Into Unscientific

Chapter 84

Chapter 83 – Founded!

Chapter 83 The company is established!

After the name of Huadun Biotechnology was proposed, it was quickly unanimously approved by everyone present, and was finally selected as the official name of the joint venture company.

at the same time.

The chairman of the new venture fund also sent a reply to everyone’s previous share distribution plan:


At this point, Huadun Biotech’s shareholding wrangling is over, and the rest is the last step.

Contract signed!


Zheng Zu, as the secretary-general of the Xinchuang Fund, will definitely carry the official seal with him, and Tian Liangwei’s official seal is in the office. As for Academician Pan, he brought both the “Application Letter” and “Guarantee Letter”, and the official seal will naturally not be left behind. .

As a natural person, Xu Yun does not need a seal, as long as his autograph is legally effective, so the conditions for directly signing the contract are met on the spot.

Then Zheng Zu took out the proposed equity distribution contract, and the three official seals of the University of Science and Technology Innovation Fund, the School of Physics, and the School of Life Sciences were placed in order.

The full name of this contract is “Huadun Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Initial Equity Distribution Agreement”, hereinafter referred to as the agreement.

According to the agreement, HKUST Innovation Fund, the School of Physics, the School of Life Sciences and the natural person Xu Yun have reached an agreement on investment and cooperation. The full name of the business unit is Huadun Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

Registration of 13 million Huaxia currency, the first full subscription.

This round of agreement is a non-financial investment round, but if the financing link is started in the future, the B round will be directly used as the starting round.

The leading investor of this round of funds is the University of Science and Technology Innovation Fund, which injected cash flow of 8 million Huaxia coins and additional resources, accounting for 27% of the shares.

Fund co-investors are the School of Physics of HKUST and the School of Life Sciences of HKUST. Each party will inject 2 million yuan in cash flow and additional resources, each holding 10% of the shares, totaling 20%.

Natural person Xu Yun invested in the form of capital + technology, with a cash injection of 1 million. The technical name is the fifth-generation imidacloprid and its commercial derivatives, accounting for 38% of the shares.

15% of the employee option pool is used for ESOP—that is, the employee option plan. The distribution target will be determined by the board of directors within the limit specified by the option pool.

The company adopts a dual-shareholding model, with Xu Yun as the legal person and the first CEO, and COO, CTO and other related positions will be appointed later.

The company account was jointly opened by the above four parties, and it is a public account in nature. Xu Yun has the right to use part of the funds, but he needs to regularly announce the whereabouts of the funds and take responsibility.

Then Xu Yun took a deep breath and signed his name behind the three official seals:

Xu Yun.

Purely from the perspective of results, this agreement should be regarded as the most perfect result.

Xu Yun holds 38% of the shares, but due to the adoption of AB shares, Xu Yun’s current voting rights are as high as 90.1%.

Of course.

With the development of Huadun Biotechnology in the future, this number will definitely drop further, and it is considered a reasonable line to stabilize to 68%-73%.

As for the University of Science and Technology, although the company is divided into the fund and the shareholding modules of the two colleges, these three modules all belong to the system of the University of Science and Technology and the Academy of Sciences.

The combined shares of the ‘University of Science and Technology’ are as high as 47%, and they can’t find a problem anywhere.

In addition, the Quartet also determined the number of board members:

The executive directors of the company are Xu Yun and Tian Liangwei.

There are five other board seats, shared equally by the Foundation, the School of Physics and the School of Life Sciences.

Independent directors will not be established temporarily, after all, the company has not yet been listed.

These directors are mainly representatives of the management. Unless Xu Yun makes such a move to empty out all the money in the account, they are basically mascots.

Humble subsidies, show face on financial reports and so on.

After the agreement was signed, Academician Pan took back the official seal and joked:

“Xu Dong, congratulations, whether we eat abalone or miscellaneous fish, it all depends on you.”


Xu Yun glanced at him speechlessly:

“You’d better call me Xiao Xu, the word Xu Dong makes me panic.”

Academician Pan patted him on the shoulder with a smile, and then his expression gradually became serious:

“Xiao Xu, the company has been established now, but do you have a specific idea for what to do next?”

Seeing this, Xu Yun’s expression became serious. He pondered for a moment and replied:

“Director Pan, I actually considered this issue before I came here. The first is the company registration process. The production of biopesticides needs to be reviewed by both the agricultural and commercial departments, which is more common than usual.”

Before Xu Yun finished speaking, Zheng Zu slapped his chest and interrupted:

“Dr. Xu, the company’s business scope can only be handed over to the New Venture Fund. We have special channels, and all should be resolved within two weeks.”

“That would be great.”

Xu Yun breathed a sigh of relief. The company registration is actually the most uncertain link for him. Now that the start-up company can help solve it, it is undoubtedly a big burden.

Then he continued:

“In addition to company registration, there are three other things left:

One is the establishment of the company’s large-scale mass production to the output end, which needs to consider the venue, equipment and sales channels, etc.

The second is patent approval and publication of papers, which involves the uniqueness of our products.

The third is the candidates for the company’s functional departments, at least let’s get the COO done first.”

Hearing Xu Yun’s words, Tian Liangwei couldn’t help but turned his head and looked at Academician Pan:

The whole discussion is well-founded. Looking at my disciple, he didn’t become too inflated because he suddenly owned a company.

This is undoubtedly a good thing.

After a while, Tian Liangwei asked:

“Xiao Xu, how long will your thesis be?”

Xu Yun pondered for a moment, and reported a time:

“Next time for sure!”

“speak English.”

“.In two days.”

Tian Liangwei touched his chin and nodded slightly:

“Okay, I’ll go find someone after the meeting, and send the journal’s invitation letter first.

The patent application school has a dedicated team, so it’s not a big problem, but as for the venue and equipment.

Xiao Xu, I’m afraid you will have to catch it yourself. The yard will at most put up a thread for you. You need to have a foundation for this. “

As an inland provincial capital, there are not many areas suitable for long-term factory buildings in Luzhou.

Some sophisticated modern factories are basically concentrated in the high-tech industrial development zone, which is the original Luzhou Industrial Park.

For example, Academician Pan is in charge of the National Quantity Laboratory. The five-year national plan has a total investment of 100 billion yuan, and the first phase of investment is 7 billion yuan. The location is in the high-tech zone.

So the site of Huadun Biotechnology will definitely be selected in that area.

However, the delineation of the area belongs to the demarcation, and Xu Yun needs to discuss the specific site, price, and lease term.

This can be regarded as a test given by Tian Liangwei and Academician Pan—Xu Yun is the executive director of the company, so how can everything depend on the school?

As the saying goes.

Only silver-like pewter heads can be bred in the greenhouse, and long-lasting small steel guns can only be born in actual combat.

Xu Yun, as one of the executive directors who holds the decision-making power of the company, Tian Liangwei would rather spend more money in the establishment of offline modules than be hanged up and beaten after the product is launched.

At the same time, Academician Pan at the side suddenly thought of something:

“By the way, Xiao Xu, if you want to form a management team, I have a few candidates to recommend.”


Yesterday, someone asked where the basis for the company’s bankruptcy was, and it was inexplicable. I originally thought that there would be no such strange people after it was put on the shelves, so I didn’t attach the link. Now I realize that I was careless.

Some people have amazing brain circuits. They list more than a dozen founder names and company names, and then use this to question the authenticity of the data. After decades of co-authoring, they have opened more than 30 companies around the world.

There are now more than 20 million local enterprises of various types, with an average life expectancy of 2.97 years, let alone the global scope. Don’t you see how many of them have closed down?

The numerator is 10,000, the denominator is 100,000,000, which is obviously a calculation result of 1/10,000, but it ignores the denominator and uses the numerator to attack people. This kind of logic is unclear.

Guzman, J., &Stern, S. (2015). Science, 347 (6222), 606-609, the data you want, my dear friend, welcome to see it.

This person reminds me of another god-man in the last book. After asking me for a thesis, he said that there was no ladder, and after he gave me the ladder, he told me that he couldn’t understand English.

By the way, let’s report the results, all of them have booked 3600

(end of this chapter)

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