Invincible! This person has lived for a billion years

Chapter 684 Couldn’t even dodge this?

Chapter 684 Couldn't even dodge this?

Yason wanted to retrieve the Windblade stuck in William's chest, but found that he had lost connection with the blade, which greatly shocked him and forced him to take William's so-called final strike more seriously.

William had no idea that Yason wanted to retrieve Windblade, mainly because he had never been injured before, and the sensation of being wounded was surprisingly delightful.

With the sword in his chest, bursts of power exploded, sending waves of heat through him like tide after tide, an incredibly comfortable experience.

William wasn't a masochist,it's just that this level of pain felt more like getting a Swedish massage or soaking in a hot spring to him.

The thought that a fight could come with the perks of a Swedish massage and a hot spring made him somewhat reluctant to pull out the Windblade.

"This sword is named Sword of Soulbreaker! I will thrust only once!" After saying this, William drew the sword and made his strike!

The movement wasn't fast, but it was a very standard straight thrust!

It was standard like a thrust practiced millions of times by a beginner under the close supervision of a master, unremarkable, without a single flaw to point out, yet lacking any sort of brilliance.

The moment Yason saw William draw his sword, he couldn't help but tremble inside because he realized, at that moment, his body was completely unable to move.

Like a piece of beef pinned down on a chopping board, worse off than a dead fish, which at least might twitch a bit.

In that instant, he felt William's figure loom infinitely larger, and in the darkness, only that sword, slowly stabbing towards him.


How to dodge?

It seemed dodging shouldn't even be an option.

Under this sword, he was supposed to stand in place, waiting to be slaughtered, at its mercy!

The moment the tip of the sword pierced into the chest, Yason instantly understood that the so-called sword master created by the power of thirty sacred auras was nothing but a fart under the Sword of Soulbreaker!

"Couldn't even dodge this?"

William's voice echoed in Yason's ears.

The tone was like that of an elementary school teacher discovering their student couldn't understand that one plus one equals two, filled with shock and disappointment.

Yason opened his mouth, and if he were one to swear, he would certainly have a torrent of "fucks" ready for William.


What's there to dodge?

How could he dodge?

This strike was simply an overwhelming force that crushed everything!!

The Sword Spirit of Sword of Soulbreaker was overjoyed. Ever since William had given Sword of Soulbreaker to Alice, it hadn't really had a chance to enjoy itself.

It was like during sex, where you could go harder and harder, but the one receiving it couldn't take it even if you went a little harder.

Because of this, it had to restrain itself, unable to fully let loose!

Especially for a Sword Spirit that craves intensity and loves to play, this was pure torture.

Now in William's hands, with full firepower and such a fresh opponent looking so formidable, it was truly satisfying!

"Next! Next in line! All you newbies, line up! This Sword Spirit will grace each of you in turn!"

The Sword Spirit was so thrilled it could almost fly, like drought-stricken land meeting sweet rain, facing a host of Cosmic Entities and Planetary Level powerhouses as if a forty-year bachelor had come across a group of stunning beauties to enjoy at will.

As William thrust the sword into Yason's chest, the Sword Spirit, now freed from William's seal, poured a terrifying energy pressure into every inch of Yason's body.

The Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe was shocked. He was not ignorant in the ways of swordsmanship; on the contrary, being able to create a swordsman like Yason, he was the most knowledgeable about swordsmanship among all Cosmic Entities.

That William could strike Yason with a single sword blow, the power of that strike, felt empathetically by him as the Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe, was overwhelming.

He couldn't match it!

The Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe stared at Dolly, finally realizing where this kid got her confidence from.

He had no idea where she found such a monstrously strong fighter.

A last strike in the face of death?

Could it truly be so?

The Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe has existed longer than Dolly from the Thirteenth Universe—he's no fool!

William sheathed the Sword of Soulbreaker and withdrew his power, leaving Yason's body standing in place, utterly immobilized.

The terrifying pressure of energy vibrated within him, but unlike William, he did not enjoy it.

"This strike of yours…" Yason managed to utter half a sentence on the brink of death, but he couldn't finish his thought.

This sword could suppress all universes!

Yason looked at William with a deep gaze. Since his birth, he had believed himself to be the strongest swordsman across all universes, wielding a strike full of cosmic energy. The power of his strike represented the strength of the Twelfth Universe's Cosmic Entity.

Yet, he still fell under the Sword of Soulbreaker!

William the Obliterator!!

His strike completely overwhelmed the Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe!

The gap between them, perhaps, could only be discerned by him and the Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe!

William slowly pulled the Windblade from his chest, its blade smeared with his blood, then held the blade out to Yason, "You still have time to admit defeat!"

With the Windblade back in his hands, Yason instantly felt a continuous stream of vitality flowing from the blade.


His internal injuries almost healed instantaneously.

"On this arena, it's a fight to the death!" Yason's eyes burst into golden light, without saying anything more.

Though he was created by the Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe, he was also an independent being.

Yason bore the title of "God of Swordsmanship" of the Twelfth Universe, but he was acutely aware that he had always been merely a sword in the hands of the Twelfth Universe's Cosmic Entity.

To die at the hands of William the Obliterator would be, for him, a perfect conclusion to the name of "God of Swordsmanship."

"Could I have been mistaken, that the strike just now didn't actually harm Yason?" The Cosmic Entity of the Twelfth Universe wondered with some confusion.

He is a Cosmic Entity, true, but the power maintaining his physical form comes from just a single sacred aura. Having control over so many sacred auras doesn't mean his combat form is stronger than Yason's.

For this reason, he can't peer into Yason's heart.

William's methods are too mysterious and unfathomable, and the Cosmic Entities present couldn't tell that the dying Yason revived solely because he received Windblade.

"What's happening? Is Yason's energy aura getting stronger?"

A Cosmic Entity noticed Yason's energy aura climbing steadily.

"Ha! That Yason is the 'God of Swordsmanship,' a powerful weapon created by the Twelfth Cosmic Entity with the power of thirty sacred auras. Did you really think he would die so easily?"

"It seems Yason is toying with that William!"

"Hahaha! Did that William the Obliterator just say it's not too late to admit defeat? Was he not awake?"


The Cosmic Entities started laughing as they watched the situation on the field change, thinking the one who called himself William the Obliterator was completely out of it, even a bit foolish.

"This must be the quickest battle in the history of the Cosmic Entity Guardians!"

"Little Thirteen, try to create some decent powerhouses! Hiring outside help without any discernment, that's not going to work!"

Dolly smiled upon hearing the mocking comments from the Cosmic Entities nearby. What were they all talking about?

These Cosmic Entities indeed created many abnormally strong beings, but how could they know that William the Obliterator's performance in the Twelfth Universe was outrageously strong?

The next moment, Yason struck again, his sword strike identical to William's previous one.

An ordinary, unremarkable thrust!

William responded with a thrust of his own.

Sword of Soulbreaker versus Windblade!

The Sword of Soulbreaker was clearly more dominant, with Windblade crumbling to ashes like rotten wood under it in the blink of an eye. The tip of the Sword of Soulbreaker touched Yason again, shattering his body like glass hit by a heavy object.


William maintained his sword thrust stance, with Yason disappearing like ashes blown away by a hurricane.

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