Into Unscientific

Chapter 317

Chapter 315 – You And I Are The Same Kind Of People (6.2K)

Chapter 315 You and I are the same kind of people (6.2K)


Looking at the determined Aveline in front of him, Xu Yun opened his mouth, but hesitated to speak.


This is a bad street, but also very dialectical vocabulary.

Everyone is within a different range of definition, and the distance from this word will also vary.

Say something without boasting.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Xu Yun is indeed a genius.

I won’t talk about it in this life, after all, it’s a hook.

But even in his last life, when he didn’t cheat, his early resume was actually quite glamorous.

In his previous life, although Xu Yun was not admitted to the junior class of HKUST, he also scored 704 points in the college entrance examination.

At that time, Fujian Province did not implement the national test. Xu Yun remembered that the first line of science should be more than 490 points, and the score of liberal arts should be lower.

704 to 490, this score is still barely worthy of being a top student.

But if the domain of definition is expanded, and the cognition of ordinary people is replaced by the scientific research circle, Xu Yun is not necessarily a genius.

For example, Chengfei, which he joined after graduation, is the unit that produced Master Shi, and there are many real “child prodigies” among them.

For example, someone can lead a project team alone at the age of 27, and someone can publish a sub-journal of Nature with a work at the age of 26-it is not a sacred place like Nature Communication.

Even Xu Yun knew several 28- and 29-year-old full-time researchers:

The title of researcher is on the same level as that of professor, and belongs to the concept of full height, which is equivalent to becoming a full professor before the age of thirty.

Compared with these people, Xu Yun can only be regarded as an ordinary person.

If the talent circle of an era is like this, let alone the peak geniuses in the long history of mankind.

Since 100,000 years ago, the total number of humans that have appeared on the earth is about 140-170 billion.

In this vast base, only a few peak geniuses were born.

Like Archimedes, like Kong Erer, like Lao Su, like calf wheat

And the “genius” that Avelyn mentioned obviously refers to this level.

But only Xu Yun himself knows that there is a gap between him and these geniuses.

At least until he achieves achievements that are enough to be recorded in the annals of history with his own efforts, Xu Yun does not think that he is qualified to be on a par with those big shots.

This is also disrespect for the sages.

Even in his eyes.

Aveline is actually a real genius.

This girl can be admitted to Cambridge in this day and age, and at the same time independently calculated the problem of the complete square term in the Fibonacci sequence:

Although according to the draft, Mavericks had already given the answer to this question during his lifetime.

But Mavericks uses a self-created logical judgment method, while Avelyn relies on the mathematical system created by Euler, and there is almost no interaction between the two.

Such an achievement, how can it not be called a genius?

However, Xu Yun couldn’t explain to Avelyn about the “traveler” in detail, so he could only continue to remain silent in the face of Avelyn’s questioning.

And his silence fell into the eyes of Aveline, and it was understood.


So the face of this girl who had been very quiet all this time suddenly had a flying look on her face, and her pupils even brightened a little:

“Luo Feng, how many of these experimental plans you came up with under the name of Mr. Fat Yu were designed by you?”

Then without waiting for Xu Yun to answer, the girl counted with her fingers:

“The photovoltaic effect must not have run away, so the photoelectric effect is probably also discovered by you”

“The Xiao Yan tube may indeed be the result of Mr. Fat Yu, but the idea of cathode rays is almost the same as the modular period sequence just now, so it should also come from you.”

“Stop, stop, stop!”

Watching the girl begin to peel her skin layer by layer, a row of cold sweat broke out on Xu Yun’s forehead:

“Student Avelyn, let’s talk about something else, for example, how many Manchester United will lose tonight?”

Avelyn glanced at him with a half-smile, until Xu Yun felt a little terrified, then nodded lightly:


Xu Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, no matter what time and space it is, science girls are not easy to mess with.

Afterwards, Avelyn and Xu Yun sat back on the bench again, and the girl put the manuscripts back in earnest—after all, one of them was a relic of Mavericks.

Then she straightened the folds of the skirt and asked Xu Yun:

“Luo Feng, can you tell me where Mr. Fat Yu went after the separation? Why hasn’t he returned to England since then?”

What Avelyn said later obviously refers to the whereabouts of the ‘fat fish’ after being separated from the calf.

Xu Yun completed the novice task at that time, turned into light particles and disappeared in front of Mavericks, and directly returned to reality.

But in the optimization of the halo.

Xu Yun’s ending turned into meeting relatives on the road, leaving a letter at the booth and leaving without saying goodbye.

At the same time, Leiden College in the Netherlands, which Xu Yun was talking about, also ‘patched’ Fat Yu’s employment resume, but the tenure was very short and there was no personal relationship left, which was equivalent to making a false file.

So where did the fat fish go after that has always been an unsolved mystery in the history of science.

Facing Avelyn who was full of thirst for knowledge, Xu Yun thought for a while and said:

“Student Avelyn, after parting with Sir Newton, the ancestor of Fat Fish really thought about taking some time to return to the British mainland, and come to reunite with old friends and have a good drink.”

“It’s a pity that there were some changes in the family in those few years. After the ancestors of Fat Fish dealt with the family problems, the Anglo-Dutch war broke out again.”

“And no one would have imagined that the Great War broke out twice in a short period of time. Not to mention the blockage of business routes, personal safety cannot be guaranteed.”

“So in desperation, the ancestors of Fat Fish could only return to China and lived in Valoran, Azeroth, Sabak City, New Nippori and other places.”

“At that time, the shipping routes were far from being as developed as they are now, so Fat Fish’s ancestor was unable to contact Sir Newton until his death, which became a great regret in his life.”

Xu Yun couldn’t help but sigh in his tone at the end.

Although these remarks were completely fabricated by him, the Mavericks and Lilani in the 1665 copy did leave a deep impression on him.

Thinking of the ending of the people in the deduction results, he subconsciously brought some emotions into the description.

After all, human beings are not plants, how can they be ruthless?

Whether it is Maverick in the 1665 dungeon or the old Su Xiaoli and Xiao Zhao in the 1100 dungeon, they are all a living person.

Every time a dungeon is completed, Xu Yun feels like he has experienced a part of his life.

Perhaps in the future, when Xu Yun looks back at the copy of 1850, he will feel the same emotion.

Looking at Xu Yun who was a little emotional, Avelyn was silent for a while, then suddenly asked:

“Then Luo Feng, do you feel tired?”

Xu Yun was slightly taken aback:


Aveline nodded slightly, looked melodiously into the distance, and said in her mouth:

“Your ancestor is Mr. Fat Fish, a great wise man with a long history. Some people call him the enlightener of natural science, the fireman who illuminates the night for the ignorant.”

“As his direct descendant, don’t you feel pressure?”

After listening to these words.

Xu Yun subconsciously wanted to say that there was pressure from der, but looking at Avelyn with a serious face, he vaguely realized something in his heart.

So the original words were stopped abruptly before the exit, and replaced with another answer:

“Of course I have. To tell you the truth, classmate Avelyn, since I was a child, people around me will look at me with scrutiny, just like readers urging me to change.”

“For example, my father would grab my ear and shout whenever I wanted to doze off, how can you sleep at your age?”

“My mother would whisper in my ear when I was sleeping soundly at midnight, ‘Luo Feng, only you can revive the glory of Fat Fish’s ancestor’.”

Puff Chi.

Aveline couldn’t help but chuckled, her cheeks puffed up slightly, looking inexplicably cute.

After a few seconds.

Aveline put away her smile, and sighed deeply.

It is clear.

This girl who bears the aura of the only offspring of Mavericks has been uttered similar words since she was a child.

After a while.

Avelyn suddenly looked at Xu Yun, and asked in an inexplicable tone:

“Luo Feng, do you know how I grew up?”

Then without waiting for Xu Yun to answer, she took out another booklet from her body and handed it to Xu Yun:

“Look at this.”

Xu Yun subconsciously took the booklet and slowly flipped through it.

Just opened the title page.

What comes into view is a timetable:

6:30-6:45, get up, dress and wash.

6:45-7:15, devotional prayer.

7:15-7:30, breakfast.

7:30-11:30, class, no class to the library.

17:30-17:45, dinner.

17:45-18:15, evening devotional, Saturday will be changed to choir worship.

18:15-20:15, study in the library, solve at least one big math problem that is the finale of the final exam.

20:15-20:30, back to the dormitory.

20:30-22:30, read at least one chapter of “Classical Physics”.

22:30-23:00, read “Newton’s Biography: Recasting the Glory of the Escue Family, It’s My Own Duty” again.

23:00-23:15, pray before going to bed.

23:15-6:30, sleep.


After about a minute, Xu Yun raised his head with a heavy expression, and asked Avelyn:

“This is.”

Avelyn shrugged at him very calmly:

“As you can see, this is my schedule—to be precise, it’s my schedule after the age of six, even if I have a cold.”

“Later my parents passed away, and the person who urged me became my uncle. After the uncle passed away, he was the principal of the junior high school and the principal of the high school.”

“For sixteen years, it has been like this every day.”

Looking at Avelyn who was so calm as if she was telling someone else’s story, Xu Yun couldn’t help but a flash of understanding flashed in his heart.

I see

No wonder Avelyn has such a high sensitivity to Volt and the deeds of Mavericks.

The co-author of this girl has been forced to accept the indoctrination of these contents almost every moment in the past years

Fanatics of some novels in the later generations can memorize the content of millions of words of novels in detail only by rereading them a dozen times, but if Avelyn is converted into related concepts, she can at least read hundreds or even thousands of words.

Under this kind of almost cramming reading habit, how could she not discover some mistakes and omissions made by Xu Yun?

And together with this enlightenment, there is extremely strong confusion and anger:

“Student Avelyn, this approach is too… too much, right? There is no freedom at all, and this has already involved human rights issues!”

In Xu Yunlai’s later life.

Liberty and Human Rights.

These two words are already somewhat derogatory on the Internet today, but what caused them to deteriorate was not themselves, but the buff monsters represented by certain groups.

They were originally words representing appeals and dignity. For example, in ancient Chinese sayings, “give me liberty or give me death” and “don’t eat the food that comes from you” all express similar meanings.

So in Xu Yun’s view.

These constraints on Avelyn have indeed violated her basic rights.

This is to forcibly shape a young girl into an emotionless learning machine!

Looking at the somewhat angry Xu Yun, Avelyn couldn’t help but sigh softly:

“Luo Feng, do you now know why I came to you?”

Xu Yun heard the words, the anger on his face gradually disappeared, and then he nodded slowly. :


What Avelyn said was actually the question he wanted to know the answer to at the beginning:

Why does this girl stare at her all the time, and she even took the initiative to find her today?

Because of love?

Just kidding, this is obviously impossible.

If Xu Yun had this ability, would he still be single until almost forty years old?

But if it has nothing to do with love, then why?

Because of her ancestor Lilani’s obsession with “fat fish”?

This is obviously a bit untenable.

Now, following Avelyn’s words above, Xu Yun finally understood the reason:

She regarded Xu Yun as the same type of person.


are people who bear the same pressure and the same ‘mission’ in this timeline.

Mentioned earlier.

Under Xu Yun’s two interventions, Mavericks’ status in this copy has reached an unmatched height:

For the first time, he assisted Mavericks in building calculus and infinitesimal quantities, and carried ketchup so that Mavericks no longer had to run around for money and could fully devote himself to academics.

The second time was the letter from Mavericks, which directly changed Mavericks’ optical cognition, avoided the establishment of an absolute space-time concept, and avoided Mavericks’ biggest stain.

If you use the settings of Wen Yunliu novels to divide.

Then Mavericks is undoubtedly the only saint in this timeline, there is no one before and no one after.

Other Archimedes, Pythagoras, Descartes and others are just sub-sages.

Therefore, Avelyn, as the only unlucky child who bears the ‘blood of a saint’, has been under great pressure since she was a child.

On the surface, she seems to be in line with everyone’s expectations, but only she knows that she is almost unable to hold on.

And in this case.

Xu Yun, the ‘offspring of fat fish’, suddenly appeared in Avelyn’s field of vision.

To know.

Although ‘Fat Fish’ was not consecrated as the Mavericks in history, he had made bold moves when the Mavericks were Juren and Confucianism, showing the potential value of no less than a saint.

Fat Yu also has a Fengling Moon Shadow Sect behind him, so under the imagination of some people, Fat Yu has been lifted to the height of a “sage master”.

So it seems to Aveline.

Xu Yun can be said to be the only person in the world who can resonate with him, because the pressure on their shoulders is too great.

Then in this almost locked perspective.

Xu Yun showed his extraordinary ability again, and showed a few chicken feet.

So Avelyn finally couldn’t bear it anymore and found Xu Yun today.

This kind of psychology does not involve love, but is related to past experiences.

She was learning while her peers were learning.

While her peers are having fun, she is studying.

While her peers are in love, she is still learning.

She is like a person locked in a glass room.

Obviously she could see everything outside, but when she stretched out her hand, what she touched was a pitifully thick barrier.

A little exaggeration.

She doesn’t even know the meaning of her existence:

Her life has been planned out a so-called ‘smooth path’ that looks bright but is actually narrow, and she has no right to choose.

Until a certain day.

She suddenly found out.

In this glass room, another person similar to her appeared.

So ever since.

This girl who did not exist in the original history, but was trained to be a learning machine due to accidental appearance in this timeline, finally couldn’t help sending out

Distress signal.


McDonald’s grilled chicken leg burger is really delicious, but unfortunately it’s too expensive.

It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass

(end of this chapter)

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