Into Unscientific

Chapter 347

Chapter 347 – Aveline Ah… (9.8K)

Chapter 347 Aveline (9.8K)

【Aveline Escue】.

The moment I saw this name.

Xu Yun’s heart thumped violently.


Looking at the name on the light curtain in front of him, fragments flashed in Xu Yun’s eyes.

“This is Avelyn, a classmate of Peter College. She is currently in the first year of postgraduate study, and she is also the Minister of Student Affairs at Cambridge University.”

“The full name of this classmate Avelyn is Avelyn Escue, and she is also the only descendant of the Escue family who has a blood relationship with Sir Newton.”

—This is the first meeting between the two.

“Mr. Luo Feng, why did you sign the IOU?”

—This was the first sentence Aveline said to him on the way to the dormitory.

“Then do you know that Mr. Volt only proposed the concept of Volt in 1769?”

“Look. I guessed right, you’re actually a genius, a real genius, right?”

“Because we are one of a kind.”

Every sentence that Avelyn said echoed in Xu Yun’s mind.

In the snow.


Avelyn unsuspectingly gave him a cow dung.

The last scene is before Xu Yun returns, Avelyn sticks her head out from the door and looks at him seriously:

“You must wait for me to come back!”


Xu Yun exhaled heavily.

I don’t know how the girl is doing after I leave?

While Xu Yun sighed in his heart.

The light curtain in front of him gradually revealed the whole picture.

【Aveline Escue】

【Initial Line】:

Dungeon characters without historical prototypes, the following content is only for ‘setting’ use.

Aveline Escu, female, 24 years old, is a graduate student.

In 1850, the only surviving descendant of Isaac Newton, a special student at Cambridge University, a wealthy woman.

[Duplicate line]:

Affected by Wallfacers.

After the ‘ether’ theory was negated by the Michelson-Morley experiment, the classical mathematical system underwent tremendous changes.

A large number of scholars, experts, and nobles tried to verify the mistakes and omissions of the Michelson-Morley experiment, but all ended in failure.

In just a few years.

More than ten senior professors of the classical system committed suicide or died of illness. A large number of scholars turned their attention to the crusade against the emerging scientific system, and the pressure of public opinion Avelyn faced was greatly reduced.


Seeing the words deduced by the halo, Xu Yun’s mood suddenly relaxed slightly.

The reason why he made the last few experiments in the dungeon was mainly to help Avelyn ‘repay’ those stressed fathers.

Now it seems

His plan apparently succeeded.

In 1850. Or in other words, since the birth of natural science, the scientific community has unified a kind of cognition:

There are laws behind the operation of all things.

Whether it is 1650 or 1850, or 2022 in later generations, this cognition has never changed.

So when there is a gap in the classical system, it is natural to use a brand new theoretical system to fill the gap.

In the process of filling, there will inevitably be collisions between the vested interests of the classical system and the supporters of the emerging schools.

Emerging schools will directly damage the pocketbooks and interests of those with classical vested interests.

In this way.

Those under pressure will naturally not have time to diss Avelyn.

Just like a common joke in later generations said:

A reporter asked an old farmer if he would like to donate to the Hope Project if he had 10,000 mu of land or 100 million cash, and the old farmer immediately said yes.

But when the reporter asked if he would donate a cow, the old farmer shook his head quickly—because he really had a cow.

Avelyn belongs to the kind of “10,000 mu of land” that has nothing to do with the pressure father. If there is nothing to do, she will be pulled out by the pressure father to make a dungeon to show her face.

And when the pressure Laozi’s own back garden caught fire and someone really robbed their cattle.

Naturally, no one will pay attention to Avelyn.

Then Xu Yun withdrew his thoughts and continued to follow the results of the deduction:

After the wallfacer ‘Luo Feng’ disappeared.

Aveline Escue was distraught, and built a tomb for her at the former residence of the Escue family. She lived alone for half a year before returning to Cambridge University.

Late 1851.

Avelyn used the death of the Duke of Wellington and the Earl of Elgin as an excuse to buy the treasures carried by the ship ‘Qiying’.


William Thomson graduated, and Avelyn took over as the president of Gewu Society of Cambridge University.


The war of one crow begins. (One crow and two crows in the copy broke out in the same year. For the sake of convenience, it was written as one crow, but in fact it only happened once)

Aveline acquired a large number of cultural relics as a descendant of Newton, and assisted William Whewell in establishing the Luofeng Museum of Cambridge University.

As of the end of the 19th century.

The museum has a collection of more than 56,000 pieces of oriental cultural relics, making it the largest collection of oriental cultural relics in the world outside of China.


Aveline and Darwin took the ship “Atdis” to the Eastern Continent, and the two parties parted ways in Guangzhou.


Aveline established the “Trinity Church” in Hujiao to treat and recruit local orphans, and intends to find the “Luo Feng” family ancestral hall.

but eventually failed due to insufficient information.

After that, Avelyn traveled to many places, under the protection of her identity as a British scholar and nun, she established the “Trinity School” to popularize scientific knowledge.


Aveline returned to Cambridge, England, and held a Christmas dinner with Thomson, Maxwell, Riemann and others as agreed, but left early due to excessive sadness during the banquet.


Aveline returned to the East, brought back a large amount of the latest scientific knowledge, and continued to build orphanages and small and medium-sized schools.


Britain and other countries once again invaded the East. Avelyn came forward to negotiate with the then commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, Vadsi, and avoided a large number of civilian casualties.


Aveline followed the instructions of ‘Luo Feng’ during her lifetime.

Packed more than ten volumes of “The Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook” in the same number of iron boxes and placed them in a three-hole cave dwelling in a certain area of Yan’an.

same year.

Avelyn’s physical condition began to deteriorate, and she returned to England by boat.

Early September.

The attending physician Sun Xudong said that Avelyn had at most ten days to live.

But Avelyn survived October with astonishing willpower, and finally passed away on November 5, 1905, the day of “Luo Feng” Memorial Day, in the Eli Church of Trinity College, Cambridge University.

Aveline was never married and never married at the age of 81.

After Aveline passed away.

His body was not held a state funeral in accordance with the will, but was buried in the former residence of the Ascu family in Woolsthorpe.


Cambridge University established Avelyn College, across the river from Luofeng College.


The manual “The Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook” was discovered by accident and played an extremely important role in the subsequent darkest hour.

September 1958.

Huaxia established Huaxia University of Science and Technology at the former site of the “Trinity School” in Yanjing, and set up a statue of Avelyn at the entrance of the campus to commemorate this great woman who promoted scientific knowledge in the feudal period.


After multi-party negotiation.

The Luo Feng Museum of Cambridge University returned some precious cultural relics, but more than 30,000 cultural relics still refused to be returned.

【Character evaluation】:

Lu Xun once said a word, flowers have a re-blooming day, and chapters have to be broken again, as long as the renewal is fast, the departing people may also meet again.


Looking at the results of Avelyn’s deduction in front of him, Xu Yun’s expression became more and more complicated.


It can be said like this.

Everything Avelyn did after Xu Yun’s return was related to ‘Luo Feng’.

For example, Qiying.

After learning about the treasures carried on the Qiying from William Whewell, Xu Yun immediately found Avelyn and proposed the idea of secretly accepting the treasures on the Qiying.

Afterwards, Avelyn really did as agreed.

Really “eating” the Qiying, keeping the cultural relics on it.

At the same time, in the following time, this girl has been collecting all kinds of oriental treasures and protecting them in the name of Luo Feng.

To know.

This is just a verbal request made by Xu Yun. He doesn’t even have the intention to use technology and interests to reach a deal like he did with the Liszt family.

That is, Avelyn has been paying money for an empty promise from the beginning to the end.

And the Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook.

This is the information that Xu Yun brought back when he returned to reality to get the MP18 data.

Although it is very primitive from the perspective of 2022, in the early days of the founding of the country, it does not know how many lives were saved.

It, together with the “Militia Training Course” and “Farmland Water Conservancy Manual”, is called the three sacred books, and it can be called a must-have artifact for travelers.

If it can be discovered in two to three years, it is destined to have a great effect.

Of course.

Xu Yun’s approach is simply a gamble on luck. Whether the “Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook” will be in the hands of those people, he is not at all sure.

just now it seems

As luck would have it, The Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook worked as it should.

At least

Some martyrs should not have to die.

But according to the theory of relativity of luck to analyze.

The “Barefoot Doctor’s Handbook” was fortunately discovered, so it is understandable that Britain did not return the cultural relics in 2000.

After all, there was a full 150 years between 2000 and 1850, and it is no longer a matter of one or two generations.

Even if Avelyn and William Whewell left some means and entrustments, it is difficult to guarantee that the British of later generations will obediently follow suit.

The attribute of shamelessness has already been demonstrated in natural gas in later generations of Europe, so it is not surprising.

Money touches people’s hearts.

all in all.

If there is one person who owes Xu Yun the most in the entire dungeon, it is undoubtedly Avelyn.

As for that comment.

Xu Yun couldn’t quite understand it.

Could it be that Avelyn will be brought out of the dungeon by the halo just like Old Su?

be honest.

Xu Yun thinks this possibility is very low.

After all, the work has already been done once, and it will be boring and surpriseless if it is done again.

But if it is not directly realized, what will happen?

Xu Yun frowned and thought about it for half a minute, only to sigh when he found that he had no clue.

Put this matter in the back of your mind for the time being.

Then stretched out his finger and pressed continue.


Another name appeared in front of him.

【Tian Hao Institute】:

【Initial Line】:

Eldest son of Oriental laborer Tian Yongli, one of the early British laborers, was shot dead in the Yorkshire Chinese Uprising in 1853.

[Duplicate line]:

Affected by Wallfacers.

His father, Tian Yongli, was sent by the Qing court to worship Baitanga, who died of the collapse of the cargo caused by the collision of the ship.

After Tian Yongli died.

Tian Haosuo was forced to take over as Baitang’a at the sticky pole, and was responsible for collecting all aspects of information.

Early 1850’s.

Tian Hao, who passed the self-examination, was selected by Shi Yuanbiao and others after receiving the admission letter.

He was asked to sneak into Cambridge University secretly to act as an internal response to the plan to assassinate Prince Albert. He was scolded and insulted by Shi Yuanbiao for not being a patrolman.

After being touched by the Wallfacer on Pluto Night, he was partially shaken by his own situation.

Accidentally found Sylph at the Christmas dinner, and he was shaken and did not choose to report the matter, but he was still paying attention to the other party’s movements in private.

Early 1851.

The Wallfacer proposed Tian Hao as the candidate for the patrol.

next month.

Tian Hao Institute took the initiative to apply to be the warehouse keeper of Gewushe, responsible for transporting experimental equipment and materials.

At the end of October of the same year, Tian Hao began to execute the assassination plan.

In the name of Gewushe, he transported the packaged firearms to Cambridge University, and on the night of the assassination, he cooperated with the ghosts in the army to send the attack team into Trinity College.

Later, after seeing Michelson Morey’s experiment, he was completely influenced by the Wallfacers. He voluntarily gave up the mission and notified everyone in the Eli church to evacuate.

And rescued Sylph, Luo Feng and others successively.

After the raid is over.

Prince Albert did not pursue Tian Hao’s crimes, and he finally graduated from Cambridge University in 1854 with the third place in the Department of Mathematics.


Tian Hao returned to the East with Avelyn, and assisted Avelyn in collecting cultural relics as a ‘comprador’, and later became a wealthy businessman in Nanyang.


Tian Haosuo passed away at the age of 51.

His descendants assisted the country many times during the darkest period. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Tian Hao’s eldest son and his family returned to China to find their roots and settle down.

Wallfacer mentor Tian Liangwei is the sixth-generation grandson of Tian Hao’s younger brother.


Looking at the last sentence deduced by Tian Hao.

Xu Yun almost didn’t roll his eyes out.

wtf? ? ?

My tutor is the grandson of Tian Haosuo?

Good guy.

Is there really someone with a name similar to a certain homo?

Holding this somewhat subtle feeling of complaining, Xu Yun subconsciously pressed Continue.


But this time.

What appeared in front of him was no longer the deduction page, but another prompt.


【The deduction of the world line is completed, and the ‘1850’ copy is permanently closed. 】

【Main task: Student Mai, you don’t want to see Mr. Thomson being nailed to the pillar of shame, do you? 】

[Task requirements: Lord Kelvin’s remarks about the ‘two dark clouds’ at the Royal Research Institute on Albemarle Street have been misinterpreted a lot by later generations. In order to prevent the great pioneers from suffering injustice, please help Wheat Classmates, correct the wrong history! 】

【Initial time of copy: 1850.10.7】

【Task time limit: one and a half years】

【Task Difficulty: Multi-ring Random】

【Task Reward: Depends on the score】

【Punishment for not completing the task: All male ketones in reality +8 favorability, luck -5, company profit -20%】

The task is being settled.


【Completion time of copy: 1851.11.05】

[Mission completion rating: ★★★★] (four and a half stars)

【Task Completion Score/Expected Completion Score (weighted score): 5972/34】

【Task evaluation: I thought that the Wallfacer in the 1100 dungeon was already invincible in the world, but I didn’t expect anyone to be braver than him! 】

【Remarks: Let’s just say there is a possibility. If the Wallfacer puts forward the idea of two dark clouds at the opening ceremony of Cambridge University, can he actually complete this task? 】

【The rewards in the task settlement have been confirmed! 】

Next second.

A bunch of **** of light quietly appeared in front of Xu Yun.


Xu Yun counted them one by one, and the number of light spheres was impressive



Look at the 14 **** of light floating in front of you.

Xu Yun didn’t click on them in a hurry, but thought of another thing:

Number of photospheres.

Will it be related to the completion rating of the task?

If he remembers correctly.

At the beginning, Mavericks’ novice task completion degree was one star, and there were three rewards in total—including easter eggs.

Old Su’s task completion degree is four stars, and the reward is eight.

Right now, Mai Mai’s task completion rate is four and a half stars, but the rewards have suddenly increased to fourteen.


After reaching a certain level.

The higher the completion of the task, the reward will increase with an exponential function model with an index greater than 1? (look how strict I am)

In this way.

If the five-star mission can be completed, wouldn’t the number of rewards be


Xu Yun wiped the non-existent halazi at the corner of his mouth, and brought his attention back to reality.

Then he hesitated for a moment.

subconsciously stretched out his left hand.

Well, the habit of codewords, don’t think too much.


A bubble was gently punctured by Xu Yun.

After a few seconds.

A photo fell lightly in front of Xu Yun.

Xu Yun reached out to catch it with the palm of his hand, put it in front of him and looked at it.

This kind of color photo has only two characters:

Xu Yun and Avelyn.

The two of them were standing on a snowy field, with a lump of cow dung hanging on Xu Yun’s head, and not far away was the former residence of the Escu family.

at the same time.

There was another reminder that came to Xu Yun’s mind.

【Time and Space Album】:

【Intercepted from the moment when the wall-facer’s mood fluctuated the most in the dungeon, just touch the photo to enter. The wall-facer can only enter once a day, and the stay time cannot exceed 60 minutes. The external time does not change when entering】

【Photo album interception range: former residence of Escu family】

as predicted.

Another space-time photo album.

Xu Yun once got another photo of the same type after the Northern Song Dynasty copy was over.

In it is recorded the scene when Xiao Zhao ascended the throne before Xu Yun left Bianjing.

Think here.

Xu Yun stretched out his finger skillfully, and tapped lightly in the center of the photo.

Next second.

The scene changed suddenly.

When Xu Yun got used to the light, he had already come to a snow field.

Although the snow field was covered with thick white snow, Xu Yun was standing on it at this moment, and his shoes didn’t get caught in the slightest.

And it was about five or six meters away from him.

There are two statue-like men and women standing motionless.

The man is Xu Yun himself, and the woman is.


at the same time.

Xu Yun also discovered a situation that he hadn’t noticed before:

As a victim at the beginning, after Avelyn fed the cow dung (?), Xu Yun’s thoughts were all on cleaning up the cow dung.

This is everyone’s first reaction, and it’s normal.

But because of this, he also ignored Avelyn’s expression opposite him.

At this time, Evelyn was quietly retracting her hand, with a bright smile on her face.

This smile is like the ripples of a clear spring, overflowing from the small vortex at the corner of her mouth, and rippling all over her face.

looked at Evelyn who was smiling.

For some reason, the corner of Xu Yun’s mouth raised a slight arc unconsciously:

“Sure enough, it still looks good when you smile.”



Xu Yun left the album and returned to the space.

Looking at the time-space album in his hand, he was filled with emotions.

Although the aura is often unreliable, it has never been stretched when it comes to rewards.

Without this space-time photo album, he might never know that Avelyn had such a happy moment.

Then he gently tossed the photo away.


The photo instantly turned into a stream of particles, slowly drifting to the center of the halo.

After a few seconds.

It turned into another golden number on the side of the album in the Northern Song Dynasty:


If the photo album of 1100 is a group photo that includes everyone.

Then the photo album of 1850 is undoubtedly the memory that belongs to Avelyn alone.

The two photos are like two styles of food, with different ingredients, methods, and tastes, but they are equally exciting.

Xu Yun stayed beside the photo album for a few seconds, and then returned to the side of the floating ball of light.

Hold out your finger.


Another ball of light was punctured.


Xu Yun appeared in front of a .

Something like a wallet.

This “wallet” floated quietly in front of Xu Yun, motionless.

Xu Yun reached out and took it off, and looked at it.

This thing is about the size of a palm, with a leather appearance, and there is no zipper at the opening, but a small flap with a magnetic buckle design.


Xu Yun applied a little force, and the magnet buckle was easily opened.

The two sides of the ‘wallet’ bounced off the left and right sides, and the section formed a ‘V’.

And on the inner pockets on both sides of the ‘wallet’, you can clearly see

A few small cards.

Xu Yun thought for a while, and took out a card at random.

The texture of this card is very hard, the size and feel are familiar to Xu Yun, and a portrait of wheat is drawn on it.

Well, still very silly.

at the same time.

A light curtain appeared in front of Xu Yun:

[Character Thinking Experience Card – Göttingen Faction Set]:

Limited edition special rewards, the combination contains multiple character thinking experience cards, activated to have the brain power of the corresponding character within a certain period of time.

The specific configuration is as follows:

Gold Card:

Peak Gaussian Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 30 minutes.

Silver Card:

Peak Maxwell Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 60 minutes.

50% Peak State Riemann Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 50 minutes.

Bronze card:

Peak Jacobi Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 60 minutes.

Peak Dirichlet Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 80 minutes.

Peak Dedekin Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 90 minutes.

Special card:

Peak Abel Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 40 minutes.

Peak Eisenstein Thinking Experience Card X1, the activation time is 90 minutes.


Look at the light curtain in front of you.

Xu Yun’s hand holding the wallet suddenly trembled slightly, and he almost didn’t drop the wallet to the ground.

Mom? !

This time it is actually a combination card of character thinking?

To know.

When the novice task was completed.

Xu Yun once got a Thinking Card of the Peak Mavericks, valid for 30 minutes.

Later, on the night of calculating the imidacloprid sodium ion receptor channel, Xu Yun also experienced its efficacy.

That feeling.

It’s just one word.


In less than half an hour, Xu Yun successfully deciphered the cell segment as MC38.

If you insist on converting it into cash.

In the long run, the value of that card is at least billions or more—this is just a figure calculated based on the market share of Baideshi.

And this kind of thinking is stuck at the moment.

Xu Yun got a deck in one go!

Let’s take a look at the first three.

Gauss, the prince of mathematics, needless to say.

His manuscript directly or indirectly contributed to the birth of at least three Fields Medal winners, and a large amount of content has not been deciphered until now.

Although Wheat is a little behind Gauss, he can derive Maxwell’s equations, and his mathematics level is at least among the top 30 in the history of mathematics.

Riemann also need not say much.

A Riemann conjecture is enough to explain his status, the fifth person in the history of mathematics, a half-step king-level powerhouse who can compete with the four kings of mathematics such as Euler after being sublimated, and the existence of the master of the restricted area.

The experience cards of these three bosses alone are enough for Xu Yun to wake up laughing from his dreams.

Not to mention that there are five more behind, these five are not extras.

Don’t look at Jacobi who looks like a Death Eater, this person’s abilities are extraordinary.

He was recognized as one of the most productive scientists in later generations, and the founder of elliptic function theory, deriving a series of achievements such as Jacobian determinant and Jacobian matrix.

Dirichlet is the founder of Analytical Number Theory. The works such as “Lectures on Number Theory” and “Definite Integral” are all written by him, and he belongs to a scholar who is partial to creation.

De Dekind is a good friend of Riemann. Although his field is more inclined to philosophy, he has a deep understanding of rational numbers and irrational numbers.

Three except Dedekin.

Both Jacobi and Dirichlet can be ranked in the top twenty in the history of mathematics, and Jacobi can even enter the top ten in many cases.

This is also the reason why the activation time of the three people is different—there is also a gap between the copper cards.

As for special cards.

Eisenstein’s value. Probably not that high to be honest.

Probably belongs to the same class as Dedkin card.

He was the last disciple of Gauss before Riemann. He once published 25 papers in Krell Magazine within a year, and he was once full of potential.

But later participated in political activities and was arrested, and died in 1852.

He left behind the somewhat famous Eisenstein test, but other than that, there are not many important results left.

To know.

Although Eisenstein was admitted to the orange for participating in political activities, he was actually released after only one day of detention.

What really caused his death was not detention, but tuberculosis.

There are not many geniuses or bigwigs who have suffered from tuberculosis in history, but there are still many people who left amazing achievements before the end of their lives.

But during the four years from 1848 to 1852, Eisenstein achieved very few results.


Eisenstein’s situation can be explained by reasons such as mental state, which is indeed a certain possibility.

But at least in horizontal comparison.

Eisenstein’s ability is probably relatively limited—after all, there are no assumptions about the characterization of historical figures.

So even in the hereafter.

Occasionally there are articles about geniuses who died young, and you rarely see Eisenstein’s name.

But compared to Eisenstein, Abel’s thinking card is another concept.

This is a truly recognized premature genius. Even if he was only 26 years old before his death, he can be ranked in the top 20 or even the top 15 in all books or votes that mention mathematics rankings.

Gauss also sent Abel’s letter to Xu Yun as an encouragement.

Now it seems

Maybe it was that letter that made Abel’s thinking card appear in the special deck—Abel is not a scholar of the Göttingen system.





Then Xu Yun pulled out each card in turn, read it carefully, and stuffed it back into his wallet.

This is a priceless treasure.

Although the achievements of these bigwigs are mainly reflected in the level of mathematics, in many cases the theory and mathematics are not separated.

Not to mention both Gauss and Wheat have made direct and impressive achievements in the field of physics, and Wheat is firmly third in the history of physics.

Once this set of cards is used at the right time, the income may even exceed the original Mavericks experience card!

More critically.

After the original “invite God”, Xu Yun’s own ability has also been greatly improved, which is also a potential long-term benefit.

Think here.

Xu Yun looked at the eyes of the remaining light ball, and couldn’t help but get a little hot.

The first two rewards gave him such a surprise.

So, is it possible that there are other big guys hiding in the remaining twelve light spheres?


Something about Aveline?


The next 11 days will be a burst of 4D, and double monthly tickets are required! !

(end of this chapter)

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