Into Unscientific

Chapter 333

Chapter 333 – Go Completely Crazy! (Middle)

Chapter 333 Go completely crazy! (middle)


In the office of the Minister of the Interior.

Looking at Xu Yun who hurried into the house.

Aveline quickly put down her stretched hands, and while arranging the documents on the table, asked him:

“What’s the matter, Luo Feng?”

Xu Yun glanced at the door, and after confirming that there was no one around, he would close it again. He walked to Avelyn’s side in a few steps, and asked directly:

“Student Avelyn, if I remember correctly, you seem to have two shipyards under your name, right?”


Aveline paused slightly with her fingers closing the pages of the book. She seemed a little surprised by Xu Yun’s question, but she still gave a reply:

“Exactly.” (see end of Chapter 320)

Xu Yun asked again:

“Since there is a shipyard, there must also be a dock?”

Students who have participated in the construction of the Fujian ship should know it.

Shipbuilding is an industry that is very geographically dependent.

The most critical point in the location selection of the shipyard is to be close to the sea or the river first, so that it is convenient for the built ship to be launched into the sea.

The general process is divided into sections in the workshop, closed on the berth, and directly launched into the water after closing.

So logically speaking.

Since there is a shipyard under Avelyn’s name, there should naturally be a pier or dock.

as predicted.

After hearing Xu Yun’s question, Avelyn nodded again without much hesitation:

“Of course there is, but the scale is larger than the pier, it is a seaport.”

Xu Yun’s mouth twitched a few times:


Is this the rich woman?

Then he took a deep breath, tried to straighten the expression on his face, and said to Avelyn:

“In that case, student Avelyn, can you do me another favor?”

Avelyn lowered her eyes, the expression on her face couldn’t tell her thoughts:

“What’s busy?”

Xu Yun approached her and whispered a few words.

As Avelyn listened, a wave of surprise gradually appeared in her eyes.

The degree of this fluctuation is even more intense than when Xu Yun told her to give those dogmatic people a fatal blow.

Wait for Xu Yun to finish speaking.

Avelyn was silent for a full minute before raising her head again:

“Okay, I promise you.”

Xu Yun felt relieved when he said this.

With Avelyn on board, some things must be much easier to deal with.

Just like this, the favor owed to Avelyn is getting bigger and bigger

After chatting with Avelyn about these matters, Xu Yun left the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In the next time.

Xu Yun, Avelyn, Lao Tang, Mai, Babbage, Gauss…and all members of Gewushe are completing their tasks as required.

The World’s Fair in London was also a great success as in the original timeline.

Tens of thousands of tourists visit the museum almost every day, and the royal family’s prestige has reached a new height.

Qiying is also docked steadily by the Thames River. From the depth of the draft, it can be seen that the treasures that were traded still remain in its belly.

The situation in the Crimean War fell into a stalemate. The two sides confronted each other outside Sevastopol, and there was no obvious result.

In addition to the papers on the photoelectric effect and cathode rays jointly published by Faraday and Gauss.

The whole year of 1850 is like Misaka Mikoto’s flat plate, without the slightest ups and downs.

June 25th.

June 29th.

July 17th.

August 23rd.

day day month month

More than four months passed in a flash.


The calendar is coming slowly

November 5, 1851.

This is the penultimate day of the closing of the World Expo, and it is also the

The day when Xu Yun was finishing the experiment.

That’s right!

Closing experiment.

According to the plan.

He will simultaneously complete the Michelson-Morley experiment, the electron interference diffraction experiment and

Calculate the orbit of the planet code-named X!

It was early in the morning.

Xu Yun got up from the bed, put on that windbreaker and the trench coat that was washed in advance and he was wearing when he came to this timeline.

Without disturbing Mai, she quietly walked out of the dormitory.

Cambridge University in winter is already covered in silver, and the eyes are full of confusion.


The leather boots inserted into the snow made a slight sound like frosting. Half a second later, a deep shoe print appeared on the snow.

Xu Yun wandered alone in Cambridge University.

Christian Academy

Trinity College

Magdalen College

Xu Yun’s footprints were left outside the teaching buildings of the college everywhere.

The statue of **** outside the Christian College is still holy and clean.

The oak tree beside the main road of Trinity College has not seen the change of time.

The stray cat in Magdalen College is still fast asleep.

Everything seems to be exactly the same as when Xu Yun first met.


At this time, it has been more than a year since he entered the instance.

“A year”

Xu Yun raised his head with emotion, and exhaled a foul breath.

The breath came into contact with the icy air, and soon a cloud of white smoke formed in front of him.

One year goes by so fast, it seems like everything happened yesterday.

Like in 2022, it is difficult for you to realize that a virus has actually been raging for nearly three years.

It’s also hard to realize that “Handbook of Conquering Another World” has been reported for nearly a year, and a certain fancier author has also been muttering about it for several months.

But again.

One year is also very slow, slow enough for a lot of things to happen, and a lot of people to know.

“This is the years.”

Xu Yun picked up a handful of snow from the ground and slowly crushed it.

If nothing else.

Tonight, he will complete the task and return to reality.

This is also the third time he will bid farewell to a certain era and people of a certain era.

Do not know why.

Xu Yun suddenly thought of a sentence he and Tian Hao said in the night of Pluto:

The meteorite exists for a short time, but when it enters the atmosphere, it does emit its own light.

From a certain point of view.

Xu Yun’s words mentioned what Tian Hao said, but why didn’t the meteorite refer to himself?

Now that his “life” in this world is coming to an end, so just

Go completely crazy once!

Then Xu Yun took another deep breath, turned around, and walked in another direction.

More than ten minutes later.

He came to the activity room where the Gewushe party was held.

As a result, as soon as he approached the house, he heard excited conversations coming from it:

“Where’s the screwdriver? Who has a screwdriver? Pass it to me, thank you!”

“Minos, let’s check again with the light arm, the upper caliper!”

“Later, we will move the board on the left first, then the base on the right, and move it out of the door horizontally.”

“Senior, you beat me.”

The conversation was noisy and noisy, so lively.

Xu Yun came outside the house, opened the door and entered.

I saw this moment.

In the room, more than a dozen members of the club were tinkering with a set of huge and delicate instruments, while Avelyn stood aside and watched them like a supervisor.

found Xu Yun appeared.

Everyone in the room stopped what they were doing and greeted him enthusiastically:

“Good morning, classmate Luo Feng!”

“Hello, Vice President!”

“Student Luo Feng, have you eaten yet?”

Xu Yun returned the salute one by one.

Then he came to Avelyn and glanced at the rich woman with a smile:

“Student Avelyn, why are you here so early? Didn’t you agree to meet again at ten o’clock in the morning?”

Evelyn shrugged and spread her arms towards him. Compared with when she first met, the girl’s expression was much more vivid:

“No way, as soon as the members heard that the equipment for tonight’s experiment would be moved today, they clamored to come to work early in the morning.”

“It’s a good thing you didn’t open a factory, otherwise, with your means, you might be able to fool others into working for you for free.”

Xu Yun blinked when he heard the words, but did not speak.

He actually wanted to tell Evelyn, what is the point of working for free?

In his later life, a certain group in Gansu even let employees borrow money to pay their wages.

True Gansu is not big, creating a myth.

Then Xu Yun pulled Avelyn outside the door, glanced around secretly, and said to her:

“Student Avelyn, have all the parts such as beryllium tubes and hollow solenoids been delivered?”

Aveline nodded, and reached out to pick off a leaf from Xu Yun’s collar:

“Well, it has been shipped to Dean Whewell, do you want to check it again?”

Xu Yun shook his head lightly:

“That’s not necessary.”

The two sets of experimental equipment he asked Avelyn to build had been fully produced half a month ago. Xu Yun had personally inspected it once, and there was no problem in terms of accuracy.

It’s just that compared with the Michelson interferometer, the additional equipment Xu Yun needs is very large, far exceeding the capacity of the activity room.

These devices had been placed in an off-campus warehouse before, so Xu Yun asked the above question.

While Xu Yun was simulating tonight’s procedure in his mind, Avelyn handed him another item wrapped in black cloth:

“By the way, you take this.”

Xu Yun took it, and pressed his thumb for a few seconds, raising his brows:

“Student Avelyn, are both things ready?”

Aveline put the backpack back on her body, lowered her eyelids and said:

“Well, I just finished work yesterday.”

“In addition, as you said, the relevant processes are divided into labor, and no one knows the real steps except me.”

Xu Yun carefully put away the items wrapped in black cloth, and let out a long breath:

“Thank you very much.”

He had asked Avelyn to make two things before, but according to his estimation, it would be very good to actually have a finished product.

It turned out that Avelyn was so powerful that she was stuck in time to make two things at the same time.

With these two things in hand.

It would be best if nothing happens next.

But if something unexpected happens, Xu Yun can at least have some ability to deal with it.

And across from him.

Looking at Xu Yun who breathed a sigh of relief, Avelyn was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked:

“Luo Feng, why do I feel that something is wrong with you recently?”

Xu Yun raised his head blankly:


Avelyn’s eyes stayed on the windbreaker he was wearing for a few seconds, and her brows were slightly frowned:

“I always feel that your behavior is a bit weird recently. At first I thought it was the agreement between you and Professor Gauss that brought you pressure, but I only discovered it recently.”

“These pressures don’t come from the outside world, but you seem to be trying to rush to do something all the time, as if someone is chasing you behind you.”

After speaking, Avelyn’s eyes fluctuated a few times, and before Xu Yun could speak, she asked abruptly:

“Luo Feng, you won’t be like Mr. Fat Fish. One day you will suddenly leave without saying goodbye, right?”

Xu Yun was startled for a moment.

Is this girl so sensitive?

If I remember correctly.

In the original copy of the Northern Song Dynasty, Xiao Zhao also said similar things to him on the Bo-2 flight to Bianjing.

Have to admit.

This is a sentence that can make people feel complicated in an instant. Even if Xu Yun is a human being, he doesn’t know how to answer it.

After regaining consciousness.

He subconsciously avoided Avelyn’s gaze, and said with a dry smile:

“Student Avelyn, you are thinking too much. How can I run away when I am a good person?”

“The ancestor of Fat Yu left without saying goodbye, because he met relatives on the road and was too late to say hello. Now I have no one to rely on, where can I go?”

Avelyn stared at him for a while, then nodded slowly:

“I think so.”

Xu Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

Then he bit the bullet again—the top scalp, and chatted briefly with Aveline for a while.

He quickly found an excuse and left the scene.

After leaving the activity room.

Xu Yun wandered around the campus again.

Visited Faraday, Gauss, Riemann, Stokes and others successively.

And time slowly walked round and round during the visits again and again.


Night falls.


In fact, I’m not just coded these today, but I’m afraid that you will say that I’m breaking the chapter, so I’ll save it and update it together tomorrow. Isn’t it very considerate?

(end of this chapter)

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