Into Unscientific

Chapter 321

Chapter 319 – Germans Save The World (7.4K)

Although the game StarCraft did not exist in Britain in 1850, it was not difficult for many members of the club to understand his true intentions through Lao Tang’s tone of voice:

Gewushe is going to do something big this time!



No need to remind Lao Tang again.

The gazes of everyone in the room locked on Xu Yun who was in the position of guardian.

Seeing this, Xu Yun stood up and nodded to the audience.

Then he walked to the podium and made eye contact with Lao Tang, and took over the right to speak on the spot:

“Everyone, good evening, I’m Luo Feng.”


There was a burst of applause from the audience in cooperation.

Wait until the applause disappears.

Xu Yun organized some words, put his hands on both sides of the podium, and continued to say to everyone:

“Students, considering that everyone has been waiting for three full months, I won’t make a fool of myself here.”

“That’s right, I called you here today to tell you one thing – Gewushe will officially launch its first team building activity since its founding, and the code name is the ‘sacred F2A’ that Mr. Thomson said. “

“This word comes from a game for the blind. You don’t need to understand the rules of the game. You just need to know that this word means rushing forward to the enemy.”

Hearing Xu Yun’s words.

Suddenly someone under the stage raised his hand and said:

“Student Luo Feng, may I interrupt you, who is the ‘enemy’ you mentioned?”

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then looked around after regaining his senses.

It was discovered that the questioner was none other than Max Christian Friedrich Bruch.

Then Xu Yun quickly glanced at Lao Tang who was beside him, his eyes were obvious:

Dude, is this German guy an extra performer arranged by you?

The timing of this joke is just right.

Old Tang shook his head calmly, indicating that it had nothing to do with me.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun couldn’t help but look away, and said to Max Christian Friedrich Bruch:

“Student Bruch asked this question very well. The so-called F2 means that it is not difficult to gather everyone. After passing a message between classes, everyone appeared here.”

“But who is the enemy who needs A to pass?”

“The answer is simple, it is.”

Xu Yun lengthened the syllable and pointed at a non-existent target:

“That classic physics building!”

As soon as this remark was uttered, there was an uproar in the audience.

Mentioned earlier.

The members who can be selected into the Gewu Club are not necessarily from famous families, but they must be enthusiasts who have a certain understanding of physics—except for the rare cases like Bruch.

They can repeat and calculate the speed of light and photoelectric effect experiments demonstrated by Xu Yun, and they will naturally understand the practical significance of those three experiments.

They knew that Xu Yun once relied on the experimental plan left by Fat Yu to severely shake the cornerstone of the physics building.

In other words.

Relying on his previous achievements, Xu Yun is indeed qualified to say “bombard the classical physics building”.

At the same time.

As supporters of emerging natural sciences, at least 80% of the people present have encountered discrimination from classics, or students of classical sciences in campus life.

This situation is not only happening at Cambridge University, but it is a common problem of all top universities in this era.

For example, the direct reason why Gauss was able to decipher the regular heptagonal ruler and compass drawing problem was that he encountered a ridicule from a descendant of a nobleman at the University of Göttingen, thinking that mathematics is knowledge that only nobles need to learn.

This chain of contempt contains a very strong political color, and it is difficult for an ordinary small-town problem solver to have the qualifications to enter the classic physics building.


They were ecstatic after Xu Yun made those three experiments, and they would go to the experiment site to simulate calculations whenever they had time—because they saw a faint dawn of breaking the situation.

So after a little surprise.

Most of the members felt an impulse in their hearts:

Boom his mother!

Then a few more seconds passed.

A member of Xu Yun who was a bit unfamiliar couldn’t help but raised his hand and said loudly:

“Student Luo Feng, what do you need us to do?”

Following this person’s words, some other members also expressed their attitudes:

“Student Luo Feng, I would like to ask, is the shock caused by this group building to classical physics comparable to the photoelectric effect?”

“How much do I need to pay? If I need too much, I will write a letter to my family saying that I will lose money if I accidentally beat my roommate to death.”

“Didn’t you use this excuse last time?”

“It’s not a big problem, it’s born again when the spring breeze blows.”

“It’s not necessary, it’s not necessary, I can pay if I really need it, I’m quite wealthy.”

Looking at the many chattering members, Xu Yun made a gesture of pressing down with a smile, and said:

“Okay, everyone, please be quiet and listen to me.”

“First of all, in terms of funds, everyone can rest assured that Avelyn will provide full sponsorship for our event.”

Aveline on the side heard the words and stood up cooperatively, nodding towards everyone.

do not forget.

This girl is currently the sole heir of the Escue family, holding a dividend from the sales of ketchup, a standard rich woman.

Xu Yun was venting his anger for her this time, so she naturally had to express something.

When discussing the issue of funds in the carriage yesterday, the girl directly asked whether one hundred thousand pounds was enough, which shocked Xu Yun, a traveler.

To know.

Calculated on the earlier scale.

One hundred thousand pounds will be left for future generations, so tmd is more than 1.1 billion

Xu Yun’s happy beans are only over 30 million.

With the support of a rich woman, Xu Yun naturally has a lot of confidence at this time:

“As for some students asking whether it can be compared with the photoelectric effect. I can only say that the two sides are completely incomparable.”

”The photoelectric effect only reveals some mysteries in optics in nature, and its essence is to broaden the space of physics, but it does not really shake the foundation of the physical building.”

“For example, the classical wave equation derived from this. This equation was published by Professor Faraday in the last issue of the Journal of the Royal Society. Its form is actually a representation of some kind of classical physics.”

“And what we are going to do this time is…”

“Dig a bottomless pit at the foundation of the existing building.”

Speaking of which.

Xu Yun suddenly fell silent for a few seconds, then changed the topic and brought up an unrelated topic:

“Students, who can tell me what is the nature of light?”

Soon, someone below raised his hand.

This person is also Xu Yun’s old acquaintance, George Ally’s son Hubert Ally:

“According to the definition of the Royal Society in 1816, light is a special substance that is suspected to have wave and particle properties.”

“It spreads in the ether, and its specific properties will change according to the situation it is in.”


Xu Yun clapped his hands and cast a approving look at Hubert Airy:

“That’s very good, Gryffindor plus ten cough coughs, in short, it’s perfect.”

Then the next second.

Xu Yun’s eyes suddenly became deep, and his tone was subtle:

“But Mr. Airi, have you thought about a possibility?”

Hubert Airy was slightly taken aback:

“What’s possible?”

Xu Yun raised his eyelids to look at him, raised a finger, and said:

“The second half of what you said is actually wrong. The wave-particle duality of light may change in some situations, and at the same time”

“Ether, this substance does not exist at all.”


Xu Yun just finished speaking.

A group of members of the Gewu Society stood up in front of them, followed by a tidy refutation:


“No way!”

“Student Luo Feng, what are you talking about?”

“Student Luo Feng, are you awake?”

On the scene, Aveline was the only one with a calm face, and the rest of the people, including Mai and Lao Tang beside her, were a little surprised.

If it weren’t for the fact that Xu Yun was an acquaintance, they probably couldn’t help but question it.

The reason why the members at the scene had such a big reaction was not because of their mentality, but because the bomb Xu Yun threw was too big.

Firstly, it is the wave-particle duality of light.

This timeline is influenced by Xu Yun’s letter, and the scientific community’s cognition of wave-particle duality is earlier and clearer than the original history.

Although optics is still developing today, there is a cognition that has almost become an axiom:

That is, in a fixed situation, the properties of light are fixed.

For example, Poisson bright spot, it proves the wave nature of light.

Another example is the photoelectric effect created by Xu Yun before, which verifies the particle nature.

In the two cases, the properties of light will not change, that is, it is impossible for Poisson’s bright spots to verify the particle nature—although it is estimated that Poisson himself would like to see this scene.

Therefore Xu Yun’s statement that “the wave-particle duality of light may change in some situations” is enough to surprise people.

The clinker sentence was just an appetizer, and Xu Yun came up with another quite explosive point of view:

Aether does not exist!


This concept first appeared in more than 300 BC, and was proposed by Aristotle:

He called ether the fifth element that constitutes the world besides water, fire, air, and earth, and it is one of the original substances of the world.

However, in the next two thousand years, ether did not occupy the mainstream of thought, and even withdrew from the public’s field of vision.

This situation did not bring the ether back to the stage until the appearance of a person.

This person is not a calf, but Descartes.

Descartes believed that all forces between objects must be transmitted through a medium, and there is no so-called action at a distance.

Therefore, space cannot be empty, but filled with a substance called ether.

Although ether cannot be perceived by the human body, it can transmit force.

In the original history.

Although Maverick did not expressly agree with the ether theory, he once said a word in a letter to Pastor Bentley:

“The idea that an object can act on another object at a distance through a vacuum, without any other medium, seems to me extremely absurd!”

Therefore, later generations generally believe that Mavericks acquiesced to Descartes’ point of view, thinking that ether is the medium for gravitational transmission.

Then in 1800, Thomas Young discovered the interference of light and the polarization of light.

This experiment completely made the theory of waves prevail over the theory of particles, and became the mainstream theory of the nature of light.

At that time, physicists’ understanding of light waves was still limited to the concept of mechanical waves. There was no medium in space, and the light emitted by distant stars could still reach the earth.

Based on the propagation of mechanical waves requires the characteristics of the medium, people at the time believed that there must be some kind of medium that carries the propagation of light in space.

So ever since.

Ether once again entered the stage of the history of science as a medium.

It is absolutely still and fills every corner of the universe, acting as a medium for light waves and force transmission.

If there is no ether, the classical physics at that time cannot be self-consistent, and will face the risk of collapse.

So physicists generally believed at that time that ether absolutely existed and could not be shaken.

The typical representative is none other than the wheat beside Xu Yun.

He published his first paper on the theory of electromagnetism in 1861. The title of this paper was called “On the Physical Lines of Force”.

It was in this paper that he extended the magnetic field in matter to ether.

Wheat believes that the magnetic field is a row of vortexes in the special medium of ether. With the ether, it can well explain the absolute space that is relatively static with the ether.

Although this timeline has been distorted by Xu Yun by mistake, it is only Maverick’s absolute view of time and space that is affected, not the ether.

Many people in later generations often regard Mavericks’ absolute space-time concept and ether as one concept, but in fact they were killed in the hands of the old lover respectively.

In words that ordinary readers can understand, that is:

Special relativity is related to ether.

And general relativity is related to Newton’s absolute space-time.

The general theory of relativity was published 20 years after the special theory of relativity was proposed.

Simple and clear.jpg.

Thus, although Mavericks in this timeline has given up his absolute view of time and space, he still acquiesces in the existence of ether.

So even these members who wanted to rebel, none of them thought about overthrowing the ether.

Look at the two timelines.

The only well-known scholar who has doubts about ether is Faraday.

But right now Faraday is humming and adding more to Gauss, so it is naturally impossible to appear here.

Therefore, I faced Xu Yun’s statement.

These members subconsciously raised doubts, and gradually exceeded their trust in Xu Yun.

Some people even surrounded Xu Yun, their voices a little excited.

And just when the situation got a little out of control.

In the activity room, a tenor voice in C5 suddenly sounded, overshadowing the discussion in the room:

“Enough, calm down!”

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell silent.

Everyone subconsciously looked towards the speaker.

I saw this moment.

Max Christian Friedrich Bruch was frowning tightly, and said in sputum-like English:

“Everyone, this is the activity room of Gewushe. Standing in front of you is the third president of Gewushe. Where is your basic respect?”

As he spoke, he looked around and shook his head with disappointment:

“To be honest, I am a liberal arts student, and I don’t understand the ether-wave-particle duality you mentioned.”

“Looking at your posture, it seems that Luo Feng said something that impacted your three views.”

“Since this is the case, I would like to ask a question – in the many experiments that Luo Feng has done before, is there any failure or even a single mistake?”

As he spoke, he casually looked at a freckle-faced boy beside him, who was one of Xu Yun’s doubters:

“This classmate, please tell me if he has it?”

The freckle-faced boy was silent for a moment, then shook his head:


Bruch looked at another person again:

“What’s your answer?”


“how about you?”


Max Christian Friedrich Bruch asked seven or eight people one after another, and all the answers he got were ‘no’.

So Bruch spread his hands and continued:

“That’s strange. Since Luo Feng has never failed, why are you so eager to question him? – I remember you said you would donate money at the beginning, but that’s it?”

There was still silence in response to Bruch.

A few more seconds passed.

The freckle-faced boy suddenly said:

“Sorry, Luo Feng, I was a little too aggressive, please forgive me.”

After speaking, he returned to his seat and stopped talking.

followed by the second

The third.

the fourth.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun suddenly felt his shoulders relax, and cast a grateful look at Bruch.

Hey guy, almost flipped over.

Maybe it’s because all the top scientists I’ve been in contact with before.

He hasn’t adjusted his thinking back to normal for a while, and somewhat overestimated his ‘prestige’.

After all, as of now.

The truly innovative electrons, cathode rays, and X-rays have not yet been released to the public eye.

Thus, although these members of the Gewu Society have a certain foundation of trust in Xu Yun, it is only a ‘basic’.

When his words touched on his own worldview cognition, many people still subconsciously chose to question it.

But who is to say.

This is actually not to blame these members, after all, it is a cognitive problem.

It’s like you find someone in the later generations who said that the full name of Bangkok is actually ‘Common Taifu Mahana Kunsen Tawarodishia Yuta Yamahadi Lupu Orak Latanibu Lilong Udon Pachani Weima Hastan’, how many people do you think will believe it?

But it really has that name.

This is a problem of inherent cognition, even Mai Laotang has doubts, let alone these members.

Fortunately, there was an outsider like Bruch who helped, otherwise Xu Yun would have to spend some more talking.

The Germans save the world.jpg.

But on the other hand.

Falsifying the ether first is also one of his planned links, and the order has not been affected much.

So Xu Yun paused, and after the scene gradually calmed down, he said to everyone:

“Students, I can understand your feelings. After all, what I said is really shocking.”

“In that case.”

“Please give me some time, I will let you see the evidence that the ether does not exist, and another extremely terrifying phenomenon.”

“And before that, if you are still willing to believe me, I hope you can cooperate with me to do something.”

After listening to these words.

It was still Max Christian Friedrich Bruch who raised his hand:

“I’m willing to help, student Luo Feng, if there is a need, just ask.”

Followed by Hubert Airy:

“Count me in, Luo Feng is the one who found Conan Star with Professor Gauss.”

A few more seconds passed.

The third person raised his hand.

This person is a classmate of Lao Tang, the name Xu Yun is not clear, I only remember that he came from a poor family:

“Count me in, if I can give those self-proclaimed noble authorities a ruthless blow, I will admit that the ether does not exist.”

have to say.

Bruch’s words were really crucial. The sentence “Has Xu Yun made any mistakes or omissions?” instantly made Xu Yun’s image more three-dimensional.

Sometimes it is like this, whether to mention the same thing or not is completely two situations.

So soon, people raised their hands one after another.

“.Me too.”

“Add me.”

After a few minutes.

Looking at the pile of raised arms in front of him, Xu Yun felt certain in his heart.

Then he organized some language and made the first request:

“Who knows someone who makes coffins? It’s best to make coffin boards for Sir Newton.”


It’s still an all-night codeword, and if you make a typo, wake up and correct it

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