and finally after writing today’s defense, he successfully pushed this score to the full value.

Maybe it sensed Xu Yun’s appearance.

A few seconds later, the ring suddenly began to rotate slowly.

Then a few more seconds passed.

Three doors suddenly appeared on the aperture, and the word ‘100’ was impressively displayed on each door.

At the same time, Xu Yun suddenly had an understanding:

You can consume 100 knowledge points to open any door, and you can only open one door within a certain period of time.

be honest.

As a reborn person, seeing this scene happening in front of his eyes, Xu Yun felt somewhat apprehensive.

He even thought about whether he should tell his mentor Pan Shuai about this, but as soon as this idea came up, the ‘300’ in front of him instantly turned into the three numbers ‘404’.

Seeing this, Xu Yun had no choice but to give up.

Immediately afterwards, the scenes of hard study in the cold window in the past ten years began to appear in front of Xu Yun frame by page.

Following the last screen, Xu Yun took a deep breath and walked towards the leftmost door.


You ask why it is on the left?

Of course there are many times on the left!

As a person born in the late 1990s, Xu Yun can be regarded as a fan of Kazakhstan.

Although both Rowling herself and several leading actors have been a bit swaying in public opinion in the past few years, the book Harry Potter is indeed good.

Even after forty years, Xu Yun still remembers Hagrid’s beard, Avada eating a big melon, Voldemort’s socket-like nose and Voldemort, and

Description of ‘Portkey’ and ‘Transfiguration’ in the original book.

At this moment, Xu Yun’s feeling is similar to taking a Portkey:

The dizziness as if stirring in a drum washing machine, the ticking pendulum sound like a countdown, and some kind of sharp tinnitus

It is estimated that when the big devil Piccolo was stuffed into the Rice Cooker International Hotel by the magic seal, the experience of staying in it was similar to this.

all in all.

After a strong dizziness.

With a thud, Xu Yun fell to the ground—face on the ground.

But the strange thing is that he didn’t feel the slightest pain.

Then he opened his eyes, and found that he was lying on top of a person. This person was also face down, embedded in the soft ground, leaving only a lion-like blond hair.

Seeing this, Xu Yun quickly crawled away from the man, and carefully turned him out of the soil.

This is a very young man with a straight nose, deep eye sockets, and slanted eyebrows, with a somewhat aggressive face.

The man’s chest was rising and falling slightly, he was still breathing, and he seemed to be just in a coma.

But opposite him, Xu Yun’s breathing suddenly stopped.

As a former practitioner of physics, the face on this person’s portrait has long been engraved in Xu Yun’s DNA, and Xu Yun has seen his coffin trembling in comics and online novels more than once—even though he actually was cremated.

His name is.

Isaac Newton.

(end of this chapter)

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