Invincible Baby Mommy

Chapter 85 - . Tomb in Longzhong: Two-headed Baby [3]

Longzhong Tomb: Two-headed baby [3]

The glamorous woman walked forward gently, her fingers gently pushed Rongfeng: “Rong Shao, I think there is no way to know whether they are in front of us or behind us. [] Anyway, just walk around, regardless of front or back , Each have a 5025 chance to find Miss Su. When there is no real evidence to prove Miss Su ’s position, standing here is also a waste of time. It is better to continue to move forward, looking for the lost players while looking for the main burial chamber, you see this Okay? “

Rong Feng nodded his head, which is also no way. Go forward and see if someone has walked through those roads, which is better than standing here.

Looking back, there are only twenty-three people left for the forty-odd people they brought this time. It is really not easy to separate again in this great land.

You must know that the life of Su Wudang is human life, and the life of these mercenaries is also human life. He has done too much and lost his support, and then let them help him find Su Wudang and Su Weishen, and it will not be too much. Dedicated.

Rong Feng regretted in his heart, do not be taboo for anything yesterday, just sleep with Su Yumian. Anyway, both of them acquiesced in the interaction between the two, and he likes this cute girl very much, so he sleeps together and doesn’t worry.

I blame myself for pretending to be graceful, and the girl was missing. For the first time in Rong Feng’s heart, he felt a heavy loss, as if there was a hunch in his life. This time, if he loses Su Yutong, it will be lost forever.

Rong Feng no longer struggled with these bad premonitions, raised his head, and said firmly: “Go on.”


The tomb was quiet and dark, revealing a coolness deep into the bone marrow.

Su Yunu walked cautiously forward. She was still alert to the man behind her. Although they had also experienced skin kisses, she should let her psychology accept him without reservation, at least for now. Not yet ready for this.

A vague shadow appeared in the dim place in front, appeared in the upper space of the tomb, Su Yumiao’s heart was a little nervous, she hesitated or unscrewed the flashlight, if you know this high-strength wolf flashlight is extremely She was out of electricity for so long, and the battery in the torch had already consumed most of it, so she had to save some time. God knows how terrible it is to lose light in the underground palace.

In front of them, a person hung vertically, perhaps more appropriately called a corpse.

The man also carried a burden on his body, and it looked like a tomb thief. It was estimated that he stepped on a dark board underground and was hanged here.

“What should I do?” Su Yumian looked up at the Emperor Lin around him. After a second, Su Yumian retracted her gaze with sorrow. She knew that, obviously, Emperor Lin wanted her to solve this problem.

But this matter was obviously solved by using a finger to Di Lin. Want Mao to go?

“Well, I … there is a hidden weapon in front …” Su Yuxian wasn’t afraid to be embarrassed, anyway, she was a wastewood slave in front of Di Lin anyway, what to do without wastewood at this time. It’s a good practice to pretend to be a hero, as if she is dying fast. She also wants to go a few more times, experience more things, properly pretend, and hide behind a strong man.


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