Into Unscientific

Chapter 339

Chapter 339 – Goodbye, 1850! (Four)

Chapter 339 Goodbye, 1850! (Four)


On the clearing.

Hearing the shouts from a distance, Xu Yun was shocked.

Good guy.

Planet X was discovered?

In just a second.

Countless thoughts flashed through Xu Yun’s mind:

Could it be a miscalculation?

Or have other unknown asteroids been screened out?

Like Eris, Makemake or even one of Sedna?


Gauss and Riemann really discovered the unknown ninth planet?

after all

This is a mystery that has not been discovered in 2022, or is still a controversial topic

The only evidence supporting the existence of this unknown planet in later generations is based on the trajectories of six stars, Sedna, 2004VN112, 2007TG422, 2010GB174, 2012VP113, and 2013RFS98. There may be such a gravitational source in the outer orbit of the solar system.

Because the eccentric orbits of these six planets are outrageous to the extreme, the probability of their natural formation is only 0.0007% in theory, and they are almost bound to be affected by external forces.

Just like most single dogs are generally left-handed, this external factor accounts for a large part of the reason.

But on the other hand.

Apart from these orbits, the astronomical community has no other evidence to support the existence of Planet X.

So up to the time when Xu Yun crossed, there were still many bigwigs who opposed this.

Like Kevin Napier of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

This is a big guy whose H factor is more than ten points higher than Xu Yun’s mentor Tian Liangwei. He has done a meta-analysis of some other stars and believes that the X planet does not actually exist.

There is also Samantha Lawler, an astronomer from the University of Regina in Canada, a bigwig who really relies on ability rather than buffs to gain a considerable status in the astronomy circle.

She is also a well-known dissenter.

It’s just that compared with these oppositions, there will be more bigwigs who hold the theory of the existence of planet X.

At the same time, many people are willing to believe that such a planet exists from the perspective of exploring the unknown.

It’s like eating a frog in a dry pot. At the end of the meal, you turn over the bottom of the pot, and you always look forward to turning over another piece of meat.

The most likely to crack the truth in future generations is the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile. This observatory launched an astronomical observation to explore Planet X in 2022, but conservatively, it will take ten years before the results are released.

No way, the same sentence:

The solar system is simply too big, and the planets themselves don’t emit visible light.

Stars are easy to find, but planets are hard to find

The result was unexpected.

In this winter of 1851, Gauss actually discovered that planet X?

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn’t bear it any longer, turned around and cast a questioning look at Prince Albert:

“Your Majesty Albert, look”

Although the royal family represented by Albert and the aristocratic class belong to a certain degree of community of interests, don’t forget that it was the same nobles who divided the power of the royal family back then:

1688 The Glorious Revolution broke out, and the rule of the bourgeois new aristocracy was established.

Britain has since changed to a constitutional monarchy, and the power of the royal family has been greatly reduced.

Therefore, seeing that the etheric theory supporting the aristocratic system was shattered by Xu Yun, Prince Albert was actually a little secretly pleased.

Some even want to set off firecrackers and add another dish at night

Now seeing Xu Yun, the “hero” speaking, Prince Albert smiled and waved his hand:

“Go, I’ll go and see with you!”

So the group left those ether supporters who were still howling, and flocked to the analysis machine site in mighty force.

“Luo Feng!”

As soon as he approached the small shed where the analytical machine was located, Riemann rushed up excitedly:

“Found it, we found Planet X, now we only need the final retest results!!”

Looking at this oily man with an excited face, Xu Yun’s mood also fluctuated, and he hurried forward:

“Mr. Riemann, can you tell me what’s going on now?”

Riemann nodded heavily, and pulled Xu Yun to the analysis machine:

“First, we calculated the possible area where Planet X may exist at this time based on the orbit formula calculated by the teacher.”

“According to the azimuth angle of southeast, northwest, it should be in the southwest of our heads at this time.”

“Of course, this is just a relative position. In fact, its coordinates are still based on the ecliptic coordinates.”

Finished speaking.

Riemann pointed to the southwest sky.

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked, and there was a .

Total darkness.

This is actually quite normal.

After all, under the condition of clear weather and good atmospheric light transmittance, the dimmest star magnitude that an adult with normal eyesight can see is around +6.

In addition to the superpowers that can be seen in the comment areas of major websites, the farthest planet that ordinary people can see with naked eyes is Uranus.

No matter how far away Neptune and Pluto are, you must use a telescope to see them.

Pluto is like this, let alone the possible existence of Planet X-assuming that this planet does exist, its distance from the sun is about three times that of Pluto.

Then Liman paused and continued:

“After determining the approximate orientation, the teacher calculated its orbital inclination to be about 4.231 degrees, so we excluded the observation records of non-target areas.”

“A total of 3458 observation records were finally used for calculation.”

Xu Yun followed suit and nodded.

As mentioned above.

Assuming that planet X really exists, it must be orbiting outside the solar system, and its revolution period will be very long.

Take, for example, the aforementioned Sedna.

Sedna is about 88 astronomical units away from the sun. Guess how long it takes to make a revolution?

The answer is 11400.

That is to say, Sedna has completed a circle, and Zhizunbao’s love for Fairy Zixia has expired, and it still owes more than 1,400 years.

So for Sedna, Planet X.

In a few years, on the scale of the universe, they can almost be said to be relatively static.

This is also the reason why the astronomical community thinks that planet X may be a black hole the size of an orange—because the tmd thing doesn’t move.


The universe is just too big.

If the sun is reduced to a sand with a diameter of 1 mm, Jupiter will become the size of an egg, and other planets will not be visible to the naked eye at all.

The earth is about 10 centimeters away from the sun, while other celestial bodies, such as Pluto, are about 4 meters away from the sun.

The range between 3 and 5 meters from the sun is the Kuiper belt, which is filled with hundreds of millions of small frozen celestial bodies.

A place more than 10 meters away from the sun is the heliopause, like a bubble, which is the farthest that the solar wind can blow.

The huge range from 200 meters to 10 kilometers from the sun is the Oort Nebula, the real boundary of the solar system.

The complete solar system is such a sphere centered on the sun, the sand, with a radius of more than ten kilometers.

Starting from Uranus, the brilliance of the sun has begun to be out of reach, and from then on, the celestial bodies in the solar system have a deadly cold:

The atmospheric temperature of Uranus reaches -224°C, Neptune and Pluto can even reach -240°C…

The wind with a speed of 2100km/h rages on Neptune day and night, and Pluto is even full of methane pebbles…

If there are living things in these places, the warmth of the moonlight on the earth can kill them…

Launched in 2006, the New Horizons probe arrived near Pluto in 2015 after 9 years, and took the first high-definition photo of Pluto in human history.

At that time, Pluto was about 32.9 AU from the sun.

The above is the territory of the solar system that most people are familiar with.

Launched in 1977, Voyager 1, the man-made object farthest away from the earth, has left the earth 141AU, which is about 21.1 billion kilometers, and will rush out of the heliopause and enter the interstellar medium.

Some troublesome media often hype that travelers have “leaved the solar system”, which is actually a play on words.

It’s like driving off the highway entrance of a city, but nowhere near the city’s borough line.

So Voyager did not fly out of the solar system.


Voyager 1, which flies at a speed of 17 kilometers per second, will take another 30,000 years to leave the solar system.

This is also the reason why the Trisolarans will take hundreds of years to reach the earth, and more than half of them will be killed or injured along the way—for a creature with the size of a molecule to travel 20 kilometers, it is a life-threatening rush.

Of course.

Speaking of Voyager 1, here is a question that many students have been curious about by the way:

Why can Voyager 1 fly for so long?

In fact, this question is divided into two parts for discussion:

Communication power and flight power.

The battery used by Voyager 1 is a radioisotope thermoelectric generator, that is, three plutonium radioisotope thermoelectric generators as a power source, which can provide a power of 420 watts.

But that’s just power for communication, for sending out radio signals.

The strength of the radio signal will continue to attenuate as the transmission distance increases.

When the signal transmitted by Voyager 1 is transmitted to the ground, the power attenuation is only 10^-22 watts.

Not only the transmission power is extremely low, but the transmission speed is also very slow, only about 1.4kb/s.

In order to detect and receive such tiny signals, NASA built the Deep Space Network DSN to receive the data returned by Voyager 1.

Currently, Voyager 1’s communication power is approaching its limit, and it will be unable to transmit back information in about 2025, and it will completely lose contact.

Next, let’s talk about flight power.

This question is very simple, and there is only one answer:

Voyager 1 does not require a long-term flight power source.

Because it was accelerated by the gravitational slingshot of Jupiter and Saturn.

Students who are not mad at high school physics teachers should know.

In our solar system, there are three speed concepts:

First cosmic velocity.

Second cosmic velocity.

and the third cosmic velocity.

When the Voyager 1 leaves the earth, the rocket has no ability to accelerate them to the third cosmic velocity.

The rocket only allows them to reach the second cosmic speed, so that they can escape the shackles of the earth’s gravity and fly to the solar system outside the earth’s orbit.

While Voyager 1 was flying, both Jupiter and Saturn moved to the same side of the sun.

So it is accelerated by the gravitational slingshot, and reaches the third cosmic speed, that is, the speed of escaping from the solar system.

after that.

It does not need any long-term power source, it can always fly out.

Useless knowledge added. JPG.

Okay, the topic returns to reality.

In summary.

Planet X may exist near the Oort Nebula.

For such a distant location, at least in the observation records of the past year, it is impossible for it to leave the area delineated by Gauss.

Therefore, Riemann and others can decisively discard the observation records of other areas and analyze the data of the target area separately.

“The next thing is very simple.”

After coming to the operating table of the analysis machine, Riemann took a document from the table and said to Xu Yun:

“With the assistance of Mr. Cauchy and the others, we quickly converted the data to the true anterior point, and determined more than 2,000 values.”

Xu Yun took the document and read it carefully.

Since Gauss spent an hour to calculate Ceres with the least square method, the scientific community has come to a new stage of understanding of planetary orbits:

The orbital elements themselves are also a function of time, and the 6 independent orbital elements can be divided into two groups.

The position of the planet in the orbital coordinate system is also deduced from this, that is:

↑S={O}a(cosE-e), {O}a(1-e)^(1/2)sinE.

Among them, E is the partial anomaly angle, and the relationship with the true anomaly angle Θ is:


This is also one of the mathematical supports used by later generations of teams looking for Planet X or other asteroids.

Although the values converted by Riemann and Cauchy are not as intuitive as later generations, they still show a strong mathematical fit.

Anyway, for these big guys, one more root and one less root, the difficulty of calculation is actually the same.

Hey, this sentence seems to be applicable to many math idiots in later generations

cough cough

Then Riemann pointed to the analysis machine not far away. At this time, Gauss, Cauchy and others were lying in front of the screen, doing the final verification:

“Later, the Countess stepped in to input these data into the analysis machine, and finally screened out more than 30 sets of suspected coordinates.”

“We checked these coordinates carefully, and finally determined three sets of observation records at different times.”

“Next, as long as it is confirmed that these three sets of data conform to the same star attribute, then we can be sure that we have found Planet X.”

Xu Yun went through these processes in his mind.

After confirming that there were no problems with the process and thinking, the sense of expectation and confidence in my heart increased a little bit.

After all, in this star-seeking experiment, they have a big killer in their hands, which is the orbital equation of planet X derived by Gauss.

This is something that later generations will not be able to deduce.

Then Xu Yun and Riemann stood by the analysis machine, waiting for the final result.

About ten minutes later.


Gauss put down the pen and paper, and raised his head at the same time as Cauchy and others.

Xu Yun saw that he hurried forward:

“Professor Gauss, how is the verification result?”

Gauss exchanged glances with Cauchy who was beside him, held the feet of the glasses with both hands, and slowly took them off.

I saw the prince of mathematics gently rubbing the bridge of his nose, and a word suddenly came out of his mouth:

“God King.”

A question mark appeared on Xu Yun’s face:


Then without waiting for Xu Yun to speak, Gauss looked at him:

“Luo Feng, what do you think of the name Shenwangxing?”

Xu Yun was stunned for two seconds. After recovering, his eyes widened:

“Professor, you mean”

Gauss was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and his fingers holding the glasses trembled slightly:

“That’s right, according to the re-inspection, we found an object about 200 AU away from the earth, with a mass about ten times that of the earth, and an orbital period of about 17,000 years.”

“A whole new planet.”

Gauss just finished speaking.

In front of Xu Yun, a light curtain appeared without warning:


【The regular task of the Wallfacer dungeon has been completed, and it will return to reality in four hours. 】

【Countdown 144001439914398】


Less word count today and take a break

In addition, today 918, everyone, don’t forget the national humiliation, this account must not be forgotten.

(end of this chapter)

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