Invite Players to a Cultivation World

10: Homepage Released

Nathan, also known as PCliver, is cultivating.

While he's never tried meditation before, he expects that it feels similar to what he's doing now.

There is definitely a difference though, as he's also drawing Qi into himself and refining it in his soul.

Being able to actually sense his soul is a strange feeling, like a muscle he didn't know he had. But given everything this game has accomplished so far, he doesn't find it strange that it can create a unique new sensation.

One thing he's curious about though, is what the other thing with the Qi is. There are small traces of something else that he can feel while cultivating, but unlike the Qi it is actively repelled by his soul.

That's definitely for the best. Some part of his instincts is telling him this other thing is very bad, and he should do everything he can to keep it away from himself.

But still, what is it? It's also been interfering with him drawing in Qi. He'd probably be done by now otherwise.

If he follows everything he's learnt so far, then could these be impurities? He only knows about impurities as they were named in some future techniques, but based on the name alone, these things certainly seem to fit.

The truth will likely be revealed once he learns the Impurity Cleansing Technique, which shouldn't be long now. He feels he must be getting close to breaking through to the next stage.


Your appointed 8 hours playtime is almost up.

Please ensure you are at a safe location before you are forcibly logged out. 

Well that's unfortunate. PCliver sighs as he opens his eyes and stands up, the other two disciples doing the same.

"I was so close." CoDestiny complains. "Just another few minutes and I'd be at level two."

"Same here." JadeBea says.

"That means our cultivation speeds don't differ much." PCliver says. "I'm guessing anywhere inside the sect counts as a safe location, but I think I'd rather head back to my starting room."

After logging out, Nathan wakes up in his bed.

He feels... refreshed. Like he just woke up from a deep sleep and is now ready to start the day.

It's so strange, he even has to check the time and date to be sure he didn't miss a day.

But it's real. He was somehow able to sleep and play the game at the same time.

If that isn't strange enough, he still remembers the Basic Cultivation Technique. He honestly expected that the automatic learning was just some kind of special trick to make him think he knew everything while he was in the game, but the knowledge is still there.

Deciding to test it out, he gets into the proper posture and...

It's similar, but not exactly the same.

Certainly good for relaxation, but there is no sensation of Qi or 'impurities' around him, though that should have been obvious.

The strange part is that he still has a sensation of feeling his soul, but his soul much bigger than before.

Could this be some kind of phantom sensation from loosing a 'muscle' he previously thought he had? Like when amputees will still have the sensation of their lost limbs.

That's the only solution he can think of.


Nathan finishes his contemplation and meditation when he hears the door bell ring.

As it turns out, it's his best friend George.

"Hey Cliver. I heard you got a new job." George says as he enters the apartment.

"How... do you know about that? I haven't told anyone yet." Nathan says.

"I watched a bit of CoDes stream." George says. "Well, more like highlights someone else put together."

He acts like that answers everything, which Nathan supposes it actually does. "Do you mean CoDestiny?"

"That's what he wants to be called, but he's actually CoDes. The internet has decided." George explains. "But seriously, you've gotta get me in on this game as soon as possible. It's like the prefect setting for our party, and if we can all get in early then we'll probably have lots of influence in how the sect develops."

"I think you're misunderstanding." Nathan says. "I don't actually have any say in who will join."

"Actually you do." George responds. "I saw the FAQ on the website."

"There's an FAQ? I mean... there's a website now?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah, I think it was publicly released at some point while you were playing. There's a cool trailer, and you can even make an account so that they know where to send the VR Headset when they invite new players." George explains. "I've obviously already made an account."

"Wait... let me have a look at it." Nathan goes to his computer, turns it on, and finds the website after a bit of searching.

Other World Cultivation

Developed by Sect Tech

The first fully immersive VR MMO so realist every muscle of your avatars body is under your control.

Play while you sleep with our new cutting edge technology.

Shape the world around you in unique ways. Literally everything is being simulated, so the only limits are your imagination, physical capabilities (in game), and the rules of society.


Since I can't actually make a trailer, please see below a transcript roughly describing what I imagine it would be like.



"In the worlds of cultivation, peace is rare."

A tall mountain is shown with many people living on it, flying around, displaying incredible abilities.

"Violence always finds a way to invade people's lives."

Another group arrives at the mountain and attacks with superior strength, slaughtering the inhabitants one after another.

"But this violence must end."

Scene change. CoDestiny, PCliver and JadeBea stand outside the sect.

"Join this rising sect as it Cleanses the Impurities of these worlds."

"Display your skills."

JadeBea harvests the Sky Pearl.

"Learn the deep lore."

PCliver reads a book in the library.

"And defeat monsters."

CoDestiny yells in triumph as the boar washes down the river.

"Have a far more important impact than you realise."

Transcript end.




How is any of this possible with the current technology?

Sect Tech privately designed cutting edge technology which we are not at liberty to discuss.


How can Sect Tech have such technology?

Sect Tech was originally a research group working to create innovative technology that would make people's lives more convenient.


Why did Sect Tech make a game then?

Due to the poorly thought out decisions of upper management, we were forced into a situation where we have no choice other than to do things this way.


How can I play the game?

New invites are entirely dependant on the people currently playing. Once players learn the Unassigned Vessel Refining Technique, they can use it to create unassigned vessels. When this happens we will send out a VR headset to one of the applicants who has made an account on our website.

Additionally. The second unassigned vessel a player makes will allow them to invite a specific person to join the game. More details will become clear once players have reached that point.


How is this game monetised?

The game uses a membership system, where a monthly payment can be made in exchange for membership. Certain areas will only be accessible by members. Membership may also be gained in game for free by players who perform significant feats.

Exact details about how membership works will be revealed once any player has reached a members only area. This is expected to take a long time, as the free to play area is very expansive.


The first three players are getting paid to play the game. Can I get in on that? 

No. They are being paid as beta testers, and we are not in need of any more. Their contract will extend for as long as the game runs, but this was done as an exception to ensure they are extra motivated to aid in the sects development during the early phases.


 How do the Learning Charges work? Can they teach real world knowledge and skills?

We believe that answering truthfully will only cause scepticism at this point, so will refrain from making any promises. Please wait so you may judge based on your own experiences.


I'm currently a player and tried using the Basic Cultivation Technique in real life, but when I did I ended up sensing my own soul. Is that normal?

There are two possibilities. Either our previous research involved unlocking the mysteries of the soul, and we use that as a vital part for making the game function.

Or this is a phantom 'limb' sensation caused by the loss of a feeling we had previously been artificially imposing on you.

Please believe whatever you think is more likely.

"So yeah, once you've made your second unassigned vessel, you can use it to invite me specifically." George says. "Then once I've made my second unassigned vessel I'll invite someone else from our group. We can continue this until we're all in, then we can easily lead the other disciples with our superior intelligence and knowledge of roleplaying games."

Nathan doubts it'll be that easy, but it's an appealing idea. Even if they can't become the leaders, they should at least be able to create a powerful guild.

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