Into Unscientific

Chapter 343

Chapter 343 – End Of Copy (15,000 Words)

Chapter 343 copy ends (15,000 words)


In dim light.

Xu Yun held a submachine gun in his hand and walked carefully on the snow in Cambridge University.

That’s right.

Submachine gun.

Compared to body armor, this is one of the two major weapons he asked Avelyn to create!

Throughout the whole dungeon, Xu Yun’s mentality can be roughly divided into two stages.

The first stage is before and after the meeting between Xu Yun and Liszt. The enemy has not yet appeared, and the situation is relatively not that bad.

Xu Yun was only wary of what happened to him lying in the pit when he woke up, so he kept back.

That is, the production of body armor does not actually have a clear purpose. It is mainly for “self-protection” and may not be used.

But after Lao Tang brought the news that the body of the Oriental was found in Scotland that day, Xu Yun suddenly discovered a problem:

Simple “defense”.

doesn’t seem to be enough.

If there are some enemies around you, you must have the power to fight back.

This is the second stage of mentality.

So he asked Avelyn to build such a youthful submachine gun.

Mentioned earlier.

What really determines the prototype of modern firearms is not a specific gun type, but the design idea of breech-loading gun + polygonal rifling. The two are a causal relationship.

Because of these design ideas, there will be a variety of gun types.

Especially polygonal rifling.

This is an epoch-making barrier-level technological breakthrough.

However, this kind of era barrier is relatively speaking, at least in front of Xu Yun, a traverser, it is much less difficult to break through.

In his previous life, after graduating from the University of Science and Technology, Xu Yun entered a certain research institute under Cheng Fei, which was the company that was engaged in Shiye.

However, Xu Yun is not engaged in military aircraft, but a theoretical research in a non-military field—otherwise, students who are rarely seen will not be able to read this book.

Although the work does not involve the military.

There are some semi-public, unclassified, decades-old firearm design drawings and data that can’t be reported for half a million.

It is not difficult for Xu Yun to get it.

Of course.

Due to non-professionals.

What Xu Yun kept in his mind was some basic data on the rifle’s rifling, at most he could figure out the weapon used by Zhang San in the copy of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Other data that can make modern firearms, even he can’t remember.

But that’s okay.

Smart students should remember one thing:

Xu Yun still had a useless reward after completing the first ring task

That’s right!

is the reward for temporarily returning to reality for three days.

On the second day when he learned that the corpse of an Oriental was found in Scotland, Xu Yun activated this reward and returned to reality to collect some information.

This is also the reason why he repeatedly told Avelyn not to disclose any information, and he was extremely cautious:

Different from body armor designs.

It would be a lot of fun if the blueprints he got back were leaked.

After Aveline’s group processing, this youthful version of the submachine gun that surpassed the times finally officially appeared on the stage in 1851.

And as soon as he made a move, he saved the life of a heavyweight like Albert.

The design idea of this submachine gun comes from MP-18, and it is also recognized as the world’s first reliable submachine gun.

The background of its birth was World War I, that is, the beginning of the 20th century.

All veterans who participated in World War I should remember it.

At the time of World War I, people were still pulling big bolts in the trenches to shoot at each other.

This long trench has greatly restricted the attack speed of the armies of various countries, and wars often fall into a stalemate.

So, all countries are trying to break this deadlock.

The gun in the soldier’s hand is just another key factor. At that time, soldiers usually used long bolt-action rifles.

The speed of fire is slow, and those who shoot once with one pull will suffer a lot after rushing into the trenches.

The end of 1915.

The Germans believed that it was imperative to develop a weapon with a high rate of fire that could engage fire within the last 200 meters.

And this weapon is a submachine gun.

on the battle field.

When you rush to the opponent at close range, the range and accuracy of your bolt-action rifle are meaningless.

These advantages cannot be brought into play, what is needed at this distance is the rate of fire.

Therefore, the development of a short, fast-firing weapon has great advantages in trenches and close-range firefights.

Finally in 1917, Hugo Schmeisser developed a submachine gun.

is the famous MP-18 submachine gun.

It is also the flower mechanism that military fans of later generations are very familiar with.

This submachine gun is over 80 centimeters long, uses 9x19mm Luger pistol ammunition, and uses a 32-round snail-shaped drum for ammunition.

Rate of fire 400 rounds per minute.

However, the real special feature of this submachine gun is not only that it is the “first” submachine gun, but also the key is its magic modification:

The famous Hanyang Factory changed the MP-18 once.

Hanyang factory designed a 7.65mm caliber bullet with a simpler cost, and replaced the 32-round snail-shaped drum of the prototype gun with a 30-round straight magazine.

Back then, the security organs of our Red Army were equipped with this kind of “flower organs” after the magic reform.

In the battle of Dadu River.

The first wave of 17 warriors in the 1st regiment of our 1st Legion is also equipped with a “shell gun” and a “flower mechanism”.

Led by the company commander Xiong Shanglin, they conquered the defense fortifications on the opposite bank with the powerful output firepower of the “flower mechanism” and “shell gun”, and urged the large troops to successfully cross the Dadu River.

This is why Xu Yun took aim at it:


The design drawings of the Chinese version can be found directly in the database.


The production process of the Hanyang factory in 1926 was actually at the same level as that of the top British factory in 1851, or even slightly lower.

After you have the drawings.

Xu Yun made some minor changes to the gun, but if you say it, you may be invited to drink tea.

It took ten months to finally develop such a submachine gun.

Of course.

Even if the submachine gun is designed, the shooting process is not easy.

Fortunately, Xu Yun has played with a lot of live ammunition in his previous life. Not to mention how advanced the technique of pressing guns is, at least he has a certain understanding of the recoil force. Unfortunately, most of the domestic shooting ranges are air bombs or pistols, which are still not enjoyable enough to play. huge expensive.

Of course.

The more critical point is that

Comrade Smirnov, who felt that he had a great advantage, called all the members of the night raid out the door, and was about to come and ride the dragon on his face.

In such a situation where there are people outside the door, even a newbie who has never played with a gun can hit a bunch of targets.

Right now.

Xu Yun extravagantly removed a magazine with eight bullets left, and reinstalled another magazine with 30 bullets. (I explained it in the last book, and I will explain it again here. The clip is not a typo, just like some people like to read the dan curtain as the tan curtain. I like to type the magazine into a clip, which is a personal habit)

Then he looked at the light curtain in front of him again, and saw a countdown displayed on it:


Calculate the time.

Well, there are probably a little over two hours left.

The remaining time limit given by the halo before is 14400 seconds, which is four hours.

Xu Yun wasted a lot of time on the naming and searching of the Shenwang planet, plus the time spent before and after the attack, time-consuming is not a problem.

Then he continued to hold the gun and walked forward.

This time his destination is very clear, which is—

The church on the campus of Trinity College.

When analyzing Avelyn’s whereabouts just now, Xu Yun vaguely felt that he had found some ideas, but was forced to break up by the real emergency.

He can only be sure that Avelyn’s departure was not coerced or separated, but disappeared on her own initiative.

Now want to come

After learning of the attack.

There is one and only one reason or goal that can prompt Avelyn to leave the scene.

That is.


That is the little thief girl that Xu Yun met the next day after attending the interview at the Apostle Club, brought back by Avelyn and Lao Tang.

Avelyn was obviously worried about Sylph’s safety, so she left the experiment site without looking back.

As for why not tell Xu Yun.

Maybe because of tacit understanding?

After all, others may not understand, but Avelyn knows Xu Yun’s hole cards clearly.

It’s useless for her to stay on the scene as a girl. Instead of dragging Xu Yun down here, it’s better to take advantage of the location and protect Sylve first.

As long as Xu Yun has dealt with the surrounding situation, he will naturally think of her whereabouts.

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn’t help shaking his head slightly.

This girl believes in herself too much, right?

all in all.

Aveline and Sylph are the two of the three that Xu Yun is looking for this time.

Then he took a deep breath and continued to quicken his pace.

The Trinity College Chapel is located a little far from the auditorium, due north of Trinity College.

In addition, it is not convenient to walk on the snowy ground. It took Xu Yun nearly fifteen minutes before he arrived at the door of the church.

In terms of floor area, this church is a little smaller than ordinary churches that are common in small counties in later generations.

The common churches in later generations can basically accommodate 200-300 people, and there is no problem in accommodating 500 people at Christmas.

The total number of students currently studying in Trinity College is only more than 300, so the size of the church in the courtyard is naturally not too large.

There are no Romanesque marble columns, or gorgeous stained glass paintings.

Except for the cross at the top.

This church looks like a small attic with a garden.

But despite its ordinary appearance, the name of this church in Trinity College is quite special, called ‘Eli’.

Its name comes from the last words of the Holy Son before death, transliterated as:

【Eli, Eli, Ramasabathani】.

This sentence means [My God, my God, why have you forsaken me].

represents the Holy Son who gave up his life to save the world.

But Xu Yun frowned slightly.

Although today is not Sunday, besides the priest, there should be three priests and seven or eight Sunday school orphans like Sylph in the church.

Can be at this moment.

This church is a bit too


No lights.

There is no human voice or sound.

Was it the priest who evacuated with the children after hearing gunshots?

Or did Avelyn inform them?

With this thought.


Xu Yun slowly pushed open the fence of the church.

The construction of Eli Church can be traced back to three hundred years ago, which is almost the same time as the British Protestantism separated from Catholicism.

Therefore, traces of time can be seen everywhere in the building area.

The layout of the church is very simple, with a main building and a secondary building.

The main building is divided into worship areas, reading rooms, choir practice rooms, Sunday school classrooms—well, there are no confessionals in Protestants.

The first floor of the small building is the rest room for orphans, and the second floor is the bedroom of the clergy and functional areas such as storage rooms.


After entering the worship area.

Xu Yun pressed the light switch on the wall, and the vision in the room suddenly brightened.


Still no one.

But soon.

Xu Yun noticed a situation:

The chairs near the aisle on the right are a bit messy, as if they have been touched by fast-passing people, and they are not as flat as the left.

at the same time.

There are some more on the ground.


As mentioned earlier, today is not a Sunday, and the worship area is closed.

Even the clergy should not be walking around the worship area—they either go to the choir practice room at the back, or they go to the reading room to read the scriptures.

That is to say

Not long ago, outsiders appeared here.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun followed the footsteps and walked forward.

Perhaps due to the limited amount of snow that can be carried, the footprints seem intermittent and increasingly blurred.

After a short walk.

The only clues that Xu Yun can follow are some small snow spots.

The direction these snow spots lead to is impressively

Annex building.

Xu Yun came to the auxiliary building without hesitation, thought for a moment, and said:

“Hello, is anyone around?”

Although there are some traces of human passing through the fence at the entrance and the aisle of the worship area, the damage is not large, and there are no bullet marks from gunshots.

In addition, the footprints were obviously left by one person, so Xu Yun simply took the initiative to speak out.


There is still no response from the auxiliary building.

Xu Yun frowned when he saw this, and walked to the dormitory of the orphans.

The dormitory for orphans is divided into three small rooms, and each small room accommodates three people.

In the past few days, Xu Yun and Avelyn have visited Sylph a few times, and they know that this little girl lives in the second room from the left.

At this time, the door of this room was half-closed, Xu Yun pushed it open, but the inside was still empty.

Xu Yun went into the room and checked.

No obvious signs of damage were found in the house, but he noticed that there was an open “Bible” on one of the tables.

This kind of ‘disrespect’ behavior should be rare in Sunday schools.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun couldn’t help touching his chin, guessing:

“In other words, Sylph and the others should have evacuated?”

And just when Xu Yun’s thumb touched half of his chin, there was a sudden sound outside the room.

Xu Yun quickly clenched the handle of the gun, and was about to hide in the corner to observe the situation, when a familiar shout sounded in his ear:

“Sylph! Sylph! Are you here?”

This is

Aveline’s voice!

Xu Yun followed the trend and looked out the window.

as predicted.

I saw Evelyn standing at the exit of the main building, shouting Sylph’s name, and walking towards the auxiliary building.

Xu Yun’s chest relaxed, and a figure flashed out from the room, waving at her:

“Hi, classmate Avelyn!”

Xu Yun’s ‘surprise attack’ caused Avelyn’s figure to pause subconsciously, but within a second, the girl came back to her senses.

I saw her speeding up her pace, trotting to Xu Yun’s side, and said anxiously:

“Luo Feng, Sylph is gone!”


A question mark appeared on Xu Yun’s face.

Sylph is missing?

Then where did Avelyn go just now?

Seeing Xu Yun’s bewildered face, Avelyn quickly recovered her breath and explained aloud:

“Luo Feng, the first time the gun rang out, I thought of Sylph and the others being in danger in the church.”

“I was just afraid that you would stop me from going, so I left without saying hello—I know that you will definitely come here after you have taken care of your Majesty’s affairs.”

“The church is located in the opposite direction of the attackers. Even if they scatter on a large scale, I still have enough time to notify Father Niang of the church to arrange for the children to evacuate.”


Saying that, Avelyn led Xu Yun to the other side of the annex building that he hadn’t searched yet, pointed to a pile of footprints on the ground and said:

“Look, when I came to the church, Father Niang and the others had already left first.”

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment.

Church people evacuated so soon?

Then Evelyn raised her head, looked into the distance, her eyes were a little subtle, and continued:

“So I followed the trail, and in the end, where do you think the priest and the others went?”

Xu Yun shook his head:

“do not know.”

Aveline stretched out her slender fingers, pointed in the direction where the footprints extended, and looked at him seriously:

“Think again, what buildings are there?”

Xu Yun blinked and followed Aveline’s fingers.

After a few seconds.

Suddenly a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and a place blurted out:

“That direction. Could it be the activity room of Gewushe?”

Aveline gently stroked her hair, which was messed up by the rush, and sighed:

“That’s right, it’s the activity room of Gewushe.”

“You know, except you and Mr. Thomson, the only people who have the key to the gate of Gewushe are left”

Xu Yun was silent for a moment:

“and then?”

Avelyn raised her eyelids and glanced at him, with a hint of worry in her tone:

“Father Niang and the others are all well. It is said that the first time the gunshot was fired, a man in a black cloak told them to evacuate to the activity room immediately outside the church.”

“At that time, the children were building a snowman outside the church. Father Niang only found seven children at that time, but Sylph was missing.”

“That’s why I rushed back to the church after I found them, Luo Feng, do you think she will?”

Xu Yun quickly reached out to stop her wild thoughts:

“Don’t worry, Sylph will be fine, let’s look for it again.”

Aveline hummed hesitantly.

Although the probability that Sylph is still in the annex building is very low.

But considering some extreme situations, Xu Yun decided to go to the second floor with Avelyn to check it out.

There are five rooms on the second floor, which are the bedrooms of Father Niang and three other priests, as well as a locker.

ten minutes later.

Xu Yun and Avelyn met again at the stairs on the second floor.

They looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

They did not find Sylph in any of the five houses, which meant that there was no possibility of being kidnapped or killed in this building.

Looking at Avelyn who was flustered, Xu Yun took the initiative to pat her on the shoulder and comforted her:

“Calm down, classmate Avelyn, let’s go downstairs and take a look at the surrounding snow.”

“Sylph has been in the den of thieves for many years, and sometimes she is smarter than an adult. Maybe she ran away and hid herself when she saw something bad.”

Aveline was silent for a moment, then nodded slightly:

“I hope so.”

Then Xu Yun walked in front, and Avelyn followed behind him.

The two walked downstairs again.

The width of the stairs in this annex building is only about one meter. It is located on the far left side of the attic. It is creaking when walking, and the view from the exit is also very narrow.

The two just left the corridor.

Suddenly, there was a huge drag force from Xu Yun’s shoulder, and he was staggered unpreparedly.

When he recovered.

His left waist and temple on the top of his head have already sent two solid tube-shaped hard objects.

This is


Then there was a voice that Xu Yun was no stranger to:

“Good evening, classmate Luo Feng.”

Xu Yun’s pupils shrank suddenly.

at the same time.

Another figure quickly pointed a gun at Avelyn, and shouted in a cold voice:

“Don’t bark! Otherwise we will kill this Oriental!”

Half a minute later.

Xu Yun’s body armor and submachine guns were all removed.

He and Avelyn were tied with ropes and stood side by side at the stairs.

In front of the two stood three familiar figures:

Harvey Clement, Tian Caiming, and Shi Yuanbiao, a man with a scarred face.

At this time, Tian Caiming and Shi Yuanbiao were holding a revolver in their hands, while Harvey Clement looked at the submachine gun playfully:

“Tsk tsk, is this the magic weapon that helped His Majesty turn the tables tonight? It’s a wonderful workmanship, Luo Feng.”

Xu Yun twisted his body a few times, protected Avelyn behind him, and forced himself to remain as calm as possible:

“Several, what exactly do you want to do?”

at the same time.

His mind turned rapidly.

Clement and the others didn’t directly shoot black guns to kill themselves and Avelyn. Obviously, it couldn’t be because the villain’s aura played a role, and there must be other reasons.

Either they want to make money.

Either it is a technology that wants the “fat fish” to stay.

Or something else.

Of course.

There is also the unlikely possibility of being a hostage.

“What do you want to do?”

Hearing Xu Yun’s words, Harvey Clement raised his eyebrows slightly, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He suddenly took out a revolver from his body, and shot Xu Yun in the leg without warning.


A blood flower suddenly bloomed from Xu Yun’s left ankle.

Xu Yun’s body trembled subconsciously.

After a while.

A sharp pain came from the ankle.

Xu Yun felt as if his ankle was being burned, and the stinging pain carried a feeling of being bitten by countless ants.

He curled up on the ground, even though the cold wind was biting at this time, countless fine beads of sweat still appeared on his back and forehead, panting frantically:

“Hoo Hoo. Hoo.”

See this scenario.

Avelyn couldn’t help but screamed, and threw herself to Xu Yun’s side regardless of her hands being tied:

“Luo Feng!”

Xu Yun bit his lip tightly, feeling his whole body trembling, and cast a ‘don’t panic’ look at Avelyn with all his strength.

One thing he remembers clearly:

After returning to reality from the calf copy, although he still wears the clothes and shoes of 1665.

But both the hair and the wounds from chopping firewood on the feet returned to their original appearance at the same time.

So if nothing else.

Even if it was his gunshot wound at this time, the halo could heal it as usual.

What he needs to worry about now is not himself, but


“Mr. Clement!”

Just as Xu Yun gritted his teeth and endured, Tian Caiming who was beside him suddenly spoke, with a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone:

“Mr. Clement, what are you doing? We didn’t arrange this link in advance!”

“Sorry, Mr. Tian.”

Clement shrugged his shoulders, put the pistol back on his body, and gave Xu Yun a vicious look:

“It was this oriental man who caused my father to faint at the expo. He punched me at the dinner of the Apostles Club earlier, and shot him without holding back for a while.”

“Mr. Tian, leave him to you now, and I will not do any other outrageous actions.”

Tian Caiming cast a warning look at Clement, then looked straight at Xu Yun, and said straight to the point:

“Luo Feng, because you and I are from the East, I would like to remind you, if you two want to survive, you should hand over that thing quickly.”


Hear the word.

Rao was shot at Xu Yun’s foot at this time, and the pain continued, and he couldn’t help feeling an urge to laugh.

How about teasing a three-year-old?

The appearance of the three Clements here clearly explained one thing:

They must have something to do with this attack.

Even more bluntly.

This attack was launched by Tsarist Russia, Scotland, and the Whig Party.

in this case.

Tian Caiming might let them live and report to Prince Albert?


It can only be said that Tian Caiming obviously used this routine too much on weekdays, and in the current situation, he accidentally broke it out.

But if you know it, you know it, and Xu Yun didn’t try to expose the lie—it’s a desperate situation now, but it’s better to be false than to tear yourself apart.

I saw him baring his teeth, showing pain on his face, and asked Tian Caiming:

“Mr. Tian, I don’t know what you are referring to?”

Tian Caiming shook his head lightly, with an expression of “Why are you doing this?”:

“Student Luo Feng, don’t pretend to be stupid now.”

“The statement of President Thomson can only fool the inspector, but not us.”

“There are quite a few of our people in the Cold Creek camp at the border post-we checked it out a long time ago, and you never lived in Douglas at all.”

“You are actually the carriage on the way, am I right, Mister ‘Guide’?”

While talking, Tian Caiming shook the revolver in his hand, and continued:

“If my predictions are correct, you guides and another team sent by Prince Zheng were motivated by money, and internal strife broke out on the road.”

“The man who survived in the end brought that thing into London, trying to fish in troubled waters with London’s population of millions.”

“But he doesn’t know that you are not dead, and you took that thing in your hand before we found him”

“The matter has come to this, student Luo Feng, if you don’t want to suffer anymore, you should hand over your things quickly.”

Said the last.

Tian Caiming squeezed an orchid finger with his free hand, showing a hint of femininity.

Xu Yun quickly ran through Tian Caiming’s words in his mind, looked at Tian Caiming, who was smiling but with a trace of ruthlessness hidden deep in his eyes, hesitated for a moment, and then said:

“It’s on me, in the left pocket.”

Tian Caiming was overjoyed when he heard the words:


Xu Yun nodded.

Seeing this, Tian Caiming handed the revolver to Clement and asked him to stare at Xu Yun, and went to Xu Yun himself and turned over his windbreaker pocket.

after awhile.

Tian Caiming took out from Xu Yun’s left pocket a small wooden box with exquisite carvings and obvious oriental characteristics.

I saw him fiddle with the small box a few times, pinched the lock on the box and asked:

“Where’s the key?”

Xu Yun shook his head:

“I didn’t have the key when I got it. Anyway, with your means, it is not difficult to break the lock.”

Tian Caiming pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly, as if agreeing with Xu Yun’s statement.

Then he handed the small box to Shi Yuanbiao, and said in a low voice:

“Yuen Biao, hurry up and give it to that gentleman, and ask him to inspect the product.”

“If there is indeed that thing in the box, you should come back quickly and let me know, and I will get rid of these two people, so as not to have long nights and dreams.”

Shi Yuanbiao’s relatives and old friends are all in London, and with the power of the people behind them, Tian Caiming is not at all worried that Shi Yuanbiao will abscond with his treasure.

Shi Yuanbiao took the box carefully, and slapped his chest heavily:

“Don’t worry, Mr. Tian, I’ll send it to that adult right away!”

As he spoke, he turned and left the scene.

After Shi Yuanbiao left.

Xu Yun fixed his eyes on Tian Caiming.

If the other party is going to kill people now, then he can only take a risk and take out the last resort.

However, Tian Caiming didn’t seem to be in a hurry to send Xu Yun and Avelyn on the road immediately, but talked with Clement in a low voice.

Then he picked up the submachine gun on the ground again, aimed at the wall on the other side, and pulled the trigger.

Da da da-

One shuttle down.

Many bullet holes soon appeared on the wall.

Tian Caiming and Clement looked at each other, and both of them saw some inexplicable brilliance in each other’s eyes.

I saw Tian Caiming suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Yun, with a little excitement and trembling in his tone:

“Luo Feng, where is the design of this thing? Tell me quickly!”

Xu Yun was going to say some nonsense to delay the time, but when he glanced at the main building behind Tian Caiming and Clement, he shrank suddenly.

He quickly retracted his gaze, preventing Tian Caiming and the other two from discovering his abnormality, and at the same time changed his words:

“Mr. Tian, if I hand over the blueprints, can you let us go?”

Tian Caiming smiled and waved:

“What’s so difficult about this, I promise you, if you hand over the design of this thing, let the two of you leave immediately!”

“If you break this oath, Clement will be struck by lightning!”

Xu Yun nodded in ‘fear’ and said weakly:

“The design is here”

Tian Caiming and Clement got closer subconsciously.

However, before they hear Xu Yun’s words clearly.



There were two sharp pains from the back of his head, and he fell down one after another.

Then a figure quickly rushed to the throats of the two, holding a sharp knife, and cut their throats with two puffs.

The two died instantly.

Xu Yun watched this scene quietly, even though the blood splashed on his face, he didn’t care – counting the Northern Song Dynasty copy, this is already the third time he has been in contact with the death scene.

So at this time, Xu Yun was not panicked at all, and even had time to think about other things.

He suddenly thought of a detail of the first conversation with the other party:

After hearing his own voice, the opponent kicked away and moved away, and at the same time made a counterattack gesture.

At that time, I thought that the other party was just too introverted and sensitive, but now it seems

Everything was foreshadowed.

After a few seconds.

Xu Yun took a deep breath, looked at the young man holding a sharp knife in front of him, and said with emotion:

“Good evening, Brother Hao.”

Tian Hao came to Xu Yun in silence, ready to cut off the rope that bound Xu Yun, but was slightly startled when he was about to strike the knife:

“Brother Luo Feng, have you already let go of the rope?”

Seeing that Tian Haosuo was indeed planning to save his life, Xu Yun put away the lime in his hand without moving, and shook off the cut rope at the same time, saying:

“It’s just a trick.”

When he was in the auditorium earlier, the bulletproof vest on his body had been shot several times, and the ceramic insert had been broken into several pieces. (See the principle of ceramic body armor before)

These metal-filled piezoelectric ceramics are extremely sharp, and the fragments are comparable to knives, and can be extracted from the rear.

During the time of making promises with Tian Caiming and others.

Xu Yun relied on these ceramic pieces to cut the rope.

According to his original preparation.

He intends to wait for the right time to do a Lime Dafa, and then grab a gun to fight back.

But this plan looks cool, but the actual operation is very difficult.

And just when Xu Yun was hesitating whether to make a move, he suddenly saw Tian Haosuo who appeared at the entrance of the main building with a big stick on his waist.

Compared with the foreign aid Tian Haosuo, Lime’s fault tolerance rate is obviously lower.

So he created an opportunity to attract the energy of Tian Caiming and Clemente, making Tian Hao a sixth child.

After untying the rope.

Avelyn threw herself on Xu Yun:

“Luo Feng, are you okay!”

This girl, who seemed to have never known sorrow and joy, shed tears for the first time since Xu Yun got acquainted, and kept blaming herself:

“It’s all my fault, it’s all my fault that I was too anxious when I came, and didn’t notice that someone was following behind”

Xu Yun reached out to wipe away her tears, endured the pain in her ankle, and shook her head:

“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay, do you think I’m not living well? There’s no need to cry.”

“And there is one thing you said wrong. The person they are following is me, not you.”

Xu Yun’s words are indeed not comforting Avelyn.

From the remarks that Tian Caiming and others knew that they had reversed the situation with a submachine gun, it is not difficult to see that they must have been near the auditorium at that time.

Besides, they wanted to ask for ‘that thing’ from themselves, so naturally they couldn’t allow themselves to be killed—if they guessed right, those attackers must have been instructed to spare their lives.

Xu Yun’s oriental appearance is highly recognizable among a group of Europeans, and it is not difficult to meet this requirement.

After comforting Aveline,

Xu Yun turned his head to look at Tian Haosuo, a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes:

“Brother Hao, if my expectations are right.”

“The Cambridge patrolman who cooperated with the military insider to put the attackers into Cambridge should be you, right?”

Tian Haosuo was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Xu Yun sighed, but also did not speak.

Mentioned earlier.

It is actually very difficult logically for the attackers to sneak into Cambridge University tonight:

The inspection process is jointly carried out by the guards and the Cambridge rangers. It doesn’t mean that the attacker can be released by installing an insider. It is only possible to achieve this step if they both work together.

At the moment when he met Tian Haosuo, Xu Yun realized that he had overlooked one thing

One day a few months ago, Lao Tang once told him that Tian Hao applied for the part-time job of patrolman.

At that time, Xu Yun even took the initiative to push Tian Haosuo to let Lao Tang come to Bo Chaozhong to handle things. (see Chapter 308)

And if Tian Haosuo is the ghost

It is very simple for attackers to infiltrate the school:

They can arrive in the small town of Cambridge early and settle down in the town.

Weapons and other things entered the campus through Tian Hao’s patrol area in advance, and personnel mixed in at night

Think here.

Xu Yun couldn’t help looking at Tian Haosuo again, and asked puzzledly:

“In this case, Brother Hao, why did you save us? Or”

“Betray the person behind you?”

Tian Haosuo pursed his lips, remained silent for a long time, and let out a long sigh:

“Student Luo Feng, do you remember what you said to me a year ago?”

“At that time, I asked you whether there was destiny in the world. You used the example of meteors to refute me, telling me that even planets can emit light.”

“It’s hard for me to describe to you my mood when I heard this sentence, but since then, I have indeed fallen into a very tangled state—for example, I discovered Sylph, but I didn’t report it.”

“I have made excellent friends like you, Maxwell, and Mr. Thomson in school, as if I have really become a fulfilled college student.”

Talking and talking.

Tian Haosuo couldn’t help raising his head, and looked at the stars in the sky:

“It’s just that I still didn’t make up my mind at that time. Although some things have been procrastinating, I finally cooperated with them as required.”

“But when I saw tonight’s experiment, when I saw that you overthrew the seemingly impossible to negate the ether, and when I saw you and Professor Gauss discover the **** king. I suddenly figured it out.”

“Some things aren’t meant to be. I don’t have to be someone else’s marionette like my grandparents did, and end up dead—I can actually change some things, right?”

“Now the country in the east has been corrupted to the extreme, why should I work for them?”

Looking at Tian Haosuo whose eyes glowed with a coffin, Xu was silent for a moment, then nodded thoughtfully:

“So that’s it, I understand.”

Then he thought of something again, glanced at Avelyn beside him, and asked Tian Hao:

“Brother Hao, what did you do to Sylph?”

Tian Haosuo raised his chin in a certain direction, with a relaxed expression on his face:

“Don’t worry, she’s safe—I left her in your dormitory, and now the girl is eating bread.”

Xu Yun heaved a sigh of relief.

But soon, another curiosity emerged in his heart:

“By the way, Brother Hao, why did you take Sylph away?”

It is clear.

The person who appeared outside the church today to remind everyone to evacuate and take Sylve away was Tian Hao.

If Xu Yun remembers correctly.

At the Christmas dinner where everyone’s expectations were written down, Tian Hao, who met Sylph for the first time, behaved differently—he even lost his composure to the point of breaking a bowl.

Although his explanation at the time was careless, it now appears that it must be Sylve who really caused his gaffe.


Tian Haosuo gently wiped the **** dagger dry, and gave him a meaningful look:

“Of course it’s because of ‘that thing’.”

“That thing?”

Xu Yun was taken aback for a moment, a question mark appeared in his eyes, and asked:

“What the **** is that thing? What does it have to do with that girl Sylph?”

Tian Haosuo pondered for a moment, did not answer, but handed an item to Xu Yun.

At the moment of seeing this item.

Xu Yun’s pupils shrank:

“This is.”

In the blink of an eye, a guess quickly appeared in his mind:

“.I see, I understand!”

“Originally, that thing was on Sylph’s body, and Sylph was saved by me and Avelyn, so Tian Caiming and the others acquiesced that it fell into my hands?”

Tian Haosuo nodded, affirming:


Xu Yun looked at the items in his hand, and finally understood.

No wonder Tian Caiming and the others are so sure that they must know “that thing”.

According to what they call the “guide” status, I really should have snatched Sylve the first time I saw it.

While Xu Yun was in a trance, Tian Haosuo also had a curious thought in his mind:

“Brother Luo Feng, since you haven’t seen this thing, what’s in the box you gave Shi Yuanbiao?”

“That box?”

Hearing Tian Hao’s question, Xu Yun couldn’t help but smile slightly:

“A very interesting gift, I asked Avelyn to make it, it should surprise them.”

Finished speaking.

Xu Yun turned his head again, and glanced at Avelyn beside him.

At this time, Avelyn had stopped crying, but her eyes were still a little red.

Xu Yun was silent for a moment when he saw this, and deliberately let out an aha, the originally raised corners of his mouth became brighter.

Just in the depths of the smile, there was a trace of sadness that only he could understand.

He looked at Avelyn with a smile like this, pointed to his injured foot, and said to her carelessly:

“Student Avelyn, I’ve been shot and can’t walk now, how about this?”

“I’ll wait here first, you and brother Hao return to the auditorium, please Your Majesty arrange a stretcher or someone to pick me up.”

“After all, the assassination has just passed, and His Majesty must be surrounded by heavy guards. Brother Hao is also very soft-spoken. You can only see His Majesty when you go back with him.”

Xu Yun’s words are very reasonable, and there seems to be no problem.

Just don’t know why.

Looking at the cheerful Xu Yun, Avelyn suddenly had an inexplicable emotion in her heart.

She pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Xu Yun, and asked:

“What about you? Stay here alone?”

Xu Yun nodded, pointed at the submachine gun beside him and said:

“Don’t worry, I have it.”

Avelyn opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something.

But I don’t know how to speak.

See this scenario.

Xu Yun’s face turned serious immediately, pointing to his **** ankle, and said to her:

“Student Avelyn, if you don’t hurry up, I’m going to bleed to death.”

“No, you can’t die!”

Avelyn subconsciously uttered a sentence, and after regaining her senses, she quickly wiped the corners of her eyes and stood up quickly:

“I understand, I will do as you said, I will go to Hetian Hao to find someone now, you are here waiting for me to come back!”

Then Avelyn thought of something else.

She took out a silver silk scarf from her body, tied it tightly around Xu Yun’s ankle to stop the bleeding, and looked at him solemnly:

“Okay, wait for me to come back!”

Xu Yun pretended to lower his head and caressed the wound, and let out a muffled hum.

Aveline stood up, looked at Xu Yun for a long time, and then left the auxiliary building with Tian Haosuo.

It seems that he is still worried about Xu Yun’s situation.

After the figure disappeared from the main building for a few seconds, Avelyn turned around and stuck her head out again, and said seriously:

“You must wait for me to come back!”

Xu Yun waved to her.

After Aveline’s figure completely disappeared.

Xu Yun sighed, propped himself up and moved a few steps on the ground.

First, he took out a small bottle, several small packages with lead wires, and matches from his clothes.

Take the submachine gun again and split it into several parts.

Then he opened the vial containing nitro hydrochloric acid and poured it on the most critical parts.

Do these things well.

Xu Yun sat quietly where he was, took off the silver silk scarf around his ankles, and held it tightly in his hands.

Under the starry sky, Xu Yun silently watched the countdown of the light curtain.










Just when the countdown reaches 2.


Xu Yun slid the match and ignited the fuse with a burning time of about ten seconds.

One second later.

Xu Yun disappeared out of thin air.

The match falls from the sky and falls into the snow.

Another nearly ten seconds passed.


A violent explosion completely razed the small courtyard to the ground.

1850 copy, over.


The next chapter will describe a lot of information through deduction, and it will not be endless. It is recommended to eat it together.

(end of this chapter)

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