Into Unscientific

Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – 1665

Chapter 4 1665

“Hiss—it hurts.”

After an unknown amount of time, Xu Yun rubbed his forehead with one hand and supported his body with the other, and slowly woke up from the bed.

Wait, bed?

Realizing something, Xu Yun quickly looked under him—yes, he was lying on a bed.

This is an ordinary single bed with a wooden structure and a gray down blanket on the surface.

Then he raised his head and looked around.

He is in a small but well-lit wooden building with a small area, about 30 square meters.

In addition to the wooden bed on which I lay, there is also a wooden wardrobe, a desk, two stools, a recliner and several lamps, among which there are some clothes piled up messily on the recliner.

Among them, the most representative one is a kind of trousers similar to stockings or tight legs. This thing Xu Yun learned when he was taking Western history, called Hus pants.

The Hus trousers draped over the chair exposed the inner material, and some fine cloth leather and blackened wool can be seen—this situation was normal in the seventeenth century, and Hus trousers are a typical luxury of the outside The inner head is messed up, which is the legendary facade pants.

Some families who are not economically strong but care about “decentness” will even stuff hay and Gukang.

Don’t ask, asking is a gentleman.

Other than that.

Some crops and fence piles outside the window indicate that this room is located on the first floor. Combined with the eaves structure above the head, it is not difficult to judge that this is a single-story partition hut.

Then Xu Yun touched the most painful part of his head, and found that it had been simply surrounded by a bandage.

At this time, Xu Yun’s memory is still on the cover of the black book that came to him, but based on the situation in front of him, he can guess who should have saved him – 70% may be Newton, 30% may be a passerby.

After all, Mr. Newton’s temper is true and we all know it. Even if he is only a youthful version now, his actions are still a bit extreme.

Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that he is a scumbag, and he is not responsible for knocking himself out.

However, judging from Newton’s age and clothes at this time, it was probably not after he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1672—Xu Yun had seen the school badge on Newton’s chest before.

That is to say, there is a high probability that this boss has not yet broken up with Hook. In the local novels, the protagonist has not yet stepped up to fight. Relatively speaking, he is not so aggressive like Long Aotian.

At the same time, Xu Yun couldn’t help but have a lot of doubts in his heart:

Obviously, it should be between 1660-1670.

Such things as rebirth have happened, and it is not unacceptable that the mysterious halo can send him to this era.

But the problem is

How many years is it now?

What is the purpose of that door sending itself to this node?

I obviously studied biology all my life, so why did I send it to a big physics guy?

Will what you do have an impact on the future? Like giving Newton a knife?

in addition

How should I go back?

Just when Xu Yun was puzzled, a light curtain suddenly appeared in front of his eyes:

【Novice task: I heard that you have a lot of things you can’t let go of? Be chic! 】

【Mission Difficulty: ★☆☆☆☆】

【Task Requirements: Be friends with the young Isaac Newton in any sense, and don’t easily get involved in any historical events that I didn’t participate in】

【Task time limit: two months】

【Task Reward: Depends on the score】

【Punishment for not completing the task: All women in reality have a favorable opinion of -1】

【Supplementary Note: This world is a parallel world, which has no intersection with reality, but just like the dream in spring may leave some marks on the bedding, what you do may leave traces across time and space】

Xu Yun: “.?”

A parallel world that has nothing to do with reality?

In other words, the time and space gate I walked into is a dungeon?

I understand the truth, but why does it feel like this is a hint?

Could this thing come from the City of Heavenly Rot?

After looking at the details of this mission, Xu Yun suddenly had another thought:

Since there is no penalty for not completing the task, what will happen if I go to the mainland at this point in time?

But within half a second of this idea, Xu Yun himself denied it:

Firstly, the time given for the task is too short, and secondly, because I have no power or power in the country, it is still too difficult to make big news.

But then again.

The emergence of the task can be regarded as providing Xu Yun with a little information, but obviously there are still many secrets that Xu Yun needs to explore by himself.

For example, what is the so-called judging mechanism for scoring? Does it involve characters? time? or something else?

all in all.

The fact of rebirth made Xu Yun innately accepting the surreal concept of time travel, and at the same time, the surprise that should have been gradually eliminated while waiting for Newton to wake up.

So soon, a strong interest gradually emerged in his heart.

After all, the other party is Mr. Newton Niu

Don’t you see how many people in the previous life were eager to press the coffin for him?

But to complete this task, a very important point is.

Determine the current specific time!

All the signs at the moment can show that it must be before 1672—in 1672, Newton officially entered the Royal Society, and because of the reflection of the telescope, he had a grudge against Hooke, and his personality changed completely from aloofness to rebellion and even tyranny.

Therefore, at this time, Newton was still a proud young man with a withdrawn personality, but at least he was far from being a scholar in academics.

But it is not enough to just determine a rough time. After all, when Newton was young, his personality and achievements were almost one year.

Especially during that special 18 months.

As for the specific time?

Xu Yun suddenly thought of the apple tree that he fell from.

While waiting for Newton to wake up, Xu Yun briefly looked at the surrounding situation.

He found that this place was obviously a small village, and the surrounding apple trees were basically mature.

Well known.

Britain is a special country in apple cultivation. It has grown only one kind of cooking apple called Bramley for thousands of years.

The concentration of malic acid in this apple is much higher than that of sugar, so it retains its rich apple flavor even after cooking.

The ripening time of this kind of apples is around the end of October, which is much later than the general July-September ripening period for domestic apples.

At the same time, it is a coincidence that Xu Yun, in his previous life, went to Cambridge to take a one-year course and knew the holiday rules of Trinity College:

Trinity College has a summer vacation from June to August every year, a Christmas holiday from December 6th to January 15th, and then a three-week holiday in March.

Therefore, the time when the Bramley Apple matures is obviously during the study period of Trinity College.

In addition, as a top student, Newton never missed a single day of work during college—in fact, the main reason for this situation is that Mr. Niu was always poor before entering the Mint.

Even between late 1667 and 1669 when he was awarded the Lucasian Professorship of Mathematics, he still studied theology at Trinity College, Cambridge.

Thus, looking at Newton’s resume after University and before 1672, there is one and only one thing that wants him to leave London in August:

London plague, also known as the Black Death!

And during the eighteen months Newton left London, the second half of the time was spent at Humphrey Babington’s house-it was a cotton plantation and no apples were grown.

Therefore, there is only one eligible time right now.

October 1665, 8 months after the plague appeared!

Newton’s achievements during this period are.

We will talk about this in the next chapter.

(end of this chapter)

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