Invite Players to a Cultivation World

13: Fighting a beast to the death

PCliver waits on the safe side of the river.

In order to get across, he and CoDestiny had rebuilt the log bridge using a nearby tree, but he doesn't want to be on the other side right now.

The plan has begun.

After about three hours they'd reached the fourth stage, and during that time they had finished their preparations. The pit had been dug, and a number of wooden spears had been prepared.

They had hoped they could use the woodcutting axe for the battle, but unfortunately they only had permission to use it for woodcutting purposes, though that did make it easier to make the wooden spears.

Unfortunately no one can afford the Spare Vessel Refining Technique yet, so there is no immediate respawn for them if they loose.

But CoDestiny is the only one who will be in danger, and he insisted they defeat the boar now rather than wait.


Loud footsteps approach from the distance.

CoDestiny appears from the trees, with an expression far to happy for someone with a massive boar right behind him.

"Coming through!" He yells, jumping over the designated area.

The boar on the other hand continues its charge, too angry to notice anything amiss.

The carefully placed cover over the pit collapses from the heavy load of the boar, plunging it into a tomb from which it will never exit alive.

At least that is what should have happened.

The boar was so fast that its front legs land barely out of the pit, leaving it free to pull itself up and free.

The fall was not without consequence though, as they had placed a large number of spears at the bottom of the pit which skewered the boar's hind legs, making them practically useless.

"RETREAT!" PCliver yells.

But CoDestiny doesn't do so. "Its back legs are down! That means It can't charge at me any more! I can win!" He picks up the spear he had left here, originally intended for poking the boar in the pit, and points it at his foe.

The boar notices the challenge, and responds by lunging forward.

Taken off guard by the sudden movement of the injured boar, CoDestiny blocks its tusks with his spear, only for  him to be sent flying back with his spear no longer usable.

The boar lunges again, but he's already recovered and this time he is ready, dodging to the side.

The boar attacks again... and again, but each time he avoids it, using every bit of his experience fighting Golems to his advantage.

Getting frustrated, the boar swings its tusks across, but this time CoDestiny instead manages to grab onto it, using the momentum to fling himself onto the boar's back.

On the other side of the river, PCliver is shocked.

This is the most impressive rodeo he has ever seen, and that's saying something. With the way the boar is moving around CoDestiny should have fallen off instantly, but he stays on thanks to his increased strength and sheer determination.

"PASS ME YOUR SPEAR!" CoDestiny yells.

PCliver snaps out of his shock and throws his spear. He had only kept one for that little bit of added security, but his teammate needs it more now.

Out of some combination of both skill and luck his throw doesn't miss, despite the considerable distance.

Perhaps his aim is too good, as the spear heads straight for CoDestiny's head.

But CoDestiny must have suddenly developed the instincts of a war god, as he grabs the spear and immediately shoves it into one of the boar's eyes.


The boar franticly tries to get the human off of its back, now out of desperation rather than anger.

But it is of no use, and soon all movements stop.

CoDestiny doesn't relax immediately though. Instead he presses the spear further into the boar, far enough that there can be no chance it will ever move again.

With his victory confirmed, he stands up, raises his fists to the air, and yells. "I WIN!!!"

It took them a while to get back to the sect.

Neither of them had any idea how to dismantle a carcass, especially not one so big. So they had to bring the entire thing with them.

That meant first improving the log bridge, as it definitely wasn't strong enough to take the load.

Fortunately the two of them together were just barely strong enough to carry the boar, so they did eventually manage to bring it all back.

But once they did they found the Sect Master waiting for them.

"I can honestly say I'm impressed." Master Stone says. "When I set that task it was with the intention that you would get a spare vessel ready, die in your attempt, learn about how dangerous the beasts here are, and not try again until reaching the fifth stage where victory would be feasible. Though I still thought you might need to reach the sixth stage to win."

"Sorry?" CoDestiny says.

"Don't apologise. I was watching the entire thing and it was incredible." Master Stone says. "Instead I'll be teaching you a different lesson. Don't rely on your ability to respawn."

Bothe disciples look confused.

"There will be times in the future where you take a mission that other people's lives depend on." Master Stone explains. "When you are working with the inhabitants of this world you can't just think you can try again. Failure will be permanent, and there will be real consequences. That is why you should act as you did today. If that had been an escort mission then rather than running from an impossible foe, I would hope that you give your allies the opportunity to escape by holding it off as long as possible."

"I understand." PCliver nods. "We can respawn, but they won't."

"Exactly." Master Stone smiles. "Now I'll take that boar of your hands. Don't worry as I'll only remove its Beast Core, the rest I will put in storage so that it doesn't rot. You can have it back at any time."

"We greatly appreciate your generosity." CoDestiny says.

"Speaking of generosity." Master Stone holds out a new book. "In recognition of your achievement, I'm willing to sell you the next technique for only 200 Sect Points. That's half price."

"Thank you Sect Master." CoDestiny graciously bows, accepting the book and having his Sect Points reduced. He then learns the technique, as does PCliver. JadeBea is away at the moment so they'll show it to her when she gets back.

"Now I should explains the specifics on how this works." Master Stone says. "You should have already learnt that you can refine a spare vessel from any material that contains strong enough Qi, but the sect will provide the Sky Pearls we have in storage as it is a very suitable material and we now have quite a few stored. You don't have to pay for them, but they must be used for the purpose of refining Spare Vessels, and you can't take them out of the main sect building. Eventually we'll have a dedicated building for refining, and I've already given the task for making such a building. By the way you can find blueprints and instructions in the library now."

Both disciples nod. This explains why the JadeBea has been able to get SP for them in the first place.

"Once you have refined the spare vessel it will be assigned to you." Master Stone says. "If your current avatar gets destroyed then your soul will travel back to the sect and can enter any vessel that's assigned to you. That vessel will then reform to take on your shape, plus it will have the standard sect clothes, and you will use it as your new avatar."

"Does that make us immortal?" PCliver asks.

"No, though it may seem that way to many people." Master stone says. "Truth is that your current avatar only contains a small portion of your soul, and the rest is within your true body, on your world of origin. All of the things you do here are the result of me summoning part of your soul so you may be a disciple of the sect. So the reason you can come back to life is that it's not truly you who is dying."

"Is there any way we can trade spare vessels?" CoDestiny asks. "I intend to do a lot of fighting, and would prefer if I could just buy them off someone else, rather than spend time making them."

"You can." Master Stone confirms. "Trade must be done within the main sect building, so that the spare vessel will be reassigned, and you can use your Sect Points as payment, though the cost may not exceed 100. Additionally, the sect will keep some spare vessels in reserve in case someone dies without any vessel to use. When that happens the person using the reserve vessel will have their Sect Point gain halved until they repay 150 Sect Points. They also cannot go to anywhere dangerous during this time, as we cannot have them die again while they still need to repay their debt."

"That'd mean they have to earn the equivalent of 300 SP." PCliver realises. "That's quite the punishment."

"The intention is for disciples to avoid letting this happen to them in the first place." Master Stone says. "I should also mention that the current reserve is empty, so since there are currently three disciples, I am willing to buy three spare vessels to refill it, 150 Sect Points each."

AN: How good was the fight scene?

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