Into Unscientific

Chapter 375

Chapter 374 – The Scumbag Xu Yun?

Chapter 374 Scumbag Xu Yun?


Look at the title in front of you.

Gu Qunqing subconsciously turned around and looked at Zuo Ziyi and Zhou Peiyao.

No verbal communication is required.

Some kind of bad premonition popped up in the hearts of the three of them almost at the same time.

Then Gu Qunqing took a deep breath and continued to read.

Same as the previous Weibo comments.

The ‘release date’ of this article is also not today, but ten days ago. The author is called [Who can save me from the clutches of evil].

Now it is reposted by the pet blogger called [Jumping to eat full], and it is accompanied by a vomiting emoji.

The content is a very long paragraph:

[Hi everyone, before I get down to business, please allow me to apologize to everyone—I didn’t intend to take up network resources, but because of something that happened to me recently, it has seriously affected my life, work, psychology and even Life is healthy, due to helplessness, hereby post for help]

[I am a student of the Shanghai Academy of Drama. Three years ago, I met Xu Yun, a Ph.D. in the Department of Modern Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China, who is the current chairman of Huadun Biological Sciences, through a game called Magic Card Fantasy. When I was young, I didn’t have the financial means, so in the game, I could only enhance my character by brushing dungeons for a long time]

【During this process, I got to know Xu Yun, who was the president of the trade union at the time. He took me through levels many times, chatted with the mic, and even recharged the game tokens for me a few times—under such frequent linkage attacks , he established a personal connection with me. 】

【At that time, I was just an adult and I didn’t have the ability to judge feelings, and I also lacked the awareness of self-protection. I naively thought that this was a romantic relationship, and gradually developed feelings for it. 】


The author named “Who Can Save Me from the Devil’s Claws” first introduced the past of Xu Yun and her acquaintance, then the chat records between the lovers, and also attached some sour love words.

But soon.

The author changed the subject:

【Two years ago in June, I flew thousands of miles from Shanghai to Luzhou, where I lived with Xu Yun for two months. 】

【Because Xu Yun did not take safety measures during the period, I got pregnant by accident】

[At that time, Xu Yun claimed that he did not have the financial strength to start a family, and at the same time, I was really not ready to change my life role into a mother, so we went to a hospital in Luzhou on July 16, 2020 to have an abortion, and then in The second abortion was performed on January 23, 2021 (with photos)]

[To my surprise, after that, the nightmare began—Xu Yun had PUAed me for two years, he said many times that no one would take a ‘broken shoe’ who had two abortions, and kept the abortion related records, claiming that if they break up, he will make these two records public]

【At that time, I was physically and mentally exhausted from being tortured by Xu Yun, and my mentality was on the verge of collapse, so I could only succumb to his claws】

【After confirming that I was under control, Xu Yun became more and more serious, and began to step on multiple boats, and continued to trick others into being fooled. 】

【On September 14th of this year, he even sent a video of his room with other girls to my WeChat, and attached some extremely obscene words】

【Now my spirit is on the verge of collapse, and I have committed suicide many times to no avail. Who can save me, I really can’t hold it anymore.】

There are many chat screenshots and even videos below the article. Gu Qunqing clicked on one of them and found that the content was a mobile phone screen recording:

The first thing recorded on the screen was Xu Yun’s dialog box on May 22, 2021.

The content of the dialogue is extremely filthy, with a lot of sexual content.

Then the recorder clicked on Xu Yun’s avatar, and soon jumped to the personal page of WeChat.

Clearly recorded WeChat ID, Moments content, etc.

These contents Gu Qunqing is very familiar with, it is Xu Yun’s WeChat circle of friends.

See this scenario.

In a very short period of time, Gu Qunqing even had a thought in his mind:

Xu Yun didn’t really do these things, did he?

But soon, this idea was dispelled by him.

Then Gu Qunqing turned off the screen of the phone and handed it back to Zhou Peiyao.

He was silent for a moment, looking at Zuo Ziyi solemnly:

“Something has happened. This is a set of combined punches that seems to be a quality problem of our products, but it is actually aimed at Dr. Xu.”

“Hellen, the previous plan has been put on hold for the time being. Now contact Chairman Zheng, Dean Tian and Dr. Xu immediately and ask them to rush back to the headquarters for a meeting!”

Zuo Ziyi nodded:


After Zuo Ziyi left.

Gu Qunqing sighed heavily, and just caught a glimpse of Zhou Peiyao next to her from the corner of her eye, she thought for a while, and asked:

“Xiao Zhou, what do you think?”

Zhou Peiyao glanced at the mobile phone that had been shut down, shook her head and said:

“Manager Gu, Brother Xu has a good reputation in school. I don’t believe he would do such a thing.”

“In addition to this news broke out at this juncture, it is obvious that there is a planned black hand, just.”

Zhou Peiyao didn’t finish the second half of her sentence, but Gu Qunqing immediately understood what she meant:

It’s just that this kind of thing is not okay if relatives and friends believe it, public opinion is the key.

After that article was reposted by [Tiao Tiao wants to be full].

The four hot searches of ‘One Mantis’, ‘Huadun Biological Sciences’, ‘Xu Yun’, and ‘University of Science and Technology of China’ gradually began to appear on the trend list of hot searches, and quickly reached the end of the list of hot searches.

Followed by 48.

46 people.

41 people.

39 people.

Less than an hour.

#徐云# This hot search has broken through the top 20, and it landed at the top 18.

at the same time.

Xu Yun finally rushed back to the headquarters of Huadun Biology from Nanxiang Maoca.

As for Weng Yujing?

Naturally, he was very sensible and did not follow.

Of course.

As a chemist, the girl is no stranger to imidacloprid, and can even write out the relevant structural formulas with her eyes closed.

So she naturally saw that this was a conspiracy against Xu Yun.

It’s just that the two parties have just met after all, so she can’t say much.

While waiting for the elevator on the first floor, Xu Yun could clearly feel the slightly subtle atmosphere in the lobby:

Other employees in the company look at me in a strange way.

Among them, there is curiosity and worry.

also have


no way.

The other party’s methods are really too subtle.

After a set of combined punches, the hat was directly buckled tightly.

Not everyone in the company knows about Xu Yun’s past like Zhou Peiyao and Qiu Sheng did, so it’s normal to have doubts.

So Xu Yun didn’t pay too much attention to this, and soon took the elevator to the conference room, pushed the door open and entered.


With the opening of the conference room door.

At the same time, everyone’s eyes locked on Xu Yun who pushed the door and entered.

“Dr. Xu, you are finally here.”

Seeing Xu Yun’s arrival, Gu Qunqing hurriedly got up and greeted him, walked to Xu Yun’s side and patted Xu Yun’s shoulder:

“Dr. Xu, I’m sorry, I want to make a self-criticism to you—this time our operation department is indeed careless.”

Xu Yun shook his head lightly:

“Aaron, this matter has nothing to do with you. It can only be said that we underestimated the opponent’s lower limit.”

“Who would have thought that those giants with a market value of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars would do such a dirty thing?”

Gu Qunqing was silent for a moment, and also sighed slightly.

What Xu Yun said was actually what he thought in his heart.

Whether it is Sanofi, where he worked before, or General Motors, where Zuo Ziyi once worked, the competition in the industry is as fierce as that in the field of cockroach medicine.

Espionage, seduction, pouring dirty water on products, and even using administrative means to issue bans.

Various operations can be described as endless.

But there is only one approach they have never tried – to pour dirty water on the founder or executive of the product.

Because people like “scumbags” have a low lethality in foreign countries, and they are not even as lethal as those who do not support environmental protection.

For example, the overseas version of the old horse from the company with the prefix T, what kind of **** has become at home.

His biological father had a second child with a stepgirl who is 41 years younger, and said that “our only purpose on earth is to reproduce offspring”, but the result was still mixed.

There is also the current COO of a W company.

Dating 14 girls in four years, with a record of 23 abortions, he was actually set up as a person who pursues “freedom” abroad

So in the foreign business war.

If the opponent really revealed some black material, then most of the competitors would naturally not mind kicking it.

But if certain facts are not there, there is little thought of black people with each other.

So it doesn’t matter if it’s Gu Qunqing or Zuo Ziyi who came back from overseas.

They do have such a piece of thinking. To be precise, it is the only blind spot.

The result was unexpected.

This blind spot was actually taken advantage of.

It can only be said that it is not difficult for some groups to incite, it is too easy.

After Xu Yun takes his seat.

Tian Liangwei who was on his left suddenly coughed lightly, and asked with a straight face:

“Xiao Xu, the people in the conference room are all your own people. Before discussing the solution, you should tell everyone the truth—did you do those things?”

As Xu Yun’s mentor, Tian Liangwei naturally understands Xu Yun’s character very well, and he knows quite well that his apprentice will not and has no time to do things like stepping on a few boats or pua.

But the problem is that besides him, there are other people present.

For example, Zheng Zu, or Zuo Ziyi—although Zuo Ziyi is not a boxer, but as a normal woman, she will feel a little uncomfortable when she reads the content of that article.

Because from God’s point of view.

At present, this matter can be divided into two parts for discussion:

One is the development trend of the event.

The trend is obviously not a coincidence, there must be others behind it, and everyone at the scene understands this.

The second is Xu Yun himself, or the “essence” mentioned in that article.

That is to say, it can be divided into two situations: [Xu Yun did do those things, his dirty **** was caught and his feet were magnified], and [Xu Yun himself is innocent, and he was slandered from beginning to end].

If it is the former, then it will be more difficult to deal with, and some other Spring and Autumn strokes need to be used.

But if it is the latter.

Then the company can fight back with a straight back.

Although the situation is still difficult, at least the means will be relatively calm.

is also the saying of possession.

So what Tian Liangwei said was not to doubt Xu Yun, but to give Xu Yun a chance to explain his innocence to others.

Xu Yun also quickly realized this, cast a grateful look at his mentor, and said resolutely:

“Teacher, colleagues, I, Xu Yun, hereby assure everyone that I have never done anything in that article before—in fact, I don’t even know who the other party is.”

“Although I don’t have any evidence to prove myself at present, on this occasion, I don’t have any need to deceive everyone.”

Looking at Xu Yun with a determined face, the atmosphere at the scene couldn’t help but become slightly lively.

Then, considering that Xu Yun, as the party involved, had a relatively subtle identity, Gu Qunqing took the initiative to take over the leadership of the meeting:

“Dear colleagues, since Dr. Xu himself is innocent, then we will discuss how to resolve this wave of offensive.”

“Now the relevant hot search has come to the ninth place, and I guess it will not be long before it will be in the top three.”

Then he looked at a man sitting opposite and asked:

“Lawyer Huang, do we have any room for maneuver in the legal area?”

The lawyer Huang that Gu Qunqing spoke of was a middle-aged man with a tall hairline and thinning hair that was still combed shiny. He adjusted his glasses and said:

“To be honest, there is not much room for maneuver—the legal department has drawn up relevant statements, but the corporate statements these years are actually very weak, at least not much convincing on the Internet.”

“I can only say to put an official seal on it and go out and stop my mouth. The effect is only better than doing nothing.”

Gu Qunqing frowned:

”Can’t you immediately sue the other party for defamation?”

Lawyer Huang showed a trace of bitterness on his face, and shook his head heavily:

“It’s very difficult. For this kind of Internet defamation incident, you must sue the platform first, and then sue the other party after obtaining the personal information of the account.”

“Not to mention whether the identity of the other party’s social platform is true, the relevant process alone will take at least a few months – and by then the day lily will be cold.”

Hearing what lawyer Huang said.

Xu Yun suddenly thought of an incident he encountered when writing novels in his previous life.

At that time, he was smeared by a fellow female author on social media for a full eight months. After finding out, he once consulted the legal affairs of the platform, wanting to know whether he could sue the other party for infringement of the right of reputation.

The legal counselor is very enthusiastic. After seeing the screenshots provided by Xu Yun, he said that the prosecution can win the case 100%, but there are two situations that need to be known first.

One is the time for obtaining evidence.

The whole process needs to sue Tieba first and then sue individuals, which takes about two to three months.

The other is the cost.

A complete set will cost about 10,000 to 20,000 yuan, and Xu Yun has to bear it himself.

At that time, Xu Yun was stunned—his previous idea was that if the cost was less than 1,000 yuan, then he would try to be more realistic. 2,000 yuan is not unacceptable

As a result, reality gave him two waves of critical blows, telling him that he was still too young.

For 20,000 yuan, he might as well go to Guilin for two weeks.

So some things are really helpless these days—you can stand up in law, but you will encounter countless problems in practice.

See this scenario.

Gu Qunqing subconsciously held the thermos in front of her:

“Lawyer Huang, no matter what, the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed. This aspect will trouble you so much.”

Attorney Huang nodded:

“no problem.”

Then Gu Qunqing looked at Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei, organized some words and said:

“Academician Tian, Dr. Xu.”

“Now it will be impossible to sue the other party through the law for a while, so we have to think about how to prove ourselves.”

Tian Liangwei nodded, thought for a few seconds, and came up with an idea:

“Manager Gu, isn’t there a lot of WeChat screenshots in that article, can we contact WeChat and ask them to help falsify these contents?”

Gu Qunqing hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Zuo Ziyi:

“Hellen, you are familiar with this area. Is the plan proposed by Academician Tian feasible?”

Zuo Ziyi shook her head resolutely, mercilessly denying this possibility:

“The probability is close to zero. After all, most social media have declared that they will not save records on the server—although everyone knows how false this statement is, at least it is true on the surface.”

“So we may be able to privately ask internal personnel to verify whether the conversation happened, but it is almost impossible to use this as evidence.”

“Let’s not talk about us. In 20 years, a district court wanted to ask WeChat to assist in the investigation. Their reply was still that the company did not keep chat records—this is already a “human design” nature.”

Gu Qunqing was silent.

After the publication of the “Internet Information Content Management Administrative Law Enforcement Procedures” in 2017, all social media uniformly stated that they would not store user chat data.

However, it is up to the beholder to see how credible this kind of statement is.

At present, there are about 900 million users who frequently use WeChat every day in the country. These people create an average of 500 words (1KB) and 10KB thumbnails in a day, which is 11KB.

That is, the information generated every day is about 11TB.

The wholesale price of the hard disk is about 120 yuan/TB, that is, the hardware cost for storing data every day is 1320 yuan.

481,800 yuan a year, less than 500,000

Counting the database overhead, maintenance, and bandwidth, it can support about 1 million a year.

Well, there is no other meaning, just a simple calculation.

But due to the previous regulations, even if there are relevant records on social platforms, it is impossible to turn them out as evidence now.

This is an act that shakes the basic market, not to mention Huadun Biotechnology, Huawei does not have this face.

That is to say

This time, the company can only rely on itself for the comeback.

buzz buzz—

Just when the atmosphere was a little dull.

Tian Liangwei’s cell phone, which had been set to silent, suddenly rang without warning.

Tian Liangwei made an apologetic expression to everyone, and pressed the connect button.

After a while.

The voice of Wang Qingchen, director of the Cyber Security Center of HKUST came out of the microphone:

“Academician Tian, HKUST Weibo has been hacked!”


The climax is approaching, finally adjust the biological clock and start to explode! !

(end of this chapter)

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